public static function calculaRuta($idEstacionOrigen, $idEstacionDestino)
     $tramos = RedMetro::construyeGrafo();
     $dijkstra = new Dijkstra($idEstacionOrigen, $tramos);
     $puntosCamino = $dijkstra->getCompletePathToNode($idEstacionDestino);
     $camino = array();
     // construye tramos y transbordos
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($puntosCamino) - 1; $i++) {
         $estacionOrigen = RedMetro::buscaEstacion($puntosCamino[$i]);
         $estacionDestino = RedMetro::buscaEstacion($puntosCamino[$i + 1]);
         if ($estacionOrigen->getNombre() == $estacionDestino->getNombre()) {
             $puntosRuta[] = new Transbordo($estacionOrigen, $estacionDestino);
         } else {
             $direccion = $estacionOrigen->getLinea()->determinaDireccion($estacionOrigen, $estacionDestino);
             $puntosRuta[] = new Tramo($estacionOrigen, $estacionDestino, $direccion);
     // crea ruta y agrega tramos integrados y transbordos
     $ruta = new Ruta(RedMetro::obtenDistancia($puntosRuta), $dijkstra->getDistanceToNode($idEstacionDestino));
     return self::construyeRuta($ruta, $puntosRuta);
Пример #2
  * @param $departure <p>Название города отправления</p>
  * @param $destination <p>Название города прибытия</p>
  * @param $map <p>Матрица городов.
  * На пересечении столбцов и строк - стоимость
  * проезда</p>
  * @param bool $strict <p>Режим работы: если true, то матрица городов
  * используется как есть.
  * Если false - матрица городов дополняется обратными
  * маршрутами со такой же стоимостью как прямой</p>
  * @return string Сообещние о выполнение данной функции
 public static function getCheapestRoute($departure, $destination, $map, $strict = true)
     if (!Dijkstra::checkFormat($map)) {
         return Dijkstra::FORMAT_ERROR;
     if (!$strict) {
         $map = Dijkstra::extendMap($map);
     $vertices = Dijkstra::getAllVertices($map);
     if (!in_array($departure, $vertices) || !in_array($destination, $vertices)) {
         return sprintf(Dijkstra::FOUND_NO_WAY, $departure, $destination);
     $wayPoint = [];
     $weight = array_fill_keys($vertices, PHP_INT_MAX);
     $weight[$departure] = 0;
     while ($weight) {
         $current = array_search(min($weight), $weight);
         if ($current == $destination) {
         if (!empty($map[$current])) {
             foreach ($map[$current] as $related => $cost) {
                 if (!empty($weight[$related]) && $weight[$current] + $cost < $weight[$related]) {
                     $weight[$related] = $weight[$current] + $cost;
                     $wayPoint[$related] = array('neighbor' => $current, 'cost' => $weight[$related]);
     if (!array_key_exists($destination, $wayPoint)) {
         return sprintf(Dijkstra::FOUND_NO_WAY, $departure, $destination);
     $path = [];
     $current = $destination;
     while ($current != $departure) {
         $path[] = $current;
         $current = $wayPoint[$current]['neighbor'];
     $path[] = $departure;
     $path = array_reverse($path);
     return sprintf(Dijkstra::ROUTE, $departure, $destination, implode('-->', $path), $wayPoint[$destination]['cost']);
Пример #3

include "Dijkstra.php";
// graph array
$graph[0][0] = '1->10';
$graph[0][1] = '2->11';
$graph[0][2] = '3->40';
$graph[1][0] = '0->10';
$graph[1][1] = '2->55';
$graph[1][2] = '4->20';
$graph[2][0] = '0->11';
$graph[2][1] = '1->55';
$graph[2][2] = '1->54';
$graph[3][0] = '4->89';
$graph[3][1] = '4->89';
$graph[4][0] = '0->90';
$graph[4][1] = '3->89';
$algo = new Dijkstra();
$json = $algo->jalurTerpendek($graph, 0, 2);
$array = json_decode($json, true);
if ($array['status'] == 'success') {
    echo "Jalur terpendek : " . $array['content'];
} else {
    echo "Error : " . $array['teks'];
            // add distance to next predecessor
            $u = $pi[$u];
        // stack will be empty if there is no route back
        if ($S->isEmpty()) {
            echo "No route from {$source} to {$target}\n";
        } else {
            // add the source node and print the path in reverse (LIFO) order
            echo "{$dist}:";
            $sep = '';
            foreach ($S as $v) {
                echo $sep, $v;
                $sep = '->';
            echo "\n";
$graph = array('A' => array('B' => 3, 'D' => 3, 'F' => 6), 'B' => array('A' => 3, 'D' => 1, 'E' => 3), 'C' => array('E' => 2, 'F' => 3), 'D' => array('A' => 3, 'B' => 1, 'E' => 1, 'F' => 2), 'E' => array('B' => 3, 'C' => 2, 'D' => 1, 'F' => 5), 'F' => array('A' => 6, 'C' => 3, 'D' => 2, 'E' => 5));
$g = new Dijkstra($graph);
$g->shortestPath('D', 'C');
// 3:D->E->C
$g->shortestPath('C', 'A');
// 6:C->E->D->A
$g->shortestPath('B', 'F');
// 3:B->D->F
$g->shortestPath('F', 'A');
// 5:F->D->A
$g->shortestPath('A', 'G');
// No route from A to G
Пример #5
$points = array(array(1, 3, 1), array(1, 2, 4), array(2, 3, 1), array(3, 4, 2));
$ourMap = array();
// Read in the points and push them into the map
for ($i = 0, $m = count($points); $i < $m; $i++) {
    $x = $points[$i][0];
    $y = $points[$i][1];
    $c = $points[$i][2];
    $ourMap[$x][$y] = $c;
    $ourMap[$y][$x] = $c;
// ensure that the distance from a node to itself is always zero
// Purists may want to edit this bit out.
for ($i = 0; $i < $matrixWidth; $i++) {
    for ($k = 0; $k < $matrixWidth; $k++) {
        if ($i == $k) {
            $ourMap[$i][$k] = 0;
// initialize the algorithm class
$dijkstra = new Dijkstra($ourMap, I, $matrixWidth);
$dijkstra->findShortestPath(1, 3);
//to find only path from field 0 to field 13...
//$fromClass = $_POST['fromClass'];
//$toClass = $_POST['toClass'];
//$dijkstra->findShortestPath($fromClass, $toClass);
// Display the results
echo '<pre>';
echo "\n\n the shortest route from class 1 to 3 is :\n";
echo $dijkstra->getResults(3);
echo '</pre>';
Пример #6
$requestData = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
$startPointID = $requestData[startPointID];
$endPointID = $requestData[endPointID];
$pointsIDbyIndexList = getPointsList();
$pointsIndexbyIDList = getPointsIndexByIDList($pointsIDbyIndexList);
$startPointIndex = $pointsIndexbyIDList[$startPointID][Index];
$endPointIndex = $pointsIndexbyIDList[$endPointID][Index];
$routes = getRoutesArray();
$mapWidth = count($pointsIDbyIndexList);
$timeMap = initTimeMap($routes, $pointsIndexbyIDList, $mapWidth);
$distanceMap = initDistanceMap($routes, $pointsIndexbyIDList, $mapWidth);
$dijkstra = new Dijkstra($distanceMap, 1000);
$dijkstra->findShortestPath($startPointIndex, $endPointIndex);
$resultByDistance = $dijkstra->getRoute($endPointIndex);
$dijkstra = new Dijkstra($timeMap, 1000);
$dijkstra->findShortestPath($startPointIndex, $endPointIndex);
$resultByTime = $dijkstra->getRoute($endPointIndex);
$resultByDistance = cahngeRouteindex($resultByDistance, $pointsIDbyIndexList);
$resultByTime = cahngeRouteindex($resultByTime, $pointsIDbyIndexList);
$requestResult[path] = true;
$requestResult[routeByDistance] = $resultByDistance;
$requestResult[routeByTime] = $resultByTime;
echo json_encode($requestResult);
function cahngeRouteindex($findRouteRes, $pointsIDbyIndexList)
    $path = $findRouteRes[path];
    $count = $findRouteRes[nodeCount];
    for ($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) {
        $pointIndex = $path[$index];
        $path[$index] = $pointsIDbyIndexList[$pointIndex];
Пример #7
$matrixWidth = 20;
// $points is an array in the following format: (router1,router2,distance-between-them)
$points = array(array(0, 1, 4), array(0, 2, I), array(1, 2, 5), array(1, 3, 5), array(2, 3, 5), array(3, 4, 5), array(4, 5, 5), array(4, 5, 5), array(2, 10, 30), array(2, 11, 40), array(5, 19, 20), array(10, 11, 20), array(12, 13, 20));
$ourMap = array();
// Read in the points and push them into the map
for ($i = 0, $m = count($points); $i < $m; $i++) {
    $x = $points[$i][0];
    $y = $points[$i][1];
    $c = $points[$i][2];
    $ourMap[$x][$y] = $c;
    $ourMap[$y][$x] = $c;
// ensure that the distance from a node to itself is always zero
// Purists may want to edit this bit out.
for ($i = 0; $i < $matrixWidth; $i++) {
    for ($k = 0; $k < $matrixWidth; $k++) {
        if ($i == $k) {
            $ourMap[$i][$k] = 0;
// initialize the algorithm class
$dijkstra = new Dijkstra($ourMap, I, $matrixWidth);
// $dijkstra->findShortestPath(0,13); to find only path from field 0 to field 13...
// Display the results
echo '<pre>';
echo "the map looks like:\n\n";
echo $dijkstra->printMap($ourMap);
echo "\n\nthe shortest paths from point 0:\n";
echo $dijkstra->getResults();