Пример #1
    public function createPdf()
        $salesPersonId = JFactory::getSession()->get('salesPersonId');
        //$filter = JRequest::getVar('filter', array('name' => "", 'code' => "", 'merchant_id' => "", 'fromdate' => "", 'todate' => ""));
        //$filter = JRequest::getVar('filter',array(),'post','array');
        $currency_prefix = JModel::getInstance('setting', 'enmasseModel')->getCurrencyPrefix();
        $dealList = JModel::getInstance('deal', 'enmasseModel')->searchBySaleReports($salesPersonId, JRequest::getVar('name'), JRequest::getVar('merchant_id'), JRequest::getVar('fromdate'), JRequest::getVar('todate'), JRequest::getVar('code'));
        if (empty($dealList)) {
            return null;
        $result = '<table style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5; border-collapse: collapse;"><tr valign="middle"><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="50">' . JText::_("No") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" width="150">' . JText::_("Deal Code") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" width="150">' . JText::_("Deal Name") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" width="100">' . JText::_("Merchant") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Qty Sold") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Unit Price") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Total Sales") . '</th></tr>';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($dealList as $row) {
            $merchant_name = JModel::getInstance('merchant', 'enmasseModel')->retrieveName($row->merchant_id);
            $total_sales = $row->price * $row->cur_sold_qty;
            $result .= '<tr>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $i . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $row->deal_code . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $row->name . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $merchant_name . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $row->cur_sold_qty . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency_prefix . $row->price . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency_prefix . $total_sales . '</td></tr>';
            $total_amount += $total_sales;
        $result .= '<tr><td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" colspan="6" style="text-align:right" >Total Amount: </td>
					<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency_prefix . $total_amount . '</td></tr></table>';
        require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_enmasse' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html2pdf' . DS . 'html2pdf.class.php';
        $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en');
        $outFileName = 'report-' . DatetimeWrapper::getDateOfNow() . '.pdf';
        $html2pdf->Output($outFileName, 'I');
Пример #2
$price = $price * $cartItem->getCount();
// currencty to be default as GBP if it's not set in payment configuration
$currency = "GBP";
if (isset($this->attributeConfig->CURRENCY) && trim($this->attributeConfig->CURRENCY) != "") {
    $currency = $this->attributeConfig->CURRENCY;
// account to be "internet" if it's not set in payment configuration
$account = "internet";
if (isset($this->attributeConfig->ACCOUNT) && trim($this->attributeConfig->ACCOUNT) != "") {
    $account = $this->attributeConfig->ACCOUNT;
$merchantId = $this->attributeConfig->MERCHANT_ID;
$secret = $this->attributeConfig->SECRET;
$orderId = $this->orderId;
// time stamp
$timestamp = DatetimeWrapper::getDateOfNow('YmdHis');
// hash value
$hash = sha1($timestamp . "." . $merchantId . "." . $orderId . "." . $price . "." . $currency);
$doubleHash = sha1($hash . "." . $secret);
// store the hash into session
$session =& JFactory::getSession();
$session->set("realExHash", $doubleHash);
// not used
$returnUrl = JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_enmasse&controller=payment&task=notifyUrl&payClass=realex';

<form name="paymentForm" action="https://epage.payandshop.com/epage.cgi" method="post">

	<input type="hidden" name="MERCHANT_ID" value="<?php 
echo $merchantId;
Пример #3
    public static function pdf()
        $filter = JRequest::getVar('filter', array('name' => "", 'code' => "", 'merchant_id' => "", 'fromdate' => "", 'todate' => ""));
        $dealList = JModel::getInstance('salereports', 'enmasseModel')->search($filter['code'], $filter['name'], $filter['saleperson_id'], $filter['merchant_id'], $filter['fromdate'], $filter['todate']);
        $currency = JModel::getInstance('setting', 'enmasseModel')->getCurrencyPrefix();
        if (empty($dealList)) {
            $msg = JText::_("NO_SALE_REPORT");
            JFactory::getApplication()->redirect("index.php?option=com_enmasse&controller=saleReports", $msg, 'notice');
            return false;
        $result = '<table style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5; border-collapse: collapse;"><tr valign="middle"><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="30">' . JText::_("No") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Deal Code") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Deal Name") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="60">' . JText::_("Merchant") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="60">' . JText::_("Qty Sold") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Unit Price") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Total Sales") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Commission Percentage") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="left" width="150">' . JText::_("Total Commission Amount") . '</th></tr>';
        $i = 0;
        $total_commission_amount = 0;
        foreach ($dealList as $row) {
            $merchant_name = JModel::getInstance('merchant', 'enmasseModel')->retrieveName($row->merchant_id);
            $total_sales = $row->price * $row->cur_sold_qty;
            $total_amount = $total_sales * $row->commission_percent / 100;
            $result .= '<tr>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $i . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $row->deal_code . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $row->name . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $merchant_name . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $row->cur_sold_qty . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency . $row->price . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency . $total_sales . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $row->commission_percent . ' % </td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency . $total_amount . '</td></tr>';
            $total_commission_amount += $total_amount;
        $result .= '<tr><td style="border-right:1px dotted #D5D5D5; text-align:right" colspan="8"   >Total: </td>
					<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" align="center">' . $currency . $total_commission_amount . '</td></tr></table>';
        require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_enmasse' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html2pdf' . DS . 'html2pdf.class.php';
        $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en');
        $outFileName = 'report-' . DatetimeWrapper::getDateOfNow() . '.pdf';
        $html2pdf->Output($outFileName, 'I');
        // It will be called downloaded.pdf