Пример #1
 public static function getVersion()
     if (self::$versionRetrieved) {
         return self::$version;
     self::$versionRetrieved = true;
     $location = app_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "version";
     if (!is_readable($location)) {
         return null;
     $lines = file($location);
     if ($lines === false || count($lines) < 1) {
         return null;
     $version = trim($lines[0]);
     self::$version = $version;
     return $version;
Пример #2
 public static function barDump($var, $title = NULL)
     if (!self::$productionMode) {
         $dump = array();
         foreach (is_array($var) ? $var : array('' => $var) as $key => $val) {
             $dump[$key] = DebugHelpers::clickableDump($val);
         self::$dumpPanel->data[] = array('title' => $title, 'dump' => $dump);
     return $var;
Пример #3
App::error(function (Exception $exception, $code) {
App::error(function (Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException $exception) {
    return Response::make("CSRF error.", 500);
| Maintenance Mode Handler
| The "down" Artisan command gives you the ability to put an application
| into maintenance mode. Here, you will define what is displayed back
| to the user if maintenance mode is in effect for the application.
App::down(function () {
    return DebugHelpers::generateMaintenanceModeResponse();
| Require The Filters File
| Next we will load the filters file for the application. This gives us
| a nice separate location to store our route and application filter
| definitions instead of putting them all in the main routes file.
require app_path() . '/filters.php';
require app_path() . '/events.php';
Пример #4
    public static function renderPanel($id, $data)
        switch ($id) {
            case 'dumps':
<style>#nette-debug-dumps h2{font:11pt/1.5 sans-serif;margin:0;padding:2px 8px;background:#3484d2;color:white}#nette-debug-dumps table{width:100%}#nette-debug #nette-debug-dumps a{color:#333;background:transparent}#nette-debug-dumps a abbr{font-family:sans-serif;color:#999}#nette-debug-dumps pre.nette-dump span{color:#c16549}</style>

<h1>Dumped variables</h1>

<div class="nette-inner">
                foreach ($data as $item) {
                    if ($item['title']) {
                        echo htmlspecialchars($item['title']);

                    $i = 0;
                    foreach ($item['dump'] as $key => $dump) {
	<tr class="<?php 
                        echo $i++ % 2 ? 'nette-alt' : '';
                        echo htmlspecialchars($key);
                        echo $dump;
            case 'errors':

                $relative = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ? strtr(dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])), '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) : NULL;

<div class="nette-inner">
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($data as $item => $count) {
                    list($message, $file, $line) = explode('|', $item);
<tr class="<?php 
                    echo $i++ % 2 ? 'nette-alt' : '';
	<td class="nette-right"><?php 
                    echo $count ? "{$count}×" : '';
                    echo htmlspecialchars($message), ' in ', Debug::$editor ? '<a href="' . DebugHelpers::editorLink($file, $line) . '">' : '', htmlspecialchars($relative ? str_replace($relative, "...", $file) : $file), ':', $line, Debug::$editor ? '</a>' : '';
Пример #5
    public function getPanel()
        $this->disabled = TRUE;
        $s = '';
        $h = 'htmlSpecialChars';
        foreach ($this->queries as $i => $query) {
            list($sql, $params, $time, $rows, $connection, $source) = $query;
            $explain = NULL;
            // EXPLAIN is called here to work SELECT FOUND_ROWS()
            if ($this->explain && preg_match('#\\s*\\(?\\s*SELECT\\s#iA', $sql)) {
                try {
                    $cmd = is_string($this->explain) ? $this->explain : 'EXPLAIN';
                    $explain = $connection->queryArgs("{$cmd} {$sql}", $params)->fetchAll();
                } catch (PDOException $e) {
            $s .= '<tr><td>' . sprintf('%0.3f', $time * 1000);
            if ($explain) {
                static $counter;
                $s .= "<br /><a href='#' class='nette-toggler' rel='#nette-DbConnectionPanel-row-{$counter}'>explain&nbsp;&#x25ba;</a>";
            $s .= '</td><td class="nette-DbConnectionPanel-sql">' . DatabaseHelpers::dumpSql(self::$maxLength ? Strings::truncate($sql, self::$maxLength) : $sql);
            if ($explain) {
                $s .= "<table id='nette-DbConnectionPanel-row-{$counter}' class='nette-collapsed'><tr>";
                foreach ($explain[0] as $col => $foo) {
                    $s .= "<th>{$h($col)}</th>";
                $s .= "</tr>";
                foreach ($explain as $row) {
                    $s .= "<tr>";
                    foreach ($row as $col) {
                        $s .= "<td>{$h($col)}</td>";
                    $s .= "</tr>";
                $s .= "</table>";
            if ($source) {
                $s .= DebugHelpers::editorLink($source[0], $source[1])->class('nette-DbConnectionPanel-source');
            $s .= '</td><td>';
            foreach ($params as $param) {
                $s .= Debugger::dump($param, TRUE);
            $s .= '</td><td>' . $rows . '</td></tr>';
        return empty($this->queries) ? '' : '<style> #nette-debug td.nette-DbConnectionPanel-sql { background: white !important }
			#nette-debug .nette-DbConnectionPanel-source { color: #BBB !important } </style>
			<h1>Queries: ' . count($this->queries) . ($this->totalTime ? ', time: ' . sprintf('%0.3f', $this->totalTime * 1000) . ' ms' : '') . '</h1>
			<div class="nette-inner nette-DbConnectionPanel">
				<tr><th>Time&nbsp;ms</th><th>SQL Statement</th><th>Params</th><th>Rows</th></tr>' . $s . '
Пример #6
  * Generate a HexBlock from the current position in the file stream.
  * The pointer will be returned to the initial position when done, essentially leaving the file stream untouched.
  * @param resource|string $data       a resource handle or a string.
  * @param int             $bytes      number of bytes to print. -1 will dump the entirety of the file.
  * @param bool            $encodeHTML Encode the special characters that may occur on the right panel.
  * @return string  The generated Hex Block.
 public static function createBlock($data, $bytes, $encodeHTML = true)
     $out = "";
     /** @var resource $handle */
     $handle = null;
     $isLocalHandle = false;
     if (is_string($data)) {
         $handle = DebugHelpers::str2resource($data);
         $isLocalHandle = true;
     } else {
         if (is_resource($data)) {
             $handle = $data;
         } else {
             return $out;
     $stat = fstat($handle);
     $length = $stat['size'];
     $pos = ftell($handle);
     if ($bytes === -1) {
         $bytes = $length - $pos;
     $endPos = $pos + $bytes;
     $realPos = $pos & 0xfffffff0;
     fseek($handle, $realPos, SEEK_SET);
     $isRangeOverreached = $pos + $bytes > $length;
     $rDigits = strlen(dechex($isRangeOverreached ? $length : $pos + $bytes));
     $rDigits += $rDigits % 2;
     if ($rDigits < 2) {
         $rDigits = 2;
     $lDigits = strlen(dechex($bytes));
     $lDigits += $lDigits % 2;
     if ($lDigits < 2) {
         $lDigits = 2;
     $out .= "Start: 0x" . str_pad(strtoupper(dechex($pos)), $rDigits, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $out .= "; Length: " . $bytes . " (0x" . str_pad(strtoupper(dechex($bytes)), $lDigits, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ")\n";
     if ($isRangeOverreached) {
         $or = $pos + $bytes - $length;
         $out .= "* Requested length overreach by " . $or . " bytes, only " . ($bytes - $or) . " available in stream.\n";
         if ($bytes - $or <= 0) {
             fseek($handle, $pos, SEEK_SET);
             return $out;
     while (ftell($handle) < $endPos && !(feof($handle) || ftell($handle) === $length)) {
         $lsp = ftell($handle);
         $out .= str_pad(strtoupper(dechex($lsp)), $rDigits, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ": ";
         $rp = "| ";
         for ($j = 0; $j < 16; $j++) {
             if ($j == 8) {
                 $rp .= " ";
                 $out .= " ";
             if ($lsp + $j < $pos) {
                 $rp .= "-";
                 $out .= "-- ";
                 fread($handle, 1);
             } elseif ($lsp + $j >= $endPos || (feof($handle) || ftell($handle) === $length)) {
                 $rp .= "-";
                 $out .= "-- ";
             } else {
                 $d = fread($handle, 1);
                 $out .= bin2hex($d) . " ";
                 $od = ord($d);
                 if ($od < 0x20 || $od >= 0x7f) {
                     $d = '.';
                 $rp .= $encodeHTML ? htmlspecialchars($d) : $d;
         $out .= $rp . "\n";
     $out .= "\n";
     if ($isLocalHandle) {
     } else {
         fseek($handle, $pos, SEEK_SET);
     return $out;