Пример #1
$q = new DBSelect('pages', array('*'), '', 'Failed to get page list');
$result = $q->commit();
if (isset($_POST['form_sent_b'])) {
    if (futurebb_hash($_POST['confirmpwd']) == $futurebb_user['password']) {
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
            if (ctype_digit((string) $key)) {
                //insert history entry
                $select = new DBSelect('pages', array('*'), 'id=' . intval($key), 'Failed to get old value');
                $result = $select->commit();
                $element = $db->fetch_assoc($result);
                $lines = array();
                foreach ($element as $db_key => $db_val) {
                    $lines[] = $db_key . '=>' . $db_val;
                $insertquery = new DBInsert('interface_history', array('action' => 'edit', 'area' => 'pages', 'field' => intval($key), 'user' => $futurebb_user['id'], 'time' => time(), 'old_value' => base64_encode(implode("\n", $lines))), 'Failed to insert history entry');
                foreach ($val as $field => $field_value) {
                    //update the field
                    $updatequery = new DBUpdate('pages', array($field => $field_value), 'id=' . intval($key), 'Failed to update page entry');
        redirect($base_config['baseurl'] . '/admin/interface/pages');
    } else {
        echo '<p>Your password was incorrect. Hit the back button to try again.</p>';
} else {
Пример #2
 public function createNewOrder($storeName)
     $insertor = new DBInsert('localhost', 'root', '', 'mydb');
     $orderID = $insertor->insertNewOrder($this->getUsername(), $storeName);
     return $orderID;
Пример #3
         $q = new DBInsert('forums', $fields, 'Failed to insert forum');
     echo '<p>Forums completed!</p>';
     header('Refresh: 2; url=' . $base_config['baseurl'] . '/mass_import?import&part=categories');
 case 'categories':
     $q = new DBDelete('categories', '1=1', 'Failed to delete all existing categories');
     $cats_xml = $xml->categories;
     foreach ($cats_xml->category as $val) {
         $fields = array();
         foreach ($val as $field => $data) {
             $fields[(string) $field] = (string) $data;
         $q = new DBInsert('categories', $fields, 'Failed to insert category');
     echo '<p>Categories completed!</p>';
     header('Refresh: 2; url=' . $base_config['baseurl'] . '/mass_import?import&part=createforumurls');
 case 'createforumurls':
     $q = new DBSelect('forums', array('id', 'name'), '1=1', 'Failed to get forum list');
     $r1 = $q->commit();
     while (list($id, $fname) = $db->fetch_row($r1)) {
         $base_name = URLEngine::make_friendly($fname);
         $name = $base_name;
         $add_num = 0;
         //check for forums with the same URL
         $result = $db->query('SELECT url FROM `#^forums` WHERE url LIKE \'' . $db->escape($name) . '%\'') or error('Failed to check for similar URLs', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
         $urllist = array();
Пример #4
 public function addOrderItemToOrder(OrderItem $orderItem)
     $insertor = new DBInsert('localhost', 'root', '', 'mydb');
     $insertor->insertNewOrderItem($this->orderID, $this->storeName, $orderItem->getItemName(), $orderItem->getQuantity(), $orderItem->getPrice());
Пример #5
            $changes = array();
            if ($newkey != $old_lang['langkey']) {
                $changes['langkey'] = $newkey;
            if ($newval != $old_lang['value']) {
                $changes['value'] = $newval;
            if ($newcategory != $old_lang['category']) {
                $changes['category'] = $newcategory;
            if (!empty($changes)) {
                $oldval = array();
                foreach ($old_lang as $db_key => $db_val) {
                    $oldval[] = $db_key . '=>' . $db_val;
                $q2 = new DBInsert('interface_history', array('action' => 'edit', 'area' => 'language', 'field' => $id, 'user' => $futurebb_user['id'], 'time' => time(), 'old_value' => implode("\n", $oldval)), 'Failed to insert history entry');
                $q2 = new DBUpdate('language', $changes, 'id=' . $id, 'Failed to update language');
        //clear the cache
        redirect($base_config['baseurl'] . '/admin/interface/language');
    } else {
        echo '<p>Your password was incorrect. Hit the back button to try again.</p>';
if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
Пример #6
 set_config('admin_pages', 'PT5pbmRleApiYW5zPT5iYW5zCnJlcG9ydHM9PnJlcG9ydHMKY2Vuc29yaW5nPT5jZW5zb3JpbmcKZm9ydW1zPT5mb3J1bXMKaXBfdHJhY2tlcj0+aXB0cmFja2VyCnVzZXJfZ3JvdXBzPT51c2VyZ3JvdXBzCnRyYXNoX2Jpbj0+dHJhc2hiaW4KbWFpbnRlbmFuY2U9Pm1haW50ZW5hbmNlCnN0eWxlPT5zdHlsZQpleHRlbnNpb25zPT5leHRlbnNpb25zCmludGVyZmFjZT0+aW50ZXJmYWNl');
 set_config('mod_pages', 'YmFucz0+YmFucwpyZXBvcnRzPT5yZXBvcnRzCnRyYXNoX2Jpbj0+dHJhc2hiaW4KaXBfdHJhY2tlcj0+aXB0cmFja2Vy');
 set_config('date_format', 'd M Y');
 set_config('time_format', 'H:i');
 //create guest user
 $insert = new DBInsert('users', array('username' => 'Guest', 'password' => 'Guest', 'email' => '', 'registered' => 0, 'registration_ip' => '', 'group_id' => 0, 'last_visit' => 0, 'last_page_load' => 0, 'signature' => ''), 'Failed to create admin user');
 //create admin user
 $insert = new DBInsert('users', array('username' => get_cookie_data('adminusername'), 'password' => futurebb_hash(get_cookie_data('adminpass')), 'email' => get_cookie_data('adminemail'), 'registered' => time(), 'registration_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'group_id' => 1, 'last_visit' => time(), 'last_page_load' => time(), 'rss_token' => md5(time())), 'Failed to create admin user');
 //create user groups
 $insert = new DBInsert('user_groups', array('g_permanent' => 1, 'g_guest_group' => 0, 'g_name' => 'Administrators', 'g_title' => 'Administrator', 'g_admin_privs' => 1, 'g_mod_privs' => 1, 'g_edit_posts' => 1, 'g_delete_posts' => 1, 'g_signature' => 1, 'g_user_list' => 1, 'g_user_list_groups' => '', 'g_promote_group' => 0, 'g_promote_posts' => 0, 'g_promote_operator' => 0, 'g_promote_days' => 0, 'g_post_flood' => 0, 'g_posts_per_hour' => 0, 'g_post_links' => 1, 'g_post_images' => 1), 'Failed to create admin user group');
 $insert = new DBInsert('user_groups', array('g_permanent' => 1, 'g_guest_group' => 1, 'g_name' => 'Guests', 'g_title' => 'Guest', 'g_admin_privs' => 0, 'g_mod_privs' => 0, 'g_edit_posts' => 0, 'g_delete_posts' => 0, 'g_signature' => 0, 'g_user_list' => 0, 'g_user_list_groups' => '', 'g_promote_group' => 0, 'g_promote_posts' => 0, 'g_promote_operator' => 0, 'g_promote_days' => 0, 'g_post_flood' => 0, 'g_posts_per_hour' => 0, 'g_post_links' => 0, 'g_post_images' => 0), 'Failed to create guest user group');
 $insert = new DBInsert('user_groups', array('g_permanent' => 1, 'g_guest_group' => 0, 'g_name' => 'Members', 'g_title' => 'Member', 'g_admin_privs' => 0, 'g_mod_privs' => 0, 'g_edit_posts' => 1, 'g_delete_posts' => 1, 'g_signature' => 1, 'g_user_list' => 1, 'g_user_list_groups' => '', 'g_promote_group' => 0, 'g_promote_posts' => 0, 'g_promote_operator' => 0, 'g_promote_days' => 0, 'g_post_flood' => 60, 'g_posts_per_hour' => 0, 'g_post_links' => 1, 'g_post_images' => 1), 'Failed to create member user group');
 //run through stock cache to insert pages and language keys
 include FORUM_ROOT . '/app_config/cache/pages.php';
 $q = 'INSERT INTO `#^pages`(url,file,template,nocontentbox,admin,moderator,subdirs) VALUES';
 $page_insert_data = array();
 foreach ($pages as $url => $info) {
     $page_insert_data[] = '(\'' . $db->escape($url) . '\',\'' . $db->escape($info['file']) . '\',' . ($info['template'] ? '1' : '0') . ',' . (isset($info['nocontentbox']) ? '1' : '0') . ',' . ($info['admin'] ? '1' : '0') . ',' . ($info['mod'] ? '1' : '0') . ',0)';
 foreach ($pagessubdirs as $url => $info) {
     $page_insert_data[] = '(\'' . $db->escape($url) . '\',\'' . $db->escape($info['file']) . '\',' . ($info['template'] ? '1' : '0') . ',' . (isset($info['nocontentbox']) ? '1' : '0') . ',' . ($info['admin'] ? '1' : '0') . ',' . ($info['mod'] ? '1' : '0') . ',1)';
 $q = new DBMassInsert('pages', array('url', 'file', 'template', 'nocontentbox', 'admin', 'moderator', 'subdirs'), $page_insert_data, 'Failed to insert pages');
Пример #7
 static function add_language_key($key, $text, $language = 'English', $category = 'main')
     $q = new DBInsert('language', array('language' => $language, 'langkey' => $key, 'value' => $text, 'category' => $category), 'Failed to insert language key');
     //clear the cache
     $maindir = FORUM_ROOT . '/app_config/cache/language/' . $language;
     if (file_exists($maindir) && is_dir($maindir)) {
         $handle = opendir($maindir);
         while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
             if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                 unlink($maindir . '/' . $file);
Пример #8
require_once './php/Common/DBConnect.php';
// DB接続用
require_once './php/Register/RegisterControl.php';
require_once './php/Register/RegisterModel.php';
echo '<br><br><br>';
// 変数定義
$InputName = new InputName();
// アルバム名設定クラス
$DBCon = new DBCon();
// DB接続クラス
$UpList = new UpList();
// POSTデータ格納クラス
$DBInsert = new DBInsert();
// DB格納クラス
$DBSelect = new DBSelect();
// DBデータ取得クラス
$Done = null;
// DB操作結果
// DB接続にエラーが発生している場合は、始めに知らせる。
if ($DBInsert->getError != null) {
    echo $DBInsert->getError();
    require_once './php/Common/ExitCode.html';
// 新規または既存アルバム名を取得(Model→Control)
$InputName->setInputName(htmlspecialchars($_POST['CreateName']), $_POST['AlbumList']);
// 新規アルバム名の場合はディレクトリを作成