 * Insert attention message
 * This function will show "Attention! This job is ..." message if current user
 * is on job details page and currently viewed job is older than X days.
 * @since 1.0
 * @return void
function push_attention_msg()
    $job = null;
    if (is_singular("job")) {
        $query = new Daq_Db_Query();
        $query->from("Wpjb_Model_Job t");
        $query->where("post_id = ?", get_the_ID());
        $result = $query->execute();
        if (isset($result[0])) {
            $job = $result[0];
    if (is_wpjb() && wpjb_is_routed_to("index.single")) {
        $job = Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->placeHolder->job;
    if ($job === null) {
    $old = wpjb_conf("front_mark_as_old");
    if ($old > 0 && time() - strtotime($job->job_created_at) > $old * 3600 * 24) {
        $diff = floor((time() - strtotime($job->job_created_at)) / (3600 * 24));
        $msg = _n("Attention! This job posting is one day old and might be already filled.", "Attention! This job posting is %d days old and might be already filled.", $diff, "wpjobboard");
        $flash = new Wpjb_Utility_Session();
        $flash->addInfo(sprintf($msg, $diff));
Пример #2
 public function cityAction()
     $request = Daq_Request::getInstance();
     $pattern = $request->get("q");
     $country = $request->get("country", 0);
     $state = $request->get("state", "");
     $query = new Daq_Db_Query();
     $query->from("Wpjb_Model_Job t");
     if ($country > 0) {
         $query->where("job_country = ?", $country);
     if (!empty($state)) {
         $query->where("job_state LIKE ?", "%{$state}%");
     $query->where("job_location LIKE ?", "%{$pattern}%");
     $result = $query->execute();
     $arr = array();
     foreach ($result as $r) {
         $arr[] = $r->job_location;
     echo join("\r\n", $arr);
Пример #3
 public function editAction()
     $section = $this->_request->getParam("section");
     $this->view->section = $section;
     $fArr = array("payment", "posting", "frontend", "seo", "integration", "resume");
     $fList = array();
     if ($section === null || !in_array($section, $fArr)) {
         foreach ($fArr as $key) {
             $class = "Wpjb_Form_Admin_Config_" . ucfirst($key);
             $fList[$key] = new $class();
     } else {
         $class = "Wpjb_Form_Admin_Config_" . ucfirst($section);
         $fList[$section] = new $class();
     if ($this->isPost() && apply_filters("_wpjb_can_save_config", $this)) {
         $isValid = true;
         foreach ($fList as $k => $obj) {
             if (!$obj->isValid($this->_request->getAll())) {
                 $isValid = false;
             $fList[$k] = $obj;
         if ($isValid) {
             $instance = Wpjb_Project::getInstance();
             foreach ($fList as $k => $obj) {
                 // @todo: save config
                 foreach ($obj->getValues() as $k => $v) {
                     $instance->setConfigParam($k, $v);
             $this->_addInfo(__("Configuration saved.", WPJB_DOMAIN));
         } else {
             $this->_addError(__("There are errors in the form.", WPJB_DOMAIN));
     if ($this->_request->getParam("saventest")) {
         $list = new Daq_Db_Query();
         $list->from("Wpjb_Model_Job t");
         $result = $list->execute();
         if (empty($result)) {
             $this->_addError(__("Twitter: You need to have at least one posted job to send test tweet.", WPJB_DOMAIN));
         } else {
             $job = $result[0];
             try {
                 $this->_addInfo(__("Tweet has been posted, please check your Twitter account.", WPJB_DOMAIN));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     $this->view->fList = $fList;
Пример #4
 protected function _exist($value)
     $orm = $this->_orm;
     $field = $this->_field;
     $exclude = $this->_exclude;
     $query = new Daq_Db_Query();
     $query->select("t.*")->from("{$orm} t")->where("t.{$field} = ?", $value);
     foreach ($exclude as $k => $v) {
         $query->where("t.{$k} <> ?", $v);
     $result = $query->fetch();
     return $result;
Пример #5
 public function indexAction()
     $page = (int) $this->_request->get("page", 1);
     if ($page < 1) {
         $page = 1;
     $perPage = $this->_getPerPage();
     $qstring = array();
     $employer = 0;
     if ($this->_request->get("employer") > 0) {
         $emp = new Wpjb_Model_Employer($this->_request->get("employer"));
         if ($emp->getId() > 0) {
             $employer = $emp->getId();
             $this->view->company = $emp;
             $this->view->repr = $emp->getUsers(true);
             $qstring['employer'] = $employer;
     $show = $this->_request->get("show", "all");
     $days = $this->_request->post("days", null);
     if ($days === null) {
         $days = $this->_request->get("days", "");
     $query1 = new Daq_Db_Query();
     $query1->select("*")->from("Wpjb_Model_Job t1")->join("t1.category t2")->join("t1.type t3");
     $query2 = new Daq_Db_Query();
     $query2->select("COUNT(*) AS total")->from("Wpjb_Model_Job t1")->join("t1.category t2")->join("t1.type t3");
     if ($show == "active") {
         $query1->where("t1.is_active = 1");
         $query1->where("(t1.job_created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL t1.job_visible DAY)");
         $query1->orWhere("t1.job_visible = 0)");
         $query2->where("t1.is_active = 1");
         $query2->where("(t1.job_created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL t1.job_visible DAY)");
         $query2->orWhere("t1.job_visible = 0)");
     } elseif ($show == "inactive") {
         $query1->where("t1.is_active = 0");
         $query1->orWhere("(t1.job_created_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL t1.job_visible DAY)");
         $query1->Where("t1.job_visible > 0)");
         $query2->where("t1.is_active = 0");
         $query2->orWhere("(t1.job_created_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL t1.job_visible DAY)");
         $query2->Where("t1.job_visible > 0)");
     } elseif ($show == "awaiting") {
         $query1->where("t1.is_approved = 0");
         $query1->where("t1.is_active = 0");
         $query2->where("t1.is_approved = 0");
         $query2->where("t1.is_active = 0");
     if (is_numeric($days)) {
         $query1->where("t1.job_created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)", $days);
         $query2->where("t1.job_created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)", $days);
     if ($employer > 0) {
         $query1->where("t1.employer_id = ?", $employer);
         $query2->where("t1.employer_id = ?", $employer);
     $result = $query1->order("t1.job_created_at DESC")->limitPage($page, $perPage)->execute();
     $total = $query2->limit(1)->fetchColumn();
     $this->view->employer = $employer;
     $this->view->days = $days;
     $this->view->show = $show;
     $this->view->current = $page;
     $this->view->total = ceil($total / $perPage);
     $this->view->data = $result;
     $query = new Daq_Db_Query();
     $list = array("COUNT(*) AS c_total", "SUM(t1.is_approved) AS c_awaiting");
     $query->select(join(", ", $list));
     $query->from("Wpjb_Model_Job t1");
     if (is_numeric($days)) {
         $query->where("t1.job_created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)", $days);
         $qstring['days'] = $days;
     if ($employer > 0) {
         $query->where("t1.employer_id = ?", $employer);
     $summary1 = $query->fetch();
     $query = new Daq_Db_Query();
     $query = $query->select("COUNT(*) AS c_active")->from("Wpjb_Model_Job t1")->where("t1.is_active = 1")->where("t1.is_approved = 1")->where("(t1.job_created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL t1.job_visible DAY)")->orWhere("t1.job_visible = 0)");
     if (is_numeric($days)) {
         $query->where("t1.job_created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)", $days);
     if ($employer > 0) {
         $query->where("t1.employer_id = ?", $employer);
     $summary2 = $query->fetch();
     $stat = new stdClass();
     $stat->total = $summary1->c_total;
     $stat->active = $summary2->c_active;
     $stat->inactive = $summary1->c_total - $summary2->c_active;
     $stat->awaiting = $summary1->c_total - $summary1->c_awaiting;
     $this->view->stat = $stat;
     $qs = "";
     foreach ($qstring as $k => $v) {
         $qs .= $k . "/" . esc_html((string) $v);
     $this->view->qstring = $qs;