Пример #1
 public function modifier_reclamation($id, $rep, $etat)
     $select = DataBase::connect()->query("update  reclamation set repense='{$rep}',etat='{$etat}' where id_rec='{$id}' ");
     if ($select) {
         return true;
Пример #2
 public function supprimer_reclamtion($id)
     $delete = DataBase::connect()->query("delete from reclamation where id_reclamation = '{$id}'");
     if ($delete) {
         return true;
Пример #3
 public function supprimer_support($id)
     $delete = DataBase::connect()->query("delete from support where id_support = '{$id}'");
     if ($delete) {
         return true;
Пример #4
 public function supprimer_demande()
     $delete = DataBase::connect()->query("delete from demande where id_demande = '{$this->id}'");
     if ($delete) {
         return true;
Пример #5
 public function supprimer_certificat($id)
     $delete = DataBase::connect()->query("delete from certificat where id_certificat = '{$id}'");
     if ($delete) {
         return true;
Пример #6
    public function changer_pass($npass, $type)
        $MODIFIER = DataBase::connect()->prepare('UPDATE responsable SET
pass=:pass where type=:type');
        try {
            $success = $MODIFIER->execute(array('pass' => $npass, 'type' => $type));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo 'Erreur de requète : ', $e->getMessage();
        return true;
Пример #7
    public function modifier_panne($id, $date, $etat)
        $up = DataBase::connect()->prepare('update panne SET
		(date_p=:date,etat=:etat where id_panne=:id_panne)');
        try {
            $update = $up->execute(array('id_panne' => $id, 'date' => $date, 'etat' => $etat));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo 'Erreur de requète : ', $e->getMessage();
        return true;
Пример #8
 public function liste_chaufeur_date($date)
     $select = DataBase::connect()->query("select * from chaufeur where chaufeur.id_ch not in (select id_ch from sortie where date={$date})");
     $row = array();
     while ($donnees = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         echo "<option value='{$donnees->id_ch}'>";
         echo $donnees->nom . " " . $donnees->prenom;
         echo "</option>";
     return true;
Пример #9
    public function contact($email, $sujet, $texte)
        $insert = DataBase::connect()->prepare('insert into contact 
VALUES (NULL,:email,:sujet,:texte)');
        try {
            $success = $insert->execute(array('email' => $email, 'sujet' => $sujet, 'texte' => $texte));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo 'Erreur de requète : ', $e->getMessage();
        return true;
Пример #10
    public function ajouter()
        $insert = DataBase::connect()->prepare('insert into historique VALUES
        try {
            $ins = $insert->execute(array('date' => $this->date, 'solde' => $this->solde, 'id_client' => $this->id_client));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo 'Erreur de requète : ', $e->getMessage();
        return true;
Пример #11
    public function traiter_demande($id, $rep)
        $up = DataBase::connect()->prepare('update  demande SET
		etat=:rep where id_demande=:id');
        try {
            $update = $up->execute(array('rep' => $rep, 'id' => $id));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo 'Erreur de requète : ', $e->getMessage();
        return true;
Пример #12
    public function modifier_journaliste($nom, $prenom, $type, $login, $id)
        $up = DataBase::connect()->prepare('update  journaliste SET
		nom=:nom,prenom=:prenom,type=:type,login=:login where id_jour=:id');
        try {
            $update = $up->execute(array('nom' => $nom, 'prenom' => $prenom, 'type' => $type, 'login' => $login, 'id' => $id));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo 'Erreur de requète : ', $e->getMessage();
        return true;
Пример #13
 public function delete($noticia)
     try {
         $database = new DataBase();
         $mdb = $database->connect();
         $query = $mdb->prepare('DELETE FROM noticias WHERE idnoticia = ?');
         $query->bindParam(1, $noticia->idNoticia);
         return $query->execute();
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
Пример #14
 public function delete($profesional)
     try {
         $database = new DataBase();
         $mdb = $database->connect();
         $query = $mdb->prepare('DELETE FROM profesionales WHERE matricula = ?');
         $query->bindParam(1, $profesional->matricula);
         return $query->execute();
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
Пример #15
 public function total_heur($id_user)
     $nbr_h = 0;
     $select = DataBase::connect()->query("select *,sum(heur_s-heur_e) as nbr  from pointage as p inner join personnel as pl on p.id_personnel=pl.id_personnel  ORDER BY id_pointage DESC");
     while ($donnees = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         $id_pointage = $donnees->id_pointage;
         $date_t = $donnees->date_t;
         $heur_e = $donnees->heur_e;
         $heur_s = $donnees->heur_s;
         $nbr = $donnees->nbr;
         $mois = $donnees->mois;
Пример #16
 public function option_client()
     $select = DataBase::connect()->query("select * from client   ORDER BY id_client DESC");
     while ($donnees = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         $id_client = $donnees->id_client;
         $nom = $donnees->nom;
         $prenom = $donnees->prenom;
         $ncin = $donnees->ncin;
         $tel = $donnees->tel;
         echo "<option value={$id_client}>";
         echo $nom . " " . $prenom;
         echo "</option>";
Пример #17
 public function saveToDB($poiId, $componentId, $stageRating)
     global $secKeys;
     $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     try {
         DataBase::connect('localhost', $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbUsr'}, $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbPw'}, $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbCake'});
         $sql = "INSERT INTO stages (component_id, poi_id, created, modified, rating) VALUES (:component_id, :poi_id, :tstamp, :tstamp, :rating)";
         $para = array('component_id' => $componentId, 'poi_id' => $poiId, 'tstamp' => $now, 'rating' => $stageRating);
         DataBase::fire($sql, $para);
         $this->savedStagesCount = DataBase::lastInsertId();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         die('Fehler bei .... Fehler: ' . $e->getMessage());
Пример #18
 public function saveToDB($filterdQueryData)
     global $secKeys;
     ControlFunctions::forDebug($filterdQueryData, "Gefilterte Pois");
     // for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($filterdQueryData); $i++) {
         $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         try {
             DataBase::connect('localhost', $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbUsr'}, $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbPw'}, $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbCake'});
             $sql = "INSERT INTO pois (created, modified, name, lat, lng, google_place, icon, rating, vicinity) VALUES (:tstamp, :tstamp, :name, :lat, :lng, :google_place, :icon, :rating, :vicinity)";
             $para = array('tstamp' => $now, 'name' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->name, 'lat' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->geometry->location->lat, 'lng' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->geometry->location->lng, 'google_place' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->place_id, 'icon' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->icon, 'rating' => isset($filterdQueryData[$i]->rating) ? $filterdQueryData[$i]->rating : null, 'vicinity' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->vicinity);
             DataBase::fire($sql, $para);
             $lastPoisId = DataBase::lastInsertId();
             echo ControlFunctions::tagIt("h1", "Letzter Eintrag: " . $lastPoisId);
             foreach ($filterdQueryData[$i]->types as $tag) {
                 $tagId = null;
                 // Check if tag is already present
                 $sql = "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tags WHERE title LIKE '%" . $tag . "%')";
                 $rows = DataBase::fire($sql);
                 $tagPresent = current(current($rows)) == "1" ? true : false;
                 ControlFunctions::forDebug($rows, "Ausgabe für Tag {$tag}");
                 echo $tagPresent ? "Wert für {$tag} ist: vorhanden" : "Wert für {$tag} ist: Nicht existent!";
                 if ($tagPresent) {
                     $sql = "SELECT id FROM tags WHERE title LIKE '%" . $tag . "%'";
                     $rows = DataBase::fire($sql);
                     $tagId = current(current($rows));
                     ControlFunctions::forDebug($rows, "Ausgabe für Tag {$tag}, tag ID: ");
                     echo ControlFunctions::tagIt("h1", "{$tag} ID: {$tagId}");
                 } else {
                     // Paste Tag
                     $sql = "INSERT INTO tags (title, created, modified) VALUES (:title, :tstamp, :tstamp)";
                     $para = array('title' => $tag, 'tstamp' => $now);
                     DataBase::fire($sql, $para);
                     // Save ID
                     $tagId = DataBase::lastInsertId();
                 // Paste Relation
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO pois_tags (poi_id, tag_id) VALUES (:poi_id, :tag_id)";
                 $para = array('poi_id' => $lastPoisId, 'tag_id' => $tagId);
                 DataBase::fire($sql, $para);
                 echo ControlFunctions::tagIt("h1", "Letzter Eintrag: " . DataBase::lastInsertId());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             die('Fehler bei .... Fehler: ' . $e->getMessage());
Пример #19
 public function iniciarSesion($usuarioNombre, $usuarioClave)
     $database = new DataBase();
     $mdb = $database->connect();
     $usuario = null;
     //preparo la sentencia
     $sentencia = $mdb->prepare("SELECT usuario, clave, fechaActualizacion FROM usuarios\n                                        WHERE usuario = :usuario AND clave = :clave");
     //conformo un array con los parametros pasados a la sentencia preparada
     $arrayParametro = array(':usuario' => $usuarioNombre, ':clave' => $usuarioClave);
     //ejecuto la sentencia
     $arrayConstructor = array("usuario", "clave", "fechaActualizacion");
     $sentencia->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS | PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE, 'Usuario', $arrayConstructor);
     $usuario = $sentencia->fetchAll();
     return $usuario;
Пример #20
 public function calcul_salaire($id_user)
     $select = DataBase::connect()->query("select * from personnel where id_user='******' ORDER BY id_personnel DESC");
     while ($donnees = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         $id_personnel = $donnees->id_personnel;
         $nom = $donnees->nom;
         $prenom = $donnees->prenom;
         $poste = $donnees->poste;
         $select_poste = DataBase::connect()->query("select * from poste as p inner join salaire as s on p.id_poste=s.id_poste where p.poste='{$poste}'");
         while ($donnees_poste = $select_poste->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
             $salaire = $donnees_poste->salaire;
         $select_pointage = DataBase::connect()->query("select distinct*, count(date_t) as nbr from pointage  where id_personnel='{$id_personnel}'");
         while ($donnees_pointage = $select_pointage->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
             $mois = $donnees_pointage->mois;
             $nbr = $donnees_pointage->nbr;
         $total = $salaire * $nbr;
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo $id_personnel;
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo $nom . " " . $prenom;
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo $poste;
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo $mois;
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo $total . " DT";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
Пример #21
    public function ajouter_mail($sujet, $texte, $date, $editeur)
        $insert = DataBase::connect()->prepare('insert into mail VALUES
        try {
            $ins = $insert->execute(array('sujet' => $sujet, 'texte' => $texte, 'date' => $date, 'vue' => 0, 'editeur' => $editeur));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo 'Erreur de requète : ', $e->getMessage();
        return true;
Пример #22
include_once "db_config.php";
include_once "database.php";
// first check if all parameters are set (else we have no need to proceed)
if (isset($_POST['db_lang_1'], $_POST['db_lang_2'], $_POST['sql_limit'], $_POST['search_term'], $_POST['sql_offset'])) {
    // exit if the limit parameter is not numeric (possible sql injection)
    if (!is_numeric($_POST['sql_limit']) || !is_numeric($_POST['sql_offset'])) {
        $aReturnCode = array("code" => -1);
        echo json_encode($aReturnCode);
    $sSqlLimit = intval($_POST['sql_limit'], 10);
    $sSqlOffset = intval($_POST['sql_offset'], 10);
    // get new db object
    // (the parameters are stored in the db_config.php file)
    $oDB = new DataBase($sHost, $sDbUser, $sDbPasswd, $sDatabase);
    // escape the search term
    $sSearchTerm = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['search_term']);
    // extend the search term
    $sSearchTerm = '%' . $sSearchTerm . '%';
    // escape the db field names of the both languages
    $sDbLang1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['db_lang_1']);
    $sDbLang2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['db_lang_2']);
    // now build the query
    $sQuery = sprintf("SELECT %s, %s FROM voka WHERE %s LIKE '%s' OR %s LIKE '%s' LIMIT %d, %d", $sDbLang1, $sDbLang2, $sDbLang1, $sSearchTerm, $sDbLang2, $sSearchTerm, $sSqlOffset, $sSqlLimit);
    $oResult = $oDB->query($sQuery);
    if (!$oResult) {
        //echo "DB error: " . $oDB->getLastError();
        $aReturnCode = array("code" => -1);
        echo json_encode($aReturnCode);
Пример #23
 public function select_agent($id)
     $select = DataBase::connect()->query("select * from agent where id_agent={$id}");
     $liste = $select->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     return $liste;
Пример #24

//test of git 2
require_once 'database_jobs.php';
$con = new DataBase();
//creating opject
if (isset($_POST['user_name'])) {
    $user_name = $_POST['user_name'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $query = "SELECT * FROM  login  WHERE user_name ='" . $user_name . "' AND password ='******'";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Unable to verify user because " . mysql_error());
    $count = mysql_num_rows($result);
    //$sql=("SELECT COUNT('id') as counter  FROM login  WHERE user_name ='".$user_name."' AND password ='******' ");
    //echo $row_cnt;
    if ($count == 1) {
        $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = 1;
    } else {
        $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = 0;
        echo 'false <br/>';
    echo $_SESSION['loggedIn'];
Пример #25
 public function select_sortie($id)
     $select = DataBase::connect()->query("select * from sortie as s inner join vehicule as v inner join chaufeur as c on s.id_v=v.id_v and s.id_ch=c.id_ch");
     $liste = $select->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     return $liste;
Пример #26

require_once 'DataBase.class.php';
$MySQL = new DataBase($db_host, $db_name);
$selectedDate = trim($_GET['date']);
$TheDaysEvents = array();
// MySQL date format is an 8 digit integer YYYYMMDD
$MySQL->connect($db_user, $db_pass)->getDay($selectedDate, $TheDaysEvents)->disconnect();
echo json_encode($TheDaysEvents);
Пример #27
 public function liste_media()
     $select = DataBase::connect()->query("select * from responsable_media   ORDER BY id_media DESC");
     while ($donnees = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         $id_media = $donnees->id_media;
         $nom = $donnees->nom;
         $prenom = $donnees->prenom;
         $type = $donnees->type;
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo $id_media;
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo $nom . " " . $prenom;
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo $type;
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo "<a href='consulter_personnel.php?id={$id_media}'>";
         echo " <img src='img/chercher.png' width='30' height='30'></img> </a>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo "<a href='modifier_personnel.php?id={$id_media}'>";
         echo " <img src='img/modif.jpg' width='30' height='30'></img> </a>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo "<a href='supprimer_personnel.php?id={$id_media}'  onclick='if (confirm(&quot;Voulez vous vraiment supprimer le Personnel: " . $nom . " " . $prenom . " ?&quot;)) { return true; } return false;'>";
         echo " <img src='img/del.png' width='30' height='30'></img> </a>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
Пример #28
 public function supprimer_video($id)
     $delete = DataBase::connect()->query("delete from video where id_video = '{$id}'");
     if ($delete) {
         return true;
Пример #29
        if ($this->db_name) {
            if (@mysql_close()) {
                echo 'closed';
                $this->db_name = false;
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
    public function escapeString($data)
        return $this->myconn->real_escape_string($data);
    public function getSql()
        $val = $this->myQuery;
        $this->myQuery = array();
        return $val;
$con = new DataBase();
$con->connect("localhost", "root", "", "comunity_service");
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$type = $_POST['type'];
$fields = array('ID', 'username', 'password', 'type');
$values = array('', $username, $password, $type);
$con->insert($fields, $values, 'login');
Пример #30
function get_ad_db()
    global $g_ad_server_name;
    global $g_ad_user_name;
    global $g_ad_password;
    global $g_ad_database_name;
    global $g_ad_db;
    if (is_resource($g_ad_db)) {
        return $g_ad_db;
    $g_ad_db = new DataBase();
    $g_ad_db->connect($g_ad_server_name, $g_ad_database_name, $g_ad_user_name, $g_ad_password, $g_ad_code);
    return $g_ad_db;