Пример #1
 public function getResearcher()
     if ($this->_researcher === null) {
         $Researchers = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         if ($Researchers->count() > 0) {
             $this->_researcher = $Researchers->items[0];
     return $this->_researcher;
Пример #2
 public function getHiddenBy()
     if ($this->_hiddenBy === null) {
         $Researchers = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         if ($Researchers->count() > 0) {
             $this->_hiddenBy = $Researchers->items[0];
     return $this->_hiddenBy;
Пример #3
 public static function sendSubscriptionVerificationTextMail($subscription)
     $actions = array();
     $delivery = array();
     $users = new Default_Model_Researchers();
     $subject = "EGI AppDB: Email subscription verification";
     $body = "";
     $nl = "\r\n";
     $t = "\t";
     //Find subscriber in researchers
     if (count($users->items) == 0) {
         error_log("[appdb:Subscription Verification Email] : Could not find user with id = " . $subscription->researcherID . " . Delivery cancelled.");
     $user = $users->items[0];
     //Get event types of subscriptions
     if (NewsEventType::has($subscription->events, NewsEventType::E_INSERT) == true) {
         $actions[] = "new software";
     if (NewsEventType::has($subscription->events, NewsEventType::E_UPDATE) == true) {
         $actions[] = "software updates";
     if (NewsEventType::has($subscription->events, NewsEventType::E_INSERT_CONTACT) == true) {
         $actions[] = "new contacts";
     if (NewsEventType::has($subscription->events, NewsEventType::E_INSERT_COMMENT) == true) {
         $actions[] = "new comments";
     //Get delivery types of subscriptions
     if (NewsDeliveryType::has($subscription->delivery, NewsDeliveryType::D_DAILY_DIGEST) == true) {
         $delivery[] = "daily";
     if (NewsDeliveryType::has($subscription->delivery, NewsDeliveryType::D_WEEKLY_DIGEST) == true) {
         $delivery[] = "every monday";
     if (NewsDeliveryType::has($subscription->delivery, NewsDeliveryType::D_MONTHLY_DIGEST) == true) {
         $delivery[] = "every 1st day of the month";
     $body = "Dear " . $user->firstName . " " . $user->lastName . "," . $nl . $nl;
     $body .= "Your request to receive e-mail notifications about '" . $subscription->name . "' has been processed. " . $nl . $nl;
     //Render actions (events)
     $body .= "You will be notified for";
     if (count($actions) == 1) {
         $body .= " " . $actions[0];
     } else {
         $ac = count($actions);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $ac; $i += 1) {
             $body .= " " . $actions[$i];
             if ($i == $ac - 2) {
                 $body .= ($ac > 2 ? "," : "") . " and";
             } else {
                 if ($i < $ac - 1) {
                     $body .= ",";
     $body .= "." . $nl;
     //Render delivery
     $body .= "The delivery of notifications will take place";
     if (count($delivery) == 1) {
         $body .= " " . $delivery[0];
     } else {
         $dc = count($delivery);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $dc; $i += 1) {
             $body .= " " . $delivery[$i];
             if ($i == $dc - 2) {
                 $body .= ($dc > 2 ? "," : "") . " and";
             } else {
                 if ($i < $dc - 1) {
                     $body .= ",";
     $body .= "." . $nl . $nl;
     $body .= 'If no new software registrations (or updates of existing software) occur within the given delivery time span, no e-mail will be sent.' . $nl . $nl;
     $body .= "Sincerely," . $nl;
     $body .= "EGI AppDB notifications service" . $nl;
     $body .= "website: http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"] . "/";
     //Get primary e-mail contact of subscriber and send e-mail
     $rs = new Default_Model_Contacts();
     if (count($rs->refresh()->items) > 0) {
         $to = $rs->items[0]->data;
         //sendMultipartMail($subject, $to, $body,'', '*****@*****.**', 'enadyskolopassword');
         EmailService::sendReport($subject, $to, $body);
         error_log("[appdb:Subscription Verification Email]: Sending subscription verification to " . $to);
     } else {
         error_log("[appdb:Subscription Verification Email]: Cannot find a primary e-mail for user with id = " . $subscription->researcherid);
Пример #4
 public function updateallAction()
     $ldap = ApplicationConfiguration::service('egi.ldap.host');
     $ldapbind = false;
     $ds = ldap_connect($ldap);
     if (ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)) {
         if (ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0)) {
             $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ds, ApplicationConfiguration::service('egi.ldap.username'), ApplicationConfiguration::service('egi.ldap.password'));
     if ($ldapbind) {
         $users = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $users->count(); $i++) {
             $u = $users->items[$i];
             if (!isnull($u->username)) {
                 $sr = ldap_search($ds, "ou=people,dc=egi,dc=eu", "(uid=" . $u->username . ")");
                 $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
                 if ($info["count"] > 0) {
                     if (array_key_exists('destinationindicator', $info[0])) {
                         $gender = $info[0]['destinationindicator'][0];
                         $u->gender = $gender;
Пример #5
 public static function sendPermissionsRequest($userid, $apikeyid, $msg)
     //Get sender
     $users = new Default_Model_Researchers();
     if ($users->count() == 0) {
         return "Sender not found";
     $user = $users->items[0];
     //Get sender's primary email
     $contacts = new Default_Model_Contacts();
     if ($contacts->count() == 0) {
         return "Sender has no primary e-mail set";
     //Check if e-mail has value
     $useremail = $contacts->items[0]->data;
     if (trim($useremail) == '') {
         return "Sender has no valid primary e-mail set";
     //Get api key
     $apikeys = new Default_Model_APIKeys();
     if (count($apikeys) == 0) {
         return "Api key not found";
     $apikey = $apikeys->items[0];
     //Get Appdb administrators
     $recipients = array();
     $admins = new Default_Model_Researchers();
     $agmf = new Default_Model_ActorGroupMembersFilter();
     // admins
     $admins->filter->chain($agmf, "AND");
     if (count($admins->items) == 0) {
         return "";
     //Get admins primary emails
     $admins = $admins->items;
     foreach ($admins as $admin) {
         $contacts = new Default_Model_Contacts();
         if (count($contacts->items) == 0) {
         if (trim($contacts->items[0]->data) !== '') {
             $recipients[] = $contacts->items[0]->data;
     $recipients = array_unique($recipients);
     if (count($recipients) == 0) {
         return "";
     $textbody = self::getMailBody($user, $apikey, $msg);
     //Get text body and also set html body
     $body = preg_replace("/\\</", "&lt;", $textbody);
     $body = preg_replace("/\\>/", "&gt;", $body);
     $body = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br/>", $body);
     $body = preg_replace("/\t/", "<span style='padding-left:10px;'></span>", $body);
     $body = preg_replace("/\\[1\\]/", "<a href='http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"] . "?p=" . base64_encode("/people/details?id=" . $user->id) . "' target='_blank' title='View person's entry in EGI AppDB' >" . $user->firstname . " " . $user->lastname . "</a>", $body);
     $body = preg_replace("/\\[2\\]/", "<b>" . $apikey->key . "</b>", $body);
     $body = "<html><head></head><body>" . $body . "</body></html>";
     $textbody = preg_replace("/\t/", "   ", $textbody);
     $textbody = preg_replace("/\\[1\\]/", $user->firstname . " " . $user->lastname . " [id: " . $user->id . ", url: http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"] . "?p=" . base64_encode("/people/details?id=" . $user->id) . "]", $textbody);
     $textbody = preg_replace("/\\[2\\]/", $apikey->key, $textbody);
     $subject = "EGI AppDB: API Permissions request from user " . $user->firstname . " " . $user->lastname;
     //sendMultipartMail($subject,$recipients, $textbody, $body, '*****@*****.**', 'enadyskolopassword',$useremail);
     EmailService::sendReport($subject, $recipients, $textbody, $body, $useremail);
     return true;
Пример #6
 public function getSubmission()
     if ($this->_submission === null) {
         $Researchers = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         if ($Researchers->count() > 0) {
             $this->_submission = $Researchers->items[0];
     return $this->_submission;
Пример #7
  * @overrides get() from RestResource
 public function get()
     if (parent::get() !== false) {
         $users = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         $username = $this->getParam("username");
         //			if ( $username != '' ) {
         //                $users->filter->username->equals($username);
         //			} else {
         //                $users->filter->id->equals($this->getParam("userid"));
         //			}
         if (count($users->items) > 0) {
             return new XMLFragmentRestResponse($users->items[0]);
         } else {
             // this should never happen, the call should have failed the
             // authentication
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #8
 public static function sendMessage($appid, $userid, $recipientid, $message)
     //Get sender
     $users = new Default_Model_Researchers();
     if ($users->count() == 0) {
         return "Sender not found";
     $user = $users->items[0];
     //Get sender's primary email
     $contacts = new Default_Model_Contacts();
     if ($contacts->count() == 0) {
         return "Sender has no primary e-mail set";
     $useremail = $contacts->items[0]->data;
     //Get recipient
     $recipients = new Default_Model_Researchers();
     if ($recipients->count() == 0) {
         return "Recipient not found";
     $recipient = $recipients->items[0];
     //Get recipient's primary email
     $contacts = new Default_Model_Contacts();
     if ($contacts->count() == 0) {
         return "Recipient has no primary e-mail set";
     $recipientmail = $contacts->items[0]->data;
     //Get application
     $applications = new Default_Model_Applications();
     if ($applications->count() == 0) {
         return "Software not found";
     $app = $applications->items[0];
     //Decode message
     $message = base64_decode($message);
     if (strlen(trim($message)) === 0) {
         return "Message is empty";
     //Get text body and also set html body
     $textbody = self::getTextBody($app, $user, $useremail, $recipient, $message);
     $body = preg_replace("/\\</", "&lt;", $textbody);
     $body = preg_replace("/\\>/", "&gt;", $body);
     $body = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br/>", $body);
     $body = preg_replace("/\t/", "<span style='padding-left:10px;'></span>", $body);
     $body = preg_replace("/\\[1\\]/", "<a href='http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"] . "' target='_blank' title='Visit EGI Applications Database' >EGI AppDB</a>", $body);
     $body = preg_replace("/\\[2\\]/", "<a href='http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"] . "?p=" . base64_encode("//people/details?id=" . $user->id) . "' target='_blank' title='View person's entry in EGI AppDB' >" . $user->firstname . " " . $user->lastname . "</a>", $body);
     $body = preg_replace("/\\[3\\]/", "'<a href='http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"] . "?p=" . base64_encode("/apps/details?id=" . $app->id) . "' target='_blank' title='View software entry in EGI AppDB' >" . $app->name . "</a>'", $body);
     $body = "<html><head></head><body>" . $body . "</body></html>";
     $textbody = preg_replace("/\t/", "   ", $textbody);
     $textbody = preg_replace("/\\[1\\]/", "EGI AppDB [1]", $textbody);
     $textbody = preg_replace("/\\[2\\]/", $user->firstname . " " . $user->lastname . " [2]", $textbody);
     $textbody = preg_replace("/\\[3\\]/", "'" . $app->name . "' [3]", $textbody);
     $textbody .= "\n\n________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n";
     $textbody .= "[1]. http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"] . "\n";
     $textbody .= "[2]. http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"] . "?p=" . base64_encode("/people/details?id=" . $user->id) . "\n";
     $textbody .= "[3]. http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"] . "?p=" . base64_encode("/apps/details?id=" . $app->id) . " \n";
     $subject = "EGI Applications Database: " . $user->firstname . " " . $user->lastname . " sent you a message";
     if (trim($useremail) === '') {
         $useremail = false;
     //sendMultipartMail($subject,$recipientmail, $textbody, $body, '*****@*****.**', 'enadyskolopassword',$useremail, null, false, array("From"=>$useremail));
     EmailService::sendReportAsUser($useremail, $subject, $recipientmail, $textbody, $body);
Пример #9
 public function updateAction()
     $hasEditRights = false;
     $entries = new Default_Model_Researchers();
     if ($this->session->userid !== null) {
         // there is a user logged in
         $users = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         $user = $users->items[0];
         if ($_POST['id'] == '') {
             // logged in user registering another user (e.g. a manager registering someone else)
             if (userIsAdminOrManager($this->session->userid)) {
                 $entry = new Default_Model_Researcher();
                 //prepare new entry
                 $entry->dateInclusion = date("Y-m-d");
                 $entry->addedBy = $this->session->userid;
                 $hasEditRights = true;
             } else {
                 $hasEditRights = false;
             // logged in user has no permission to register other users
         } else {
             $entry = $entries->item($_POST['id']);
             // this is an update, get existing data
             $hasEditRights = $user->privs->canEditPersonProfile($entry);
     } else {
         if ($this->session->username !== null) {
             // no user logged in, but new user registering own self
             $entry = new Default_Model_Researcher();
             //prepare new entry
             $entry->dateInclusion = date("Y-m-d");
             $entry->username = $this->session->username;
             $entry->lastLogin = time();
             $entry->password = $this->session->claimPassword;
             setAuthCookies($this->session->username, $this->session->claimPassword);
             $this->session->claimPassword = null;
             $hasEditRights = true;
     if ($hasEditRights) {
         $entry->lastName = $_POST['lastName'];
         $entry->firstName = $_POST['firstName'];
         $entry->gender = $_POST['gender'];
         $entry->institution = $_POST['institution'];
         $oldCountryID = $entry->countryID;
         $entry->countryID = $_POST['countryID'];
         $oldRoleID = $entry->positionTypeID;
         $entry->positionTypeID = $_POST['positionTypeID'];
         if ($_POST['newimage'] !== "") {
             $imgfile = APPLICATION_PATH . "/../public/" . $_POST['newimage'];
             if (file_exists(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../cache/ppl-image-" . $entry->id . ".png")) {
                 unlink(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../cache/ppl-image-" . $entry->id . ".png");
             $entry->image = pg_escape_bytea(base64_encode(file_get_contents($imgfile)));
         if ($this->session->userid === null) {
             $this->session->userid = $entry->id;
             $this->session->user = $entry;
             $this->session->fullname = $entry->firstname . " " . $entry->lastname;
         } else {
             if ($_POST['id'] == '') {
                 $this->session->lastPplID = $entry->id;
             } else {
         $found_new_entry = false;
         $search_new_entry_count = 0;
         while (!$found_new_entry || $search_new_entry_count > 10) {
             $found_new_entry = count($entries->items) > 0;
             if (!$found_new_entry) {
             $search_new_entry_count = $search_new_entry_count + 1;
         if (!$found_new_entry) {
             error_log("Could not find new user entry in DB after 10 tries... This should not happen (userid: " . $entry->id . ")");
         $entry = $entries->items[0];
         $ant = 'his/her';
         if (!isnull($entry->gender)) {
             if ($entry->gender == 'male') {
                 $ant = 'his';
             if ($entry->gender == 'female') {
                 $ant = 'her';
         $conts = new Default_Model_Contacts();
         for ($i = count($entry->contacts) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
             if (substr($key, 0, 7) === "contact" && substr($key, 0, 11) !== "contactType") {
                 $cnum = substr($key, 7);
                 $cont = new Default_Model_Contact();
                 $cont->researcherID = $entry->id;
                 $cont->data = $value;
                 $cont->contactTypeID = $_POST['contactType' . $cnum];
     if ($entry && ($this->session->userid == null || $this->session->userid == $entry->id)) {
         $this->session->userid = $entry->id;
         //Reload session data in case of claim or save new account
         $ppl = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         $user = $ppl->items[0];
         $this->session->user = $user;
         $this->session->fullname = $user->firstname . " " . $user->lastname;
         $this->session->userRole = $user->positionTypeID;
         $this->session->userCountryID = $user->countryID;
         $this->session->userCountryName = $user->country->name;
         $this->session->cname = $user->cname;
Пример #10
 public function getLastupdatedby()
     if ($this->_lastupdatedby === null) {
         $Researchers = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         if ($Researchers->count() > 0) {
             $this->_lastupdatedby = $Researchers->items[0];
     return $this->_lastupdatedby;
Пример #11
 public function ppldetailsAction()
     $pplID = $this->_getParam("id");
     trackPage('/people/details?id=' . $pplID, $this->_getParam("format"));
     if ($pplID == '') {
         $pplID = $this->session->lastPplID;
     $apps = new Default_Model_Researchers();
     if ($this->_getParam("id") == "0") {
         $this->view->entry = new Default_Model_Researcher();
         $this->view->entry->countryID = '0';
     } else {
         $apps->refresh($this->_getParam('format'), true, $this->_getParam('userid'));
         $this->view->entry = $apps->items[0];
     $this->view->dialogCount = $_GET['dc'];
     $this->view->positionTypes = new Default_Model_PositionTypes();
     $this->view->countries = new Default_Model_Countries();
     $this->view->contactTypes = new Default_Model_ContactTypes();
     $this->view->session = $this->session;
     if ($this->session->username !== null && $this->session->userid !== null) {
         $users = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         $this->view->user = $users->items[0];
     } else {
         $this->view->user = null;