Пример #1
function admin_home_messages()
    global $Opt, $Conf;
    $m = array();
    $errmarker = "<span class=\"error\">Error:</span> ";
    if (preg_match("/^(?:[1-4]\\.|5\\.[0123])/", phpversion())) {
        $m[] = $errmarker . "HotCRP requires PHP version 5.4 or higher.  You are running PHP version " . htmlspecialchars(phpversion()) . ".";
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $m[] = $errmarker . "The PHP <code>magic_quotes_gpc</code> feature is on, which is a bad idea.  Check that your Web server is using HotCRP’s <code>.htaccess</code> file.  You may also want to disable <code>magic_quotes_gpc</code> in your <code>php.ini</code> configuration file.";
    if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {
        $m[] = $errmarker . "The PHP <code>magic_quotes_runtime</code> feature is on, which is a bad idea.  Check that your Web server is using HotCRP’s <code>.htaccess</code> file.  You may also want to disable <code>magic_quotes_runtime</code> in your <code>php.ini</code> configuration file.";
    if (defined("JSON_HOTCRP")) {
        $m[] = "Your PHP was built without JSON functionality. HotCRP is using its built-in replacements; the native functions would be faster.";
    if ((int) $Opt["globalSessionLifetime"] < $Opt["sessionLifetime"]) {
        $m[] = "PHP’s systemwide <code>session.gc_maxlifetime</code> setting, which is " . htmlspecialchars($Opt["globalSessionLifetime"]) . " seconds, is less than HotCRP’s preferred session expiration time, which is " . $Opt["sessionLifetime"] . " seconds.  You should update <code>session.gc_maxlifetime</code> in the <code>php.ini</code> file or users may be booted off the system earlier than you expect.";
    if (!function_exists("imagecreate") && $Conf->setting("__gd_required")) {
        $m[] = $errmarker . "This PHP installation lacks support for the GD library, so HotCRP can’t generate backup score charts for old browsers. Some of your users require this backup. You should update your PHP installation. For example, on Ubuntu Linux, install the <code>php" . PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . "-gd</code> package.";
    $result = Dbl::qx_raw("show variables like 'max_allowed_packet'");
    $max_file_size = ini_get_bytes("upload_max_filesize");
    if (($row = edb_row($result)) && $row[1] < $max_file_size && !get($Opt, "dbNoPapers")) {
        $m[] = $errmarker . "MySQL’s <code>max_allowed_packet</code> setting, which is " . htmlspecialchars($row[1]) . "&nbsp;bytes, is less than the PHP upload file limit, which is {$max_file_size}&nbsp;bytes.  You should update <code>max_allowed_packet</code> in the system-wide <code>my.cnf</code> file or the system may not be able to handle large papers.";
    // Conference names
    if (get($Opt, "shortNameDefaulted")) {
        $m[] = "<a href=\"" . hoturl("settings", "group=basics") . "\">Set the conference abbreviation</a> to a short name for your conference, such as “OSDI ’14”.";
    } else {
        if (simplify_whitespace(Conf::$gShortName) != Conf::$gShortName) {
            $m[] = "The <a href=\"" . hoturl("settings", "group=basics") . "\">conference abbreviation</a> setting has a funny value. To fix it, remove leading and trailing spaces, use only space characters (no tabs or newlines), and make sure words are separated by single spaces (never two or more).";
    $site_contact = Contact::site_contact();
    if (!$site_contact->email || $site_contact->email == "*****@*****.**") {
        $m[] = "<a href=\"" . hoturl("settings", "group=basics") . "\">Set the conference contact’s name and email</a> so submitters can reach someone if things go wrong.";
    // Any -100 preferences around?
    $result = Dbl::ql_raw($Conf->preferenceConflictQuery(false, "limit 1"));
    if ($row = edb_row($result)) {
        $m[] = "PC members have indicated paper conflicts (using review preferences of &#8722;100 or less) that aren’t yet confirmed. <a href='" . hoturl_post("autoassign", "a=prefconflict&amp;assign=1") . "' class='nw'>Confirm these conflicts</a>";
    // Weird URLs?
    foreach (array("conferenceSite", "paperSite") as $k) {
        if (isset($Opt[$k]) && $Opt[$k] && !preg_match('`\\Ahttps?://(?:[-.~\\w:/?#\\[\\]@!$&\'()*+,;=]|%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])*\\z`', $Opt[$k])) {
            $m[] = $errmarker . "The <code>\$Opt[\"{$k}\"]</code> setting, ‘<code>" . htmlspecialchars($Opt[$k]) . "</code>’, is not a valid URL.  Edit the <code>conf/options.php</code> file to fix this problem.";
    // Unnotified reviews?
    if ($Conf->setting("pcrev_assigntime", 0) > $Conf->setting("pcrev_informtime", 0)) {
        $assigntime = $Conf->setting("pcrev_assigntime");
        $result = Dbl::qe_raw("select paperId from PaperReview where reviewType>" . REVIEW_PC . " and timeRequested>timeRequestNotified and reviewSubmitted is null and reviewNeedsSubmit!=0 limit 1");
        if (edb_nrows($result)) {
            $m[] = "PC review assignments have changed.&nbsp; <a href=\"" . hoturl("mail", "template=newpcrev") . "\">Send review assignment notifications</a> <span class=\"barsep\">·</span> <a href=\"" . hoturl_post("index", "clearnewpcrev={$assigntime}") . "\">Clear this message</a>";
        } else {
            $Conf->save_setting("pcrev_informtime", $assigntime);
    // Review round expired?
    if (count($Conf->round_list()) > 1 && $Conf->time_review_open() && $Conf->missed_review_deadline($Conf->current_round(), true, false)) {
        $any_rounds_open = false;
        foreach ($Conf->defined_round_list() as $i => $rname) {
            if (!$any_rounds_open && !$Conf->missed_review_deadline($i, true, false) && $Conf->setting($Conf->review_deadline($i, true, false))) {
                $any_rounds_open = $rname;
        if ($any_rounds_open) {
            $m[] = "The deadline for the current review round, " . htmlspecialchars($Conf->current_round_name()) . ", has passed. You may want to <a href=\"" . hoturl("settings", "group=reviews") . "\">change the current round</a> to " . htmlspecialchars($any_rounds_open) . ".";
    if (count($m)) {
        $Conf->warnMsg('<div class="multimessage"><div>' . join('</div><div>', $m) . "</div></div>");
Пример #2
function createAnonymousReview()
    global $Conf, $Me, $Now, $prow, $rrows;
    Dbl::qe_raw("lock tables PaperReview write, PaperReviewRefused write, ContactInfo write, PaperConflict read, ActionLog write");
    // find an unassigned anonymous review contact
    $contactemail = unassignedAnonymousContact();
    $result = Dbl::qe_raw("select contactId from ContactInfo where email='" . sqlq($contactemail) . "'");
    if (edb_nrows($result) == 1) {
        $row = edb_row($result);
        $reqId = $row[0];
    } else {
        $result = Dbl::qe("insert into ContactInfo set firstName='Jane Q.', lastName='Public', unaccentedName='Jane Q. Public', email=?, affiliation='Unaffiliated', password='', disabled=1, creationTime={$Now}", $contactemail);
        if (!$result) {
            return $result;
        $reqId = $result->insert_id;
    // store the review request
    $reviewId = $Me->assign_review($prow->paperId, $reqId, REVIEW_EXTERNAL, array("mark_notify" => true, "token" => true));
    if ($reviewId) {
        $result = Dbl::ql("select reviewToken from PaperReview where reviewId={$reviewId}");
        $row = edb_row($result);
        $Conf->confirmMsg("Created a new anonymous review for paper #{$prow->paperId}. The review token is " . encode_token((int) $row[0]) . ".");
    Dbl::qx_raw("unlock tables");
    return true;
function updateSchema($Conf)
    global $Opt, $OK;
    // avoid error message abut timezone, set to $Opt
    // (which might be overridden by database values later)
    if (function_exists("date_default_timezone_set") && isset($Opt["timezone"]) && $Opt["timezone"]) {
    while (($result = Dbl::ql("insert into Settings set name='__schema_lock', value=1 on duplicate key update value=1")) && $result->affected_rows == 0) {
        time_nanosleep(0, 200000000);
    error_log($Opt["dbName"] . ": updating schema from version " . $Conf->sversion);
    if ($Conf->sversion == 6 && Dbl::ql("alter table ReviewRequest add `reason` text")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 7 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `textField7` mediumtext NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `textField8` mediumtext NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("insert into ReviewFormField set fieldName='textField7', shortName='Additional text field'") && Dbl::ql("insert into ReviewFormField set fieldName='textField8', shortName='Additional text field'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 8 && Dbl::ql("alter table ReviewFormField add `levelChar` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `textField7` mediumtext NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `textField8` mediumtext NOT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 9 && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper add `sha1` varbinary(20) NOT NULL default ''")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 10 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `reviewRound` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `reviewRound` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add key `reviewRound` (`reviewRound`)") && $Conf->update_schema_version(11)) {
        if (count($Conf->round_list()) > 1) {
            // update review rounds (XXX locking)
            $result = Dbl::ql("select paperId, tag from PaperTag where tag like '%~%'");
            $rrs = array();
            while ($row = edb_row($result)) {
                list($contact, $round) = explode("~", $row[1]);
                if ($round = array_search($round, $Conf->round_list())) {
                    if (!isset($rrs[$round])) {
                        $rrs[$round] = array();
                    $rrs[$round][] = "(contactId={$contact} and paperId={$row['0']})";
            foreach ($rrs as $round => $pairs) {
                $q = "update PaperReview set reviewRound={$round} where " . join(" or ", $pairs);
            $x = trim(preg_replace('/(\\S+)\\s*/', "tag like '%~\$1' or ", $Conf->setting_data("tag_rounds")));
            Dbl::ql("delete from PaperTag where " . substr($x, 0, strlen($x) - 3));
    if ($Conf->sversion == 11 && Dbl::ql("create table `ReviewRating` (\n  `reviewId` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `contactId` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `rating` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n  UNIQUE KEY `reviewContact` (`reviewId`,`contactId`),\n  UNIQUE KEY `reviewContactRating` (`reviewId`,`contactId`,`rating`)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 12 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `reviewToken` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 13 && Dbl::ql("alter table OptionType add `optionValues` text NOT NULL default ''")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 14 && Dbl::ql("insert into Settings (name, value) select 'rev_tokens', count(reviewId) from PaperReview where reviewToken!=0 on duplicate key update value=values(value)")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 15) {
        // It's OK if this fails!  Update 11 added reviewRound to
        // PaperReviewArchive (so old databases have the column), but I forgot
        // to upgrade schema.sql (so new databases lack the column).
        Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `reviewRound` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'");
        $OK = true;
    if ($Conf->sversion == 16 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `reviewEditVersion` int(1) NOT NULL default '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 17 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewPreference add key `paperId` (`paperId`)") && Dbl::ql("create table PaperRank (\n  `paperId` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `contactId` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `rank` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  UNIQUE KEY `contactPaper` (`contactId`,`paperId`),\n  KEY `paperId` (`paperId`)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 18 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `replyTo` int(11) NOT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 19 && Dbl::ql("drop table PaperRank")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 20 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `timeNotified` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 21 && Dbl::ql("update PaperConflict set conflictType=8 where conflictType=3")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 22 && Dbl::ql("insert into ChairAssistant (contactId) select contactId from Chair on duplicate key update ChairAssistant.contactId=ChairAssistant.contactId") && Dbl::ql("update ContactInfo set roles=roles+2 where roles=5")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 23) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 24 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo add `preferredEmail` varchar(120)")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 25) {
        if ($Conf->settings["final_done"] > 0 && !isset($Conf->settings["final_soft"]) && Dbl::ql("insert into Settings (name, value) values ('final_soft', " . $Conf->settings["final_done"] . ") on duplicate key update value=values(value)")) {
            $Conf->settings["final_soft"] = $Conf->settings["final_done"];
    if ($Conf->sversion == 26 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperOption add `data` text") && Dbl::ql("alter table OptionType add `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'") && Dbl::ql("update OptionType set type=2 where optionValues='i'") && Dbl::ql("update OptionType set type=1 where type=0 and optionValues!=''")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 27 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage add `sha1` varbinary(20) NOT NULL default ''") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage add `documentType` int(3) NOT NULL default '0'") && Dbl::ql("update PaperStorage s, Paper p set s.sha1=p.sha1 where s.paperStorageId=p.paperStorageId and p.finalPaperStorageId=0 and s.paperStorageId>0") && Dbl::ql("update PaperStorage s, Paper p set s.sha1=p.sha1, s.documentType=" . DTYPE_FINAL . " where s.paperStorageId=p.finalPaperStorageId and s.paperStorageId>0")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 28 && Dbl::ql("alter table OptionType add `sortOrder` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 29 && Dbl::ql("delete from Settings where name='pldisplay_default'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 30 && Dbl::ql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Formula`") && Dbl::ql("CREATE TABLE `Formula` (\n  `formulaId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n  `name` varchar(200) NOT NULL,\n  `heading` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',\n  `headingTitle` text NOT NULL default '',\n  `expression` text NOT NULL,\n  `authorView` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',\n  PRIMARY KEY  (`formulaId`),\n  UNIQUE KEY `formulaId` (`formulaId`),\n  UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 31 && Dbl::ql("alter table Formula add `createdBy` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table Formula add `timeModified` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table Formula drop index `name`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 32 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add key `timeModified` (`timeModified`)")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 33 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `paperStorageId` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 34 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo add `contactTags` text")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 35 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo modify `defaultWatch` int(11) NOT NULL default '2'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperWatch modify `watch` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 36 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `reviewNotified` int(1) default NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `reviewNotified` int(1) default NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 37 && Dbl::ql("alter table OptionType add `displayType` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 38 && Dbl::ql("update PaperComment set forReviewers=1 where forReviewers=-1")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 39 && Dbl::ql("CREATE TABLE `MailLog` (\n  `mailId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n  `recipients` varchar(200) NOT NULL,\n  `paperIds` text,\n  `cc` text,\n  `replyto` text,\n  `subject` text,\n  `emailBody` text,\n  PRIMARY KEY  (`mailId`)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 40 && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper add `capVersion` int(1) NOT NULL default '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 41 && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper modify `mimetype` varchar(80) NOT NULL default ''") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage modify `mimetype` varchar(80) NOT NULL default ''")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 42 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `ordinal` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 42 && ($result = Dbl::ql("describe PaperComment `ordinal`")) && ($o = edb_orow($result)) && substr($o->Type, 0, 3) == "int" && (!$o->Null || $o->Null == "NO") && (!$o->Default || $o->Default == "0")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 43 && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper add `withdrawReason` text")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 44 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage add `filename` varchar(255)")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 45 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `timeRequested` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `timeRequestNotified` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `timeRequested` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `timeRequestNotified` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview drop column `requestedOn`") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive drop column `requestedOn`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 46 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo add `disabled` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 47 && Dbl::ql("delete from ti using TopicInterest ti left join TopicArea ta using (topicId) where ta.topicId is null")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 48 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `reviewAuthorNotified` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `reviewAuthorNotified` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `reviewToken` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 49 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperOption drop index `paperOption`") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperOption add index `paperOption` (`paperId`,`optionId`,`value`)")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 50 && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper add `managerContactId` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 51 && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper drop column `numComments`") && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper drop column `numAuthorComments`")) {
    // Due to a bug in the schema updater, some databases might have
    // sversion>=53 but no `PaperComment.commentType` column. Fix them.
    if (($Conf->sversion == 52 || $Conf->sversion >= 53 && ($result = Dbl::ql("show columns from PaperComment like 'commentType'")) && edb_nrows($result) == 0) && Dbl::ql("lock tables PaperComment write, Settings write") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `commentType` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")) {
        $new_sversion = max($Conf->sversion, 53);
        $result = Dbl::ql("show columns from PaperComment like 'forAuthors'");
        if (!$result || edb_nrows($result) == 0 || Dbl::ql("update PaperComment set commentType=" . (COMMENTTYPE_AUTHOR | COMMENTTYPE_RESPONSE) . " where forAuthors=2") && Dbl::ql("update PaperComment set commentType=commentType|" . COMMENTTYPE_DRAFT . " where forAuthors=2 and forReviewers=0") && Dbl::ql("update PaperComment set commentType=" . COMMENTTYPE_ADMINONLY . " where forAuthors=0 and forReviewers=2") && Dbl::ql("update PaperComment set commentType=" . COMMENTTYPE_PCONLY . " where forAuthors=0 and forReviewers=0") && Dbl::ql("update PaperComment set commentType=" . COMMENTTYPE_REVIEWER . " where forAuthors=0 and forReviewers=1") && Dbl::ql("update PaperComment set commentType=" . COMMENTTYPE_AUTHOR . " where forAuthors!=0 and forAuthors!=2") && Dbl::ql("update PaperComment set commentType=commentType|" . COMMENTTYPE_BLIND . " where blind=1")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion < 53) {
        Dbl::qx_raw($Conf->dblink, "alter table PaperComment drop column `commentType`");
    Dbl::ql("unlock tables");
    if ($Conf->sversion == 53 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment drop column `forReviewers`") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment drop column `forAuthors`") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment drop column `blind`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 54 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage add `infoJson` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 55 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo modify `password` varbinary(2048) NOT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 56 && Dbl::ql("alter table Settings modify `data` blob")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 57 && Dbl::ql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Capability`") && Dbl::ql("CREATE TABLE `Capability` (\n  `capabilityId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `capabilityType` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `contactId` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `paperId` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `timeExpires` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `salt` varbinary(255) NOT NULL,\n  `data` blob,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`capabilityId`),\n  UNIQUE KEY `capabilityId` (`capabilityId`)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8") && Dbl::ql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `CapabilityMap`") && Dbl::ql("CREATE TABLE `CapabilityMap` (\n  `capabilityValue` varbinary(255) NOT NULL,\n  `capabilityId` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `timeExpires` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`capabilityValue`),\n  UNIQUE KEY `capabilityValue` (`capabilityValue`)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 58 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `paperSummary` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `commentsToAuthor` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `commentsToPC` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `commentsToAddress` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `weaknessOfPaper` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `strengthOfPaper` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `textField7` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `textField8` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `paperSummary` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `commentsToAuthor` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `commentsToPC` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `commentsToAddress` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `weaknessOfPaper` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `strengthOfPaper` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `textField7` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `textField8` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 59 && Dbl::ql("alter table ActionLog modify `action` varbinary(4096) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo modify `note` varbinary(4096) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo modify `collaborators` varbinary(32767) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo modify `contactTags` varbinary(4096) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table Formula modify `headingTitle` varbinary(4096) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table Formula modify `expression` varbinary(4096) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table OptionType modify `description` varbinary(8192) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table OptionType modify `optionValues` varbinary(8192) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewRefused modify `reason` varbinary(32767) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ReviewFormField modify `description` varbinary(32767) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ReviewFormOptions modify `description` varbinary(32767) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ReviewRequest modify `reason` varbinary(32767) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table Settings modify `data` varbinary(32767) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactAddress modify `addressLine1` varchar(2048) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactAddress modify `addressLine2` varchar(2048) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactAddress modify `city` varchar(2048) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactAddress modify `state` varchar(2048) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactAddress modify `zipCode` varchar(2048) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactAddress modify `country` varchar(2048) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperTopic modify `topicId` int(11) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperTopic modify `paperId` int(11) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("drop table if exists ChairTag")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 60 && Dbl::ql("insert into Settings (name,value,data) select concat('msg.',substr(name,1,length(name)-3)), value, data from Settings where name='homemsg' or name='conflictdefmsg'") && $Conf->update_schema_version(61)) {
        foreach (array("conflictdef", "home") as $k) {
            if (isset($Conf->settingTexts["{$k}msg"])) {
                $Conf->settingTexts["msg.{$k}"] = $Conf->settingTexts["{$k}msg"];
        $Conf->settings["allowPaperOption"] = 61;
    if ($Conf->sversion == 61 && Dbl::ql("alter table Capability modify `data` varbinary(4096) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if (!isset($Conf->settings["outcome_map"])) {
        $ojson = array();
        $result = Dbl::ql("select * from ReviewFormOptions where fieldName='outcome'");
        while ($row = edb_orow($result)) {
            $ojson[$row->level] = $row->description;
        $Conf->save_setting("outcome_map", 1, $ojson);
    if ($Conf->sversion == 62 && isset($Conf->settings["outcome_map"])) {
    if (!isset($Conf->settings["review_form"]) && $Conf->sversion < 65) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 63 && isset($Conf->settings["review_form"])) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 64 && Dbl::ql("drop table if exists `ReviewFormField`") && Dbl::ql("drop table if exists `ReviewFormOptions`")) {
    if (!isset($Conf->settings["options"]) && $Conf->sversion < 67) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 65 && isset($Conf->settings["options"])) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 66 && Dbl::ql("drop table if exists `OptionType`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 67 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment modify `comment` varbinary(32767) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `commentTags` varbinary(1024) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 68 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewPreference add `expertise` int(4) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 69 && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper drop column `pcPaper`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 70 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo modify `voicePhoneNumber` varbinary(256) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo modify `faxPhoneNumber` varbinary(256) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo modify `collaborators` varbinary(8192) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo drop column `note`") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo add `data` varbinary(32767) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 71 && Dbl::ql("alter table Settings modify `name` varbinary(256) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("update Settings set name=rtrim(name)")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 72 && Dbl::ql("update TopicInterest set interest=-2 where interest=0") && Dbl::ql("update TopicInterest set interest=4 where interest=2") && Dbl::ql("delete from TopicInterest where interest=1")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 73 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage add `size` bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("update PaperStorage set `size`=length(paper) where paper is not null")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 74 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo drop column `visits`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 75) {
        foreach (array("capability_gc", "s3_scope", "s3_signing_key") as $k) {
            if (isset($Conf->settings[$k])) {
                $Conf->save_setting("__" . $k, $Conf->settings[$k], get($Conf->settingTexts, $k));
                $Conf->save_setting($k, null);
    if ($Conf->sversion == 76 && Dbl::ql("update PaperReviewPreference set expertise=-expertise")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 77 && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog add `q` varchar(4096)")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 78 && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog add `t` varchar(200)")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 79 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo add `passwordTime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 80 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `reviewRound` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `reviewRound` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 81 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage add `filterType` int(3) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage add `originalStorageId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 82 && Dbl::ql("update Settings set name='msg.resp_instrux' where name='msg.responseinstructions'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 83 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `commentRound` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 84 && Dbl::ql("insert ignore into Settings (name, value) select 'resp_active', value from Settings where name='resp_open'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 85 && Dbl::ql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PCMember`") && Dbl::ql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ChairAssistant`") && Dbl::ql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Chair`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 86 && update_schema_transfer_address($Conf)) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 87 && Dbl::ql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ContactAddress`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 88 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo drop key `name`") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo drop key `affiliation`") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo drop key `email_3`") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo drop key `firstName_2`") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo drop key `lastName`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 89 && update_schema_unaccented_name($Conf)) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 90 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `reviewAuthorSeen` int(11) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 91 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `reviewAuthorSeen` int(11) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 92 && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper drop key `titleAbstractText`") && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper drop key `allText`") && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper drop key `authorText`") && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper modify `authorInformation` varbinary(8192) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper modify `abstract` varbinary(16384) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper modify `collaborators` varbinary(8192) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper modify `withdrawReason` varbinary(1024) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 93 && Dbl::ql("alter table TopicArea modify `topicName` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 94 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperOption modify `data` varbinary(32768) DEFAULT NULL")) {
        foreach (PaperOption::nonfixed_option_list($Conf) as $xopt) {
            if ($xopt->type === "text") {
                Dbl::ql("delete from PaperOption where optionId={$xopt->id} and data=''");
    if ($Conf->sversion == 95 && Dbl::ql("alter table Capability add unique key `salt` (`salt`)") && Dbl::ql("update Capability join CapabilityMap using (capabilityId) set Capability.salt=CapabilityMap.capabilityValue") && Dbl::ql("drop table if exists `CapabilityMap`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 96 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo add `passwordIsCdb` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 97 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `reviewWordCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `reviewWordCount` int(11)  DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive drop key `reviewId`") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive drop key `contactPaper`") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive drop key `reviewSubmitted`") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive drop key `reviewNeedsSubmit`") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive drop key `reviewType`") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive drop key `requestedBy`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 98) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 99 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperConflict ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperOption ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperTag ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperTopic ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table Settings ENGINE=InnoDB")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 100 && Dbl::ql("alter table ActionLog ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table Capability ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table Formula ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewPreference ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewRefused ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperWatch ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table ReviewRating ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table ReviewRequest ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table TopicArea ENGINE=InnoDB") && Dbl::ql("alter table TopicInterest ENGINE=InnoDB")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 101 && Dbl::ql("alter table ActionLog modify `ipaddr` varbinary(32) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog modify `recipients` varbinary(200) NOT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog modify `q` varbinary(4096) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog modify `t` varbinary(200) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper modify `mimetype` varbinary(80) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage modify `mimetype` varbinary(80) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage modify `filename` varbinary(255) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage modify `infoJson` varbinary(8192) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 102 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `paperSummary` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `commentsToAuthor` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `commentsToPC` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `commentsToAddress` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `weaknessOfPaper` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `strengthOfPaper` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `textField7` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview modify `textField8` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `paperSummary` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `commentsToAuthor` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `commentsToPC` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `commentsToAddress` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `weaknessOfPaper` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `strengthOfPaper` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `textField7` mediumblob") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive modify `textField8` mediumblob")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 103 && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper modify `title` varbinary(256) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper drop key `title`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 104 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `reviewFormat` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewArchive add `reviewFormat` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 105 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `commentFormat` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 106 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `authorOrdinal` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'") && Dbl::ql("update PaperComment set authorOrdinal=ordinal where commentType>=" . COMMENTTYPE_AUTHOR)) {
    // repair missing comment ordinals; reset incorrect `ordinal`s for
    // author-visible comments
    if ($Conf->sversion == 107) {
        $result = Dbl::ql("select paperId, commentId from PaperComment where ordinal=0 and (commentType&" . (COMMENTTYPE_RESPONSE | COMMENTTYPE_DRAFT) . ")=0 and commentType>=" . COMMENTTYPE_PCONLY . " and commentType<" . COMMENTTYPE_AUTHOR . " order by commentId");
        while ($row = edb_row($result)) {
            Dbl::ql("update PaperComment,\n(select coalesce(count(commentId),0) commentCount from Paper\n    left join PaperComment on (PaperComment.paperId=Paper.paperId and (commentType&" . (COMMENTTYPE_RESPONSE | COMMENTTYPE_DRAFT) . ")=0 and commentType>=" . COMMENTTYPE_PCONLY . " and commentType<" . COMMENTTYPE_AUTHOR . " and commentId<{$row['1']})\n    where Paper.paperId={$row['0']} group by Paper.paperId) t\nset ordinal=(t.commentCount+1) where commentId={$row['1']}");
        $result = Dbl::ql("select paperId, commentId from PaperComment where ordinal=0 and (commentType&" . (COMMENTTYPE_RESPONSE | COMMENTTYPE_DRAFT) . ")=0 and commentType>=" . COMMENTTYPE_AUTHOR . " order by commentId");
        while ($row = edb_row($result)) {
            Dbl::ql("update PaperComment,\n(select coalesce(count(commentId),0) commentCount from Paper\n    left join PaperComment on (PaperComment.paperId=Paper.paperId and (commentType&" . (COMMENTTYPE_RESPONSE | COMMENTTYPE_DRAFT) . ")=0 and commentType>=" . COMMENTTYPE_AUTHOR . " and commentId<{$row['1']})\n    where Paper.paperId={$row['0']} group by Paper.paperId) t\nset authorOrdinal=(t.commentCount+1) where commentId={$row['1']}");
        $result = Dbl::ql("select paperId, commentId from PaperComment where ordinal=authorOrdinal and (commentType&" . (COMMENTTYPE_RESPONSE | COMMENTTYPE_DRAFT) . ")=0 and commentType>=" . COMMENTTYPE_AUTHOR . " order by commentId");
        while ($row = edb_row($result)) {
            Dbl::ql("update PaperComment,\n(select coalesce(max(ordinal),0) maxOrdinal from Paper\n    left join PaperComment on (PaperComment.paperId=Paper.paperId and (commentType&" . (COMMENTTYPE_RESPONSE | COMMENTTYPE_DRAFT) . ")=0 and commentType>=" . COMMENTTYPE_PCONLY . " and commentType<" . COMMENTTYPE_AUTHOR . " and commentId<{$row['1']})\n    where Paper.paperId={$row['0']} group by Paper.paperId) t\nset ordinal=(t.maxOrdinal+1) where commentId={$row['1']}");
    // contact tags format change
    if ($Conf->sversion == 108 && Dbl::ql("update ContactInfo set contactTags=substr(replace(contactTags, ' ', '#0 ') from 3)") && Dbl::ql("update ContactInfo set contactTags=replace(contactTags, '#0#0 ', '#0 ')")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 109 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperTag modify `tagIndex` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 110 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo drop `faxPhoneNumber`") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo add `country` varbinary(256) default null") && update_schema_transfer_country($Conf)) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 111) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 112 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo add `passwordUseTime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo add `updateTime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'") && Dbl::ql("update ContactInfo set passwordUseTime=lastLogin where passwordUseTime=0")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 113 && Dbl::ql("drop table if exists `PaperReviewArchive`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 114 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReview add `timeDisplayed` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'") && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `timeDisplayed` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 115 && Dbl::ql("alter table Formula drop column `authorView`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 116 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperComment add `commentOverflow` longblob DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 117 && update_schema_drop_keys_if_exist("PaperTopic", ["paperTopic", "PRIMARY"]) && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperTopic add primary key (`paperId`,`topicId`)") && update_schema_drop_keys_if_exist("TopicInterest", ["contactTopic", "PRIMARY"]) && Dbl::ql("alter table TopicInterest add primary key (`contactId`,`topicId`)")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 118 && update_schema_drop_keys_if_exist("PaperTag", ["paperTag", "PRIMARY"]) && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperTag add primary key (`paperId`,`tag`)") && update_schema_drop_keys_if_exist("PaperReviewPreference", ["paperId", "PRIMARY"]) && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperReviewPreference add primary key (`paperId`,`contactId`)") && update_schema_drop_keys_if_exist("PaperConflict", ["contactPaper", "contactPaperConflict", "PRIMARY"]) && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperConflict add primary key (`contactId`,`paperId`)") && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog modify `paperIds` blob") && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog modify `cc` blob") && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog modify `replyto` blob") && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog modify `subject` blob") && Dbl::ql("alter table MailLog modify `emailBody` blob")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 119 && update_schema_drop_keys_if_exist("PaperWatch", ["contactPaper", "contactPaperWatch", "PRIMARY"]) && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperWatch add primary key (`paperId`,`contactId`)")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 120 && Dbl::ql("alter table Paper add `paperFormat` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 121 && Dbl::ql_raw("update PaperReview r, Paper p set r.reviewNeedsSubmit=1 where p.paperId=r.paperId and p.timeSubmitted<=0 and r.reviewSubmitted is null") && Dbl::ql_raw("update PaperReview r, Paper p, PaperReview rq set r.reviewNeedsSubmit=0 where p.paperId=r.paperId and p.paperId=rq.paperId and p.timeSubmitted<=0 and r.reviewType=" . REVIEW_SECONDARY . " and r.contactId=rq.requestedBy and rq.reviewType<" . REVIEW_SECONDARY . " and rq.reviewSubmitted is not null") && Dbl::ql_raw("update PaperReview r, Paper p, PaperReview rq set r.reviewNeedsSubmit=-1 where p.paperId=r.paperId and p.paperId=rq.paperId and p.timeSubmitted<=0 and r.reviewType=" . REVIEW_SECONDARY . " and r.contactId=rq.requestedBy and rq.reviewType<" . REVIEW_SECONDARY . " and r.reviewNeedsSubmit=0")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 122 && Dbl::ql("alter table ReviewRequest add `reviewRound` int(1) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 123 && Dbl::ql("update ContactInfo set disabled=1 where password='' and email regexp '^anonymous[0-9]*\$'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 124 && Dbl::ql("update ContactInfo set password='' where password='******' or passwordIsCdb")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 125 && Dbl::ql("alter table ContactInfo drop column `passwordIsCdb`")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 126 && Dbl::ql("update ContactInfo set disabled=1, password='' where email regexp '^anonymous[0-9]*\$'")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 127 && Dbl::ql("update PaperReview set reviewWordCount=null")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 128 && update_schema_bad_comment_timeDisplayed($Conf)) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 129 && Dbl::ql("update PaperComment set timeDisplayed=1 where timeDisplayed=0 and timeNotified>0")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 130 && Dbl::ql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PaperTagAnno`") && Dbl::ql("CREATE TABLE `PaperTagAnno` (\n  `tag` varchar(40) NOT NULL,   # see TAG_MAXLEN in header.php\n  `annoId` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `tagIndex` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n  `heading` varbinary(8192) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `annoFormat` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `infoJson` varbinary(32768) DEFAULT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`tag`,`annoId`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")) {
    if ($Conf->sversion == 131 && Dbl::ql("alter table PaperStorage modify `infoJson` varbinary(32768) DEFAULT NULL")) {
    Dbl::ql("delete from Settings where name='__schema_lock'");