  * Set the User geolocation and page
 function init($link = null, $id = null, $online_time = USER_ONLINE_TIME)
     $file = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
     $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $user_localization = isset($_SESSION['user_localization']) ? $_SESSION['user_localization'] : null;
     $sid = session_id();
     $browser = BROWSER . " " . BROWSER_VERSION;
     $os = BROWSER_OS;
     $ip = IP;
     if (!$user_localization) {
         $time = TIME - HOUR;
         DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user_localization WHERE time < " . HOUR);
     $user_localization_id = $user_localization ? $_SESSION['user_localization']['user_localization_id'] : DB::get_field("SELECT user_localization_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user_localization WHERE sid='{$sid}'");
     if ($user_id = User::get_user_id()) {
         $guest_id = 0;
         $name = User::get_user_field("name");
     } else {
         $guest_id = isset($user_localization['guest_id']) ? $user_localization['guest_id'] : 1 + DB::get_field("SELECT guest_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user_localization ORDER BY guest_id DESC LIMIT 1;");
         $name = get_msg('guest') . " " . $guest_id;
     if ($user_localization_id) {
         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "user_localization SET ip='{$ip}', user_id='{$user_id}', name='{$name}', url='{$url}', id='{$id}', file='{$file}', time='" . TIME . "', sid='{$sid}' WHERE user_localization_id='{$user_localization_id}'");
     } else {
         if (!($location = ip_to_location($ip, $assoc = true))) {
             $location = array('CountryCode' => null, 'CountryName' => null, 'RegionCode' => null, 'RegionName' => null, 'City' => null, 'ZipPostalCode' => null, 'Latitude' => null, 'Longitude' => null, 'TimezoneName' => null, 'Gmtoffset' => null);
         //replace_sql_injection( $location );
         DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "user_localization\r\n                        (ip,sid,user_id,guest_id,name,url,id,file,os,browser,time,time_first_click,country_code,country_name,region_code,region_name,city_name,zip,latitude,longitude,timezone_name,gmt_offset)\r\n                        VALUES\r\n                        ('{$ip}','{$sid}','{$user_id}','{$guest_id}','{$name}','{$url}','{$id}','{$file}','{$os}','{$browser}', " . TIME . ", " . TIME . ", '{$location['CountryCode']}', '{$location['CountryName']}', '{$location['RegionCode']}', '{$location['RegionName']}','{$location['City']}', '{$location['ZipPostalCode']}', '{$location['Latitude']}', '{$location['Longitude']}', '{$location['TimezoneName']}', '{$location['Gmtoffset']}')");
         $user_localization_id = DB::get_last_id();
     $_SESSION['user_localization'] = array('user_localization_id' => $user_localization_id, 'id' => $id, 'guest_id' => $guest_id, 'name' => $name, 'time' => TIME, 'file' => $file, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'os' => $os, 'browser' => $browser);
Пример #2
  * Set the User geolocation and page
 function user_where_is_init($id, $link, $online_time = USER_ONLINE_TIME)
     $file = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
     $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $where_is = isset($_SESSION['where_is']) ? $_SESSION['where_is'] : null;
     $sid = session_id();
     $browser = BROWSER . " " . BROWSER_VERSION;
     $os = BROWSER_OS;
     $ip = get_ip();
     if (!$where_is) {
         $time = TIME - HOUR;
         DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user_where_is WHERE time < " . HOUR);
     $user_where_is_id = $where_is ? $_SESSION['where_is']['user_where_is_id'] : DB::get_field("SELECT user_where_is_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user_where_is WHERE sid='{$sid}'");
     if ($user_id = $this->get_user_id()) {
         $guest_id = 0;
         $name = $this->get_user_field("name");
     } else {
         $guest_id = isset($where_is['guest_id']) ? $where_is['guest_id'] : 1 + DB::get_field("SELECT guest_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user_where_is ORDER BY guest_id DESC LIMIT 1;");
         $name = _GUEST_ . " " . $guest_id;
     if ($user_where_is_id) {
         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "user_where_is SET ip='{$ip}', user_id='{$user_id}', name='{$name}', url='{$url}', id='{$id}', file='{$file}', time='" . TIME . "', sid='{$sid}' WHERE user_where_is_id='{$user_where_is_id}'");
     } else {
         if (!($location = ip_to_location($ip, $type = 'array'))) {
             $location = array('CountryCode' => null, 'CountryName' => null, 'RegionCode' => null, 'RegionName' => null, 'City' => null, 'ZipPostalCode' => null, 'Latitude' => null, 'Longitude' => null, 'TimezoneName' => null, 'Gmtoffset' => null);
         DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "user_where_is\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(ip,sid,user_id,guest_id,name,url,id,file,os,browser,time,time_first_click,country_code,country_name,region_code,region_name,city_name,zip,latitude,longitude,timezone_name,gmt_offset)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t('{$ip}','{$sid}','{$user_id}','{$guest_id}','{$name}','{$url}','{$id}','{$file}','{$os}','{$browser}', " . TIME . ", " . TIME . ", '{$location['CountryCode']}', '{$location['CountryName']}', '{$location['RegionCode']}', '{$location['RegionName']}','{$location['City']}', '{$location['ZipPostalCode']}', '{$location['Latitude']}', '{$location['Longitude']}', '{$location['TimezoneName']}', '{$location['Gmtoffset']}')");
         $user_where_is_id = DB::get_last_id();
     $_SESSION['where_is'] = array('user_where_is_id' => $user_where_is_id, 'id' => $id, 'guest_id' => $guest_id, 'name' => $name, 'time' => TIME, 'file' => $file, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'os' => $os, 'browser' => $browser);
Пример #3
 public function getAccessToken()
     $db = new DB();
     $accessToken = $db->get_field('wx_config', "_key='WX_ACCESS_TOKEN'", '_value');
     $access = $accessToken ? json_decode($access, true) : array();
     if ($access['expires_in'] < time()) {
         $app = self::getApp();
         include_once HANDLE_DIR . 'tools.class.php';
         $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid=' . $app['appid'] . '&secret=' . $app['appsec'];
         $access = curl_get($url);
         $access_arr = json_decode($access, true);
         $access_arr['expires_in'] += time();
         $data = array('_key' => 'WX_ACCESS_TOKEN', '_value' => json_encode($access_arr));
         if (empty($accessToken)) {
             $db->insert('wx_config', $data);
         } else {
             $db->update('wx_config', $data, "_key='WX_ACCESS_TOKEN'");
         return $access_arr['access_token'];
     } else {
         return $access['access_token'];
Пример #4

global $postObj;
include_once HANDLE_DIR . 'db.class.php';
include_once HANDLE_DIR . 'tools.class.php';
$db = new DB();
$data = array('from' => $postObj->FromUserName, 'to' => $postObj->ToUserName, 'text' => (string) $postObj->Recognition, 'media_id' => $postObj->MediaId, 'time' => $postObj->CreateTime, 'format' => $postObj->Format, 'message_id' => $postObj->MsgId);
$db->insert('wx_message_voice', $data);
$default_key = 'ANSWER_DEFAULT_' . round(rand(1, 4));
$contentStr = $db->get_field("wx_config", "_key='{$default_key}'", "_value");
if (empty($data['text'])) {
    $contentStr = '您的消息我已经收到!';
} else {
    if (mb_substr($data['text'], 0, 2, 'utf-8') == '天气') {
        $contentStr = getWeather($data['text'], false);
    } else {
        if (mb_substr($data['text'], 0, 2, 'utf-8') == '快递') {
            $contentStr = doGetKuaiDi($data['text']);
        } else {
            if ($db->count('wx_answer', "_key='{$data['text']}'") > 0) {
                $contentStr = $db->get_field("wx_answer", "_key='{$data['text']}'", "_value");
            } else {
                $str = $data['text'];
Пример #5
$db = new DB();
$table = 'wx_user';
if (trim($postObj->Event) == 'subscribe') {
    $access_token = O('API')->getAccessToken();
    $data = array('openid' => $postObj->FromUserName, 'subscribe_time' => $postObj->CreateTime, 'belong' => $_GET['id']);
    if (!empty($access_token)) {
        $userInfo = userInfo($postObj->FromUserName, $access_token);
        $data['nickname'] = $userInfo['nickname'];
        $data['sex'] = $userInfo['sex'];
        $data['language'] = $userInfo['language'];
        $data['city'] = $userInfo['city'];
        $data['province'] = $userInfo['province'];
        $data['country'] = $userInfo['country'];
        $data['headimgurl'] = $userInfo['headimgurl'];
    $db->insert($table, $data);
    $contentStr = $db->get_field('wx_config', "_key='ANSWER_WELCOME' and belong='{$_GET['id']}'", '_value');
    exit(Tools::answer_text($postObj->ToUserName, $postObj->FromUserName, $contentStr));
} else {
    if (trim($postObj->Event) == 'unsubscribe') {
        $data = array('unsubscribe_time' => $postObj->CreateTime, 'status' => 0);
        $db->update($table, $data, "openid='{$postObj->FromUserName}' and status=1 and belong='{$_GET['id']}'");