Пример #1
 function message()
     $BS = new Button("Nachricht", "comment_alt2_stroke", "iconicL");
     $read = false;
     $message = $this->messageParser();
     if ($this->A("NuntiusRead") > "0") {
         $read = true;
         $BS = new Button("Nachricht", "check", "iconicL");
         $ex = explode("\n", $message);
         $message = "<span style=\"color:grey;\">" . $ex[0];
         if (isset($ex[1])) {
             $message .= " …";
         $message .= "</span>";
     $from = "";
     $ex = explode(":", $this->A("NuntiusSender"));
     if ($ex[0] == "Device") {
         $D = new Device($ex[1]);
         $from = $D->A("DeviceName");
     if ($ex[0] == "FritzBox") {
         $from = $this->A("NuntiusSender");
     if ($ex[0] == "Mobile") {
         $from = $this->A("NuntiusSender");
     return "\n\t\t\t<div id=\"Nuntius" . $this->getID() . "\" style=\"cursor:pointer;" . ($read ? "" : "background-color:#efefef;") . "min-height:40px;margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:10px;\" onclick=\"" . OnEvent::rme($this, "read", "", "function(t){ \$j('#Nuntius" . $this->getID() . "').replaceWith(t.responseText); fheOverview.loadContent('mNuntiusGUI::getOverviewContent'); }") . "\">\n\t\t\t\t{$BS}\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"margin-left:40px;\" class=\"\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<p><small style=\"float:right;color:grey;\">Von {$from}, " . Util::CLDateTimeParser($this->A("NuntiusTime")) . "</small>" . nl2br($message) . "</p>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</div>";
Пример #2
  * Determine if the device is Windows Phone.
  * @param Device $device
  * @param UserAgent $userAgent
  * @return bool
 private static function checkWindowsPhone(Device $device, UserAgent $userAgent)
     if (stripos($userAgent->getUserAgentString(), 'Windows Phone') !== false) {
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #3
  * Determine if the device is Iphone.
  * @return bool
 public function checkIphone()
     if (stripos($this->userAgent->getUserAgentString(), 'iphone;') !== false) {
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #4
  * Get all devices
 public function fetchAll()
     $devices = json_decode($this->dataProvider->get('devices')->getBody()->__toString());
     foreach ($devices->devices as $deviceData) {
         $device = new Device($deviceData, $this->dataProvider);
         $this->devices[$device->getId()] = $device;
	public function delete($id)
		$data = array();
		$device = new Device($id);
		redirect("/", "refresh");
Пример #6
  * Base test
 public function testBase()
     $timestamp = time();
     $tokenLength = 32;
     $deviceToken = str_repeat('14', 32);
     $data = pack('NnH*', $timestamp, $tokenLength, $deviceToken);
     $device = new Device($data);
     $this->assertEquals($timestamp, $device->getTimestamp());
     $this->assertEquals($tokenLength, $device->getTokenLength());
     $this->assertEquals($deviceToken, $device->getDeviceToken());
Пример #7
 function get_config($id = '')
     // MUST HAVE<input type='hidden' name='id' value=".$id."></input>
     // the name of the property must follow the conventions plugin_<Classname>_<propertyName>
     // have the form post and make sure the submit button is named widget_update
     // make sure there is also a hidden value giving the name of this Class file
     // Get defaults
     $subquery = "select device_id, enabled FROM plugin_SNMPPoller_devices";
     $result2 = mysql_query($subquery);
     if (!$result2) {
         return "<b>Oops something went wrong, unable to read plugin_SNMPPoller_devices SQL table </b>";
     $devices = array();
     while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($result2)) {
         $devices[$obj->device_id] = $obj->enabled;
     // Now we have the defaults in $devices;
     $content .= "<h1>Please select the Devices you would like to Monitor with the SNMP poller</h1>";
     $content .= "<form id='configForm' method='post' name='edit_devices'>\r\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='class' value='SNMPPoller'></input>\r\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='id' value=" . $id . "></input> ";
     $select_all = "<input name='all' type='checkbox' value='Select All' onclick=\"checkAll(document.edit_devices['devices[]'],this)\"";
     #$content .= "<table border=1><tr><th>$select_all</th><th>Device</th><th>Device Type</th><th>Location</th></tr>";
     $form = new Form("auto", 4);
     $keyHandlers = array();
     $keyData = array();
     $keyTitle = array();
     foreach (Device::get_devices() as $id => $name) {
         if (array_key_exists($id, $devices) && $devices[$id] == 1) {
             $checked = "checked='yes'";
         } else {
             $checked = "";
         $deviceInfo = new Device($id);
         array_push($keyData, "<input type=checkbox name=devices[] value='{$id}' {$checked} >");
         array_push($keyData, $name);
         array_push($keyData, $deviceInfo->get_type_name());
         array_push($keyData, $deviceInfo->get_location_name());
         #$content .= "<tr><td><input type=checkbox name=devices[] value='$id' $checked ></td>";
         #$content .= "<td>$name</td><td>". $deviceInfo->get_type_name() ."</td>";
         #$content .= "<td>". $deviceInfo->get_location_name() ."</td></tr>";
     #$content .= "</table> <br>";
     //get all the device and display them all in the 3 sections "Device Name", "Device Type", "Location".
     $heading = array($select_all, "Device Name", "Device Type", "Location ");
     // or false for not sortable
     $content .= $form->showForm();
     $content .= "<div style='clear:both;'></div><input type='submit' class='submitBut' name='plugin_update' value='Update configuration'/>\r\n\t\t\t</form> ";
     return "{$content}";
Пример #8
function device_controller()
    global $session, $route, $mysqli, $user, $redis;
    $result = false;
    require_once "Modules/device/device_model.php";
    $device = new Device($mysqli, $redis);
    if ($route->format == 'html') {
        if ($route->action == "view" && $session['write']) {
            $devices_templates = $device->get_templates();
            $result = view("Modules/device/Views/device_view.php", array('devices_templates' => $devices_templates));
        if ($route->action == 'api') {
            $result = view("Modules/device/Views/device_api.php", array());
    if ($route->format == 'json') {
        if ($route->action == 'list') {
            if ($session['userid'] > 0 && $session['write']) {
                $result = $device->get_list($session['userid']);
        } elseif ($route->action == "create") {
            if ($session['userid'] > 0 && $session['write']) {
                $result = $device->create($session['userid']);
        } elseif ($route->action == "listtemplates") {
            if ($session['userid'] > 0 && $session['write']) {
                $result = $device->get_templates();
        } else {
            $deviceid = (int) get('id');
            if ($device->exist($deviceid)) {
                $deviceget = $device->get($deviceid);
                if (isset($session['write']) && $session['write'] && $session['userid'] > 0 && $deviceget['userid'] == $session['userid']) {
                    if ($route->action == "get") {
                        $result = $deviceget;
                    if ($route->action == "delete") {
                        $result = $device->delete($deviceid);
                    if ($route->action == 'set') {
                        $result = $device->set_fields($deviceid, get('fields'));
                    if ($route->action == 'inittemplate') {
                        $result = $device->init_template($deviceid);
            } else {
                $result = array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Device does not exist');
    return array('content' => $result);
 public function testRegisterDeviceExisted()
     $response = $this->_getResponse();
     $this->assertEquals(json_encode(array("code" => ApiResponse::EXISTED_DEVICE, "data" => ApiResponse::getErrorContent(ApiResponse::EXISTED_DEVICE))), $response->getContent());
Пример #10
 private function getDevice()
     		$_ip = new ip_codehelper();
     		$campusid = 0;
     		$real_client_ip_address = $_ip->getRealIP();
     		$visitor_location       = $_ip->getLocation($real_client_ip_address);
     		$guest_ip   = $visitor_location['IP'];
     		$guest_country = $visitor_location['CountryName'];*/
     $guest_ip = '';
     //get the ip address of the remote machine
     if (Session::has('my_ip')) {
         $guest_ip = Session::get('my_ip');
     } else {
         $guest_ip = str_random(60);
         Session::put('my_ip', $guest_ip);
     //check if the ip adress is in the devices table
     $device = Device::where('ip', '=', $guest_ip);
     if ($device->count()) {
         //redirect to the previous page
         $device = $device->first();
         $campusid = $device->branch_id;
         return $campusid;
     } else {
         //redirect to country selection page and save it on selection
         return 0;
Пример #11
 public function message_push_notification()
     $input = $this->_getInput();
     $device_token = "150F5252DBAF4FFA2F6FE07D84A14B0EA840C7C1FE595536B2787C724AF7EE4A";
     $result = Device::message_push_notification(strtolower($device_token));
     return Response::json($result);
Пример #12
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $key = Input::get('key');
     $deliverydate = Input::get('date');
     $dev = \Device::where('key', '=', $key)->first();
     $model = $this->model;
     $merchants = $model->where('group_id', '=', 4)->get();
     for ($n = 0; $n < count($merchants); $n++) {
         $or = new \stdClass();
         foreach ($merchants[$n] as $k => $v) {
             $nk = $this->underscoreToCamelCase($k);
             $or->{$nk} = is_null($v) ? '' : $v;
         $or->extId = $or->id;
         //$or->boxList = $this->boxList('delivery_id',$or->deliveryId,$key);
         //$or->boxObjects = $this->boxList('delivery_id',$or->deliveryId, $key , true);
         $merchants[$n] = $or;
     $actor = $key;
     \Event::fire('log.api', array($this->controller_name, 'get', $actor, 'logged out'));
     return $merchants;
 public function getAll()
     if (!isset($this->Elements) || $this->countElements() < 0) {
         return Device::getEmptyInstance();
     return $this->Elements;
Пример #14
 public function getOutput()
     global $gvPath;
     $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     //Check whether the address is registered
     $device = Device::fromDatabaseByIpAddress($ip);
     if (!$device) {
         $page = new WebPageOutput();
         $page->setHtmlPageTitle('Dispositivo non riconosciuto');
         $page->addHtmlHeader('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">');
         return $page;
     if ((int) $device->getDeskNumber() === 0) {
         // DisplayMain
         $td_code = $device->getTdCode();
         if ($td_code) {
             $td_code = "?td_code=" . urlencode($td_code);
         } else {
             $td_code = '';
         $redirect = new RedirectOutput("{$gvPath}/device/main{$td_code}");
         return $redirect;
     $num = $device->getDeskNumber();
     $redirect = new RedirectOutput("{$gvPath}/device/desk?desk_number={$num}");
     return $redirect;
Пример #15
 public function selectCampus($id)
     $campusid = $id;
     $ipadress = $this->getIPAdress();
     /*store the institutions id alongside the specific ip adress in the devices table
      * and redirect user to the specific homepage
     $exists = Device::where('ip', '=', $ipadress);
     if ($exists->count()) {
         $device = $exists->first();
         $device->branch_id = $campusid;
         if ($device->save()) {
             if (Auth::user()) {
                 return Redirect::route('member-home');
             } else {
                 return Redirect::route('home');
     } else {
         $devicecreate = Device::create(array('ip' => $ipadress, 'branch_id' => $campusid));
         if ($devicecreate) {
             if (Auth::user()) {
                 return Redirect::route('member-home');
             } else {
                 return Redirect::route('home');
     return Redirect::route('selectcampus-get')->withInput()->with('global', 'Sorry!! Campus details were not loaded, please retry.');
Пример #16
function check_device_key($devicekey)
    global $mysqli, $redis;
    include "Modules/device/device_model.php";
    $device = new Device($mysqli, $redis);
    $session = $device->devicekey_session($devicekey);
    if (empty($session)) {
        header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 401 Unauthorized");
        header('WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="Device KEY", error="invalid_devicekey", error_description="Invalid device key"');
        print "Invalid device key";
        $log = new EmonLogger(__FILE__);
        $log->error("Invalid device key '" . $devicekey . "'");
    return $session;
Пример #17
    private function getTableBody()
        global $gvPath;
        $devices = Device::fromDatabaseCompleteList();
        if (count($devices) === 0) {
            return '<tr><td colspan="4" class="noEntry">Nessun dispositivo</td></tr>';
        $ret = "";
        foreach ($devices as $device) {
            if ($device->getDeskNumber()) {
                $roleMsg = "Display spotello " . $device->getDeskNumber();
                $tdText = '&nbsp;';
            } else {
                $roleMsg = "Display di sala";
                if ($device->getTdCode()) {
                    $tdText = $device->getTdCode();
                } else {
                    $tdText = 'Tutte';
            $ret .= <<<EOS
        <td><a href="{$gvPath}/application/adminDeviceEdit?dev_id={$device->getId()}" class="tdEditLink">Modifica</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
        <a class="ajaxRemove" href="{$gvPath}/ajax/removeRecord?dev_id={$device->getId()}">Rimuovi</a></td>
        return $ret;
Пример #18
 public static function checkSessionId($input)
     $device = Device::where('device_id', $input['device_id'])->where('session_id', $input['session_id'])->where('user_id', $input['user_id'])->first();
     if (!empty($device)) {
         return $input['session_id'];
     return false;
Пример #19
 private function getDevice()
     $header = Request::header('Authorization');
     preg_match('#^Bearer\\s+(.*?)$#', $header, $matches);
     $authToken = $matches[1];
     $device = Device::where('auth_token', $authToken)->first();
     return $device;
Пример #20
 private function getUserTokens($userId)
     $tokens = array();
     Device::where('user_id', $userId)->get()->each(function ($device) use(&$tokens) {
         $this->info("Tokens {$device->auth_token}");
         $tokens[] = $device->auth_token;
     return $tokens;
Пример #21
  * Creates an object with the unique device ID $uid. This object can
  * then be added to the IP connection.
  * @param string $uid
 public function __construct($uid, $ipcon)
     parent::__construct($uid, $ipcon);
     $this->apiVersion = array(2, 0, 0);
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_SET_VOLTAGE] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_GET_VOLTAGE] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_TRUE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_SET_MODE] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_GET_MODE] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_TRUE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_GET_IDENTITY] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_TRUE;
Пример #22
 public function transLoggerWithId($Module, $Description, $id)
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
         $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
     } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
         $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
     } else {
         $ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
     $deviceModel = new Device();
     try {
         $dev = $deviceModel->getDeviceIdByUserId($id);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $dev = 1;
     $ip = filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP);
     $ip = $ip === false ? '' : $ip;
     DB::table('tbl_translog')->insert(array('trans_user_id' => $id, 'trans_deviceid' => $dev, 'trans_module' => $Module, 'trans_description' => $Description, 'trans_ip' => $ip));
Пример #23
 public function execute()
     global $gvPath;
     // Trim data
     $this->desk_number = trim($this->desk_number);
     $this->desk_ip_address = trim($this->desk_ip_address);
     // Data validation
     if ($this->desk_number === '' && $this->desk_ip_address === '') {
         $this->message = "Errore: tutti i campi sono obbligatori.";
         return true;
     // desk_number should contain... numbers
     if (preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', $this->desk_number) !== 1) {
         $this->message = "Errore: il numero dello sportello non è valido.";
         return true;
     // Check ip_address
     if (!filter_var($this->desk_ip_address, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
         $this->message = "Errore: l'indirizzo IP non è valido.";
         return true;
     $desk = Desk::fromDatabaseByNumber($this->desk_number);
     if ($desk && ($this->desk_id === 0 || $this->desk_id !== (int) $desk->getId())) {
         $this->message = "Errore: il numero sportello non è disponibile.";
         return true;
     // Check ip is not taken
     $desk = Desk::fromDatabaseByIpAddress($this->desk_ip_address);
     $device = Device::fromDatabaseByIpAddress($this->desk_ip_address);
     if ($device || $desk && ($this->desk_id === 0 || $this->desk_id !== (int) $desk->getId())) {
         $this->message = "Errore: l'indirizzo IP è gia stato assegnato.";
         return true;
     if ($this->desk_id === 0) {
         $desk = Desk::newRecord();
     } else {
         $desk = Desk::fromDatabaseById($this->desk_id);
     if ($desk->isOpen()) {
         $this->message = "Errore: il desk è aperto. Chiudere la sessione prima di continuare.";
         return true;
     if ($desk->save()) {
         gfSetDelayedMsg('Operazione effettuata correttamente', 'Ok');
         $redirect = new RedirectOutput("{$gvPath}/application/adminDeskList");
         return $redirect;
     } else {
         $this->message = "Impossibile salvare le modifiche. Ritentare in seguito.";
         return true;
Пример #24
 public function getOwnerToken()
     $token = null;
     if (isset($this->user_id) && (int) $this->user_id > 0) {
         $device = Device::whereIn('user_id', $this->user_id)->get()->first();
         if ($device) {
             $token = $device->auth_token;
     return $token;
Пример #25
 public function show($deviceId)
     $device = Device::with(array('users' => function ($query) {
         $query->where('device_user.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id);
     }, 'heartbeats' => function ($query) {
     }))->where('id', '=', $deviceId)->whereNull('deleted_at')->first();
     if (is_null($device)) {
         return EndorphinHelpers::apiResponse(EndorphinHelpers::STATUS_NOTFOUND, array());
     return EndorphinHelpers::apiResponse(EndorphinHelpers::STATUS_SUCCESS, $device);
Пример #26
 public function removeDevice()
     $dev_id = $_GET['dev_id'];
     $device = Device::fromDatabaseById($dev_id);
     if ($device) {
         if ($device->delete()) {
             return 'true';
     return 'false';
Пример #27
  * Creates an object with the unique device ID $uid. This object can
  * then be added to the IP connection.
  * @param string $uid
 public function __construct($uid, $ipcon)
     parent::__construct($uid, $ipcon);
     $this->apiVersion = array(2, 0, 0);
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_BEEP] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_MORSE_CODE] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::CALLBACK_BEEP_FINISHED] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_FALSE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_GET_IDENTITY] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_TRUE;
     $this->callbackWrappers[self::CALLBACK_BEEP_FINISHED] = 'callbackWrapperBeepFinished';
     $this->callbackWrappers[self::CALLBACK_MORSE_CODE_FINISHED] = 'callbackWrapperMorseCodeFinished';
Пример #28
  * Creates an object with the unique device ID $uid. This object can
  * then be added to the IP connection.
  * @param string $uid
 public function __construct($uid, $ipcon)
     parent::__construct($uid, $ipcon);
     $this->apiVersion = array(2, 0, 0);
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_SET_STATE] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_GET_STATE] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_TRUE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_SET_MONOFLOP] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_GET_MONOFLOP] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_TRUE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::CALLBACK_MONOFLOP_DONE] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_FALSE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_SET_SELECTED_STATE] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE;
     $this->responseExpected[self::FUNCTION_GET_IDENTITY] = self::RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_TRUE;
     $this->callbackWrappers[self::CALLBACK_MONOFLOP_DONE] = 'callbackWrapperMonoflopDone';
Пример #29
 public function loginSocial()
     $input = Input::all();
     $user = User::where('facebook_id', $input['facebook_id'])->where('google_id', $input['google_id'])->first();
     if (!$user) {
         $sessionId = generateRandomString();
         $userId = User::create(['username' => $input['username'], 'facebook_id' => $input['facebook_id'], 'google_id' => $input['google_id'], 'status' => INACTIVE])->id;
         Device::create(['user_id' => $userId, 'session_id' => $sessionId, 'device_id' => $input['device_id']]);
     } else {
         $userId = $user->id;
         $sessionId = Common::getSessionId($input, $userId);
     return Common::returnData(200, SUCCESS, $userId, $sessionId);
Пример #30
 public function beat()
     $data = Input::all();
     // return EndorphinHelpers::apiResponse(EndorphinHelpers::STATUS_SUCCESS, $data['data']);
     if (is_null($data)) {
         return EndorphinHelpers::apiResponse(EndorphinHelpers::STATUS_ERROR, array('item' => 'data'));
     if (is_null($data['phone_imei'])) {
         return EndorphinHelpers::apiResponse(EndorphinHelpers::STATUS_ERROR, array('item' => 'phone_imei'));
     $heartbeat = new Heartbeat($data);
     $device = Device::with(array('users' => function ($query) {
         $query->where('device_user.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id);
     }, 'heartbeats' => function ($query) {
     }))->where('hardware_id', '=', $data['phone_imei'])->whereNull('deleted_at')->get();
     if (is_null($device)) {
         $device = new Device(array('name' => $data['phone_imei'], 'hardware_id' => $data['phone_imei']));
     return EndorphinHelpers::apiResponse(EndorphinHelpers::STATUS_SUCCESS, $device);