Пример #1
  * This function returns the HtmlElements to display for 1:n relations
  * @todo this only works with single valued identifiers
  * @param array $assocMapping Mapping information for this relation
  * @param string $entityClass FQCN of the foreign entity
  * @param int $entityId ID of the local entity
  * @return array Set of \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement instances
 protected function getIdentifyingDisplayValue($assocMapping, $entityClass, $entityId)
     global $_CORELANG;
     $localEntityMetadata = \Env::get('em')->getClassMetadata($this->entityClass);
     $localEntityIdentifierField = $localEntityMetadata->getSingleIdentifierFieldName();
     $localEntityRepo = \Env::get('em')->getRepository($this->entityClass);
     $localEntity = $localEntityRepo->find($entityId);
     if (!$localEntity) {
         throw new \Exception('Entity not found');
     $foreignEntityGetter = 'get' . preg_replace('/_([a-z])/', '\\1', ucfirst($assocMapping["fieldName"]));
     $foreignEntities = $localEntity->{$foreignEntityGetter}();
     $htmlElements = array();
     foreach ($foreignEntities as $index => $foreignEntity) {
         // entity base implements __toString()
         $displayValue = (string) $foreignEntity;
         $foreignEntityMetadata = \Env::get('em')->getClassMetadata(get_class($foreignEntity));
         $foreignEntityIdentifierField = $foreignEntityMetadata->getSingleIdentifierFieldName();
         $entityValueSerialized = 'vg_increment_number=' . $this->formId;
         $fieldsToParse = $foreignEntityMetadata->fieldNames;
         foreach ($fieldsToParse as $dbColName => $fieldName) {
             $entityValueSerialized .= '&' . $fieldName . '=' . $this->getDataElementValueAsString($foreignEntityMetadata->getFieldValue($foreignEntity, $fieldName));
         // add relations
         foreach ($foreignEntityMetadata->associationMappings as $foreignAssocMapping) {
             if (!$foreignAssocMapping['isOwningSide']) {
             $joinColumns = reset($foreignAssocMapping['joinColumns']);
             // if the association is a backreference to our main entity we skip it
             if ($foreignAssocMapping['targetEntity'] == $this->entityClass && $joinColumns['referencedColumnName'] == $localEntityIdentifierField) {
             $foreignForeignEntity = $foreignEntityMetadata->getFieldValue($foreignEntity, $foreignAssocMapping['fieldName']);
             if (!$foreignForeignEntity) {
             $foreignEntityIdentifierGetter = 'get' . preg_replace('/_([a-z])/', '\\1', ucfirst($foreignEntityIdentifierField));
             $entityValueSerialized .= '&' . $foreignAssocMapping['fieldName'] . '=' . $foreignForeignEntity->{$foreignEntityIdentifierGetter}();
         $sorroundingDiv = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('div');
         $sorroundingDiv->setAttribute('class', 'oneToManyEntryRow');
         $displaySpan = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('span');
         $displaySpan->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement($displayValue));
         $hiddenInput = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement('input');
         $hiddenInput->setAttributes(array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $this->createCssClassNameFromEntity($entityClass) . '[]', 'value' => $entityValueSerialized));
         $editLink = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('a');
         $editLink->setAttributes(array('class' => 'edit', 'title' => $_CORELANG['TXT_EDIT']));
         $deleteLink = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('a');
         $deleteLink->setAttributes(array('onclick' => 'deleteAssociationMappingEntry(this)', 'class' => 'remove existing', 'title' => $_CORELANG['TXT_DELETE']));
         $htmlElements[] = $sorroundingDiv;
     return $htmlElements;
Пример #2
  * Returs a string representing the complete paging HTML code for the
  * current page
  * @author  Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**> (Rewritten statically)
  * @access  public
  * @global  array     $_CONFIG        Configuration
  * @global  array     $_CORELANG      Core language
  * @param   string    $uri_parameter  Optional additional URI parameters,
  *                                    *MUST* start with an URI encoded
  *                                    ampersand (&amp;).  By reference
  * @param   string    $paging_text    The text to be put in front of the
  *                                    paging
  * @param   integer   $numof_rows     The number of rows available
  * @param   integer   $results_per_page   The optional maximum number of
  *                                    rows to be shown on a single page.
  *                                    Defaults to the corePagingLimit
  *                                    setting.
  * @param   boolean   $showeverytime  If true, the paging is shown even if
  *                                    $numof_rows is less than
  *                                    $results_per_page
  * @param   integer   $position       The optional starting position
  *                                    offset.  Defaults to null
  * @param   string    $parameter_name The optional name for the URI
  *                                    parameter.  Will be determined
  *                                    automatically if empty.
  * @return  string                    HTML code for the paging
 static function get(&$uri_parameter, $paging_text, $numof_rows, $results_per_page = 0, $showeverytime = false, $position = null, $parameter_name = null)
     global $_CONFIG, $_CORELANG;
     $headIncludes = array();
     if (empty($results_per_page)) {
         $results_per_page = intval($_CONFIG['corePagingLimit']);
     if ($numof_rows <= $results_per_page && !$showeverytime) {
         return '';
     $parameter_name = self::getParametername($parameter_name);
     if (!isset($position)) {
         $position = self::getPosition($parameter_name);
     // Fix illegal values:
     // The position must be in the range [0 .. numof_rows - 1].
     // If it's outside this range, reset it
     if ($position < 0 || $position >= $numof_rows) {
         $position = 0;
     // Total number of pages: [1 .. n]
     $numof_pages = ceil($numof_rows / $results_per_page);
     // Current page number: [1 .. numof_pages]
     $page_number = 1 + intval($position / $results_per_page);
     $corr_value = $results_per_page;
     if ($numof_rows % $results_per_page) {
         $corr_value = $numof_rows % $results_per_page;
     // remove all parameters otherwise the url object has parameters like &act=add
     $requestUrl = clone \Env::get('Resolver')->getUrl();
     $currentParams = $requestUrl->getParamArray();
     if (isset($currentParams['section'])) {
         $requestUrl->setParam('section', $currentParams['section']);
     $firstUrl = clone $requestUrl;
     $firstUrl->setParam($parameter_name, 0);
     $lastUrl = clone $requestUrl;
     $lastUrl->setParam($parameter_name, $numof_rows - $corr_value);
     // Set up the base navigation entries
     $array_paging = array('first' => '<a class="pagingFirst" href="' . Cx\Core\Routing\Url::encode_amp($firstUrl) . '" rel="nofollow">', 'last' => '<a class="pagingLast" href="' . Cx\Core\Routing\Url::encode_amp($lastUrl) . '" rel="nofollow">', 'total' => $numof_rows, 'lower' => $numof_rows ? $position + 1 : 0, 'upper' => $numof_rows);
     if ($position + $results_per_page < $numof_rows) {
         $array_paging['upper'] = $position + $results_per_page;
     // Note:  previous/next link are currently unused.
     if ($position != 0) {
         $previousUrl = clone $requestUrl;
         $previousUrl->setParam($parameter_name, $position - $results_per_page);
         $array_paging['previous_link'] = '<a href="' . Cx\Core\Routing\Url::encode_amp($previousUrl) . '">';
         $link = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('link');
         $link->setAttribute('href', $previousUrl->toString());
         $link->setAttribute('rel', 'prev');
         $headIncludes[] = $link;
     if ($numof_rows - $position > $results_per_page) {
         $int_new_position = $position + $results_per_page;
         $nextUrl = clone $requestUrl;
         $nextUrl->setParam($parameter_name, $int_new_position);
         $array_paging['next_link'] = '<a href="' . Cx\Core\Routing\Url::encode_amp($nextUrl) . '">';
         $link = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('link');
         $link->setAttribute('href', $nextUrl->toString());
         $link->setAttribute('rel', 'next');
         $headIncludes[] = $link;
     // TODO: This is a temporary solution for setting HEAD_INCLUDES.
     //       The proper and correct way will by handled by the
     //       upcoming implementation of the response object.
     if ($headIncludes) {
         \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getTemplate()->setVariable('HEAD_INCLUDES', join("\n", $headIncludes));
     // Add single pages, indexed by page numbers [1 .. numof_pages]
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $numof_pages; ++$i) {
         if ($i == $page_number) {
             $array_paging[$i] = '<b class="pagingPage' . $i . '">' . $i . '</b>';
         } else {
             $pageUrl = clone $requestUrl;
             $pageUrl->setParam($parameter_name, ($i - 1) * $results_per_page);
             $array_paging[$i] = '<a class="pagingPage' . $i . '" href="' . Cx\Core\Routing\Url::encode_amp($pageUrl) . '">' . $i . '</a>';
     $paging = $paging_text . '&nbsp;<span class="pagingLower">' . $array_paging['lower'] . '</span>&nbsp;' . $_CORELANG['TXT_TO'] . '&nbsp;<span class="pagingUpper">' . $array_paging['upper'] . '</span>&nbsp;' . $_CORELANG['TXT_FROM'] . '&nbsp;<span class="pagingTotal">' . $array_paging['total'] . '</span>';
     if ($numof_pages) {
         $paging .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;[&nbsp;' . $array_paging['first'] . '&lt;&lt;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . '<span class="pagingPages">';
     if ($page_number > 3) {
         $paging .= $array_paging[$page_number - 3] . '&nbsp;';
     if ($page_number > 2) {
         $paging .= $array_paging[$page_number - 2] . '&nbsp;';
     if ($page_number > 1) {
         $paging .= $array_paging[$page_number - 1] . '&nbsp;';
     if ($numof_pages) {
         $paging .= $array_paging[$page_number] . '&nbsp;';
     if ($page_number < $numof_pages - 0) {
         $paging .= $array_paging[$page_number + 1] . '&nbsp;';
     if ($page_number < $numof_pages - 1) {
         $paging .= $array_paging[$page_number + 2] . '&nbsp;';
     if ($page_number < $numof_pages - 2) {
         $paging .= $array_paging[$page_number + 3] . '&nbsp;';
     if ($numof_pages) {
         $paging .= '</span>&nbsp;' . $array_paging['last'] . '&gt;&gt;</a>&nbsp;]';
     return $paging;
Пример #3
    public function getDataElement($name, $type, $length, $value, $options)
        global $_ARRAYLANG;
        if (isset($options['formfield']) && is_callable($options['formfield'])) {
            $formFieldGenerator = $options['formfield'];
            $formField = $formFieldGenerator($name, $type, $length, $value, $options);
            if (is_a($formField, 'Cx\\Core\\Html\\Model\\Entity\\HtmlElement')) {
                return $formField;
            } else {
                $value = $formField;
        if (isset($options['showDetail']) && $options['showDetail'] === false) {
            return '';
        switch ($type) {
            case 'bool':
            case 'boolean':
                // yes/no checkboxes
                $fieldset = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('div');
                $inputYes = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, 'yes');
                $inputYes->setAttribute('type', 'radio');
                $inputYes->setAttribute('value', '1');
                $inputYes->setAttribute('id', 'form-' . $this->formId . '-' . $name . '_yes');
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                $labelYes = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('label');
                $labelYes->setAttribute('for', 'form-' . $this->formId . '-' . $name . '_yes');
                $labelYes->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_YES']));
                $inputNo = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, 'no');
                $inputNo->setAttribute('id', 'form-' . $this->formId . '-' . $name . '_no');
                $inputNo->setAttribute('type', 'radio');
                $inputNo->setAttribute('value', '0');
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                $labelNo = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('label');
                $labelNo->setAttribute('for', 'form-' . $this->formId . '-' . $name . '_no');
                $labelNo->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NO']));
                if ($value) {
                } else {
                return $fieldset;
            case 'int':
            case 'integer':
                // input field with type number
                $inputNumber = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, $value, \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement::TYPE_INPUT, new \Cx\Core\Validate\Model\Entity\RegexValidator('/-?[0-9]*/'));
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                $inputNumber->setAttribute('type', 'number');
                return $inputNumber;
            case 'Cx\\Model\\Base\\EntityBase':
                $entityClass = get_class($value);
                $entities = \Env::get('em')->getRepository($entityClass)->findAll();
                $foreignMetaData = \Env::get('em')->getClassMetadata($entityClass);
                $primaryKeyName = $foreignMetaData->getSingleIdentifierFieldName();
                $selected = $foreignMetaData->getFieldValue($value, $primaryKeyName);
                $arrEntities = array();
                $closeMetaData = \Env::get('em')->getClassMetadata($this->entityClass);
                $assocMapping = $closeMetaData->getAssociationMapping($name);
                if (!isset($assocMapping['joinColumns'][0]['nullable']) || $assocMapping['joinColumns'][0]['nullable']) {
                    $arrEntities['NULL'] = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CORE_NONE'];
                foreach ($entities as $entity) {
                    $arrEntities[\Env::get('em')->getClassMetadata($entityClass)->getFieldValue($entity, $primaryKeyName)] = $entity;
                $select = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, \Html::getOptions($arrEntities, $selected), \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement::TYPE_SELECT);
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                return $select;
            case 'Country':
                // this is for customizing only:
                $data = \Cx\Core\Country\Controller\Country::getNameById($value);
                if (empty($data)) {
                    $value = 204;
                $options = \Cx\Core\Country\Controller\Country::getMenuoptions($value);
                $select = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, $options, \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement::TYPE_SELECT);
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                return $select;
            case 'DateTime':
            case 'datetime':
            case 'date':
                // input field with type text and class datepicker
                if ($value instanceof \DateTime) {
                    $value = $value->format(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT);
                if (is_null($value)) {
                    $value = '';
                $input = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, $value);
                $input->setAttribute('type', 'text');
                $input->setAttribute('class', 'datepicker');
                if (isset($options['readonly']) && $options['readonly']) {
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                        cx.jQuery(function() {
                return $input;
            case 'multiselect':
            case 'select':
                $values = array();
                if (isset($options['validValues'])) {
                    if (is_array($options['validValues'])) {
                        $values = $options['validValues'];
                    } else {
                        $values = explode(',', $options['validValues']);
                        $values = array_combine($values, $values);
                if ($type == 'multiselect') {
                    $value = explode(',', $value);
                    $value = array_combine($value, $value);
                $selectOptions = \Html::getOptions($values, $value);
                $select = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, $selectOptions, \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement::TYPE_SELECT);
                if ($type == 'multiselect') {
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                return $select;
            case 'slider':
                // this code should not be here
                // create sorrounding div
                $element = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('div');
                // create div for slider
                $slider = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('div');
                $slider->setAttribute('class', 'slider');
                // create hidden input for slider value
                $input = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, $value + 0, \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement::TYPE_INPUT);
                $input->setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                // add javascript to update input value
                $min = 0;
                $max = 10;
                if (isset($options['validValues'])) {
                    $values = explode(',', $options['validValues']);
                    $min = $values[0];
                    if (isset($values[1])) {
                        $max = $values[1];
                if (!isset($value)) {
                    $value = 0;
                $script = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('script');
                $script->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement('
                    cx.jQuery("#form-' . $this->formId . '-' . $name . ' .slider").slider({
                        value: ' . ($value + 0) . ',
                        min: ' . ($min + 0) . ',
                        max: ' . ($max + 0) . ',
                        slide: function( event, ui ) {
                            cx.jQuery("input[name=' . $name . ']").val(ui.value);
                            cx.jQuery("input[name=' . $name . ']").change();
                return $element;
            case 'checkboxes':
                $dataElementGroupType = \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElementGroup::TYPE_CHECKBOX;
            case 'radio':
                $values = array();
                if (isset($options['validValues'])) {
                    $values = explode(',', $options['validValues']);
                    $values = array_combine($values, $values);
                if (!isset($dataElementGroupType)) {
                    $dataElementGroupType = \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElementGroup::TYPE_RADIO;
                $radio = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElementGroup($name, $values, $value, $dataElementGroupType);
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                return $radio;
            case 'text':
                // textarea
                $textarea = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('textarea');
                $textarea->setAttribute('name', $name);
                if (isset($options['readonly']) && $options['readonly']) {
                $textarea->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement($value));
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                return $textarea;
            case 'phone':
                // input field with type phone
                $input = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, $value);
                $input->setAttribute('type', 'phone');
                if (isset($options['readonly']) && $options['readonly']) {
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                return $input;
            case 'mail':
                // input field with type mail
                $emailValidator = new \Cx\Core\Validate\Model\Entity\EmailValidator();
                $input = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, $value, 'input', $emailValidator);
                $input->setAttribute('onkeyup', $emailValidator->getJavaScriptCode());
                $input->setAttribute('type', 'mail');
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                if (isset($options['readonly']) && $options['readonly']) {
                return $input;
            case 'uploader':
                    function javascript_callback_function(data) {
                        if(data.type=="file") {
                                cx.jQuery("#' . $name . '").val(data.data[0].datainfo.filepath);

                $mediaBrowser = new \Cx\Core_Modules\MediaBrowser\Model\Entity\MediaBrowser();
                $mediaBrowser->setOptions(array('type' => 'button'));
                $mediaBrowser->setOptions(array('data-cx-mb-views' => 'filebrowser,uploader', 'id' => 'page_target_browse', 'cxMbStartview' => 'MediaBrowserList'));
                $input = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, $value);
                $input->setAttribute('type', 'text');
                $input->setAttribute('id', $name);
                $div = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('div');
                $div->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement($mb = $mediaBrowser->getXHtml($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CORE_CM_BROWSE'])));
                return $div;
            case 'image':
                    function javascript_callback_function(data) {
                        if ( data.data[0].datainfo.extension=="Jpg"
                            || data.data[0].datainfo.extension=="Gif"
                            || data.data[0].datainfo.extension=="Png"
                        ) {
                            cx.jQuery("#' . $name . '").attr(\'value\', data.data[0].datainfo.filepath);
                            cx.jQuery("#' . $name . '").prevAll(\'.deletePreviewImage\').first().css(\'display\', \'inline-block\');
                            cx.jQuery("#' . $name . '").prevAll(\'.previewImage\').first().attr(\'src\', data.data[0].datainfo.filepath);

                            cx.jQuery("#' . $name . '").attr(\'value\', \'\');
                            cx.jQuery(this).prev(\'img\').attr(\'src\', \'/images/Downloads/no_picture.gif\');
                            cx.jQuery(this).css(\'display\', \'none\');
                            cx.jQuery(this).nextAll(\'input\').first().attr(\'value\', \'\');

                $mediaBrowser = new \Cx\Core_Modules\MediaBrowser\Model\Entity\MediaBrowser();
                $mediaBrowser->setOptions(array('type' => 'button'));
                $defaultOptions = array('data-cx-mb-views' => 'filebrowser,uploader', 'id' => 'page_target_browse', 'cxMbStartview' => 'MediaBrowserList');
                $mediaBrowser->setOptions(is_array($options['options']) ? array_merge($defaultOptions, $options['options']) : $defaultOptions);
                // create hidden input to save image
                $input = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, $value);
                $input->setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
                $input->setAttribute('id', $name);
                $div = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('div');
                if (isset($value) && in_array(pathinfo($value, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), array('gif', 'jpg', 'png')) || $name == 'imagePath') {
                    // this image is meant to be a preview of the selected image
                    $previewImage = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('img');
                    $previewImage->setAttribute('class', 'previewImage');
                    $previewImage->setAttribute('src', $value != '' ? $value : '/images/Downloads/no_picture.gif');
                    // this image is uesd as delete function for the selected image over javascript
                    $deleteImage = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('img');
                    $deleteImage->setAttribute('class', 'deletePreviewImage');
                    $deleteImage->setAttribute('src', '/core/Core/View/Media/icons/delete.gif');
                    $div->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('br'));
                $div->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement($mediaBrowser->getXHtml($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CORE_CM_BROWSE'])));
                return $div;
            case 'sourcecode':
                //set mode
                $mode = 'html';
                if (isset($options['options']['mode'])) {
                    switch ($options['options']['mode']) {
                        case 'js':
                            $mode = 'javascript';
                        case 'yml':
                        case 'yaml':
                            $mode = 'yaml';
                //define textarea
                $textarea = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('textarea');
                $textarea->setAttribute('name', $name);
                $textarea->setAttribute('id', $name);
                $textarea->setAttribute('style', 'display:none;');
                $textarea->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement($value));
                //define pre
                $pre = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('pre');
                $pre->setAttribute('id', 'editor-' . $name);
                $pre->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement(contrexx_raw2xhtml($value)));
                //set readonly if necessary
                $readonly = '';
                if (isset($options['readonly']) && $options['readonly']) {
                    $readonly = 'editor.setReadOnly(true);';
                //create div and add all stuff
                $div = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('div');
                //register js
                $jsCode = <<<CODE
var editor;                        
if (\$J("#editor-{$name}").length) {
    editor = ace.edit("editor-{$name}");


                return $div;
            case 'string':
            case 'hidden':
                // convert NULL to empty string
                if (is_null($value)) {
                    $value = '';
                // input field with type text
                $input = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\DataElement($name, $value);
                if (isset($options['validValues'])) {
                    $input->setValidator(new \Cx\Core\Validate\Model\Entity\RegexValidator('/^' . $options['validValues'] . '$/'));
                if ($type == 'hidden') {
                    $input->setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
                } else {
                    $input->setAttribute('type', 'text');
                if (isset($options['readonly']) && $options['readonly']) {
                if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
                return $input;
  * This method defines the option to generate the backend view (list and form)
  * @global array $_ARRAYLANG Language data
  * @param string $entityClassName contains the FQCN from entity
  * @return array array containing the options
 protected function getViewGeneratorOptions($entityClassName)
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     $classNameParts = explode('\\', $entityClassName);
     $classIdentifier = end($classNameParts);
     $placeholderPrefix = 'TXT_' . strtoupper($this->getType() . '_' . $this->getName() . '_ACT_' . $classIdentifier);
     return array('header' => $_ARRAYLANG[$placeholderPrefix], 'entityName' => $_ARRAYLANG[$placeholderPrefix . '_ENTITY'], 'order' => array('overview' => array('active', 'title')), 'functions' => array('add' => true, 'edit' => true, 'delete' => true, 'sorting' => true, 'paging' => true, 'filtering' => false), 'fields' => array('id' => array('showOverview' => false), 'title' => array('header' => $_ARRAYLANG[$placeholderPrefix . '_TITLE'], 'table' => array('parse' => function ($data, $rows, $options) {
         $editUrl = \Cx\Core\Html\Controller\ViewGenerator::getVgEditUrl($options['functions']['vg_increment_number'], $rows['id']);
         $link = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('a');
         $link->setAttribute('href', $editUrl);
         $link->setAttribute('title', $data);
         $value = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement($data);
         return $link;
     })), 'active' => array('header' => $_ARRAYLANG[$placeholderPrefix . '_STATE'], 'formtext' => $_ARRAYLANG[$placeholderPrefix . '_ACTIVE'], 'sorting' => false, 'table' => array('parse' => function ($data, $rows) {
         if ($data) {
             return \Html::getLed('green');
         return \Html::getLed('red');
     })), 'htmlContent' => array('header' => $_ARRAYLANG[$placeholderPrefix . '_HTML_CONTENT'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="tooltip-trigger icon-info">' . '</span><span class="tooltip-message">' . $_ARRAYLANG[$placeholderPrefix . '_HTML_CONTENT_TOOLTIP'] . '</span>', 'showOverview' => false, 'formfield' => function ($name, $type, $length, $value, $options) {
         $editor = new \Cx\Core\Wysiwyg\Wysiwyg($name, $value, 'fullpage');
         $span = new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement('span');
         $span->addChild(new \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\TextElement($editor));
         return $span;