echo $friend["hebBirthday"]; ?> </td><td><?php echo $friend["dateThisYear"]; ?> </td> </tr><?php } ?> </table> <b><u>Your friends special dates in the coming week:</u></b> <table> <tr><th>Name</th><th>Event</th><th>Hebrew Date</th><th>Next Occurance</th></tr> <?php $friendlist = $_REQUEST['fb_sig_friends']; $specialDays = DateRecord::findByWhere('DateRecord', "uid in({$friendlist})"); foreach ($specialDays as $friend) { if (strtotime($friend->getNextOccurance()) > strtotime('+1 week')) { break; } ?> <tr> <td width='200'> <a href="moreDates/?action=index&uid=<?php echo $friend->data["uid"]; ?> "> <fb:name uid='<?php echo $friend->data["uid"]; ?> ' capitalize='true' shownetwork='true' />
for ($i = 0; $i < 70; $i++) { $cdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(jdtogregorian(jewishtojd($aTodayHebrew[0], $aTodayHebrew[1], $aTodayHebrew[2] - $i)))); $cDates[$i] = $cdate; } $cDatesStr = join("','", $cDates); $iLimit = isset($_REQUEST['limit']) ? $_REQUEST['limit'] : 0; $iStopLimit = isset($_REQUEST['toLimit']) ? $_REQUEST['toLimit'] : 300; $i = 0; $actualPosts = 0; ?> <h1><a href="?limit=<?php echo $iLimit + $iStopLimit; ?> ">Next -></a></h1><?php flush(); $specialDays = DateRecord::findByWhere('DateRecord', "originalDate in('{$cDatesStr}') LIMIT {$iLimit}, {$iStopLimit}"); print_r_debug($specialDays); foreach ($specialDays as $rs) { $userRecord = $rs->getUserRecord(); $facebook->user = $rs->data['uid']; $facebook->api_client->session_key = $userRecord->data['sessionId']; try { generateAndPublishFeed($rs); $i++; } catch (FacebookRestClientException $e) { print_r($e); } if ($i % 20 == 0) { ob_flush(); flush(); }
<?php $debug = false; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinclude.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helpers.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/dateRecord.php'; if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $action = strtolower($_REQUEST['action']); } else { $action = 'index'; } switch ($action) { case 'index': $uid = $user; $records = DateRecord::findByWhere('DateRecord', "uid={$uid}"); if (isset($_REQUEST['insertedId'])) { $insertedRecord = DateRecord::findById('DateRecord', $_REQUEST['insertedId']); } if (count($records) == 0) { $action = 'welcome'; } break; case 'show': $rec = DateRecord::findById('DateRecord', $_REQUEST['id']); break; case 'new': $rec = new DateRecord(); $nextAction = "create"; $action = 'edit'; break; case 'create':
function updateJDateProfile($updateDB = true) { global $facebook; global $bBornAfterSunset, $profileDesign, $displayCurrent, $displayLink, $birthday, $success; dbConnect(); if (isset($_POST["Submit"]) && $_POST["Submit"] == "Submit" && $updateDB) { $strBornAfterSunset = ""; if (isset($_POST["chkSunset"]) && $_POST["chkSunset"] == "on") { $strBornAfterSunset = "true"; } else { $strBornAfterSunset = "false"; } $profileDesign = isset($_POST["profileDesign"]) ? $_POST["profileDesign"] : 1; $displayCurrent = isset($_REQUEST["chkToday"]); $displayLink = isset($_REQUEST["chkExplanation"]); $sql = "UPDATE fbJewishDates SET BornAtNight={$strBornAfterSunset}, style={$profileDesign}, displayLink='{$displayLink}', displayCurrent='{$displayCurrent}' WHERE uid={$facebook->user}"; mysql_query($sql) or die("You must un-install and re-install this app"); $success = true; } $sql = "SELECT BornAtNight, Birthday, style, displayCurrent, displayLink FROM fbJewishDates WHERE uid='{$facebook->user}'"; $results = mysql_query($sql); if (!($rs = mysql_fetch_assoc($results))) { addBirthdayRecord(); $results = mysql_query($sql); $rs = mysql_fetch_assoc($results); } mysql_close(); $bBornAfterSunset = $rs['BornAtNight']; $profileDesign = $rs['style']; $displayCurrent = $rs['displayCurrent']; $displayLink = $rs['displayLink']; $birthday = date("M d, Y", strtotime($rs['Birthday'])); //$userInfo = $facebook->api_client->fql_query("SELECT birthday FROM user WHERE uid=$user"); //$birthday = $userInfo[0]['birthday']; $fbml = printJewishBirthday($birthday, $bBornAfterSunset, $profileDesign, $displayCurrent, $displayLink); $mobileFBML = $fbml; $mainFBML = $fbml; $ahebdate = explode("/", strGregToHeb($birthday, false, $bornAtNight)); $info_fields = array(array('field' => 'My Hebrew Birthday', 'items' => array(array('label' => strGregToHeb($birthday, true, $bBornAfterSunset), 'description' => 'A kabbalisticly powerful day.', 'link' => ''))), array('field' => 'Next Occurence', 'items' => array(array('label' => dateThisYear($ahebdate), 'description' => 'The next gregorian date that will corespond with my Hebrew Birthday', 'link' => '')))); $moreFBML = '<b><u>Special Dates</u></b><br />'; $specialDays = DateRecord::findByWhere('DateRecord', "uid={$facebook->user}"); foreach ($specialDays as $friend) { $moreFBML .= '<div><b>' . $friend->data['title'] . ':</b>' . $friend->getHebrewDate('longeng') . ' - ' . $friend->getNextOccurance() . '</div>'; $info_fields[] = array('field' => $friend->data['title'], 'items' => array(array('label' => $friend->getHebrewDate('longeng'), 'description' => 'Hebrew Date', 'link' => ''), array('label' => 'Next Occurance: ' . $friend->getNextOccurance(), 'description' => 'Gregorian Date this coming year', 'link' => ''))); } $facebook->api_client->profile_setFBML($fbml . $moreFBML, $facebook->profileID, $fbml . $moreFBML, NULL, $mobileFBML, $mainFBML); $facebook->api_client->profile_setInfo('Jewish Dates', 1, $info_fields, $user); $refValue = "Todays Hebrew Date is:<br />" . strGregToHeb(date("M d, Y"), true); $facebook->api_client->fbml_setRefHandle("Today_H", $refValue); $facebook->api_client->fbml_setRefHandle("Message", "<fb:subtitle><a href=''>Add this to my profile.</a></fb:subtitle>"); //<div style='text-align:center;color:red;'>Help 'Jewish Dates'.<br />Support <a href=''>Chabad of New Paltz</a><hr /></div> $facebook->api_client->fbml_setRefHandle("Explanation", "<a href=''>What is a Jewish Birthday?</a>"); }