protected function setUp() { $db_util = DbTestUtil::instance(); $db_util->emptyTable('member'); $this->_dao = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory(DAOFactory::DB); $this->_member_dao = $this->_dao->getMemberDAO(); }
function generateJSONRegionsTaxaQuantity($region) { $taxonDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getTaxonDAO(); $result = array(); $r = new stdClass(); $r->regionName = utf8_encode($region); $r->taxaCount = $taxonDAO->getCountTaxaInRegion($r->regionName); array_push($result, $r); return json_encode($result); }
<?php require_once '../../config/config.php'; require '../../config/smarty.php'; require_once WORKSPACE_DIR . 'core/model/Country.php'; require_once WORKSPACE_DIR . 'core/dao/factories/DAOFactory.php'; if (isset($_GET['specie_id']) && $_GET['specie_id'] != '') { $taxonID = $_GET['specie_id']; $countryDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getCountryDAO(); //TODO }
$cwrConcept->getTaxon()->setUtilizationReferences($utilizationReferences); } /* * ** CROP BREEDING USES *** */ $taxonBreedingDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getBreedingUseDAO(); $taxonBreedingUses = $taxonBreedingDAO->getTaxonBreedingUses($taxonID); if (count($taxonBreedingUses) > 0) { $cwrConcept->setTaxonBreedingUses($taxonBreedingUses); } /* * ** STORAGE BEHAVIOR *** */ $storageBehaviorDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getStorageBehaviorDAO(); $storageBehavior = $storageBehaviorDAO->getStorageBehavior($cwrConcept->getTaxon()->getGenus()); if ($storageBehavior != null) { $cwrConcept->setStorageBehavior($storageBehavior); } /* * ** HERBARIA *** */ $herbariumDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getHerbariumDAO(); $herbaria = $herbariumDAO->getHerbariaData($cwrConcept->getTaxon()->getID()); if (count($herbaria) > 0) { $cwrConcept->getTaxon()->setHerbaria($herbaria); } } $firephp = new FirePHP(true); //TODO - Remove this variable when the development of this page finalize. $firephp->log($cwrConcept, 'CWR:'); // Only for test $smarty->assign("taxon", $cwrConcept->getTaxon()); $smarty->assign("mainTaxon", $mainTaxon); $smarty->assign("cwr", $cwrConcept); } // display TPL $smarty->display("cwr-details.tpl");
<?php /* Initializing WordPress features */ require_once '../../../wp-blog-header.php'; /* Initializing Smarty and Database Objects */ require_once '../../config/config.php'; require_once '../../config/smarty.php'; require_once '../../config/db.php'; require_once WORKSPACE_DIR . 'core/dao/factories/DAOFactory.php'; /* Show WordPress Header */ get_header(); // display sidebar get_sidebar(); $taxonDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getTaxonDAO(); $taxonDAO->updateScientificNames(); // display footer get_footer();
header("Content-length: " . filesize($filename)); readfile($filename); unlink($filename); } /* Ideado principalmente para la descarga desde el boton de gene pool */ if ($_GET["term"]) { $ids = $_GET['term']; if (!is_array($ids)) { $filename = $term . "-" . date("d-M-Y H-i-s") . ".csv"; } else { $filename = "Results-" . date("d-M-Y H-i-s") . ".csv"; } $file = fopen($filename, "w"); $sep = ","; $header = "Id" . $sep . "Family" . $sep . "FamilyAuthor" . $sep . "Genus" . $sep . "Specie" . $sep . "SpecieAuthor" . $sep . "Subspecie" . $sep . "SubspecieAuthor" . $sep . "Variety" . $sep . "VarietyAuthor" . $sep . "commonName" . $sep . "ScientificName" . $sep . "ConceptType" . $sep . "ConceptLevel" . $sep . "Relative of" . $sep . "\n"; $genePoolConceptDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getGenePoolConceptDAO(); $data = $header; foreach ($ids as $id) { $concepts = $genePoolConceptDAO->getGenePoolConcept($id); $arrayConcepts = $concepts->getConcepts(); $mainTaxon = $concepts->getMainCrop(); foreach ($arrayConcepts as $concept) { $taxon = $concept->getTaxon(); $data .= $taxon->getId() . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $taxon->getFamily()) . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $taxon->getFamilyAuthor()) . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $taxon->getGenus()) . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $taxon->getSpecie()) . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $taxon->getSpecieAuthor()) . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $taxon->getSubspecie()) . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $taxon->getSubspecieAuthor()) . $sep . $taxon->getVariety() . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $taxon->getVarietyAuthor()) . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $taxon->getCommonName()) . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $taxon->generateScientificName(false, false)) . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $concept->getConceptType()) . $sep . str_replace(",", " ", $concept->getConceptLevel()) . $sep . $mainTaxon->getTaxon()->generateScientificName(false, false); $data .= "\n"; } } fwrite($file, $data); fclose($file); header("Content-type: application/csv"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename . " ");
<?php require_once '../../config/config.php'; require_once '../../config/smarty.php'; require_once WORKSPACE_DIR . 'core/dao/factories/DAOFactory.php'; if (isset($_GET['search-type']) && $_GET['search-type'] != '') { $term = $_GET['term']; switch ($_GET['search-type']) { case "concept-level": $conceptDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getConceptDAO(); $concept_level = $conceptDAO->getAllLevelsByType($term); echo generateJSONConceptLevel($concept_level); break; } } function generateJSONConceptLevel($concept_level) { $result = array(); foreach ($concept_level as $level) { array_push($result, $level); } return json_encode($result); }
if (isset($_POST["priority-genera-only"])) { $priority_genera = $_POST["priority-genera"]; // Array con los generos prioritarios a buscar $search_type = 1; // Busqueda por generos prioritarios } else { if (isset($_POST["priority-croptaxa-only"])) { $search_type = 2; // Busqueda realizada por priority taxa } else { if (empty($countries) && empty($regions)) { $search_type = 3; } } } $advancedSearchDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getAdvancedSearchDAO(); $taxa = $advancedSearchDAO->getResultsAdvancedSearch($term, $search_type, $countries, $regions, $concept_type, $concept_levels, $priority_genera); // Devuelve un arreglo de objetos taxon $long = count($taxa); if ($long != 1) { $middle = ceil($long / 2); foreach ($taxa as $tx) { if ($i < $middle) { $taxa_left[] = $tx; } else { $taxa_right[] = $tx; } $i++; } } else { $taxa_left[] = $taxa[0];
protected function setUp() { $this->_dao = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory(DAOFactory::DB); }
public function __construct() { $mySqlDAOFactory = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory(DAOFactory::$MYSQL); $this->dao = $mySqlDAOFactory->getDataBaseOperations(); $this->message = Localization::getInstance(); }
function generateJSONConceptInformation($taxonName) { $cwrConceptDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getCWRConceptDAO(); $cwrConcept = $cwrConceptDAO->getCWRConceptbyTaxonName($taxonName); $mainTaxon = $cwrConceptDAO->getMainConcept($cwrConcept->getTaxon()->getId()); if ($cwrConcept != null && $mainTaxon != null) { $r = new stdClass(); $r->specieName = utf8_encode($cwrConcept->getTaxon()->generateScientificName(true, true)); $validName = $cwrConcept->getTaxon()->getValidName(); if (!empty($validName)) { $r->validName = utf8_encode($validName); } $commonName = $cwrConcept->getTaxon()->getCommonName(); if (!empty($commonName)) { $r->commonName = utf8_encode($commonName); } $taxonID = $cwrConcept->getTaxon()->getId(); if (!empty($taxonID)) { $r->taxonID = $taxonID; } $mainCropList = array(); if ($mainTaxon != null) { foreach ($mainTaxon as $crop) { $mainCrop = new stdClass(); $mainCrop->mainCropID = $crop->taxon->getId(); $mainCrop->type = $crop->Concept_Type; $mainCrop->level = $crop->Concept_Level; $mainCrop->mainCropName = utf8_encode($crop->taxon->generateScientificName(true, false)); array_push($mainCropList, $mainCrop); } } $r->mainCropList = $mainCropList; } else { // No tiene un concept asociado en la base de datos $taxonDAO = TaxonMySQL::getInstance(); $taxon = $taxonDAO->getTaxonbyName($taxonName); $r = new stdClass(); $r->taxonID = $taxon->getId(); $r->specieName = utf8_encode($taxon->generateScientificName(true, false)); } return json_encode($r); }
<?php require_once '../../config/config.php'; require_once '../../config/smarty.php'; require_once WORKSPACE_DIR . 'core/model/Occurrences.php'; require_once WORKSPACE_DIR . 'core/dao/factories/DAOFactory.php'; if (isset($_GET['search-type']) && $_GET['search-type'] != '') { $term = $_GET['term']; $limit = $_GET['limit']; $type = $_GET['search-type']; $occurrencesDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getOccurrencesDAO(); echo json_encode($occurrencesDAO->suggestList($type, $limit, $term)); }
/** * * @param type $db - ADONewConnection. * @param type $cropID - Crop ID to search from concepts table. * @return \GenePoolConcept - GenePoolConcept Object and its Concepts. */ public function getGenePoolConcept($taxonID) { global $db; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT c.Crop_ID, c.Concept_ID, c.Concept_Type, c.Concept_Level, s2.*\n FROM concepts c\n INNER JOIN species s ON c.Taxon_ID = s.Taxon_ID\n JOIN species s2 ON s.Valid_Taxon_ID = s2.Taxon_ID\n WHERE c.Concept_ID = (\n SELECT c.Concept_ID\n FROM concepts c\n WHERE c.Concept_Level in ('1A','Crop taxa') and c.Taxon_ID = {$taxonID}\n ) AND s2.Taxon_ID = s2.Valid_Taxon_ID\n ORDER BY c.Concept_Level, s2.Scientific_Name"; $result = $db->getAll($query); $genePoolConcept = null; $cropID = null; // Validate if $result has not data. if (!empty($result)) { $genePoolConcept = new GenePoolConcept(); $theConceptID = null; $theConceptType = null; $array_id = array(); foreach ($result as $db_concept) { $concept = new Concept(); $concept->setConceptType(trim($db_concept["Concept_Type"])); $concept->setConceptLevel(trim($db_concept["Concept_Level"])); $concept->setConceptID(trim($db_concept["Concept_ID"])); $concept->setCropID(trim($db_concept["Crop_ID"])); if ($cropID == null) { $cropID = trim($db_concept["Crop_ID"]); } if ($theConceptID == null) { $theConceptID = $concept->getConceptID(); } if ($theConceptType == null) { $theConceptType = $concept->getConceptType(); } /* * ** TAXON - BASIC INFORMATION *** */ $taxon = new Taxon(trim($db_concept["Valid_Taxon_ID"])); // Taxon_ID will be the identifier of the suggestion list. $taxon->setCommonName(trim($db_concept["Common_Name"])); $taxon->setFamily(trim($db_concept["Family"])); $taxon->setFamilyAuthor(trim($db_concept["Family_Author"])); $taxon->setGenus(trim($db_concept["Genus"])); $taxon->setSpecie(trim($db_concept["Species"])); $taxon->setSpecieAuthor(trim($db_concept["Species_Author"])); $taxon->setSubspecie(trim($db_concept["Subsp"])); $taxon->setSubspecieAuthor($db_concept["Subsp_Author"]); $taxon->setVariety(trim($db_concept["Var"])); $taxon->setVarietyAuthor(trim($db_concept["Var_Author"])); $taxon->setForm(trim($db_concept["Form"])); $taxon->setFormAuthor(trim($db_concept["Form_Author"])); $taxon->setMainCrop(trim($db_concept["Main_Crop"])); $taxon->setScientificName(trim($db_concept["Scientific_Name"])); $concept->setTaxon($taxon); if ($concept->getConceptLevel() == "Crop taxa") { $genePoolConcept->addCropTaxa($taxon); } else { // if concept level = 1A it should be also in the genepool concept list. if ($concept->getConceptLevel() == "1A") { $genePoolConcept->addCropTaxa($taxon); } $genePoolConcept->addConcept($concept); } } $taxonDAO = DAOFactory::getDAOFactory()->getTaxonDAO(); $mainTaxon = $taxonDAO->getTaxon($cropID); $mainCrop = new Concept($mainTaxon->getId()); $mainCrop->setConceptID($theConceptID); $mainCrop->setConceptType($theConceptType); $mainCrop->setCropID($cropID); $mainCrop->setTaxon($mainTaxon); $genePoolConcept->setMainCrop($mainCrop); } return $genePoolConcept; }