Пример #1
 public function get_date1_date2_handler()
     $dbc = FannieDB::get($this->config->get('OP_DB'));
     $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDlog($this->date1, $this->date2);
     $dtrans = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($this->date1, $this->date2);
     $openQ = '
         SELECT YEAR(tdate) AS year,
             MONTH(tdate) AS month,
             DAY(tdate) AS day,
         FROM ' . $dlog . ' AS d
             INNER JOIN MasterSuperDepts AS m ON m.dept_ID=d.department
         WHERE tdate BETWEEN ? AND ?
             AND trans_type=\'D\'
             AND m.superID <> 0
         GROUP BY YEAR(tdate),
         HAVING SUM(total) <> 0';
     $badQ = '
         SELECT upc
         FROM ' . $dtrans . ' AS d
         WHERE datetime BETWEEN ? AND ?
             AND emp_no=?
             AND register_no=?
             AND trans_no=?
             AND trans_type=\'L\'
             AND description=\'BADSCAN\'
             AND d.upc LIKE \'0%\'
             AND d.upc NOT LIKE \'00000000000%\'';
     $openP = $dbc->prepare($openQ);
     $badP = $dbc->prepare($badQ);
     $filter = FormLib::get('badscans', false);
     $this->receipts = array();
     $openR = $dbc->execute($openP, array($this->date1 . ' 00:00:00', $this->date2 . ' 23:59:59'));
     while ($openW = $dbc->fetchRow($openR)) {
         $ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, $openW['month'], $openW['day'], $openW['year']);
         if ($filter) {
             $args = array(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $ts), date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $ts), $openW['emp_no'], $openW['register_no'], $openW['trans_no']);
             if (FormLib::get('upc') != '') {
                 $args[] = FormLib::get('upc');
             $badR = $dbc->execute($badP, $args);
             if (!$badR || $dbc->num_rows($badR) == 0) {
         $this->receipts[] = array('date' => date('Y-m-d', $ts), 'trans_num' => $openW['emp_no'] . '-' . $openW['register_no'] . '-' . $openW['trans_no']);
     return true;
Пример #2
 public function fetch_report_data()
     $dbc = $this->connection;
     $dtrans = new DTransactionsModel($dbc);
     $columns = $dtrans->getColumns();
     foreach ($columns as $name => $info) {
         $this->report_headers[] = $name;
     list($emp, $reg, $trans) = explode('-', FormLib::get('trans'), 3);
     $date = FormLib::get('date');
     $table = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($date);
     $query = $dbc->prepare('
         SELECT *
         FROM ' . $table . '
         WHERE datetime BETWEEN ? AND ?
             AND emp_no = ?
             AND register_no = ?
             AND trans_no = ?
         ORDER BY trans_id
     $result = $dbc->execute($query, array($date . ' 00:00:00', $date . ' 23:59:59', $emp, $reg, $trans));
     $data = array();
     while ($w = $dbc->fetchRow($result)) {
         $record = array();
         foreach ($columns as $c => $info) {
             if (isset($w[$c])) {
                 $record[] = $w[$c];
             } else {
                 $record[] = '';
         $data[] = $record;
     return $data;
Пример #3
 public function fetch_report_data()
     $dbc = $this->connection;
     $date1 = $this->form->date1;
     $date2 = $this->form->date2;
     $rate_models = new TaxRatesModel($dbc);
     $rates = array();
     foreach ($rate_models->find() as $obj) {
         $rates[$obj->id()] = $obj;
     $perRateSQL = '';
     $collectedSQL = '';
     foreach ($rates as $id => $obj) {
         $perRateSQL .= sprintf('
             SUM(CASE WHEN discountable=0 AND tax=%d THEN total ELSE 0 END) AS noDisc%d,
             SUM(CASE WHEN discountable=1 AND tax=%d THEN total ELSE 0 END) AS yesDisc%d,', $id, $id, $id, $id);
         $collectedSQL .= sprintf('
             SUM(CASE WHEN upc=\'TAXLINEITEM\' AND numflag=%d THEN regPrice ELSE 0 END) AS collected%d,', $id, $id);
         $this->report_headers[] = $obj->description() . ' Expected';
         $this->report_headers[] = $obj->description() . ' Net Discount';
         $this->report_headers[] = $obj->description() . ' Actual';
         $this->report_headers[] = $obj->description() . ' Forgiven';
     $this->report_headers[] = 'Total Expected';
     $this->report_headers[] = 'Total Net Discount';
     $this->report_headers[] = 'Total Actual';
     $this->report_headers[] = 'Total Forgiven';
     $dtrans = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($date1, $date2);
     $query = '
         SELECT YEAR(datetime) AS year,
             MONTH(datetime) AS month,
             DAY(datetime) AS day,
             ' . $perRateSQL . '
             MAX(percentDiscount) AS pd,
             SUM(CASE WHEN trans_subtype IN (\'EF\',\'FS\') THEN -total ELSE 0 END) AS fsTender,
             ' . $collectedSQL . '
             SUM(CASE WHEN upc=\'TAX\' THEN total ELSE 0 END) AS totalTax
         FROM ' . $dtrans . ' AS d
             LEFT JOIN taxrates AS t ON d.tax=t.id
         WHERE datetime BETWEEN ? AND ?
             AND trans_status NOT IN (\'X\',\'Z\')
             AND emp_no <> 9999
             AND register_no <> 99
         GROUP BY 
         HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN d.tax > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) <> 0
             AND SUM(CASE WHEN trans_subtype IN (\'EF\',\'FS\') THEN -total ELSE 0 END) <> 0';
     $prep = $dbc->prepare($query);
     $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($date1 . ' 00:00:00', $date2 . ' 23:59:59'));
     $data = array();
     while ($w = $dbc->fetchRow($res)) {
         $record = array(date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $w['month'], $w['day'], $w['year'])), $w['emp_no'] . '-' . $w['register_no'] . '-' . $w['trans_no'], sprintf('%d%%', $w['pd']), sprintf('%.2f', $w['fsTender']));
         $all = new stdClass();
         $all->total = 0;
         $all->net = 0;
         $all->actual = 0;
         $all->forgiven = 0;
         foreach ($rates as $id => $obj) {
             $total = sprintf('%.2f', ($w['noDisc' . $id] + $w['yesDisc' . $id]) * $obj->rate());
             $net = sprintf('%.2f', ($w['noDisc' . $id] + (1 - $w['pd'] / 100.0) * $w['yesDisc' . $id]) * $obj->rate());
             $actual = sprintf('%.2f', $w['collected' . $id]);
             $forgiven = $net - $actual;
             $record[] = $total;
             $record[] = $net;
             $record[] = $actual;
             $record[] = $forgiven;
             $all->total += $total;
             $all->net += $net;
             $all->actual += $actual;
             $all->forgiven += $forgiven;
         $record[] = $all->total;
         $record[] = $all->net;
         $record[] = $all->actual;
         $record[] = $all->forgiven;
         $data[] = $record;
     return $data;
Пример #4
 function fetch_report_data()
     $d1 = $this->form->date1;
     $d2 = $this->form->date2;
     $dept = FormLib::get_form_value('dept', 0);
     $dbc = $this->connection;
     $dtrans = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($d1, $d2);
     $datestamp = $dbc->identifier_escape('datetime');
     if (isset($FANNIE_COOP_ID) && $FANNIE_COOP_ID == 'WEFC_Toronto') {
         $shrinkageUsers = " AND t.card_no not between 99990 and 99998";
     } else {
         $shrinkageUsers = "";
     // The eventual return value.
     $data = array();
     $taxNames = array(0 => '');
     $tQ = $dbc->prepare_statement("SELECT id, rate, description FROM taxrates WHERE id > 0 ORDER BY id");
     $tR = $dbc->exec_statement($tQ);
     // Try generating code in this loop for use in SELECT and reporting.
     //  See SalesAndTaxTodayReport.php
     while ($trow = $dbc->fetch_array($tR)) {
         $taxNames[$trow['id']] = $trow['description'];
     /* Using department settings at the time of sale.
      * I.e. The department# from the transaction.
      *  If that department# no longer exists or is different then the report will be wrong.
      *  This does not use a departments table contemporary with the transactions.
      * [0]Dept_name [1]Cost, [2]HST, [3]GST, [4]Sales, [x]Qty, [x]superID, [x]super_name
     $departments = $dbc->tableDefinition('departments');
     if ($dept == 0) {
         // Change varname to sales or totals
         $costs = "SELECT\n                    d.dept_name dname,\n                    sum(CASE WHEN t.trans_type = 'I' THEN t.cost \n                         WHEN t.trans_type = 'D' AND d.margin > 0.00 \n                         THEN t.total - (t.total * d.margin) END) AS costs,\n                    sum(CASE WHEN t.tax = 1 THEN t.total * x.rate ELSE 0 END) AS taxes1,\n                    sum(CASE WHEN t.tax = 2 THEN t.total * x.rate ELSE 0 END) AS taxes2,\n                    sum(t.total) AS sales,\n                    sum(t.quantity) AS qty,\n                    s.superID AS sid,\n                    s.super_name AS sname\n                FROM\n                    {$dtrans} AS t LEFT JOIN\n                    departments AS d ON d.dept_no=t.department LEFT JOIN\n                    MasterSuperDepts AS s ON t.department=s.dept_ID LEFT JOIN ";
         // use margin column from departments if present
         if (!isset($departments['margin']) && $dbc->tableExists('deptMargin')) {
             $costs .= ' deptMargin AS m ON t.department=m.dept_id LEFT JOIN ';
             $costs = str_replace('d.margin', 'm.margin', $costs);
         $costs .= " taxrates AS x ON t.tax=x.id\n                WHERE \n                    ({$datestamp} BETWEEN ? AND ?)\n                    AND (s.superID > 0 OR s.superID IS NULL) \n                    AND t.trans_type in ('I','D')\n                    AND t.trans_status not in ('D','X','Z')\n                    AND t.emp_no not in (9999){$shrinkageUsers}\n                    AND t.register_no != 99\n                    AND t.upc != 'DISCOUNT'\n                    AND t.trans_subtype not in ('CP','IC')\n                GROUP BY\n                    s.superID, s.super_name, d.dept_name, t.department\n                ORDER BY\n                    s.superID, t.department";
     } elseif ($dept == 1) {
         $costs = "SELECT\n                CASE WHEN e.dept_name IS NULL THEN d.dept_name ELSE e.dept_name END AS dname,\n                sum(CASE WHEN t.trans_type = 'I' THEN t.cost \n                     WHEN t.trans_type = 'D' AND d.margin > 0.00 \n                     THEN t.total - (t.total * d.margin) END) AS costs,\n                sum(CASE WHEN t.tax = 1 THEN t.total * x.rate ELSE 0 END) AS taxes1,\n                sum(CASE WHEN t.tax = 2 THEN t.total * x.rate ELSE 0 END) AS taxes2,\n                sum(t.total) AS sales,\n                sum(t.quantity) AS qty,\n                CASE WHEN s.superID IS NULL THEN r.superID ELSE s.superID END AS sid,\n                CASE WHEN s.super_name IS NULL THEN r.super_name ELSE s.super_name END AS sname\n            FROM\n                {$dlog} AS t LEFT JOIN\n                products AS p ON t.upc=p.upc LEFT JOIN\n                departments AS d ON d.dept_no=t.department LEFT JOIN\n                departments AS e ON p.department=e.dept_no LEFT JOIN\n                MasterSuperDepts AS s ON s.dept_ID=p.department LEFT JOIN\n                MasterSuperDepts AS r ON r.dept_ID=t.department LEFT JOIN ";
         // use margin column from departments if present
         if (!isset($departments['margin']) && $dbc->tableExists('deptMargin')) {
             $costs .= ' deptMargin AS m ON p.department=m.dept_id LEFT JOIN ';
             $costs = str_replace('d.margin', 'm.margin', $costs);
         $costs .= "taxrates AS x ON t.tax=x.id\n            WHERE\n                ({$datestamp} BETWEEN ? AND ?)\n                AND (s.superID > 0 OR (s.superID IS NULL AND r.superID > 0)\n                    OR (s.superID IS NULL AND r.superID IS NULL))\n                AND t.trans_type in ('I','D')\n                AND t.trans_status not in ('D','X','Z')\n                AND t.emp_no not in (9999){$shrinkageUsers}\n                AND t.register_no != 99\n                AND t.upc != 'DISCOUNT'\n                AND t.trans_subtype not in ('CP','IC')\n            GROUP BY\n                CASE WHEN s.superID IS NULL THEN r.superID ELSE s.superID end,\n                CASE WHEN s.super_name IS NULL THEN r.super_name ELSE s.super_name END,\n                CASE WHEN e.dept_name IS NULL THEN d.dept_name ELSE e.dept_name end,\n                CASE WHEN e.dept_no IS NULL THEN d.dept_no ELSE e.dept_no end\n            ORDER BY\n                CASE WHEN s.superID IS NULL THEN r.superID ELSE s.superID end,\n                CASE WHEN e.dept_no IS NULL THEN d.dept_no ELSE e.dept_no end";
     $costsP = $dbc->prepare_statement($costs);
     $costArgs = array($d1 . ' 00:00:00', $d2 . ' 23:59:59');
     $costsR = $dbc->exec_statement($costsP, $costArgs);
     // Array in which totals used in the report are accumulated.
     $supers = array();
     $curSuper = 0;
     $grandTotal = 0;
     $this->grandCostsTotal = 0;
     $this->grandSalesTotal = 0;
     $this->grandTax1Total = 0;
     $this->grandTax2Total = 0;
     while ($row = $dbc->fetch_array($costsR)) {
         if ($curSuper != $row['sid']) {
             $curSuper = $row['sid'];
         if (!isset($supers[$curSuper])) {
             $supers[$curSuper] = array('name' => $row['sname'], 'qty' => 0.0, 'costs' => 0.0, 'sales' => 0.0, 'taxes1' => 0.0, 'taxes2' => 0.0, 'depts' => array());
         $supers[$curSuper]['qty'] += $row['qty'];
         $supers[$curSuper]['costs'] += $row['costs'];
         $supers[$curSuper]['sales'] += $row['sales'];
         $supers[$curSuper]['taxes1'] += $row['taxes1'];
         $supers[$curSuper]['taxes2'] += $row['taxes2'];
         $this->grandCostsTotal += $row['costs'];
         $this->grandSalesTotal += $row['sales'];
         $this->grandTax1Total += $row['taxes1'];
         $this->grandTax2Total += $row['taxes2'];
         // GROUP BY produces 1 row per dept. Values are sums.
         $supers[$curSuper]['depts'][] = array('name' => $row['dname'], 'qty' => $row['qty'], 'costs' => $row['costs'], 'sales' => $row['sales'], 'taxes1' => $row['taxes1'], 'taxes2' => $row['taxes2']);
     $superCount = 1;
     foreach ($supers as $s) {
         if ($s['sales'] == 0) {
         // add department records
         $superCostsSum = $s['costs'];
         $superSalesSum = $s['sales'];
         foreach ($s['depts'] as $d) {
             $record = array($d['name'], sprintf('%.2f', $d['qty']), sprintf('$%.2f', $d['costs']));
             $costPercent = 'n/a';
             if ($this->grandCostsTotal > 0) {
                 $costPercent = sprintf('%.2f %%', $d['costs'] / $this->grandCostsTotal * 100);
             $record[] = $costPercent;
             $costPercent = 'n/a';
             if ($superCostsSum > 0) {
                 $costPercent = sprintf('%.2f %%', $d['costs'] / $superCostsSum * 100);
             $record[] = $costPercent;
             $record[] = sprintf('$%.2f', $d['sales']);
             $salePercent = 'n/a';
             if ($this->grandSalesTotal > 0) {
                 $salePercent = sprintf('%.2f %%', $d['sales'] / $this->grandSalesTotal * 100);
             $record[] = $salePercent;
             $salePercent = 'n/a';
             if ($superSalesSum > 0) {
                 $salePercent = sprintf('%.2f %%', $d['sales'] / $superSalesSum * 100);
             $record[] = $salePercent;
             $margin = 'n/a';
             if ($d['sales'] > 0 && $d['costs'] > 0) {
                 $margin = sprintf('%.2f %%', 100 * ($d['sales'] - $d['costs']) / $d['sales']);
             $record[] = $margin;
             $record[] = sprintf('%.2f', $d['taxes2']);
             $record[] = sprintf('%.2f', $d['taxes1']);
             $data[] = $record;
         // add super record
         $record = array($s['name'], sprintf('%.2f', $s['qty']), sprintf('%.2f', $s['costs']));
         $costPercent = 'n/a';
         if ($this->grandCostsTotal > 0) {
             $costPercent = sprintf('%.2f %%', $s['costs'] / $this->grandCostsTotal * 100);
         $record[] = $costPercent;
         $record[] = '';
         $record[] = sprintf('%.2f', $s['sales']);
         $salePercent = 'n/a';
         if ($this->grandSalesTotal > 0) {
             $salePercent = sprintf('%.2f %%', $s['sales'] / $this->grandSalesTotal * 100);
         $record[] = $salePercent;
         $record[] = '';
         $margin = 'n/a';
         if ($s['sales'] > 0 && $s['costs'] > 0) {
             $margin = sprintf('%.2f %%', 100 * ($s['sales'] - $s['costs']) / $s['sales']);
         $record[] = $margin;
         $record[] = sprintf('%.2f', $s['taxes2']);
         $record[] = sprintf('%.2f', $s['taxes1']);
         $record['meta'] = FannieReportPage::META_BOLD;
         $data[] = $record;
         // Rather than start a new report, I'm just inserting a blank
         // line between supers
         $data[] = array('meta' => FannieReportPage::META_BLANK);
         if ($superCount < count($supers) - 1) {
             $data[] = array('meta' => FannieReportPage::META_REPEAT_HEADERS);
     // The summary of grand totals proportions.
     // Headings
     $record = array('', '', 'Costs', '', '', 'Sales', 'Profit', '', 'Margin %', isset($taxNames['2']) ? $taxNames['2'] : 'n/a', isset($taxNames['1']) ? $taxNames['1'] : 'n/a');
     $record['meta'] = FannieReportPage::META_BOLD;
     $data[] = $record;
     // Grand totals
     $record = array('WHOLE STORE', '', '$ ' . number_format($this->grandCostsTotal, 2), '', '', '$ ' . number_format($this->grandSalesTotal, 2), '$ ' . number_format($this->grandSalesTotal - $this->grandCostsTotal, 2), '');
     $margin = 'n/a';
     if ($this->grandSalesTotal > 0) {
         $margin = number_format(($this->grandSalesTotal - $this->grandCostsTotal) / $this->grandSalesTotal * 100, 2) . ' %';
     $record[] = $margin;
     $record[] = '$ ' . number_format($this->grandTax2Total, 2);
     $record[] = '$ ' . number_format($this->grandTax1Total, 2);
     $data[] = $record;
     $this->grandTTL = $grandTotal;
     return $data;
     // fetch_report_data()
Пример #5
         case 'last_week':
             $d1 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('last monday - 7 days'));
             $d2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('last sunday'));
         case 'this_month':
             $d1 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('first day of this month'));
             $d2 = date("Y-m-d");
         case 'last_month':
             $d1 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('first day of last month'));
             $d2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('last day of last month'));
 $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($d1, $d2);
 if (isset($_REQUEST['excel'])) {
     header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=costs_{$d1}_{$d2}.xls");
     header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel; name='excel'");
 } else {
     printf("<H3>General Costs: %s </H3>\n", $d1 == $d2 ? "For {$d1}" : "From {$d1} to {$d2}");
     printf("<a href=index.php?date1=%s&date2=%s&dept=%s&submit=yes&excel=yes>Save to Excel</a>", $d1, $d2, $dept);
 /* Using department settings at the time of sale.
  * I.e. The department# from the transaction.
  *  If that department# no longer exists or is different then the report will be wrong.
  *  This does not use a departments table contemporary with the transactions.
 if ($dept == 0) {
     $costs = "SELECT\n                    d.Dept_name,\n                    sum(CASE WHEN t.trans_type = 'I' THEN t.cost WHEN t.trans_type = 'D' AND m.margin > 1.00 THEN t.total / m.margin ELSE 0.00 END),\n                    sum(t.quantity),\n                    s.superID,\n                    s.super_name\n                FROM\n                    {$dlog} AS t LEFT JOIN\n                    departments AS d ON d.dept_no=t.department LEFT JOIN\n                    MasterSuperDepts AS s ON t.department=s.dept_ID LEFT JOIN\n                    deptMargin AS m ON t.department=m.dept_id\n                WHERE \n                    (datetime BETWEEN ? AND ?)\n                    AND (s.superID > 0 OR s.superID IS NULL) \n                    AND (t.trans_type in ('I','D'))\n                    AND ((t.trans_status not in ('D','X','Z')) and (t.emp_no not in (7000, 9999)) and (t.register_no <> 99))\n                GROUP BY\n                    s.superID,s.super_name,d.dept_name,t.department\n                ORDER BY\n                    s.superID,t.department";
 } elseif ($dept == 1) {
Пример #6
    <title>MOFF Results</title>

if (!isset($_GET['excel'])) {
    echo "<a href=index.php?excel=yes>Excel</a><p />";
if (!class_exists("SQLManager")) {
    require_once $FANNIE_ROOT . "src/SQLManager.php";
include '../../db.php';
$date = '2011-08-06';
$args = array($date, 21, 22);
$dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($date);
//$dlog = str_replace("dlog","transarchive",$dlog);
//$dlog = "trans_archive.dbo.transArchive201008";
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT t.upc, min(t.description), SUM(t.quantity),SUM(t.total),d.dept_name,d.salesCode,u.likeCode\n              FROM {$dlog} as t \n              LEFT JOIN departments as d on d.dept_no = t.department\n              LEFT JOIN upcLike as u on t.upc=u.upc\n              WHERE t.trans_type in ('I','D') and t.upc <> 'DISCOUNT' and\n              datediff(dd,?,t.datetime) = 0 AND t.register_no\n                          in ( ?, ? )\n              and trans_Status <> 'X'\n                          and emp_no <> 9999\n              GROUP BY t.upc, d.dept_name,d.salesCode,u.likeCode\n              ORDER BY t.upc");
//echo $query;
$result = $sql->execute($query, $args);
echo "<table border=1>\n";
//create table
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>UPC</td>";
echo "<td>Description</td>";
echo "<td>Qty</td>";
echo "<td>Sales</td>";
echo "<td>Department</td>";
echo "<td>pCode</td>";
echo "<td>LikeCode</td>";
Пример #7
 function get_data()
     global $FANNIE_OP_DB;
     $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDlog($this->startDate, $this->endDate);
     $dtrans = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($this->startDate, $this->endDate);
     $records = array();
     $dateID = date('ymd', strtotime($this->endDate));
     $dateStr = date('m/d/y', strtotime($this->endDate));
     $names = array('CA' => 'Deposit', 'EF' => 'EBT Food/Cash', '41201' => 'DELI PREPARED FOODS', '41205' => 'DELI CHEESE', '41300' => 'PRODUCE', '41305' => 'SEEDS', '41310' => 'TRANSPLANTS', '41315' => 'GEN MERC/FLOWERS', '41400' => 'GROCERY', '41405' => 'GROCERY CLEANING, PAPER', '41407' => 'GROCERY BULK WATER', '41410' => 'BULK A', '41415' => 'BULK B', '41420' => 'COOL', '41425' => 'COOL BUTTER', '41430' => 'COOL MILK', '41435' => 'COOL FROZEN', '41500' => 'HABA BULK/SPICES & HERBS', '41505' => 'HABA BULK/PKG COFFEE', '41510' => 'HABA BODY CARE', '41515' => 'HABA VIT/MN/HRB/HOMEOPA', '41520' => 'GEN MERC/BOOKS', '41600' => 'GROCERY BAKERY FROM VEN', '41605' => 'GEN MERC/HOUSEWARES', '41610' => 'MARKETING', '41640' => 'GEN MERC/CARDS', '41645' => 'GEN MERC/MAGAZINES', '41700' => 'MEAT/POULTRY/SEAFOOD FR', '41705' => 'MEAT/POULTRY/SEAFOOD FZ');
     $codes = array('CP' => 10740, 'GD' => 21205, 'SC' => 21200, 'MI' => 10710, 'IC' => 67710, 'MA' => 66600, 'RR' => 63380, 'OB' => 66600, 'AD' => 66600, 'RB' => 31140, 'NCGA' => 66600, 'Member Discounts' => 66600, 'Staff Discounts' => 61170);
     $dbc = FannieDB::get($FANNIE_OP_DB);
     $args = array($this->startDate . ' 00:00:00', $this->endDate . ' 23:59:59');
     $tenderQ = "SELECT SUM(total) AS amount,\n                CASE WHEN description='REBATE CHECK' THEN 'RB'\n                WHEN trans_subtype IN ('CA','CK') THEN 'CA'\n                WHEN trans_subtype IN ('CC','AX') THEN 'CC'\n                WHEN trans_subtype IN ('EF','EC') THEN 'EF'\n                WHEN trans_subtype = 'IC' AND upc='0049999900001' THEN 'OB'\n                WHEN trans_subtype = 'IC' AND upc='0049999900002' THEN 'AD'\n                ELSE trans_subtype END as type,\n                MAX(CASE WHEN d.upc IN ('0049999900001','0049999900002') OR description='REBATE CHECK' \n                    THEN d.description ELSE TenderName END) as name\n                FROM {$dlog} AS d LEFT JOIN\n                tenders AS t ON d.trans_subtype=t.TenderCode\n                WHERE trans_type='T'\n                AND tdate BETWEEN ? AND ?\n                AND department <> 703\n                GROUP BY type HAVING SUM(total) <> 0 ORDER BY type";
     $tenderP = $dbc->prepare_statement($tenderQ);
     $tenderR = $dbc->exec_statement($tenderP, $args);
     while ($w = $dbc->fetch_row($tenderR)) {
         $coding = isset($codes[$w['type']]) ? $codes[$w['type']] : 10120;
         $name = isset($names[$w['type']]) ? $names[$w['type']] : $w['name'];
         $credit = $w['amount'] < 0 ? -1 * $w['amount'] : 0;
         $debit = $w['amount'] > 0 ? $w['amount'] : 0;
         $row = array($dateID, $dateStr, str_pad($coding, 9, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT), $credit, $debit, $name);
         $records[] = $row;
     $discountQ = "SELECT SUM(total) as amount,\n            CASE WHEN staff=1 OR memType IN (1,3) THEN 'Staff Discounts'\n            ELSE 'Member Discounts' END as name\n            FROM {$dlog} WHERE upc='DISCOUNT'\n            AND total <> 0 AND tdate BETWEEN ? AND ?\n            GROUP BY name ORDER BY name";
     $discountP = $dbc->prepare_statement($discountQ);
     $discountR = $dbc->exec_statement($discountP, $args);
     while ($w = $dbc->fetch_row($discountR)) {
         $coding = isset($codes[$w['name']]) ? $codes[$w['name']] : 66600;
         $name = $w['name'];
         $credit = $w['amount'] < 0 ? -1 * $w['amount'] : 0;
         $debit = $w['amount'] > 0 ? $w['amount'] : 0;
         $row = array($dateID, $dateStr, str_pad($coding, 9, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT), $credit, $debit, $name);
         $records[] = $row;
     $salesQ = "SELECT sum(total) as amount, salesCode,\n            MIN(dept_name) as name\n            FROM {$dlog} AS d \n            INNER JOIN departments as t\n            ON d.department = t.dept_no\n            INNER JOIN MasterSuperDepts AS m\n            ON d.department=m.dept_ID\n            WHERE d.trans_type IN ('I','D')\n            AND tdate BETWEEN ? AND ?\n            AND m.superID > 0\n            AND register_no <> 20\n            GROUP BY salesCode HAVING sum(total) <> 0 \n            ORDER BY salesCode";
     $salesP = $dbc->prepare_statement($salesQ);
     $salesR = $dbc->exec_statement($salesP, $args);
     while ($w = $dbc->fetch_row($salesR)) {
         $coding = isset($codes[$w['salesCode']]) ? $codes[$w['salesCode']] : $w['salesCode'];
         $name = isset($names[$w['salesCode']]) ? $names[$w['salesCode']] : $w['name'];
         $credit = $w['amount'] < 0 ? -1 * $w['amount'] : 0;
         $debit = $w['amount'] > 0 ? $w['amount'] : 0;
         $row = array($dateID, $dateStr, str_pad($coding, 9, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT), $credit, $debit, $name);
         $records[] = $row;
     $taxQ = "SELECT SUM(total) FROM {$dlog} WHERE tdate BETWEEN ? AND ?\n            AND upc='TAX'";
     $taxP = $dbc->prepare_statement($taxQ);
     $taxR = $dbc->exec_statement($taxP, $args);
     $taxes = 0.0;
     if ($dbc->num_rows($taxR) > 0) {
         $taxW = $dbc->fetch_row($taxR);
         $taxes = $taxW[0];
     $records[] = array($dateID, $dateStr, 211800000, 0, $taxes, 'Sales Tax Collected');
     $salesQ = "SELECT sum(total) as amount, salesCode,\n            MIN(dept_name) as name\n            FROM {$dlog} AS d \n            INNER JOIN departments as t\n            ON d.department = t.dept_no\n            INNER JOIN MasterSuperDepts AS m\n            ON d.department=m.dept_ID\n            WHERE d.trans_type IN ('I','D')\n            AND tdate BETWEEN ? AND ?\n            AND m.superID = 0\n            AND d.department <> 703\n            AND register_no <> 20\n            GROUP BY salesCode HAVING sum(total) <> 0 \n            ORDER BY salesCode";
     $salesP = $dbc->prepare_statement($salesQ);
     $salesR = $dbc->exec_statement($salesP, $args);
     while ($w = $dbc->fetch_row($salesR)) {
         $coding = isset($codes[$w['salesCode']]) ? $codes[$w['salesCode']] : $w['salesCode'];
         $name = isset($names[$w['salesCode']]) ? $names[$w['salesCode']] : $w['name'];
         $credit = $w['amount'] < 0 ? -1 * $w['amount'] : 0;
         $debit = $w['amount'] > 0 ? $w['amount'] : 0;
         $row = array($dateID, $dateStr, str_pad($coding, 9, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT), $credit, $debit, $name);
         $records[] = $row;
     $explorersQ = '
         SELECT SUM(quantity) AS qty
         FROM ' . $dlog . ' AS d
         WHERE tdate BETWEEN ? AND ?
             AND upc = ?';
     $explorersP = $dbc->prepare($explorersQ);
     $explorersR = $dbc->execute($explorersP, array_merge($args, array('0000000004792')));
     $expQty = 0.0;
     if ($explorersR && $dbc->numRows($explorersR)) {
         $w = $dbc->fetchRow($explorersR);
         $expQty = $w['qty'];
     $records[] = array($dateID, $dateStr, '000000000', '0.00', '0.00', 'CO-OP EXPLORERS (' . $expQty . ')');
     $miscQ = "SELECT total as amount, description as name,\n            trans_num, tdate FROM {$dlog} WHERE department=703\n            AND trans_subtype <> 'IC'\n            AND tdate BETWEEN ? AND ? ORDER BY tdate";
     $miscP = $dbc->prepare_statement($miscQ);
     $miscR = $dbc->exec_statement($miscP, $args);
     $detailP = $dbc->prepare_statement("SELECT description \n            FROM {$dtrans} WHERE trans_type='C'\n            AND trans_subtype='CM' AND datetime BETWEEN ? AND ?\n            AND emp_no=? and register_no=? and trans_no=? ORDER BY trans_id");
     while ($w = $dbc->fetch_row($miscR)) {
         $coding = 63350;
         list($date, $time) = explode(' ', $w['tdate']);
         list($e, $r, $t) = explode('-', $w['trans_num']);
         // lookup comments on the transaction
         $detailR = $dbc->exec_statement($detailP, array($date . ' 00:00:00', $date . ' 23:59:59', $e, $r, $t));
         if ($dbc->num_rows($detailR) > 0) {
             $w['name'] = '';
             while ($detail = $dbc->fetch_row($detailR)) {
                 $w['name'] .= $detail['description'];
             if (is_numeric($w['name'])) {
                 $coding = trim($w['name']);
         $name = $w['name'] . ' (' . $date . ' ' . $w['trans_num'] . ')';
         $credit = $w['amount'] < 0 ? -1 * $w['amount'] : 0;
         $debit = $w['amount'] > 0 ? $w['amount'] : 0;
         $row = array($dateID, $dateStr, str_pad($coding, 9, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT), $credit, $debit, $name);
         $records[] = $row;
     $miscQ = "SELECT SUM(-total) as amount\n            FROM {$dlog} WHERE department=703\n            AND trans_subtype = 'IC'\n            AND tdate BETWEEN ? AND ? ORDER BY tdate";
     $miscP = $dbc->prepare_statement($miscQ);
     $miscR = $dbc->exec_statement($miscP, $args);
     while ($w = $dbc->fetch_row($miscR)) {
         $record = array($dateID, $dateStr, str_pad(66600, 9, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT), sprintf('%.2f', $w['amount']), 0.0, 'MISC RECEIPT INSTORE COUPON');
         $records[] = $record;
     return $records;
Пример #8
 function post_date_trans_handler()
     $dbc = FannieDB::get($FANNIE_OP_DB);
     $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($this->date);
     $emp_no = $FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['ReversalEmployee'];
     $register_no = $FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['ReversalLane'];
     $trans_no = 1;
     $transP = $dbc->prepare_statement('SELECT MAX(trans_no) FROM
         ' . $FANNIE_TRANS_DB . $dbc->sep() . 'dlog WHERE
         emp_no=? AND register_no=?');
     $transR = $dbc->exec_statement($transP, array($emp_no, $register_no));
     while ($transW = $dbc->fetch_row($transR)) {
         $trans_no = $transW[0] + 1;
     list($old_emp, $old_reg, $old_trans) = explode("-", $this->trans);
     $query = "select upc, description, trans_type, trans_subtype,\n            trans_status, department, quantity, Scale, unitPrice,\n            total, regPrice, tax, foodstamp, discount, memDiscount,\n            discountable, discounttype, voided, PercentDiscount,\n            ItemQtty, volDiscType, volume, volSpecial, mixMatch,\n            matched, memType, staff, card_no, numflag, charflag, \n            trans_id \n            from {$dlog} where register_no = ?\n            and emp_no = ? and trans_no = ?\n            and datetime BETWEEN ? AND ?\n            and trans_status <> 'X'\n            order by trans_id";
     $args = array($old_reg, $old_emp, $old_trans, $this->date . ' 00:00:00', $this->date . ' 23:59:59');
     $prep = $dbc->prepare_statement($query);
     $result = $dbc->exec_statement($prep, $args);
     $trans_id = 1;
     $record = DTrans::$DEFAULTS;
     $record['emp_no'] = $emp_no;
     $record['register_no'] = $register_no;
     $record['trans_no'] = $trans_no;
     $record['trans_id'] = $trans_id;
     $comment = $record;
     $comment['description'] = 'VOIDING TRANSACTION ' . $this->trans;
     $comment['trans_type'] = 'C';
     $comment['trans_subtype'] = 'CM';
     $comment['trans_status'] = 'D';
     $params = DTrans::parameterize($comment, 'datetime', $dbc->now());
     $table = $FANNIE_TRANS_DB . $dbc->sep() . 'dtransactions';
     $prep = $dbc->prepare_statement("INSERT INTO {$table} ({$params['columnString']})\n                    VALUES ({$params['valueString']})");
     $dbc->exec_statement($prep, $params['arguments']);
     $record['trans_id'] += 1;
     while ($w = $dbc->fetch_row($result)) {
         $next = $record;
         // copy base record
         $next['upc'] = $w['upc'];
         $next['description'] = $w['description'];
         $next['trans_type'] = $w['trans_type'];
         $next['trans_subtype'] = $w['trans_subtype'];
         $next['trans_status'] = $w['trans_status'];
         $next['department'] = $w['department'];
         $next['quantity'] = -1 * $w['quantity'];
         $next['Scale'] = $w['Scale'];
         $next['unitPrice'] = -1 * $w['unitPrice'];
         $next['total'] = -1 * $w['total'];
         $next['regPrice'] = -1 * $w['regPrice'];
         $next['tax'] = $w['tax'];
         $next['foodstamp'] = $w['foodstamp'];
         $next['discount'] = -1 * $w['discount'];
         $next['memDiscount'] = -1 * $w['memDiscount'];
         $next['discountable'] = $w['discountable'];
         $next['discounttype'] = $w['discounttype'];
         $next['voided'] = $w['voided'];
         $next['PercentDiscount'] = $w['PercentDiscount'];
         $next['ItemQtty'] = -1 * $w['ItemQtty'];
         $next['volDiscType'] = $w['volDiscType'];
         $next['volume'] = -1 * $w['volume'];
         $next['volSpecial'] = -1 * $w['volSpecial'];
         $next['mixMatch'] = $w['mixMatch'];
         $next['matched'] = $w['matched'];
         $next['memType'] = $w['memType'];
         $next['staff'] = $w['staff'];
         $next['numflag'] = $w['numflag'];
         $next['charflag'] = $w['charflag'];
         $next['card_no'] = $w['card_no'];
         $params = DTrans::parameterize($next, 'datetime', $dbc->now());
         $prep = $dbc->prepare_statement("INSERT INTO {$table} ({$params['columnString']})\n                        VALUES ({$params['valueString']})");
         $dbc->exec_statement($prep, $params['arguments']);
         $record['trans_id'] += 1;
     // return a listing of the new, reversal transaction
     $this->trans = $emp_no . '-' . $register_no . '-' . $trans_no;
     $this->date = date('Y-m-d');
     return $this->get_date_trans_handler();
Пример #9
    CORE-POS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$dbc->query("TRUNCATE TABLE YTD_Patronage_MiddleStep");
$ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("n"), 1, date("Y") - 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
    $start = date("Y-m-d", $ts);
    $end = date("Y-m-t", $ts);
    $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($start, $end);
    $ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("n", $ts) + 1, 1, date("Y", $ts));
    $query = "INSERT INTO YTD_Patronage_MiddleStep \n        select d.card_no,MONTH(d.datetime) as month_no,\n        total,\n        YEAR(d.datetime) AS year_no,\n        DAY(d.datetime) AS day_no,\n        " . $dbc->concat($dbc->convert('emp_no', 'char'), "'-'", $dbc->convert('register_no', 'char'), "'-'", $dbc->convert('trans_no', 'char'), '') . " as trans_num\n        from " . $dlog . " as d\n        WHERE datetime BETWEEN '{$start} 00:00:00' AND '{$end} 23:59:59'\n        AND d.trans_type = 'T' AND total <> 0\n        AND emp_no <> 9999 and register_no <> 99 AND trans_status NOT IN ('Z','X')";
$dbc->query("TRUNCATE TABLE YTD_Patronage_Speedup");
$query = "INSERT INTO YTD_Patronage_Speedup\n    SELECT card_no,month_no,SUM(total) as total,year_no\n    FROM YTD_Patronage_MiddleStep AS d\n    LEFT JOIN custdata as c on c.CardNo=d.card_no and c.personNum=1 \n    LEFT JOIN suspensions as s on s.cardno = d.card_no \n    WHERE c.memType=1 or s.memtype1=1 \n    GROUP BY d.card_no,\n    year_no, month_no, day_no, trans_num";
Пример #10
    if (stristr($query, "update")) {
        $errors .= "Illegal term <b>update</b><br />";
    if (stristr($query, "alter")) {
        $errors .= "Illegal term <b>alter</b><br />";
if ($errors == "" && $query != "") {
    $dlog = "";
    $dtrans = "";
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['date1']) && !empty($_REQUEST['date2'])) {
        $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDlog($_REQUEST['date1'], $_REQUEST['date2']);
        $dtrans = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($_REQUEST['date1'], $_REQUEST['date2']);
    } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['date1'])) {
        $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDlog($_REQUEST['date1']);
        $dtrans = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($_REQUEST['date1']);
    if (!empty($dlog)) {
        $query = str_ireplace(" dlog ", " " . $dlog . " ", $query);
    if (!empty($dtrans)) {
        $query = str_ireplace(" dtransactions ", " " . $dtrans . " ", $query);
    $prep = $dbc->prepare_statement($query);
    $result = $dbc->exec_statement($query);
    if (!$result) {
        echo "<i>Error occured</i>: " . $dbc->error();
        echo "<hr />";
        echo "<i>Your query</i>: " . $query;
    } else {
        if ($dbc->num_rows($result) == 0) {
Пример #11
 public function run()
       Find current maximum assigned store_row_id
       Depending what time this is run, that might be
       found in today's transactions or yesterday's transactions
     $currentMax = 0;
     $dbc = FannieDB::get($FANNIE_TRANS_DB);
     $maxR = $dbc->query('SELECT MAX(store_row_id) FROM dtransactions');
     if ($dbc->num_rows($maxR) > 0) {
         $maxW = $dbc->fetch_row($maxR);
         if (!empty($maxW[0])) {
             $currentMax = $maxW[0];
     $yesterday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('yesterday'));
     $dtrans = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($yesterday);
     $maxR = $dbc->query("SELECT MAX(store_row_id) FROM {$dtrans} WHERE datetime >= '{$yesterday} 00:00:00'");
     if ($dbc->num_rows($maxR) > 0) {
         $maxW = $dbc->fetch_row($maxR);
         if (!empty($maxW[0]) && $maxW[0] > $currentMax) {
             $currentMax = $maxW[0];
     /* If for some reason you are not running this in the normal way,
         * where currentMax is in dtransactions or yesterday's trans_archive,
         * assign currentMax here.
         * It may be in the possibly empty dtransactions in
         * PhpMyAdmin > Operations > Table Options
         * where AUTO_INCREMENT is the next value to be assigned,
         *  i.e. $currentMax + 1
         * or in the last table effectively updated.
        $currentMax = 9999;
     echo $this->cronMsg("Current maximum is " . $currentMax);
     /* oldest known transaction data
      * Adjust $year and $month for your database.
     $year = 2004;
     $month = 9;
     $new_id = $currentMax + 1;
     // work in one month chunks
     while ($year <= date('Y')) {
         if ($year == date('Y') && $month > date('n')) {
         echo $this->cronMsg('Processing: ' . $year . ' ' . $month);
         $table = $FANNIE_ARCHIVE_DB . $dbc->sep();
         if ($FANNIE_ARCHIVE_METHOD == 'partitions') {
             $table .= 'bigArchive';
         } else {
             $table .= 'transArchive' . $year . str_pad($month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
         if ($dbc->table_exists("{$table}")) {
             $lowerBound = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
             $upperBound = date('Y-m-t 23:59:59', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
             $prep = $dbc->prepare('UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET store_row_id = ?
                                 WHERE datetime = ?
                                 AND emp_no = ?
                                 AND register_no = ?
                                 AND trans_no = ?
                                 AND trans_id = ?');
             $lookupQ = "SELECT datetime, emp_no, register_no, trans_no, trans_id\n                            FROM {$table} \n                            WHERE datetime BETWEEN '{$lowerBound}' AND '{$upperBound}'\n                            AND store_row_id IS NULL\n                            ORDER BY datetime";
             $lookupR = $dbc->query($lookupQ);
             $num_records = $dbc->num_rows($lookupR);
             $count = 1;
             // update records one at a time with incrementing IDs
             while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($lookupR)) {
                 // Original monitor interval: 100
                 if ($count == 1 || $count % 1000 == 0) {
                     echo $this->cronMsg(date('F Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)) . ' ' . $count . '/' . $num_records);
                 $args = array($new_id, $row['datetime'], $row['emp_no'], $row['register_no'], $row['trans_no'], $row['trans_id']);
                 $dbc->execute($prep, $args);
         } else {
             echo $this->cronMsg("{$table} doesn't exist.");
         if ($month > 12) {
             $month = 1;
     // advance dtransaction's increment counter so it will resume
     // beyond all the IDs that were just used on archives
     $alterQ = 'ALTER TABLE dtransactions AUTO_INCREMENT = ' . $new_id;
     $rslt = $dbc->query($alterQ);
     if ($rslt === False) {
         echo $this->cronMsg("***Error: Attempt to: {$alterQ} failed.");
     } else {
         echo $this->cronMsg("Next dtransactions.store_row_id will be {$new_id}");
     echo $this->cronMsg("Done.");
Пример #12
 function receiptHeader($date, $trans)
     $dbconn = $FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS == 'MSSQL' ? '.dbo.' : '.';
     $totime = strtotime($date);
     $month = date('m', $totime);
     $year = date('Y', $totime);
     $day = date('j', $totime);
     $transact = explode('-', $trans);
     if (count($transact) != 3) {
         return '';
     $emp_no = $transact[0];
     $trans_no = $transact[2];
     $reg_no = $transact[1];
     $table = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans(date('Y-m-d', $totime));
     $query1 = "SELECT \n            description,\n            case \n                when voided = 5 \n                    then 'Discount'\n                when trans_status = 'M'\n                    then 'Mbr special'\n                when scale <> 0 and quantity <> 0 \n                    then concat(convert(quantity,char), ' @ ', convert(unitPrice,char))\n                when abs(itemQtty) > 1 and abs(itemQtty) > abs(quantity) and discounttype <> 3 and quantity = 1\n                    then concat(convert(volume,char), ' /', convert(unitPrice,char))\n                when abs(itemQtty) > 1 and abs(itemQtty) > abs(quantity) and discounttype <> 3 and quantity <> 1\n                    then concat(convert(Quantity,char), ' @ ', convert(Volume,char), ' /', convert(unitPrice,char))\n                when abs(itemQtty) > 1 and discounttype = 3\n                    then concat(convert(ItemQtty,char), ' /', convert(UnitPrice,char))\n                when abs(itemQtty) > 1\n                    then concat(convert(quantity,char), ' @ ', convert(unitPrice,char)) \n                when matched > 0\n                    then '1 w/ vol adj'\n                else ''\n                    \n            end\n            as comment,\n            total,\n            case \n                when trans_status = 'V' \n                    then 'VD'\n                when trans_status = 'R'\n                    then 'RF'\n                when tax <> 0 and foodstamp <> 0\n                    then 'TF'\n                when tax <> 0 and foodstamp = 0\n                    then 'T' \n                when tax = 0 and foodstamp <> 0\n                    then 'F'\n                when tax = 0 and foodstamp = 0\n                    then '' \n            end\n            as Status,\n            datetime, register_no, emp_no, trans_no, card_no as memberID,\n            upc\n            FROM {$table} \n            WHERE datetime BETWEEN ? AND ? \n            AND register_no=? AND emp_no=? and trans_no=?\n            AND voided <> 5 and UPC <> 'TAX' and UPC <> 'DISCOUNT'\n            ORDER BY trans_id";
     $args = array("{$year}-{$month}-{$day} 00:00:00", "{$year}-{$month}-{$day} 23:59:59", $reg_no, $emp_no, $trans_no);
     return $this->receipt_to_table($query1, $args, 0, 'FFFFFF');