function FeedItems() { $output = new DataObjectSet(); include_once(Director::getAbsFile(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/simplepie/SimplePie.php')); $t1 = microtime(true); $this->feed = new SimplePie($this->AbsoluteRssUrl, TEMP_FOLDER); $this->feed->init(); if($items = $this->feed->get_items(0, $this->NumberToShow)) { foreach($items as $item) { // Cast the Date $date = new Date('Date'); $date->setValue($item->get_date()); // Cast the Title $title = new Text('Title'); $title->setValue($item->get_title()); $output->push(new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => $title, 'Date' => $date, 'Link' => $item->get_link() ))); } return $output; } }
public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $createdDate = new Date(); $createdDate->setValue($this->Created); $reviewer = $this->Member()->Name; $email = $this->Member()->Email; $star = "★"; $emptyStar = "☆"; $fields->insertBefore(LiteralField::create('reviewer', '<p>Written by <strong>' . $this->getMemberDetails() . '</strong><br />' . $createdDate->Format('l F jS Y h:i:s A') . '</p>'), 'Title'); $fields->insertBefore(CheckboxField::create('Approved'), 'Title'); $starRatings = $this->StarRatings(); foreach ($starRatings as $starRating) { $cat = $starRating->StarRatingCategory; $stars = str_repeat($star, $starRating->Rating); $ratingStars = $stars; $maxRating = $starRating->MaxRating - $starRating->Rating; $emptyStarRepeat = str_repeat($emptyStar, $maxRating); $emptyStars = $emptyStarRepeat; /* 4/5 Stars */ $ratingInfo = $ratingStars . $emptyStars . ' (' . $starRating->Rating . ' of ' . $starRating->MaxRating . ' Stars)'; $fields->insertBefore(ReadonlyField::create('rating_' . $cat, $cat, html_entity_decode($ratingInfo, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')), 'Title'); } $fields->removeByName('StarRatings'); $fields->removeByName('MemberID'); $fields->removeByName('ProductID'); return $fields; }
/** * Returns a list of months where blog posts are present. * * @return DataList */ public function getArchive() { $query = $this->Blog()->getBlogPosts()->dataQuery(); if ($this->ArchiveType == 'Yearly') { $query->groupBy('DATE_FORMAT("PublishDate", \'%Y\')'); } else { $query->groupBy('DATE_FORMAT("PublishDate", \'%Y-%M\')'); } $posts = $this->Blog()->getBlogPosts()->setDataQuery($query); if ($this->NumberToDisplay > 0) { $posts = $posts->limit($this->NumberToDisplay); } $archive = new ArrayList(); if ($posts->count() > 0) { foreach ($posts as $post) { /** * @var BlogPost $post */ $date = new Date(); $date->setValue($post->PublishDate); if ($this->ArchiveType == 'Yearly') { $year = $date->FormatI18N("%Y"); $month = null; $title = $year; } else { $year = $date->FormatI18N("%Y"); $month = $date->FormatI18N("%m"); $title = $date->FormatI18N("%B %Y"); } $archive->push(new ArrayData(array('Title' => $title, 'Link' => Controller::join_links($this->Blog()->Link('archive'), $year, $month)))); } } return $archive; }
/** * Gets a list of all the items in the RSS feed given a user-provided URL, limit, and date format * * @return ArrayList */ public function RSSItems() { if (!$this->FeedURL) { return false; } $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->load($this->FeedURL); $items = $doc->getElementsByTagName('item'); $feeds = array(); foreach ($items as $node) { $itemRSS = array('title' => $node->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'desc' => $node->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'link' => $node->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'date' => $node->getElementsByTagName('pubDate')->item(0)->nodeValue); $feeds[] = $itemRSS; } $output = ArrayList::create(array()); $count = 0; foreach ($feeds as $item) { if ($count >= $this->Count) { break; } // Cast the Date $date = new Date('Date'); $date->setValue($item['date']); // Cast the Title $title = new Text('Title'); $title->setValue($item['title']); $output->push(new ArrayData(array('Title' => $title, 'Date' => $date->Format($this->DateFormat), 'Link' => $item['link']))); $count++; } return $output; }
function testLongDate() { /* "24 May 2006" style formatting of Date::Long() */ $cases = array('2003-4-3' => '3 April 2003', '3/4/2003' => '3 April 2003'); foreach ($cases as $original => $expected) { $date = new Date(); $date->setValue($original); $this->assertEquals($expected, $date->Long()); } }
/** * @param GridField $grid * @return array */ public function getHTMLFragments($grid) { $cols = new ArrayList(); foreach ($grid->getColumns() as $name) { $meta = $grid->getColumnMetadata($name); $cols->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => $name, 'Title' => $meta['title']))); } $days = new ArrayList(); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $date = new Date(); $date->setValue(date('d-m-Y', strtotime('+' . $i . ' days', strtotime($this->startDate)))); $isHoliday = in_array($date->Format('Y-m-d'), $this->holidays); $days->push(new ArrayData(array('Day' => $date->Format('l'), 'IsHoliday' => $isHoliday))); } return array('header' => $cols->renderWith('RosterGridFieldTitleHeader', array('StartDate' => $this->startDate, 'Days' => $days))); }
private function getNotifications($request) { $currentUserID = Member::currentUser()->ID; $notifications = MemberNotification::get()->innerJoin('MemberNotification_NotificationMembers', '"MemberNotification"."ID"="MemberNotification_NotificationMembers"."MemberNotificationID"')->where("\"MemberNotification_NotificationMembers\".\"MemberID\" = {$currentUserID}")->sort('LastEdited', 'DESC'); $notificationArray = array(); if ($notifications) { foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $notificationReadStatus = DB::query("Select ReadStatus FROM \"MemberNotification_NotificationMembers\"\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \"MemberNotificationID\" = {$notification->ID} AND \"MemberID\" = {$currentUserID} LIMIT 1")->value(); $date = new Date(); $date->setValue($notification->LastEdited); $user = Member::get()->byID($notification->CreatedByMemberID); $notificationArray[] = array("id" => $notification->ID, "title" => $notification->MemberNotificationTitle, "message" => $notification->MemberNotificationMessage, "date" => $date->Format('j M Y'), "user" => $user ? $user->FirstName . ' ' . $user->SurName : '', "read" => $notificationReadStatus); } } return $this->jsonPacket($notificationArray); }
/** * *@return SQLQuery **/ public function apply(DataQuery $query) { $value = $this->getValue(); $date = new Date(); $date->setValue($value); $distanceFromToday = time() - strtotime($value); $maxDays = round($distanceFromToday / ($this->divider * 2 * 86400)) + 1; $formattedDate = $date->format("Y-m-d"); $db = DB::getConn(); if ($db instanceof PostgreSQLDatabase) { // don't know whether functions should be used, hence the following code using an interval cast to an integer $query->where("(\"Order\".\"LastEdited\"::date - '{$formattedDate}'::date)::integer > -" . $maxDays . " AND (\"Order\".\"Created\"::date - '{$formattedDate}'::date)::integer < " . $maxDays); } else { // default is MySQL DATEDIFF() function - broken for others, each database conn type supported must be checked for! $query->where("(DATEDIFF(\"Order\".\"LastEdited\", '{$formattedDate}') > -" . $maxDays . " AND DATEDIFF(\"Order\".\"Created\", '{$formattedDate}') < " . $maxDays . ")"); } return $query; }
public function apply(SQLQuery $query) { $query = $this->applyRelation($query); $value = $this->getValue(); $date = new Date(); $date->setValue($value); $formattedDate = $date->format("Y-m-d"); // changed for PostgreSQL compatability // NOTE - we may wish to add DATEDIFF function to PostgreSQL schema, it's just that this would be the FIRST function added for SilverStripe $db = DB::getConn(); if ($db instanceof PostgreSQLDatabase) { // don't know whether functions should be used, hence the following code using an interval cast to an integer return $query->where("(\"Order\".\"Created\"::date - '{$formattedDate}'::date)::integer > -" . self::get_how_many_days_around() . " AND (\"Order\".\"Created\"::date - '{$formattedDate}'::date)::integer < " . self::get_how_many_days_around()); } else { // default is MySQL DATEDIFF() function - broken for others, each database conn type supported must be checked for! return $query->where("(DATEDIFF(\"Order\".\"Created\", '{$formattedDate}') > -" . self::get_how_many_days_around() . " AND DATEDIFF(\"Order\".\"Created\", '{$formattedDate}') < " . self::get_how_many_days_around() . ")"); } }
function Dates() { Requirements::themedCSS('archivewidget'); $results = new DataObjectSet(); $blogHolder = $this->getBlogHolder(); $id = $blogHolder->ID; $stage = Versioned::current_stage(); $suffix = (!$stage || $stage == 'Stage') ? "" : "_$stage"; if($this->DisplayMode == 'month') { $sqlResults = DB::query("SELECT DISTINCT MONTH(`Date`) AS `Month`, YEAR(`Date`) AS `Year` FROM `SiteTree$suffix` NATURAL JOIN `BlogEntry$suffix` WHERE `ParentID` = $id ORDER BY `Date` DESC"); } else { $sqlResults = DB::query("SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(`Date`) AS `Year` FROM `SiteTree$suffix` NATURAL JOIN `BlogEntry$suffix` WHERE `ParentID` = $id ORDER BY `Date` DESC"); } if(!$sqlResults) return new DataObjectSet(); foreach($sqlResults as $sqlResult) { $date = new Date('Date'); $month = ($this->DisplayMode == 'month') ? (int)$sqlResult['Month'] : 1; $date->setValue(array( 'Day' => 1, 'Month' => $month, 'Year' => (int) $sqlResult['Year'] )); if($this->DisplayMode == 'month') { $link = $blogHolder->Link() . $sqlResult['Year']. '/' . sprintf("%'02d", $sqlResult['Month']); } else { $link = $blogHolder->Link() . $sqlResult['Year']; } $results->push(new ArrayData(array( 'Date' => $date, 'Link' => $link ))); } return $results; }
/** * *@return SQLQuery **/ public function applyOne(DataQuery $query) { //$this->model = $query->applyRelation($this->relation); $value = $this->getValue(); $date = new Date(); $date->setValue($value); $distanceFromToday = time() - strtotime($value); $maxDays = round($distanceFromToday / ($this->divider * 2 * 86400)) + 1; $formattedDate = $date->format("Y-m-d"); // changed for PostgreSQL compatability // NOTE - we may wish to add DATEDIFF function to PostgreSQL schema, it's just that this would be the FIRST function added for SilverStripe // default is MySQL DATEDIFF() function - broken for others, each database conn type supported must be checked for! $db = DB::getConn(); if ($db instanceof PostgreSQLDatabase) { // don't know whether functions should be used, hence the following code using an interval cast to an integer $query->where("(\"EcommercePayment\".\"Created\"::date - '{$formattedDate}'::date)::integer > -" . $maxDays . " AND (\"EcommercePayment\".\"Created\"::date - '{$formattedDate}'::date)::integer < " . $maxDays); } else { // default is MySQL DATEDIFF() function - broken for others, each database conn type supported must be checked for! $query->where("(DATEDIFF(\"EcommercePayment\".\"Created\", '{$formattedDate}') > -" . $maxDays . " AND DATEDIFF(\"EcommercePayment\".\"Created\", '{$formattedDate}') < " . $maxDays . ")"); } return $query; }
function FeedItems() { $output = new DataObjectSet(); // Protection against infinite loops when an RSS widget pointing to this page is added to this page if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'SimplePie')) { return $output; } include_once Director::getAbsFile(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/simplepie/'); $t1 = microtime(true); $feed = new SimplePie($this->AbsoluteRssUrl, TEMP_FOLDER); $feed->init(); if ($items = $feed->get_items(0, $this->NumberToShow)) { foreach ($items as $item) { // Cast the Date $date = new Date('Date'); $date->setValue($item->get_date()); // Cast the Title $title = new Text('Title'); $title->setValue($item->get_title()); $output->push(new ArrayData(array('Title' => $title, 'Date' => $date, 'Link' => $item->get_link()))); } return $output; } }
/** * returns a date object for use within a template * Usage: $Now.Year - Returns 2006 * @return Date The current date */ function Now() { $d = new Date(null); $d->setValue(date("Y-m-d h:i:s")); return $d; }
function Field() { if ($this->value) { $df = new Date($this->name); $df->setValue($this->dataValue()); $val = Convert::raw2xml($this->value); } else { $val = '<i>' . _t('Form.NOTSET', '(not set)') . '</i>'; } return "<span class=\"readonly\" id=\"" . $this->id() . "\">{$val}</span>"; }
function Field($properties = array()) { if ($this->valueObj) { if ($this->valueObj->isToday()) { $val = Convert::raw2xml($this->valueObj->toString($this->getConfig('dateformat')) . ' (' . _t('DateField.TODAY', 'today') . ')'); } else { $df = new Date($this->name); $df->setValue($this->dataValue()); $val = Convert::raw2xml($this->valueObj->toString($this->getConfig('dateformat')) . ', ' . $df->Ago()); } } else { $val = '<i>(' . _t('DateField.NOTSET', 'not set') . ')</i>'; } return "<span class=\"readonly\" id=\"" . $this->id() . "\">{$val}</span>"; }
/** * A user formatted date * @return string */ public function getDate() { $date = new Date(); $date->setValue($this->ts); return Convert::raw2xml($date->FormatFromSettings()); }
/** * Returns either 'holiday' or '' for use in Template * * @param int $i Iteration of days * @return string */ private function getIterationHolidayClass($i) { $date = new Date(); $thisDateString = date('d-m-Y', strtotime('+' . $i . ' days', strtotime($this->StartDate))); $date->setValue($thisDateString); return in_array($date->Format('Y-m-d'), $this->getHolidayArray()) ? 'holiday' : ''; }
public function check() { $OdeonCinemaID = (int) $this->request->param("ID"); if ($OdeonCinemaID) { if ($this->OdeonCinema = OdeonCinema::get_by_id("OdeonCinema", $OdeonCinemaID)) { $this->OdeonCinema->getCurrentFilms(); $OdeonFilmID = (int) $this->request->param("OtherID"); if ($OdeonFilmID) { if ($this->OdeonFilm = OdeonFilm::get_by_id("OdeonFilm", $OdeonFilmID)) { $maxdays = 15; $baseURL = ""; $date = new Date(); $RestfulService = new RestfulService($baseURL); $i = 0; do { $date->setValue("+{$i} day"); if (!OdeonScreening::get("OdeonScreening", implode(" AND ", array("DATE_FORMAT(ScreeningTime,'%d%m%y') = '{$date->Format("dmy")}'", "FilmID='{$OdeonFilmID}'", "CinemaID='{$OdeonCinemaID}'")))->Count()) { $query = array('date' => $date->Format("Y-m-d"), 'siteId' => $OdeonCinemaID, 'filmMasterId' => $OdeonFilmID, 'type' => 'DAY'); $RestfulService->setQueryString($query); $Response = $RestfulService->request("showtimes/day"); if (!$Response->isError()) { $html = HtmlDomParser::str_get_html($Response->getBody()); foreach ($html->find('ul') as $ul) { foreach ($ul->find('li') as $li) { $ScreeningTime = new SS_Datetime(); $ScreeningTime->setValue("{$date->Format("Y-m-d")} {$li->find('a', 0)->innertext}:00"); $checkAgainstAPI = true; if ($OdeonScreening = OdeonScreening::get_one("OdeonScreening", implode(" AND ", array("CinemaID='{$OdeonCinemaID}'", "FilmID='{$OdeonFilmID}'", "ScreeningTime='{$ScreeningTime->Rfc2822()}'")))) { $checkAgainstAPI = $OdeonScreening->checkAgainstAPI(); } else { $OdeonScreening = new OdeonScreening(); $OdeonScreening->CinemaID = $OdeonCinemaID; $OdeonScreening->FilmID = $OdeonFilmID; $OdeonScreening->ScreeningTime = $ScreeningTime->Rfc2822(); } if ($checkAgainstAPI) { $URLSegment = str_replace($baseURL, "", $li->find('a', 0)->href); $Response_init = $RestfulService->request($URLSegment, "GET", null, null, array(CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION => TRUE)); if (!$Response_init->isError()) { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->strictErrorChecking = FALSE; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom->loadHTML($Response_init->getBody()); libxml_clear_errors(); $nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('form'); $submit_url = false; $hidden_inputs = array(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { if (!$submit_url && $node->hasAttributes()) { foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) { if (!$submit_url && $attribute->nodeName == 'action') { $submit_url = $attribute->nodeValue; } } } } unset($node); $SubmitURL = ltrim($submit_url, '/'); $Cookies = $Response_init->getHeader("Set-Cookie"); if (is_array($Cookies)) { $Cookies = implode(';', $Cookies); } $Response_availability = $RestfulService->request($SubmitURL, "GET", null, null, array(CURLOPT_COOKIE => $Cookies)); if (!$Response_availability->isError()) { $html_availability = HtmlDomParser::str_get_html($Response_availability->getBody()); $ticketsTable = $html_availability->find('#tickets-table', 0); if ($ticketsTable) { $ticketsForm = $html_availability->find('#tickets', 0); $data = array("submit" => null); foreach ($ticketsTable->find('select') as $select) { $data[$select->attr["name"]] = "0"; } foreach ($ticketsTable->find('tr') as $tr) { foreach ($tr->find('td') as $td) { switch ($td->getAttribute("class")) { case "ticket-col": $OdeonScreening->Title = trim($td->innertext); break; case "price-col": $OdeonScreening->Cost = ltrim(explode(" ", trim($td->plaintext))[0], '£'); break; case "quantity-col": $Availability = 1; foreach ($td->find('select') as $select) { foreach ($select->find('option') as $option) { $Availability = $option->attr["value"]; } $data[$select->attr["name"]] = $Availability; } $Response_seats = $RestfulService->request(ltrim(html_entity_decode($ticketsForm->attr['action']), "/"), "POST", $data, null, array(CURLOPT_COOKIE => $Cookies)); if (!$Response_seats->isError()) { $html_seats = HtmlDomParser::str_get_html($Response_seats->getBody()); if (trim($html_seats->find('.step-headline', 0)->innertext) == "Choose your seats") { $OdeonScreening->Availability = $Availability; $OdeonScreening->SessionURL = $URLSegment; $OdeonScreening->duplicate(); } } break; } } } } } } } } } } else { Debug::show($query); Debug::show($Response); } } $i++; } while ($i < $maxdays); } else { echo "Not a valid film ID"; } } } else { echo "Not a valid cinema ID"; } } return $this; }
function Field() { if ($this->value) { $df = new Date($this->name); $df->setValue($this->dataValue()); if (date('Y-m-d', time()) == $this->dataValue()) { $val = Convert::raw2xml($this->value . ' (' . _t('DateField.TODAY', 'today') . ')'); } else { $val = Convert::raw2xml($this->value . ', ' . $df->Ago()); } } else { $val = '<i>(' . _t('DateField.NOTSET', 'not set') . ')</i>'; } return "<span class=\"readonly\" id=\"" . $this->id() . "\">{$val}</span>\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$this->value}\" name=\"{$this->name}\" />"; }
public function testDateProperty() { $property = new Date('AProperty'); $time = time(); //check it stores the value correctly $property->setValue($time); $this->assertEquals($time, $property->getValue()); //check the output type is correct $this->assertInstanceOf('\MongoDate', $property->__getRawValue()); //check the MorphDate objects content is correct $this->assertEquals($time, $property->__getRawValue()->sec); }