insertUpdate() публичный статический Метод

public static insertUpdate ( )
 function save()
     if (isset($this->homeGoals) && isset($this->awayGoals)) {
         DB::insertUpdate("fixture", array("gameweek" => $this->get_round(), "kickoff_time" => $this->get_kickoff(), "home_team" => $this->get_home_team(), "away_team" => $this->get_away_team(), "home_goals" => $this->get_home_goals(), "away_goals" => $this->get_away_goals(), "played" => $this->get_played()));
     } else {
Пример #2
function create_fixtures()
    echo "Bootstraping Fixtures...\n";
    $clubs = Club::get_clubs();
    while (sizeof($clubs) > 1) {
        $club = array_pop($clubs);
        echo "Processing " . $club["name"] . "\n";
        foreach ($clubs as $c) {
            DB::insertUpdate('fixture', array("home_team" => $club["id"], "away_team" => $c["id"]));
            DB::insertUpdate('fixture', array("home_team" => $c["id"], "away_team" => $club["id"]));
    echo "Processing " . $clubs[0]["name"] . "\n";
    echo "Initial fixtures created.\n";
Пример #3
 public static function authorize($data, $publicApiKey, $hash)
     $newToken = "";
     $row = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM CWM_ApiKey as ak JOIN CWM_UserApiKey uak ON ak.Id = uak.ApiKeyId WHERE PublicKey=%s", $publicApiKey);
     if (!is_null($row) && strlen(trim($publicApiKey)) > 0) {
         $userId = $row['UserId'];
         $privateApiKey = $row['PrivateKey'];
         $apiKeyIndex = $row['Id'];
         $hashCheck = sha1($data . $privateApiKey . $publicApiKey);
         $result = $hashCheck == $hash;
         if ($result) {
             $oldToken = DB::queryOneField('TokenValue', 'SELECT * FROM CWM_ApiKeySession WHERE UserId=%?', $userId);
             if (!CWM_API::isTokenValid($oldToken)) {
                 $newToken = sha1($userId . $privateApiKey . $hashCheck . CWM_API::getDateTime(time()));
                 DB::insertUpdate('CWM_ApiKeySession', array('ApiKeyId' => $apiKeyIndex, 'LastAccess' => CWM_API::getDateTime(time()), 'UserId' => $userId, 'TokenValue' => $newToken));
             } else {
                 $newToken = $oldToken;
     return $newToken;
Пример #4
    $terrain = (int) $cache->terrain;
    $country = (string) $cache->country;
    $url = (string) $wpt->url;
    foreach ($cache->logs->log as $log) {
        $gc = (string) $wpt->name;
        $name = (string) $cache->name;
        $username = (string) $log->finder;
        $logtext = (string) $log->text;
        $logType = (string) $log->type;
        $logDate = substr((string) $log->date, 0, 10);
        if ($inserted == 0) {
            DB::insertIgnore('user', array('username' => $username));
            $inserted = 1;
            $userId = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM user WHERE username=%s LIMIT 1", $username);
            $logIds = DB::queryFirstColumn("SELECT FROM image, log WHERE image.log = AND log.user = %i", $userId);
            foreach ($logIds as $logId) {
                DB::delete('image', "log=%i", $logId);
            DB::delete('log', "user=%i", $userId);
        DB::insertUpdate('geocache', array('gc' => $gc, 'name' => $name, 'type' => $typeId, 'lat' => $lat, 'lon' => $lon, 'difficulty' => $difficulty, 'terrain' => $terrain, 'country' => $country, 'url' => $url));
        $geocacheId = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM geocache WHERE gc = %s LIMIT 1", $gc);
        $logTypeId = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM logtype WHERE type = %s LIMIT 1", $logType);
        DB::insert('log', array('user' => $userId, 'geocache' => $geocacheId, 'created' => $logDate, 'type' => $logTypeId, 'log' => $logtext));
DB::update('user', array('finds' => $finds), "username=%s", $username);
//  echo "</div>";
unlink(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/pocketquery.gpx");
Header('Location: map.php');
Пример #5
 function test_7_insert_update()
     $true = DB::insertUpdate('accounts', array('id' => 2, 'username' => 'gonesoon', 'password' => 'something', 'age' => 61, 'height' => 199.194), 'age = age + %i', 1);
     $this->assert($true === true);
     $this->assert(DB::affectedRows() === 2);
     // a quirk of MySQL, even though only 1 row was updated
     $result = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE age = %i", 16);
     $this->assert(count($result) === 1);
     $this->assert($result[0]['height'] === '10.371');
     DB::insertUpdate('accounts', array('id' => 2, 'username' => 'blahblahdude', 'age' => 233, 'height' => 199.194));
     $result = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE age = %i", 233);
     $this->assert(count($result) === 1);
     $this->assert($result[0]['height'] === '199.194');
     $this->assert($result[0]['username'] === 'blahblahdude');
     DB::insertUpdate('accounts', array('id' => 2, 'username' => 'gonesoon', 'password' => 'something', 'age' => 61, 'height' => 199.194), array('age' => 74));
     $result = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE age = %i", 74);
     $this->assert(count($result) === 1);
     $this->assert($result[0]['height'] === '199.194');
     $this->assert($result[0]['username'] === 'blahblahdude');
     $multiples[] = array('id' => 3, 'username' => 'gonesoon', 'password' => 'something', 'age' => 61, 'height' => 199.194);
     $multiples[] = array('id' => 1, 'username' => 'gonesoon', 'password' => 'something', 'age' => 61, 'height' => 199.194);
     DB::insertUpdate('accounts', $multiples, array('age' => 914));
     $this->assert(DB::affectedRows() === 4);
     $result = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE age=914 ORDER BY id ASC");
     $this->assert(count($result) === 2);
     $this->assert($result[0]['username'] === 'Abe');
     $this->assert($result[1]['username'] === 'Charlie\'s Friend');
     $true = DB::query("UPDATE accounts SET age=15, username='******' WHERE age=%i", 74);
     $this->assert($true === true);
     $this->assert(DB::affectedRows() === 1);
Пример #6
 function save()
     DB::insertUpdate('player_history', array("player_id" => $this->get_playerId(), "season" => $this->get_season(), "minutes_played" => $this->get_minutesPlayed(), "goals" => $this->get_goals(), "assists" => $this->get_assists(), "clean_sheet" => $this->get_cleanSheet(), "goals_conceded" => $this->get_goalsConceded(), "own_goals" => $this->get_ownGoals(), "penalties_saved" => $this->get_penaltiesSaved(), "penalties_missed" => $this->get_penaltiesMissed(), "yellow_card" => $this->get_yellowCard(), "red_card" => $this->get_redCard(), "saves" => $this->get_saves(), "bonus" => $this->get_bonus(), "esp" => $this->get_esp(), "bps" => $this->get_bps(), "value" => $this->get_value(), "points" => $this->get_points()));
#// get first page of apps
$applist = $enjin->execute('Applications.getList', array('session_id' => $sessionID, 'type' => $appType));
#// find out how many pages there are...
$perPage = count($applist["items"]);
$totapps = $applist['total'];
$totpages = $perPage > 0 ? ceil($totapps / $perPage) : 0;
for ($curPage = 1; $curPage <= $totpages; $curPage++) {
    foreach ($applist["items"] as $app) {
        echo "Processing app for " . $app["username"] . " [AppID: " . $app["application_id"] . "]... ";
        $appDetails = $enjin->execute('Applications.getApplication', array('session_id' => $sessionID, 'application_id' => $app["application_id"]));
        #// extract the extra user information from the application, and save it
        $UserInfo[$app["user_id"]] = array("TS3 Username" => $appDetails["user_data"]["goqjf6cp8w"], "Account ID" => $appDetails["user_data"]["7bts17biho"]);
        DB::update("users", array("account_id" => $UserInfo[$app["user_id"]]["Account ID"]), "user_id=%i and account_id is null or account_id = ''", $app["user_id"]);
        #DB::update("users", array(
        #"ts3_username" =>$UserInfo[$app["user_id"]]["TS3 Username"]
        #), "user_id=%i and ts3_username is null or ts3_username = ''", $app["user_id"]);
        DB::insertUpdate("users", array("user_id" => $app["user_id"], "account_id" => $appDetails["user_data"]["7bts17biho"], "ts3_username" => $appDetails["user_data"]["goqjf6cp8w"], "enjin_username" => $app["username"], "application_id" => $app["application_id"], "application_submitdate" => date("Y-m-d", $app["created"]), "avatar" => $app["avatar"]), array("enjin_username" => $app["username"], "application_id" => $app["application_id"], "application_submitdate" => date("Y-m-d", $app["created"]), "ts3_username" => $UserInfo[$app["user_id"]]["TS3 Username"], "avatar" => $app["avatar"]));
        try {
            $enjin->execute('Stats.saveUserStats', array('api_key' => $apiKey, 'stats' => $UserInfo));
            #// archive application
            $enjin->execute('Applications.archive', array('session_id' => $sessionID, 'application_id' => $app["application_id"]));
            echo "Done\n";
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo "Error\n";
    #// get next page of apps
    $applist = $enjin->execute('Applications.getList', array('session_id' => $sessionID, 'type' => $appType, 'page' => $curPage + 1));
Пример #8

require_once __DIR__ . '/../all.php';
$cookies = new Cookies();
$user = $cookies->user_from_cookie();
$vars = array("item_id", "side_id", "service_id");
if (set_vars($_POST, $vars)) {
    if ($user->data["permission"] === "4" || $user->data["permission"] === "3" && $user->data["service_id"] === $_POST["service_id"]) {
        //        DB::insert("menu_sides", array("name"=>$_POST["name"], "price"=>$_POST["price"], "required"=>$_POST["req"], "service_id"=>$_POST["service_id"]));
        DB::insertUpdate("menu_sides_item_link", array("item_id" => $_POST["item_id"], "sides_id" => $_POST["side_id"]));
        echo DB::affectedRows();
    } else {
        echo "-1";
} else {
    echo "-1";
Пример #9
 public function place_order($cid, $pmt, $amount)
     //        DB::insertUpdate("account_address", $address, "account_id=%s", $this->data["uid"]);
     $catitem = DB::queryOneRow("SELECT * FROM category_items WHERE id=%s", $cid);
     $now = DB::sqleval("NOW()");
     $data = array("service_id" => $catitem["category_id"], "category_id" => $cid, "time" => $now, "user_id" => $this->id, "payment_cc" => $pmt == "credit_card" ? "1" : "0");
     DB::insertUpdate("orders", $data);
     $oid = DB::insertId();
     DB::update("carts", array("order_id" => $oid, "active" => "0"), "user_id=%s AND active=1", $this->id);
     if ($pmt === 'credit_card' && $this->data['stripe_cust_id']) {
         if ($customer = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($this->data['stripe_cust_id'])) {
             \Stripe\Charge::create(['amount' => $amount, 'currency' => 'usd', 'source' => $pmt, 'customer' => $this->data['stripe_cust_id'], 'description' => 'Order from ' . $catitem['name']]);
     return $oid;
Пример #10

require_once 'general.php';
require_once 'connection.php';
require_once 'logger.php';
require_once 'checkLogin.php';
if (isset($_GET['addUser'])) {
    DB::insertUpdate('user', array('username' => $_GET['addUser']));
    DB::insertIgnore('feed', array('user' => DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = %s", getSessionUser()), 'feeduser' => DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = %s", $_GET['addUser'])));
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['removeUser'])) {
        $user = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = %s", getSessionUser());
        $feedUser = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = %s", $_GET['removeUser']);
        DB::delete('feed', 'user=%s AND feeduser='******'components/head.html';
    <div class="panel-body">
      <div class='panel panel-info'>
        <div class='panel-heading'>Add user to feed and index</div>
        <div class='panel-body'>
          <form class="form-inline">
            <div class="form-group">
              <input class="form-control" name="addUser" placeholder="Username">
Пример #11
 function save()
     DB::insertUpdate("player_fixture", array("player_id" => $this->get_playerId(), "fixture_id" => $this->get_fixtureId(), "minutes_played" => $this->get_minutesPlayed(), "goals" => $this->get_goals(), "assists" => $this->get_assists(), "clean_sheet" => $this->get_cleanSheet(), "goals_conceded" => $this->get_goalsConceded(), "own_goals" => $this->get_ownGoals(), "penalties_saved" => $this->get_penaltiesSaved(), "penalties_missed" => $this->get_penaltiesMissed(), "yellow_card" => $this->get_yellowCard(), "red_card" => $this->get_redCard(), "saves" => $this->get_saves(), "bonus" => $this->get_bonus(), "ea_sports_ppi" => $this->get_eaSportsPPI(), "bonus_point_system" => $this->get_bonusPointSystem(), "net_transfers" => $this->get_netTransfers(), "cost_value" => $this->get_costValue(), "points" => $this->get_points()));
Пример #12
 public function save()
     DB::insertUpdate("fixture", array("gameweek" => $this->get_round(), "kickoff_time" => $this->get_kickoff(), "home_team" => $this->get_home_team(), "away_team" => $this->get_away_team(), "home_goals" => $this->get_home_goals(), "away_goals" => $this->get_away_goals(), "played" => $this->get_played() ? $this->get_played() : 0));
Пример #13
 public function save()
     echo $this->get_firstName() . "\n";
     DB::insertUpdate('player', array("fpl_id" => $this->get_id(), "fpl_code" => $this->get_playerCode(), "club_id" => $this->get_teamId(), "squad_number" => $this->get_squadNumber(), "first_name" => $this->get_firstName(), "second_name" => $this->get_secondName(), "web_name" => $this->get_webName(), "in_dreamteam" => $this->get_inDreamTeam(), "shirt_image_url" => $this->get_shirtImageUrl(), "shirt_mobile_image_url" => $this->get_shirtMobileImageUrl(), "photo_mobile_url" => $this->get_photoMobileUrl(), "type" => $this->get_player_type_id($this->get_typeName()), "total_points" => $this->get_totalPoints(), "points_per_game" => $this->get_pointsPerGame(), "last_season_points" => $this->get_lastSeasonPoints(), "fpl_added" => $this->get_lastSeasonPoints()));
     DB::insertUpdate('player_news', array("player_id" => $this->get_id(), "status" => $this->get_status(), "news_updated" => $this->get_newsUpdated(), "news_added" => $this->get_newsAdded(), "news" => $this->get_news(), "news_return" => $this->get_newsReturn()));
     DB::insertUpdate('player_event', array("player_id" => $this->get_id(), "event_total" => $this->get_eventTotal(), "event_points" => $this->get_eventPoints()));
     DB::insertUpdate('player_cost', array("player_id" => $this->get_id(), "event_cost" => $this->get_eventCost(), "max_cost" => $this->get_maxCost(), "min_cost" => $this->get_minCost(), "now_cost" => $this->get_nowCost(), "original_cost" => $this->get_originalCost()));
     foreach ($this->get_seasonHistory() as $season) {
     foreach ($this->get_fixtures() as $fixture) {
     foreach ($this->get_fixtureHistory() as $playerFixture) {
Пример #14

require_once __DIR__ . '/../all.php';
$cookies = new Cookies();
$user = $cookies->user_from_cookie();
//$vars = array("name","category_id","service_id");
//if (set_vars($_POST, $vars)){
if ($user->data["permission"] === "4" || $user->data["permission"] === "3" && $user->data["service_id"] === $_POST["service_id"]) {
    $id = $_POST["id"];
    $arr = array_filter($_POST, function ($v) {
        return $v !== '';
    DB::insertUpdate("menu_items", $arr);
    $iid = DB::insertId();
    $old_iid = intval(DB::queryOneRow("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name='lastitem'")["value"]);
    if ($iid > $old_iid) {
        DB::update("settings", array("value" => $iid), "name=%s", "lastitem");
    echo DB::insertId();
} else {
    echo "-1";
//    echo "-1";
Пример #15
function map_commit()
    global $map_values, $map_values_changed;
    if ($map_values === NULL || !$map_values_changed) {
    //If we haven't loaded anything, or we haven't changed anything, nothing happens.
    $insertions = array();
    foreach ($map_values as $key => $value) {
        $insertions[] = array('map_key' => $key, 'map_value' => $value);
    DB::insertUpdate('map', $insertions, 'map_value=VALUES(map_value)');
    $map_values_changed = false;
Пример #16
 $decoded = json_decode(substr(substr($line, 13), 0, -2), true);
 foreach ($decoded['data'] as $data) {
     $images = array();
     if ($data['UserName'] == $username) {
         $created = transformDate($data['Visited']);
         $finds = $data['GeocacheFindCount'];
         $log = $data['LogText'];
         $logType = $data['LogType'];
         if (!empty($data['Images'])) {
             foreach ($data['Images'] as $image) {
                 l('<img style="width: 100px;" src="' . $image['FileName'] . '" />');
                 array_push($images, '' . $image['FileName']);
         DB::update('user', array('finds' => $finds), "username=%s", $username);
         DB::insertUpdate('geocache', array('gc' => $gc, 'type' => DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM type WHERE type=%s LIMIT 1", $geocacheType), 'name' => $cacheName, 'difficulty' => $difficulty, 'terrain' => $terrain, 'favorites' => $fp, 'finds' => $totalFinds, 'country' => $country, 'country_iso' => $country_iso, 'lat' => $lat, 'lon' => $lon, 'url' => $url));
         l("geocache: {$gc}, {$cacheName}, {$difficulty} (d), {$terrain} (t), {$fp} (fp), {$totalFinds} (total finds), {$country}, {$lat}, {$lon}, <a href=\"{$url}\">{$url}</a>");
         l("log: {$username}, {$gc}, {$created}, {$logType}");
         $geocacheId = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM geocache WHERE gc=%s LIMIT 1", $gc);
         $logTypeId = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM logtype WHERE type=%s LIMIT 1", $logType);
         $logIdWithDate = getLogIdFromToday($geocacheId, $userId, $created, $logTypeId);
         if (isset($logIdWithDate)) {
             DB::query("UPDATE log SET log=%s WHERE id=%i", $log, $logIdWithDate);
             DB::query("DELETE FROM image WHERE log=%i", $logIdWithDate);
             foreach ($images as $image) {
                 $image = httpsifyUrl($image);
                 DB::insert('image', array('log' => $logIdWithDate, 'url' => $image));
         } else {
             DB::insert('log', array('user' => $userId, 'geocache' => $geocacheId, 'created' => $created, 'type' => $logTypeId, 'log' => $log));
             $logIdWithDate = getLogIdFromToday($geocacheId, $userId, $created, $logTypeId);