Пример #1
// Config
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/Config/init_project.php';
// Do user rights check (normally this is done by init_project.php, but we actually have multiple rights
// levels here for a single page (so it's not applicable).
if ($user_rights['data_quality_execute'] + $user_rights['data_quality_design'] < 1) {
    // If has DQ resolution rights, then forward them to Resolve Issues page
    if ($data_resolution_enabled == '2' && $user_rights['data_quality_resolution'] > 0) {
        redirect(APP_PATH_WEBROOT . "DataQuality/resolve.php?pid={$project_id}");
    } else {
        redirect(APP_PATH_WEBROOT . "index.php?pid={$project_id}");
// Instantiate DataQuality object
$dq = new DataQuality();
// Get rules
$rules = $dq->getRules();
// Rule_id's in a comma-delimited string
$rule_ids = implode(",", array_keys($rules));
// Rule_id's in a comma-delimited string EXCEPT the first 2 rules (missing values rules)
$rule_ids_excludeAB = implode(",", array_splice(array_keys($rules), 2));
// Rule_id's in a comma-delimited string for ONLY user-defined rules
$rule_ids_user_defined = implode(",", array_splice(array_keys($rules), 7));
// Header
require_once APP_PATH_DOCROOT . 'ProjectGeneral/header.php';
// Page title
renderPageTitle("<img src='" . APP_PATH_IMAGES . "checklist.png' class='imgfix2'> {$lang['app_20']}");
// Display tabs (if data resolution feature is enabled and user has DQ Resolution rights)
if ($data_resolution_enabled == '2' && $user_rights['data_quality_resolution'] > 0) {
    print $dq->renderTabs();
// Data Resolution Workflow: Render the file upload dialog (when applicable)