Пример #1
 private static function HowManyPages($countSql, $countSqlParams)
     // Create a hash for the sql query
     $queryHashCode = md5($countSql . var_export($countSqlParams, true));
     // Verify if we have the query results in cache
     if (isset($_SESSION['last_count_hash']) && isset($_SESSION['how_many_pages']) && $_SESSION['last_count_hash'] === $queryHashCode) {
         // Retrieve the cached value
         $how_many_pages = $_SESSION['how_many_pages'];
     } else {
         // Execute the query
         $items_count = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($countSql, $countSqlParams);
         //Calculate the number of pages
         $how_many_pages = ceil($items_count / PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE);
         // Save the query and its count result in the session
         $_SESSION['last_count_hash'] = $queryHashCode;
         $_SESSION['how_many_pages'] = $how_many_pages;
     // Return the number of pages
     return $how_many_pages;
Пример #2
    public static function ExpensesByContext()
        $statement = FinancialStatements::ExpensesStatement($_GET['sid'], $_GET['period'], $_GET['all']);
        if ($_GET['sid'] != 0) {
            $supplier = Supplier::GetSupplier($_GET['sid']);
            $name = $supplier->name;
        } else {
            $name = 'OFFICE';
        echo '
				<div class="logo">
				  <h5 style="margin-bottom:-15px;margin-top:0px;font-size:14px;">Date: ' . date('d/m/Y') . '</h5>
				  <h4 style="text-transform:uppercase">' . $name . ' EXPENSES REPORT</h4>';
        if ($_GET['period'] != '' && $_GET['period']) {
            echo '<h5 style="margin-top:-10px">Period: ' . $_GET['period'] . '</h5>';
        echo '</div>

				<table class="table table-bordered table-striped" style="text-align:center;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;width:760px;font-size:12px;">
			      <thead class="title">
			          <td>TX ID</td>
			          <td>TX BY</td>
        $total = 0.0;
        foreach ($statement as $item) {
            echo '<tr>
			      <td style="width: 100px">' . $item['when_charged'] . '</td>
			      <td style="width: 70px">' . $item['transaction_id'] . '</td>
			      <td style="width: 100px">' . $item['ledger_name'] . '</td>
			      <td style="width: 100px"><script>document.writeln((' . $item['amount'] . ').formatMoney(2, \'.\', \',\'));</script></td>
			      <td style="width: 200px">' . $item['description'] . '</td>';
            $sql = 'SELECT user FROM transactions WHERE id =  ' . $item['transaction_id'] . ' LIMIT 0,1';
            $result = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql);
            echo '<td style="padding: 0 5px;">' . $result . '</td>
            $total += $item['amount'];
        echo '</tbody>
			    <div class="logo">
				    <p style="margin: 5px 0 0 5px">Total Expenses: <b>Ksh. <script>document.writeln((' . $total . ').formatMoney(2, \'.\', \',\'));</script></b></p>
Пример #3
 public static function GetTotalAmount()
     // Составляем SQL - запрос
     $sql = 'CALL shopping_cart_get_total_amount(:cart_id)';
     // Создаем массив параметров
     $params = array(':cart_id' => self::GetCartId());
     // Выполняем запрос и возвращаем результат
     return DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql, $params);
Пример #4
 public static function RemoveProductFromCategory($productId, $categoryId)
     // Build SQL query
     $sql = 'CALL catalog_remove_product_from_category(
                :product_id, :category_id)';
     // Build the parameters array
     $params = array(':product_id' => $productId, ':category_id' => $categoryId);
     // Execute the query and return the results
     return DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql, $params);
Пример #5
 public static function GetUserIdOauth($id)
     // Build SQL query
     //$sql = 'CALL blog_get_comments_list(:blog_id)';
     $sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE oauth_uid = "' . $id . '"';
     //return $sql;
     //$params = array(':blog_id' => $blogId);
     // Execute the query and return the results
     return DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql);
     //return DatabaseHandler::Execute($sql);

require_once "../core/core.php";
$id = $_SESSION["MM_USER_ID"];
$email = DatabaseHandler::GetOne("SELECT email FROM `users` WHERE id = '{$id}' ; ");
$imagePath = "upload/";
$allowedExts = array("gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "GIF", "JPEG", "JPG", "PNG");
$temp = explode(".", $_FILES["img"]["name"]);
$extension = end($temp);
//Check write Access to Directory
if (!is_writable($imagePath)) {
    $response = array("status" => 'error', "message" => 'Can`t upload File; no write Access');
    print json_encode($response);
if (in_array($extension, $allowedExts)) {
    if ($_FILES["img"]["error"] > 0) {
        $response = array("status" => 'error', "message" => 'ERROR Return Code: ' . $_FILES["img"]["error"]);
    } else {
        $filename = $_FILES["img"]["tmp_name"];
        list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename);
        move_uploaded_file($filename, $imagePath . $_FILES["img"]["name"]);
        $email_hash = sha1($email);
        $newName = $imagePath . $email_hash . rand() . "." . $extension;
        rename($imagePath . $_FILES["img"]["name"], $newName);
        $response = array("status" => 'success', "url" => $newName, "width" => $width, "height" => $height);
} else {
    $response = array("status" => 'error', "message" => 'something went wrong, most likely file is to large for upload. check upload_max_filesize, post_max_size and memory_limit in you php.ini');
print json_encode($response);
Пример #7
 public static function GetVoucher($txid)
     try {
         $sql = 'SELECT voucher_id FROM vouchers WHERE transaction_id = ' . $txid;
         $res = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql);
         if (!empty($res)) {
             $sql2 = 'SELECT * FROM payments WHERE id = ' . $res;
             $res2 = DatabaseHandler::GetRow($sql2);
         if ($res2) {
             return self::initialize($res2);
         } else {
             Logger::Log('PaymentVoucher', 'Missing', 'Missing payment voucher for transaction id:' . $txid);
             return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Logger::Log('PaymentVoucher', 'Exception', $e->getMessage());
Пример #8
 public static function CreateAccount($item, $packsize, $featured, $availability, $openstock, $optstock, $lowstock, $pprice, $rprice, $wprice, $tax)
     if (!self::$ledger_loaded) {
     $datetime = new DateTime();
     $timestamp = $datetime->format('YmdHis');
     $acname = $item->name . ' Account';
     $sqlone = 'SELECT * FROM stock_accounts WHERE name = "' . $acname . '" AND resource_id = ' . intval($item->itemId);
     $res = DatabaseHandler::GetRow($sqlone);
     if (empty($res)) {
         $today = new DateTime();
         $today = $today->format('Y-m-d');
         //$sql = 'UPDATE stock_accounts SET pack_size = '.$packsize.', featured = '.$featured.', availability = '.$availability.', available_bal = '.$openstock.', actual_bal = '.$openstock.', optimum_bal = '.$optstock.', low_bal = '.$lowstock.', timestamp = '.$timestamp.' WHERE resource_id = '.$item->itemId;
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO stock_accounts (name, resource_id, unit_id, stock_bal, catalog_bal, low_bal, optimum_bal, cost_price, retail_price, wholesale_price, vat_code, ledger_id, pack_size, featured, availability, date_added, tstamp) 
         VALUES ("' . $acname . '", ' . intval($item->itemId) . ', ' . intval($item->unit->unitId) . ', ' . $openstock . ', ' . $openstock . ', ' . $lowstock . ', ' . $optstock . ', ' . $pprice . ', ' . $rprice . ', ' . $wprice . ', ' . $tax . ', ' . intval(self::$ledgerId) . ', ' . $packsize . ', ' . $featured . ', ' . $availability . ', "' . $today . '", "' . $timestamp . '")';
         //do something as an inventory objects
         $sql1 = 'SELECT account_id FROM stock_accounts ORDER BY tstamp DESC LIMIT 0,1';
         //replace with more flexible for distributed env
         $account_id = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql1);
         $availstock = $openstock;
         $actualstock = $openstock;
         return new StockAccount($account_id, $item, $packsize, $featured, $availability, $availstock, $actualstock, $optstock, $lowstock, $pprice, $rprice, $wprice, $tax, $today, $timestamp);
     } else {
         return new StockAccount($res['account_id'], $item, $res['pack_size'], $res['featured'], $res['availability'], $res['catalog_bal'], $res['stock_bal'], $res['optimum_bal'], $res['low_bal'], $res['cost_price'], $res['retail_price'], $res['wholesale_price'], $res['vat_code'], $res['date_added'], $res['tstamp']);
Пример #9
 private function processLatestEnquiries()
     try {
         $sql = 'SELECT stamp FROM enquiries WHERE status = 0 ORDER BY stamp DESC LIMIT 0,5';
         $res = DatabaseHandler::GetAll($sql);
         $sql2 = 'SELECT count(*) FROM enquiries WHERE status = 0';
         $res2 = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql2);
         $enquiries = [];
         foreach ($res as $enquiry) {
             $enquiries[] = Enquiry::GetEnquiry($enquiry['stamp']);
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->enquiries = $enquiries;
         $obj->total = $res2;
         $this->latestEnquiries = $obj;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Пример #10
 public static function Authorize($email, $password)
     // Build SQL query
     //$sql = 'CALL blog_get_comments_list(:blog_id)';
     $sql = 'SELECT id FROM customers WHERE email = "' . $email . '" AND password = sha1("' . $password . '")';
     // Execute the query and return the results
     $id = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql);
     if ($id) {
         //initiate global $_SESSION variables
         return self::get($id);
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #11
    public function initialize(Order $order)
        $this->order = $order;
        if (!empty($this->buyer) && !empty($this->seller)) {
            parent::__construct($this->buyer, $this->seller, new ConnectedAccountabilityType('Sale Agreement'));
            $this->type->addConnectionRule($this->parent->type, $this->child->type);
            //save to db
            try {
                $sql = 'INSERT INTO accountabilities (name, parent_id, child_id, datetime, startstamp, status) 
				VALUES ("' . $this->type->name . '",' . $this->parent->id . ', ' . $this->child->id . ', "' . $this->datetime . '", ' . $this->startstamp . ', "Opened")';
                $sql = 'SELECT id FROM accountabilities WHERE startstamp = ' . $this->startstamp;
                $res = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql);
                $this->id = $res;
                $sql = 'INSERT INTO accountability_features (accountability_id, attribute, value) VALUES (' . $this->id . ', "orderId", "' . $this->order->id . '")';
            } catch (Exception $e) {
Пример #12
 $title_en = $_POST['title_en'];
 $image = $_POST["image"];
 $text = $_POST['text'];
 $source = $_POST['source'];
 $video = $_POST['video'];
 $description = $_POST['description'];
 $keywords = $_POST['keywords'];
 $read_time = $_POST['read_time'];
 $admin_id = $_SESSION['MM_admin_id'];
 $hit_count = 0;
 $add_time = time();
 $modify_time = 0;
 $activate = 0;
 $insert_blog = BLOGS::blogs_Insert($title, $title_en, $image, $text, $source, $video, $description, $read_time, $hit_count, $admin_id, $add_time, $modify_time, $activate);
 if ($insert_blog) {
     $blog_id = DatabaseHandler::GetOne("SELECT `id` FROM blogs WHERE `add_time` = '{$add_time}' ; ");
     $keywords = explode(",", $keywords);
     foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
         $keyword = trim($keyword);
         BLOG_KEYWORDS::blog_keywords_Insert($blog_id, $keyword);
     if (isset($_POST['types'])) {
         $types = $_POST['types'];
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $type = explode("-", $type);
             B_T::b_t_Insert($blog_id, $type['1']);
     if (isset($_POST['subjects'])) {
         $subjects = $_POST['subjects'];
         foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
Пример #13
 public function GetCountAllLevel($post_id)
     $params[] = intval($post_id);
     $sql = 'SELECT MAX(levl)
     FROM coments
     WHERE post_id = ?';
     $arr = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql, $params);
     return $arr;
Пример #14
 public static function SupplierStatement($sid, $dates, $all)
     if ($all == 'true') {
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM general_ledger_entries WHERE account_no = ' . intval($sid) . ' AND ledger_name = "Creditors" ORDER BY id DESC';
     } else {
         if ($dates != '') {
             $split = explode(' - ', $dates);
             $d1 = explode('/', $split[0]);
             $d2 = explode('/', $split[1]);
             $lower = $d1[2] . $d1[1] . $d1[0] . '000000' + 0;
             $upper = $d2[2] . $d2[1] . $d2[0] . '999999' + 0;
             $sql = 'SELECT * FROM general_ledger_entries WHERE account_no = ' . intval($sid) . ' AND ledger_name = "Creditors" AND stamp BETWEEN ' . $lower . ' AND ' . $upper . ' ORDER BY id DESC';
     try {
         $result = DatabaseHandler::GetAll($sql);
         foreach ($result as &$tx) {
             $sql2 = 'SELECT type FROM transactions WHERE id = ' . intval($tx['transaction_id']);
             $res = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql2);
             $tx['type'] = $res;
             if ($tx['effect'] == 'dr') {
                 $sql3 = 'SELECT voucher_id FROM vouchers WHERE transaction_id = ' . intval($tx['transaction_id']);
                 $res3 = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql3);
                 $sql4 = 'SELECT * FROM payments WHERE id = ' . $res3;
                 $res4 = DatabaseHandler::GetRow($sql4);
                 if (strpos($tx['description'], 'Reversal') !== false) {
                     $tx['descr'] = $tx['description'];
                 } else {
                     $tx['descr'] = $res4['voucher_no'];
             } else {
                 $sql3 = 'SELECT voucher_id FROM vouchers WHERE transaction_id = ' . intval($tx['transaction_id']);
                 $res3 = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($sql3);
                 $sql4 = 'SELECT * FROM purchase_invoices WHERE id = ' . $res3;
                 $res4 = DatabaseHandler::GetRow($sql4);
                 if (strpos($tx['description'], 'Reversal') !== false) {
                     $tx['descr'] = $tx['description'];
                 } else {
                     $tx['descr'] = 'Invoice no: ' . $res4['invno'];
         return $result;
     } catch (Exception $e) {