<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph.php'; require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_led.php'; // By default each "LED" circle has a radius of 3 pixels. Change to 5 and slghtly smaller margin $led = new DigitalLED74(6); $led->SetSupersampling(4); $led->StrokeNumber('123.', LEDC_RED);
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph.php'; require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_led.php'; // By default each "LED" circle has a radius of 3 pixels. Change to 5 and slghtly smaller margin $led = new DigitalLED74(6); $led->SetSupersampling(2); $led->StrokeNumber('123.', LEDC_RED);
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" include "jpgraph/jpgraph.php"; include "jpgraph/jpgraph_led.php"; // By default each "LED" circle has a radius of 3 pixels. Change to 5 and slghtly smaller margin $led = new DigitalLED74(6); $led->SetSupersampling(1); $led->StrokeNumber('123.', LEDC_RED);