  * Helper function for generating possessions summary HTML fragment
  * @return string
  * @munt 10 HTML in strings? REALLY? That's what partials are for. Also in-line styles. Seriously. I'm going grey because of this!! - PB
 public function yourPossessions()
     $output = '';
     $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('tenants_insurance_quote');
     $possession = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_SpecPossessions($pageSession->PolicyNumber);
     $possessionsData = $possession->listPossessions();
     if (count($possessionsData) > 0) {
         $output .= '<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-possessions">';
         $output .= '<thead>';
         $output .= '  <tr>';
         $output .= '    <th>Items you have added to your policy</th>';
         $output .= '    <th colspan="2">Value</th>';
         $output .= '  </tr>';
         $output .= '</thead>';
         $output .= '<tbody>';
         foreach ($possessionsData as $key => $possession) {
             $output .= '  <tr>';
             // Line container with bottom edge
             $output .= "    <td class='description'>{$possession['category']} - Description: {$possession['description']}</td>";
             $output .= "    <td class='price'>&pound;" . number_format(doubleval($possession['value']), 2) . "</td>";
             $output .= "    <td><a id=\"removePossession{$key}\" onclick=\"removePossessionClick('{$key}'); return false;\" class=\"tertiary-colour\" href=\"#\">Remove item</a></td>";
             $output .= "  </tr>";
         $output .= '</tbody>';
         $output .= "</table>";
     return $output;
Пример #2
  * Helper function for generating view breakdown HTML fragment
  * @param bool $showAdminFees Optional switch to include admin fees, defaults to false
  * @return string
 public function viewBreakdown($includeAdminFees = true)
     // Get customer ref no and policy number
     $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('tenants_insurance_quote');
     $this->_customerReferenceNumber = $pageSession->CustomerRefNo;
     $this->_policyNumber = $pageSession->PolicyNumber;
     // Get premium values for quote
     $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote(null, null, $this->_policyNumber);
     $premiums = $quoteManager->calculatePremiums();
     $this->view->premiums = $premiums;
     // Get cover amounts
     $this->view->contentsCoverAmount = $quoteManager->getCoverAmount(Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote::CONTENTS);
     $this->view->bicyclesCoverAmount = $quoteManager->getCoverAmount(Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote::PEDALCYCLES);
     $this->view->specifiedPossessionsCoverAmount = $quoteManager->getCoverAmount(Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote::SPECIFIEDPOSSESSIONS);
     $this->view->unspecifiedPossessionsCoverAmount = $quoteManager->getCoverAmount(Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote::UNSPECIFIEDPOSSESSIONS);
     // Get any sharer occupation details
     $sharersManager = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Sharers();
     $sharerData = $sharersManager->getSharers($this->_policyNumber);
     $this->view->sharer1 = !is_null($sharerData) ? $sharerData->getSharerOccupation(1) : '';
     $this->view->sharer2 = !is_null($sharerData) ? $sharerData->getSharerOccupation(2) : '';
     // Get specified possessions info
     $possession = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_SpecPossessions($this->_policyNumber);
     $this->view->possessions = $possession->listPossessions();
     // Get bicycle info
     $bike = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_Cycles($this->_customerReferenceNumber, $this->_policyNumber);
     $this->view->bicycles = $bike->listBikes();
     // Get Current IPT percentage
     $quote = $quoteManager->getQuoteObject();
     $postcode = $quote->propertyPostcode;
     $taxDatasource = new Datasource_Core_Tax();
     $tax = $taxDatasource->getTaxbyTypeAndPostcode('ipt', $postcode);
     $ipt = 1 + $tax['rate'];
     // Get admin fees, if required
     if ($includeAdminFees) {
         $fees = $quoteManager->getFees();
         $this->view->feeMonthly = $fees->tenantspMonthlyFee;
         $this->view->feeAnnual = 0;
         // TODO: parameterise?  Legacy DB and fee object currently don't handle annual fees
     } else {
         $this->view->feeMonthly = 0;
         $this->view->feeAnnual = 0;
     $this->view->includeAdminFees = $includeAdminFees;
     // Return partial view HTML
     return $this->view->partial('partials/view-breakdown.phtml', $this->view);
Пример #3
  * Implements abstract method from superclass - refer to superclass for description.
 public function getReferralReasons($policyNumber)
     $referralReasons = array();
     $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
     $quote = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote(null, null, $policyNumber);
     if ($quote->getPolicyName() == 'tenantsp') {
         //Test 1: If the cover is greater than the threshold, then refer.
         $contentsAmount = $quote->getPolicyOptionAmountCovered('contentstp');
         $contentsThreshold = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => $params->uw->rt->tenantsp->contents, 'precision' => 0));
         if ($contentsAmount >= $contentsThreshold) {
             $referralReasons[] = $params->uw->rr->tenantsp->cover;
         //Test 2: If claim values are greater than 1000 then refer.
         if (empty($this->_previousClaimsModel)) {
             $this->_previousClaimsModel = new Datasource_Insurance_PreviousClaims();
         $previousClaimsArray = $this->_previousClaimsModel->getPreviousClaims($quote->getRefno());
         if (!empty($previousClaimsArray)) {
             //Tenant has one or more claims. Add the totals together to see if they exceed
             //the threshold.
             $claimsTotal = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => 0, 'precision' => 2));
             foreach ($previousClaimsArray as $previousClaim) {
             //Test against the previous claims threshold
             $claimsThreshold = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => $params->uw->rt->tenantsp->claimsThreshold, 'precision' => 2));
             if ($claimsTotal->isMore($claimsThreshold)) {
                 $referralReasons[] = $params->uw->rr->tenantsp->previousClaims;
         //Test 3: Answering the underwriting questions.
         $answersManager = new Manager_Insurance_Answers();
         $answersArray = $answersManager->getUnderwritingAnswers($policyNumber);
         if (empty($answersArray)) {
             //You can't process for referral if no underwriting answers have first been provided.
             throw new Zend_Exception(get_class() . __FUNCTION__ . ": no underwriting answers provided.");
         foreach ($answersArray as $currentAnswer) {
             //Identify if the current answer is one that should be checked.
             if (in_array($currentAnswer->getQuestionNumber(), $params->uw->rt->tenantsp->checkAnswer->toArray())) {
                 $answer = $currentAnswer->getAnswer();
                 if ($answer == Model_Insurance_Answer::YES) {
                     $referralReasons[] = $params->uw->rr->tenantsp->answer;
         //Test 4: pedal cycles over 1500
         $pedalCyclesModel = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_Cycles($quote->getRefno(), $policyNumber);
         $pedalCyclesArray = $pedalCyclesModel->listBikes();
         if (!empty($pedalCyclesArray)) {
             $pedalCycleThreshold = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => $params->uw->rt->tenantsp->pedalCycle, 'precision' => 2));
             foreach ($pedalCyclesArray as $currentPedalCycle) {
                 //Compare the pedal cycle values in Zend_Currency format for simplity.
                 $currentCycleValue = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => $currentPedalCycle['value'], 'precision' => 2));
                 if ($currentCycleValue->isMore($pedalCycleThreshold)) {
                     $referralReasons[] = $params->uw->rr->tenantsp->pedalCycle;
         //Test 5: specified possessions greater than threshold
         $specPossessionsModel = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_SpecPossessions($policyNumber);
         $specPossessionsArray = $specPossessionsModel->listPossessions();
         if (!empty($specPossessionsArray)) {
             //Wrap the threshold parameter in a Zend_Currency object for easier comparisons.
             $specPossessionThreshold = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => $params->uw->rt->tenantsp->specPossession, 'precision' => 2));
             //Cycle through each specpossession...
             foreach ($specPossessionsArray as $currentSpecPossession) {
                 //Wrap the current specpossession value in a Zend_Currency for easier comparision.
                 $currentSpecPossessionValue = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => $currentSpecPossession['value'], 'precision' => 2));
                 //Determine if the threshold is exceeded:
                 if ($currentSpecPossessionValue->isMore($specPossessionThreshold)) {
                     $referralReasons[] = $params->uw->rr->tenantsp->specPossession;
     } else {
         throw new Zend_Exception("Invalid product.");
     return $referralReasons;