public function getUsers($restId) { $db = new Db(); $table = "rest" . $restId . "_users"; $checkRest = restExists($table); if ($checkRest != true) { return $checkRest; } $local_query = "SELECT * FROM `{$table}`"; $result = $db->select($local_query); $userCount = count($result); $configurationTable = "rest" . $restId . "_userConfigurations"; $configurationMappingTable = "rest" . $restId . "_userConfigurationMapping"; $userTable = "rest" . $restId . "_users"; $local_query = "SELECT M.`userID`,M.`configurationID`, C.`configurationName`,C.`configurationDisplayText`, C.`configurationType`, \n\t\tC.`configurationTag`, C.`configurationValueBinary`, C.`configurationValueText`, C.`configurationValueDecimal`, C.`comments`,M.`isAllowed` FROM \n\t\t`{$configurationMappingTable}` AS M INNER JOIN `{$configurationTable}` AS C ON `M`.`configurationID` = `C`.`configurationID` \n\t\tORDER BY M.`userID`, M.`configurationID`"; $resultConfiguration = $db->select($local_query); $configurationCount = count($resultConfiguration); for ($i = 0; $i < $userCount; $i++) { $result[$i]['Permissions'] = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < $configurationCount; $j++) { if ($result[$i]['ID'] == $resultConfiguration[$j]['userID']) { array_push($result[$i]['Permissions'], $resultConfiguration[$j]); } } } for ($i = 0; $i < $userCount; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j <= count($result[$i]['Permissions']); $j++) { unset($result[$i]['Permissions'][$j]['userID']); } } $response = array(); $response["Users"] = $result; return $response; }
/** * Example of an Endpoint */ protected function games($_args) { // var_dump($this->method); // var_dump($this->endpoint); // var_dump($this->verb); // var_dump($this->args); // var_dump($this->file); // var_dump($this->request); $db = new Db(); if ($this->method == 'GET') { // /games/id if (count($this->args)) { return $this->_response($db->select($this->endpoint, $this->args[0])); // /games/search?name=value } elseif ($this->verb === "search") { return $this->_response($db->search($this->endpoint, $this->request)); // /games/ } else { return $this->_response($db->select($this->endpoint)); } // /games/?name=value1&description=value2 } elseif ($this->method == 'POST') { return $this->_response($db->insert($this->endpoint, $this->request)); } elseif ($this->method == 'PUT') { return $this->_response("UPDATE method not found", 404); } elseif ($this->method == 'DELETE') { return $this->_response("DELETE method not found", 404); } else { return $this->_response("Request error ", 500); } }
public function getDiscountInfo($restId) { $table = "rest" . $restId . "_discountMaster"; $checkRest = restExists($table); if ($checkRest != true) { return $checkRest; } $discountVoucherTable = "rest" . $restId . "_discountVoucher"; $discountSlotsTable = "rest" . $restId . "_discountSlots"; $db = new Db(); $local_query = "SELECT * FROM `{$table}`"; $result = $db->select($local_query); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { if ($value["isVoucherEnabled"]) { $temp = $value["discountID"]; $voucher_query = "SELECT `ID`, `voucherCode`, `validFromUTC`,\n \t\t\t `validFromLocal`, `validToUTC`, `validToLocal`, `timeZone`, `isUsed`,\n \t\t\t `orderIDUsedOn`, `customerID` FROM `{$discountVoucherTable}` WHERE discountID = '{$temp}'"; $voucher = $db->select($voucher_query); $result[$key]["Voucher Details"] = $voucher; } } foreach ($result as $key => $value) { if ($value["isSlotted"]) { $temp = $value["discountID"]; $slot_query = "SELECT * FROM `{$discountSlotsTable}` WHERE discountID = '{$temp}'"; $slot = $db->select($voucher_query); $result[$key]["Slot Details"] = $slot; } } return $result; }
function init($module, $lang, $language, $idURL, $categorie, $sscategorie, $type, $sort, $order, $page, $settings, $search) { $getColumn = Db::select(TABLE_PREFIX . CATEGORIE_NOM, "0"); $output = ""; $output = TemplateAdd::debutadd($module, $lang, $language, $categorie, $sscategorie, $sort, $order, $page, $search); for ($i = 0; $i < Db::num_fields($getColumn); $i++) { // Boucle sur les colonnes $column = Db::fetch_field($getColumn); $column = $column->name; $add = ""; $column = Utils::findColumn($column, $language); $field = Utils::findField($column); // Trouve le type de donne et affiche le input adequat if ($field == "id" && $settings['blanc']['showId'] == true || $field != "id") { if (@(!(include_once 'fields/' . $field . '.field.php'))) { // Regarde si le champ est predefini. Si pas, on utilise le champ txt par defaut $field = "txt"; } else { if (class_exists($field)) { $add = stripslashes(htmlentities($add, ENT_QUOTES, "iso-8859-1")); $getValue = new $field($lang, $add, $column, "", $categorie, $sscategorie, "add", $sort, $page, $settings); $add = $getValue->add; if ($this->exclusion($sscategorie, $column)) { $output .= TemplateAdd::add($add); } } } } } $output .= TemplateAdd::finadd($module, $lang); return $output; }
/** * 收藏列表 * * @param array $condition 检索条件 * @param obj $obj_page 分页对象 * @return array 数组类型的返回结果 */ public function getFavoritesList($condition, $page = '') { $condition_str = $this->_condition($condition); $param = array('table' => 'flea_favorites', 'where' => $condition_str, 'order' => $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : 'fav_time desc'); $result = Db::select($param, $page); return $result; }
public static function getList($query = '', $vars = array()) { if (empty($query)) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . self::getDbTable(); } return self::_getList(Db::select($query, $vars)); }
public function backupInit($config) { F('_backup_', '[del]'); //创建目录 if (!is_dir($config['dir']) && !mkdir($config['dir'], 0755, true)) { View::error('目录创建失败', $config['url']); } $table = Db::getAllTableInfo(); $table = $table['table']; foreach ($table as $d) { //limit起始数 $table[$d['tablename']]['first'] = 0; //文件编号 $table[$d['tablename']]['fileId'] = 1; } $cache['table'] = $table; $cache['config'] = $config; //备份表结构 $tables = Db::getAllTableInfo(); $sql = "<?php if(!defined('HDPHP_PATH'))EXIT;\n"; foreach ($tables['table'] as $table => $data) { $createSql = Db::select("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}"); $sql .= "Db::execute(\"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$table}\");\n"; $sql .= "Db::execute(\"{$createSql[0]['Create Table']}\");\n"; } if (file_put_contents($config['dir'] . '/structure.php', $sql)) { file_put_contents($config['dir'] . '/config.php', "<?php return " . var_export($config, true) . ";"); F('_backup_', $cache); return true; } else { F('_backup_' . '[del]'); $this->error = '表结构备份失败'; return false; } }
public function getshou($condition, $page = '') { $condition_str = $this->_condition($condition); $param = array('table' => 'taolun', 'where' => $condition_str, 'order' => $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : 'add_time desc'); $result = Db::select($param, $page); return $result; }
public function Retrive($cin) { $bdd = new Db(); $query = "SELECT * FROM card WHERE cin=" . $cin; $result = $bdd->select($query); return $result; }
function init($module, $lang, $language, $idURL, $categorie, $sscategorie, $type, $sort, $order, $page, $settings, $search) { $getEntry = Db::select(TABLE_PREFIX . CATEGORIE_NOM, $idURL); $entry = Db::fetch_row($getEntry); $getColumn = Db::select(TABLE_PREFIX . CATEGORIE_NOM, "0"); $output = ""; $output = TemplateUpdate::debutupdate($module, $lang, $language, $categorie, $sscategorie, $sort, $order, $page, $idURL, $search); for ($i = 0; $i < Db::num_fields($getColumn); $i++) { // Boucle sur les colonnes $column = Db::fetch_field($getColumn); $column = $column->name; $update = $entry[$i]; $column = Utils::findColumn($column, $language); $field = Utils::findField($column); // Trouve le type de donné et affiche le input adéquat if ($field == "id" && $settings['blanc']['showId'] == true || $field != "id") { if (@(!(include_once 'fields/' . $field . '.field.php'))) { // Regarde si le champ est prédéfini. Si pas, on utilise le champ txt par défaut $field = "txt"; } else { if (class_exists($field)) { if ($field == "date") { $update = Utils::datefr($update); } $update = stripslashes(htmlentities($update, ENT_QUOTES, "iso-8859-1")); $getValue = new $field($lang, $update, $column, $idURL, $categorie, $sscategorie, $type, $sort, $page, $settings); $update = $getValue->update; $output .= TemplateUpdate::update($update); } } } } $output .= TemplateUpdate::finupdate($module, $lang); return $output; }
/** * @return array */ public function fetch() { $query = $this->db->select('*', $this->table, $this->where, $this->order, $this->limit); $results = $this->db->fetchAssoc($query); $return = array(); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $result) { $item = new $this->class(); foreach ($result as $name => $value) { $item->{":{$name}"} = $value; } $return[] = $item; } } return $return; }
/** * 好友列表 * * @param array $condition 条件数组 * @param string $field 显示字段 * @param obj $obj_page 分页 * @param string $type 查询类型 */ public function listFriend($condition, $field = '*', $obj_page = '', $type = 'simple') { //得到条件语句 $condition_str = $this->getCondition($condition); $param = array(); switch ($type) { case 'simple': $param['table'] = 'sns_friend'; break; case 'detail': $param['table'] = 'sns_friend,member'; $param['join_type'] = 'INNER JOIN'; $param['join_on'] = array('sns_friend.friend_tomid=member.member_id'); break; case 'fromdetail': $param['table'] = 'sns_friend,member'; $param['join_type'] = 'INNER JOIN'; $param['join_on'] = array('sns_friend.friend_frommid=member.member_id'); break; } $param['where'] = $condition_str; $param['field'] = $field; $param['order'] = $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : 'sns_friend.friend_id desc'; $param['limit'] = $condition['limit']; $param['group'] = $condition['group']; $friend_list = Db::select($param, $obj_page); return $friend_list; }
public function getComplainGoods($condition = '', $page = '') { $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'complain_goods'; $param['where'] = $this->getCondition($condition); $param['order'] = $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : ' complain_goods_id desc '; return Db::select($param, $page); }
public static function rawClientes($where = null) { if ($where) { $sql = Db::select("\n select, c.nome, ci.nome as cidade, uf.uf, ra.ramo_atividade, if(f.cliente_id IS NOT NULL, true, null) as is_fisica, if(j.cliente_id IS NOT NULL, true, null) as is_juridica, j.nome_fantasia, j.inscricao_municipal from cliente c\n left join cliente_pf f on f.cliente_id =\n left join cliente_pj j on j.cliente_id =\n left join ramo_atividade ra on = c.ramo_atividade_id\n left join cidade ci on = c.cidade_id\n left join uf on = c.uf_id\n\n where ativo = '1' and (nome like '%" . $where . "%' or nome_fantasia like '%" . $where . "%' or cidade like '%" . $where . "%' or uf like '%" . $where . "%' or ramo_atividade like '%" . $where . "%')\n\n group by order by c.nome\n\n "); return $sql; } return Db::select("\n select, c.nome, ci.nome as cidade, uf.uf, ra.ramo_atividade, if(f.cliente_id IS NOT NULL, true, null) as is_fisica, if(j.cliente_id IS NOT NULL, true, null) as is_juridica, j.nome_fantasia, j.inscricao_municipal from cliente c\n left join cliente_pf f on f.cliente_id =\n left join cliente_pj j on j.cliente_id =\n left join ramo_atividade ra on = c.ramo_atividade_id\n left join cidade ci on = c.cidade_id\n left join uf on = c.uf_id\n\n where ativo = '1'\n group by order by c.nome\n\n "); }
/** * 列表 * * @param array $condition 检索条件 * @param obj $page 分页 * @return array 数组结构的返回结果 */ public function getLinkList($condition,$page=''){ $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'mb_category'; // $param['where'] = $condition_str; $param['order'] = $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : 'gc_id'; $result = Db::select($param,$page); return $result; }
public function getAllAttr($goods_id, $type_id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM hd_goods_attr ga \n\t\t\t\tRIGHT JOIN hd_shop_attr sa \n\t\t\t\tON ga.attr_id=sa.attr_id \n\t\t\t\tWHERE sa.shop_type_id = {$type_id}\n\t\t\t\tAND (ga.goods_id={$goods_id} OR ga.goods_id is null) \n\t\t\t\tORDER BY sa.attr_type DESC, sa.attr_id ASC"; $data = Db::select($sql); // $data = Db::table('goods_attr ga')->rightJoin('shop_attr sa','ga.attr_id','=','sa.attr_id')->where('sa.shop_type_id',$shop_type_id)->get(); return $data; // return $this->where('goods_id',$goods_id)->get(); }
public static function pos($inmueble) { $pos = Db::fetchOne(Db::select(array('pos' => 'MAX(posicion)'), 'inmuebles_paginas', array('inmueble_id' => $inmueble))); if (empty($pos)) { $pos = 0; } return $pos; }
public function getInformSubjectType($condition = '', $page = '') { $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'inform_subject_type'; $param['where'] = $this->getCondition($condition); $param['order'] = $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : ' inform_type_id desc '; return Db::select($param, $page); }
public function getMenu($restId) { $db = new Db(); $table = "rest" . $restId . "_menu"; $local_query = "SELECT * FROM `{$table}` WHERE isActive=1 AND menuID "; $data = $db->select($local_query); return $data; }
/** * 列表 * * @param array $condition 检索条件 * @param obj $page 分页 * @return array 数组结构的返回结果 */ public function getList($condition, $page = '') { $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'mb_feedback'; $param['order'] = 'ftime desc'; $result = Db::select($param, $page); return $result; }
/** * 模板列表 * * @param array $condition 检索条件 * @return array 数组形式的返回结果 */ public function getTemplatesList($condition) { $condition_str = $this->_condition($condition); $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'mail_msg_temlates'; $param['where'] = $condition_str; $result = Db::select($param); return $result; }
/** * 列表 * * @param array $condition 检索条件 * @param obj $page 分页 * @return array 数组结构的返回结果 */ public function getLinkList($condition,$page=''){ $condition_str = $this->_condition($condition); $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'link'; $param['where'] = $condition_str; $param['order'] = $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : 'link_id'; $result = Db::select($param,$page); return $result; }
public function getActiveComplainSubject($condition = '', $page = '') { //搜索条件 $condition['complain_subject_state'] = 1; $param['table'] = 'complain_subject'; $param['where'] = $this->getCondition($condition); $param['order'] = $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : ' complain_subject_id desc '; return Db::select($param, $page); }
function tbladdressbook() { $db = new Db(); $rows = $db->select("SELECT ID, addressbook_FullName,addressbook_AddressLine1,addressbook_AddressLine2 FROM dbtest.addressbook"); echo "<table border=1 style= width:100%><th> Full Name</th><th>Address Line1</th><th>Address Line 2</th></tr>"; foreach ($rows as $col => $val) { echo '<td><a href="addressbook_edit.php?id=' . $val['ID'] . '">' . $val['addressbook_FullName'] . ' </a></td><td>' . $val["addressbook_AddressLine1"] . "</td><td>" . $val["addressbook_AddressLine2"] . "</td></tr>"; } }
/** * 列表 * * @param array $condition 检索条件 * @return array 数组结构的返回结果 */ public function getUploadList($condition) { $condition_str = $this->_condition($condition); $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'album_pic'; $param['where'] = $condition_str; $result = Db::select($param); return $result; }
/** * 类别列表 * * @param array $condition 检索条件 * @return array 数组结构的返回结果 */ public function getClassList($condition){ $condition_str = $this->_condition($condition); $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'article_class'; $param['where'] = $condition_str; $param['order'] = empty($condition['order'])?'ac_parent_id asc,ac_sort asc,ac_id asc':$condition['order']; $result = Db::select($param); return $result; }
public function getComplainTalk($condition = '', $page = '', $field = '*') { $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'complain_talk'; $param['field'] = $field; $param['where'] = $this->getCondition($condition); $param['order'] = $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : ' talk_id desc '; return Db::select($param, $page); }
/** * 列表 * * @param array $condition 检索条件 * @param obj $page 分页 * @return array 数组结构的返回结果 */ public function getNavigationList($condition,$page){ $condition_str = $this->_condition($condition); $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'navigation'; $param['where'] = $condition_str; $param['order'] = $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : 'nav_id'; $result = Db::select($param,$page); return $result; }
/** * 图片列表 * * @param array $condition 查询条件 * @param obj $page 分页对象 * @return array 二维数组 */ public function getPicList($condition, $page = '', $field = '*') { $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'album_pic'; $param['where'] = $this->getCondition($condition); $param['order'] = $condition['order'] ? $condition['order'] : 'apic_id desc'; $param['field'] = $field; return Db::select($param, $page); }
/** * 根据条件 * * @param array $condition 查询条件 * @param obj $page 分页对象 * @return array 二维数组 */ public function getJoinList($condition,$page=''){ $param = array(); $param['table'] = 'activity,activity_detail'; $param['join_type'] = empty($condition['join_type'])?'right join':$condition['join_type']; $param['join_on'] = array('activity.activity_id=activity_detail.activity_id'); $param['where'] = $this->getCondition($condition); $param['order'] = $condition['order']; return Db::select($param,$page); }