}//end if }catch(Exception $e){ echo format("Could not write accounts XML to ".$lPasswordFilePath." - ".$e->getMessage(),"W"); echo format("Using default version of accounts.txt","W"); };// end try } else { $lErrorDetected = TRUE; echo format("Warning: No records found when trying to build XML and text version of accounts table ".$lQueryResult,"W"); }// end if ($lResultsFound) $MySQLHandler->closeDatabaseConnection(); } catch (Exception $e) { $lErrorDetected = TRUE; echo $CustomErrorHandler->FormatError($e, $lQueryString); }// end try // if no errors were detected, send the user back to the page that requested the database be reset. //We use JS instead of HTTP Location header so that HTML5 clearing JS above will run if(!$lErrorDetected){ /*If the user came from the database error page but we do not have * database errors anymore, send them to the home page. */ $lReferredFromDBOfflinePage = preg_match("/database-offline.php/", $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); $lReferredFromPageWithURLParameters = preg_match("/\?/", $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); if ($lReferredFromDBOfflinePage || $lReferredFromPageWithURLParameters){ $lPopUpNotificationCode = "&popUpNotificationCode=SUD1"; }else{ $lPopUpNotificationCode = "?popUpNotificationCode=SUD1";
* ------------------------------------------ */ require_once '../classes/SQLQueryHandler.php'; $SQLQueryHandler = new SQLQueryHandler("../owasp-esapi-php/src/", $_SESSION["security-level"]); /* ------------------------------------------ * initialize custom error handler * ------------------------------------------ */ require_once '../classes/CustomErrorHandler.php'; $CustomErrorHandler = new CustomErrorHandler("../owasp-esapi-php/src/", $_SESSION["security-level"]); try { $lPageName = $_GET["pagename"]; $lQueryResult = $SQLQueryHandler->getPageHelpTexts($lPageName); echo '<div> </div>'; if ($lQueryResult->num_rows > 0) { echo ' <div class="help-text-header"> Hack with confidence. <br/> Page ' . $lPageName . ' is vulnerable to at least the following:</div>'; while ($row = $lQueryResult->fetch_object()) { echo $row->help_text; } //end while $row } else { echo ' <div class="help-text-header"> Page ' . $lPageName . ' does not have any help documentation.</div>'; } //end if echo '<div> </div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $CustomErrorHandler->FormatError($e, "Error selecting help text entries for page " . $lPageName); } // end try