public function send($supress = true) { // Build the email header $this->build_header(); // Disable error reporting if ($supress = true) { \Debug::silent_mode(true); } // Send the email $sent = mail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->message, $this->header); // Re-enable errors and return if ($supress = true) { \Debug::silent_mode(false); } return $sent; }
public function connect($server, $port, $user, $pass, $urn = NULL) { // Determine our URI based on our core if one isnt provided if ($urn == NULL) { $e = config('emulator'); switch ($e) { case "mangos": $uri = "urn:MaNGOS"; break; case "trinity": $uri = "urn:TC"; break; default: $uri = ""; break; } } else { $uri = "urn:" . $urn; } // Disable error reporting \Debug::silent_mode(true); // Open the handle $test = fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 3); // Re-enable error reporting \Debug::silent_mode(false); // Check if we connected successfully if ($test) { // Build our connection params $params = array("location" => "http://" . $server . ":" . $port . "/", "uri" => $uri, "style" => SOAP_RPC, "login" => $user, "password" => $pass); // Open the handle try { $this->handle = new \SoapClient(NULL, $params); $return = TRUE; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->console_return = $this->debug[] = 'Failed to initiate SOAP Connection: ' . $e->getMessage(); $this->write_log(); $return = FALSE; } } else { $this->console_return = $this->debug[] = 'Connection to ' . $server . ':' . $port . ' Failed!'; $this->write_log(); $return = FALSE; } // Return our success or failure return $return; }
public function connect($host, $port, $user, $pass) { // Disable error reporting \Debug::silent_mode(true); // Open the handle $this->handle = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 3); // Re-enable error reporting \Debug::silent_mode(false); // Check if we connected successfully if ($this->handle) { // get the Login prompt $auth_prompt = $this->get_response(); // Uppercase Username $user = strtoupper($user); // Write username and password to command window $send1 = $this->send($user); $send2 = $this->send($pass); // If our writing is successful if ($send1 == TRUE && $send2 == TRUE) { // Get the motd OR auth error, 1 of the 2 $response = $this->get_response(); if (strpos($response, "failed") !== FALSE) { $this->console_return = $this->debug[] = 'Authorization Failed.'; $this->write_log(); $this->disconnect(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } else { $this->debug[] = 'Writing to console failed!'; } } else { $this->console_return = $this->debug[] = 'Connection to ' . $host . ':' . $port . ' Failed!'; } // If we are here, we had errors :( $this->write_log(); return FALSE; }
public function realm_status() { // Load our config class $Config = load_class('Config'); $Cache = $this->load->library('Cache'); $Ajax = get_instance(); // See if we have cached results $result = $Cache->get('ajax_realm_status'); if ($result == FALSE) { // Set the result to array, and load time helper $result = array(); $this->load->helper('Time'); // Fetch the array of realms $query = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `type`, `address`, `port`, `max_players` FROM `pcms_realms`"; $realms = $this->DB->query($query)->fetchAll(); if ($realms == FALSE) { $realms = array(); } // Loop through each realm, and get its status foreach ($realms as $key => $realm) { // Dont show warning produced by fsockopen \Debug::silent_mode(true); $handle = fsockopen($realm['address'], $realm['port'], $errno, $errstr, 2); \Debug::silent_mode(false); // Set our status var $handle == FALSE ? $status = 0 : ($status = 1); // Load the wowlib for this realm $wowlib = $this->load->wowlib($realm['id']); // Build our realms return if ($status == 1 && is_object($wowlib) && is_object($wowlib->characters)) { // Get our realm uptime $uptime = $this->realm->uptime($realm['id']); $uptime == FALSE ? $uptime = 'Unavailable' : ($uptime = format_time($uptime)); // Determine population $ally = $wowlib->characters->getOnlineCount(1); $horde = $wowlib->characters->getOnlineCount(2); $online = $ally + $horde; $space = $realm['max_players'] - $online; $percent = $space < 0 ? 100 : $space / $realm['max_players']; // Get our population text if ($percent < 40) { $pop = '<span id="realm_population_low">Low</span>'; } elseif ($percent < 75) { $pop = '<span id="realm_population_medium">Medium</span>'; } else { $pop = $percent > 98 ? '<span id="realm_population_full">Full</span>' : '<span id="realm_population_high">High</span>'; } // Build our realm info array $result[] = array('success' => true, 'id' => $realm['id'], 'name' => $realm['name'], 'type' => $realm['type'], 'status' => $status, 'population' => $pop, 'online' => $online, 'alliance' => $ally, 'horde' => $horde, 'uptime' => $uptime); } else { $result[] = array('success' => true, 'id' => $realm['id'], 'name' => $realm['name'], 'type' => $realm['type'], 'status' => $status, 'population' => '<span id="realm_population_low">Low</span>', 'online' => 0, 'alliance' => 0, 'horde' => 0, 'uptime' => 'Offline'); } } // Cache the results for 2 minutes $Cache->save('ajax_realm_status', $result, 120); } // Push the output in json format echo json_encode($result); }
public function update() { // Make sure user is super admin for ajax if ($this->user['is_super_admin'] != 1) { $this->show_403(); return; } // Build our page title / desc, then load the view $data = array('page_title' => "Remote Updater", 'page_desc' => "This script allows you to update your CMS with just a click of a button."); //Try cURL first. if (!extension_loaded("curl")) { $ssl = true; $fopen = true; //Fall back on OpenSSL and allow_url_fopen before failing. if (!extension_loaded("openssl") || !in_array("https", stream_get_wrappers())) { $ssl = false; } if (ini_get("allow_url_fopen") != 1) { $fopen = false; } if (!$ssl || !$fopen) { $Message = "The Plexis remote updater requires either cURL or OpenSSL and allow_url_fopen, please enable cURL or OpenSSL and allow_url_fopen.<br /><br />cURL: Disabled"; $Message .= "<br />OpenSSL: " . $ssl ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"; $Message .= "<br />allow_url_fopen" . $fopen ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"; output_message("warning", $Message); $this->load->view("blank", $data); return; } } // Include the URL helper $this->load->helper('Url'); // Get the file changes from github $start = microtime(1); \Debug::silent_mode(true); $page = getPageContents(''); \Debug::silent_mode(false); $stop = microtime(1); // Granted we have page contents if ($page) { // Decode the results $commits = json_decode($page, TRUE); // Defaults $count = 0; $latest = 0; // Get the latest build $message = $commits[0]['commit']['message']; if (preg_match('/([0-9]+)/', $message, $latest)) { $latest = $latest[0]; if (CMS_BUILD < $latest) { $count = $latest - CMS_BUILD; if ($count > 29) { output_message('warning', 'Your cms is out of date by more than 30 updates. You will need to manually update.'); $this->load->view('blank', $data); return; } } } else { output_message('warning', 'Unable to determine latest build'); $this->load->view('blank', $data); return; } // Simple $count == 0 ? $next = $commits[0] : ($next = $commits[$count - 1]); $d = new DateTime($next['commit']['author']['date']); $date = $d->format("M j, Y - g:i a"); // Set JS vars $this->Template->setjs('update_sha', $next['sha']); $this->Template->setjs('update_url', $next['url']); // Build our page data $data['time'] = round($stop - $start, 5); $data['count'] = $count; $data['latest'] = $latest; $data['message'] = preg_replace('/([\\[0-9\\]]+)/', '', htmlspecialchars($next['commit']['message']), 1); $data['date'] = $date; $data['author'] = '<a href="' . $next['author']['login'] . '" target="_blank">' . ucfirst($next['author']['login']) . '</a>'; $data['more_info'] = "" . $next['sha']; $data['CMS_BUILD'] = CMS_BUILD; unset($commits); // No updates has a different view if ($count == 0) { $this->load->view('no_updates', $data); } else { // Add the progress bar $this->Template->add_script('progressbar_mini.js'); $this->Template->add_css('progressbar.css'); $this->load->view('updates', $data); } } else { output_message('warning', 'Unable to fetch updates from Github.'); $this->load->view('blank', $data); return; } }
function show_error($err_message = 'none', $args = null, $lvl = E_ERROR, $fatal = false) { // Let get a backtrace for deep debugging $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $calling = $backtrace[0]; // Load language $lang = load_class('Language'); $lang->load('core_errors'); $message = $lang->get($err_message); // Allow custom messages if ($message === FALSE) { $message = $err_message; } // Do replacing if (is_array($args)) { $message = vsprintf($message, $args); } // Let the debugger take over from here if ($fatal) { \Debug::silent_mode(false); } \Debug::trigger_error($lvl, $message, $calling['file'], $calling['line']); }
protected function _initWowlib() { // Include the wowlib file require path(ROOT, 'third_party', 'wowlib', 'Wowlib.php'); // Add Trace \Debug::trace('Initializing Wowlib...', __FILE__, __LINE__); // Try to init the wowlib try { \Wowlib::Init(config('emulator')); \Debug::trace('Wowlib Initialized successfully', __FILE__, __LINE__); } catch (Exception $e) { \Debug::silent_mode(false); \Debug::trace('Wowlib failed to initialize. Message thrown was: ' . $e->getMessage(), __FILE__, __LINE__); show_error('Wowlib Error: ' . $e->getMessage(), false, E_ERROR); } }
public function update() { // Make sure we arent directly accessed and the user has perms $this->check_access('sa'); // Process action if (isset($_POST['action'])) { $action = trim($this->Input->post('action')); switch ($action) { case "get_latest": // cURL exist? If not we need to verify the user has openssl installed and https support $curl = function_exists('curl_exec'); if (!$curl) { // Make sure the Openssl extension is loaded if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { echo json_encode(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Openssl extension not found. Please enable the openssl extension in your php.ini file')); return; } // Check for https support if (!in_array('https', stream_get_wrappers())) { echo json_encode(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to find the stream wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?')); return; } } // Make sure the client server allows fopen of urls if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == 1 || $curl == true) { // Get the file changes from github $start = microtime(1); \Debug::silent_mode(true); $page = getPageContents('', false); \Debug::silent_mode(false); $stop = microtime(1); if ($page == FALSE || empty($page)) { echo json_encode(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to connect to the update server')); return; } // Decode the results $commits = json_decode($page, TRUE); // Defaults $count = 0; $latest = 0; echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'message' => $commits)); return; } else { echo json_encode(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'allow_url_fopen not enabled in php.ini')); return; } break; case "init": config_set('site_updating', 1); config_save('app'); break; case "finish": // Enable the site again config_set('site_updating', 0); config_save('app'); break; case "next": // Load the file $sha = $type = trim($this->Input->post('sha')); $url = '' . $sha . '/'; // Get the file changes from github $start = microtime(1); \Debug::silent_mode(true); $page = trim(getPageContents($url, false)); \Debug::silent_mode(false); $stop = microtime(1); if ($page == FALSE || empty($page)) { echo json_encode(array('success' => false, 'data' => 'Error fetching updates')); return; } echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'data' => json_decode($page))); break; case "update": // Grab POSTS $type = trim($this->Input->post('status')); $sha = trim($this->Input->post('sha')); $file = trim(str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '/', $this->Input->post('filename'))); $url = '' . $sha . '/' . $file; $filename = ROOT . DS . str_replace('/', DS, $file); $dirname = dirname($filename); // Load our Filesystem Class $Fs = $this->load->library('Filesystem'); // Build our default Json return $return = array(); $success = TRUE; $removed = FALSE; // Hush errors \Debug::silent_mode(true); // Get file contents $contents = trim(getPageContents($url, false)); $mod = substr($type, 0, 1); switch ($mod) { case "A": case "M": // Make sure the Directory exists! if (!is_dir($dirname)) { // Ignore install files if the install directory doesnt exist if (strpos($dirname, ROOT . DS . 'install') !== false) { $this->output(true, ''); return; } // Create the directory for the new file if it doesnt exist if (!$Fs->create_dir($dirname)) { $this->output(false, 'Error creating directory "' . $dirname . '"'); return; } } // Create cache file of modified files to prevent update errors if ($mod == 'M') { if (!$this->addfileids($sha, 'M', $filename)) { \Debug::write_debuglog('updater.xml'); $this->output(false, 'Error creating/writting to the updater.cache file. A Detailed trace log has been generated "system/logs/debug/updater.xml"'); return; } // Set cache filename $filename = $filename . '.tmp'; } // Now attempt to write to the file, create it if it doesnt exist if (!$Fs->create_file($filename, $contents)) { $this->output(false, 'Error creating/opening file "' . $filename . '"'); return; } // Add file to modify list break; case "D": if (!$this->addfileids($sha, 'D', $filename)) { \Debug::write_debuglog('updater.xml'); $this->output(false, 'Error creating/writting to the updater.cache file. A Detailed trace log has been generated "system/logs/debug/updater.xml"'); return; } break; } // Output success $this->output(true, ''); break; case 'finalize': // Load our Filesystem Class $Fs = $this->load->library('Filesystem'); // Add trace for debugging \Debug::trace('Finalizing updates...', __FILE__, __LINE__); // We need to rename all modified files from thier cache version, and remove deleted files $cfile = path(SYSTEM_PATH, 'cache', 'updater.cache'); if (file_exists($cfile)) { $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($cfile)); unset($data['sha']); foreach ($data['files'] as $file) { // If we are missing a file name or mode, then continue to the next loop if (!isset($file['mode']) || !isset($file['filename'])) { continue; } // Modified file if ($file['mode'] == 'M') { $tmp = $file['filename'] . '.tmp'; if (!$Fs->copy($tmp, $file['filename'])) { // Add trace for debugging \Debug::trace('Failed to copy {' . $tmp . '} to {' . $file['filename'] . '}', __FILE__, __LINE__); \Debug::write_debuglog('updater.xml'); $this->output(false, 'Error copying cache contents of file ' . $file['filename'] . '. Update failed.'); die; } $Fs->delete_file($tmp); } else { // Deleted file / dir $Fs->delete($data['filename']); // Re-read the directory clearstatcache(); $files = $Fs->read_dir($dirname); // If empty, delete .DS / .htaccess files and remove dir! if (empty($files) || sizeof($files) == 1 && $files[0] == '.htaccess') { $Fs->remove_dir($dirname); } } } // Remove the updater cache file $Fs->delete_file($cfile); // Output success $this->output(true, ''); } else { // Add trace for debugging \Debug::trace('updater.cache file doesnt exist. Update failed.', __FILE__, __LINE__); \Debug::write_debuglog('updater.xml'); $this->output(false, 'Unable to open the updater.cache file. Update failed.'); } break; } // End Swicth $action } else { $this->output(false, 'Invalid Post Action'); } }