function valid_auth($auth_type) { // If the current auth_type is not even "member" then go to the login page if (!CurrentMember::auth_type('member')) { session_start(); if (count($_GET) > 0) { $_SESSION['_GET'] = $_GET; } if (count($_POST) > 0) { $_SESSION['_POST'] = $_POST; } $_SESSION['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; header('Location: index.php?action=login'); exit(0); } else { $auth_fail = true; foreach (explode(',', $auth_type) as $test_auth) { if (CurrentMember::auth_type($test_auth)) { $auth_fail = false; } } if ($auth_fail) { header("Location: index.php"); exit(0); } else { // Restore the $_POST and $_GET variables from the last (failed) access // But do not unset any *real* GET or POST values if (isset($_SESSION['_POST'])) { $_POST = $_SESSION['_POST']; unset($_SESSION['_POST']); } if (isset($_SESSION['_GET'])) { $_GET = $_SESSION['_GET']; unset($_SESSION['_GET']); } } } }
$product_id = $_POST['product_id']; $product_version = $_POST['product_version']; $producer_id = $_GET['producer_id']; // Always _GET ... not _POST $action = 'edit'; $check_validation = true; } elseif (isset($_GET['product_id']) && isset($_GET['product_version']) && isset($_GET['producer_id'])) { $product_id = $_GET['product_id']; $product_version = $_GET['product_version']; $producer_id = $_GET['producer_id']; $action = 'edit'; $check_validation = false; // Get product_info from the database to display in form $product_info = get_product($_GET['product_id'], $_GET['product_version'], ''); // Abort if the producer does not match the selected producer if ($product_info['producer_id'] != $producer_id && !CurrentMember::auth_type('producer_admin')) { die(debug_print("ERROR: 367634 ", 'Product requested is not associated with this producer.', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } } elseif (isset($_GET['producer_id'])) { $action = 'add'; $producer_id = $_GET['producer_id']; $check_validation = false; // Set some new-product defaults $product_info['tangible'] = 1; $product_info['listing_auth_type'] = 'member'; } else { die(debug_print("ERROR: 543612 ", 'Attempt to edit a product without providing required arguments.', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } // Process any information posted previously include 'func/edit_product_screen_updatequery.php'; // Now go get the main part of the screen
function open_list_top(&$product, &$unique) { $display_list_top = ($_GET['output'] == 'pdf' ? '' : ' <span class="current_view"> Current view: ' . ucfirst($unique['view']) . ' invoice<br> View as ' . ($unique['view'] != 'adjusted' ? '[<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . ($_GET['type'] ? 'type=' . $_GET['type'] : '') . ($_GET['delivery_id'] ? '&delivery_id=' . $_GET['delivery_id'] : '') . ($_GET['producer_id'] ? '&producer_id=' . $_GET['producer_id'] : '') . '&view=adjusted">Adjusted</a>]' : '') . ' ' . ($unique['view'] != 'original' ? '[<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . ($_GET['type'] ? 'type=' . $_GET['type'] : '') . ($_GET['delivery_id'] ? '&delivery_id=' . $_GET['delivery_id'] : '') . ($_GET['producer_id'] ? '&producer_id=' . $_GET['producer_id'] : '') . '&view=original">Original</a>]' : '') . ' ' . ($unique['view'] != 'editable' && CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier') && $_GET['producer_id'] != $_SESSION['producer_id_you'] ? '[<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . ($_GET['type'] ? 'type=' . $_GET['type'] : '') . ($_GET['delivery_id'] ? '&delivery_id=' . $_GET['delivery_id'] : '') . ($_GET['producer_id'] ? '&producer_id=' . $_GET['producer_id'] : '') . '&view=editable">Editable</a>]' : '') . ' invoice. </span>') . ' <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top" width="50%"><!-- FOOTER LEFT "' . $unique['business_name'] . '" --> <font size="+2"><b>' . $unique['business_name'] . '</b></font> </td> <td valign="top" align="right" rowspan="2" style="text-align:right;" width="50%"> <img src="' . BASE_URL . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'invoice_logo.gif" alt="logo" width="250" height="71"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"> <br> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"><strong>Home:</strong><br>' . $unique['address_line1'] . ($unique['address_line2'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['address_line2'] . '' : '') . ' <br>' . implode(', ', array_filter(array($unique['city'], $unique['state'], $unique['zip']))) . '<br>' . ($unique['home_phone'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['home_phone'] : '') . ' </td> <td width="8" style="width:8px;"> </td> <td width="1" bgcolor="#888888" style="width:1px;"> </td> <td width="8" style="width:8px;"> </td> <td valign="top"><strong>Business:</strong><br>' . $unique['work_address_line1'] . ($unique['work_address_line2'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['address_line2'] . '' : '') . ' <br>' . implode(', ', array_filter(array($unique['work_city'], $unique['work_state'], $unique['work_zip']))) . '<br>' . ($unique['work_phone'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['work_phone'] : '') . ' </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">' . ($unique['email_address'] != '' ? ' <br><a href="mailto:' . $unique['email_address'] . '">' . $unique['email_address'] . '</a>' : '') . ($unique['email_address_2'] != '' ? ' <br><a href="mailto:' . $unique['email_address_2'] . '">' . $unique['email_address_2'] . '</a>' : '') . ($unique['mobile_phone'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['mobile_phone'] . ' (mobile)' : '') . ($unique['fax'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['fax'] . ' (fax)' : '') . ' </td> <td valign="bottom" align="right" style="vertical-align:bottom;text-align:right"> <font size="+2">' . date("F j, Y", strtotime($unique['delivery_date'])) . '</font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> ' . ($unique['msg_all'] != '' ? ' <font color="#990000" size="-1">' . $unique['msg_all'] . ' E-mail any problems with your order to <a href="mailto:' . PROBLEMS_EMAIL . '">' . PROBLEMS_EMAIL . '</a><br>' : '') . ($unique['msg_unique'] != '' ? ' <br><font color="#990000" size="-1">' . $unique['msg_unique'] . '<br>' : '') . ' </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="20" align="center"><img class="wide-line" src="' . BASE_URL . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'black_pixel.gif" width="750" height="1" alt="divider"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right" padding="0"></td> </tr> </table> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%;" width="750"> <tr> <td colspan="7"><br></td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444" width="40"></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444" width="35"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">#</font></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444" align="left"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">Product Name</font></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">Shipped</font></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">Weight</font></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">Order</font></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444" align=right width="8%" style="text-align:right;"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">Total</font></th> </tr>'; return $display_list_top; }
$chk3d = ' style="display:none;"'; // hide this section if not needed } elseif ($product_info['random_weight'] == 1) { $chk3 = ''; $chk4 = ' checked'; } // Begin main display for edit-product screen (start table/form) if ($action == 'edit') { $display = '<form action="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?product_id=' . $product_id . '&product_version=' . $product_version . '&producer_id=' . $producer_id . '&a=' . $_GET['a'] . '" method="post">'; } elseif ($action == 'add') { $display = '<form action="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?producer_id=' . $producer_id . '&a=' . $_GET['a'] . '" method="post">'; } $display .= ' <table bgcolor="#CCCCCC" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">'; // Admin-related fields if (CurrentMember::auth_type('producer_admin,site_admin,cashier')) { $display .= ' <tr bgcolor="#770000"> <th colspan="2" align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Administrative Options</font></th> </tr> <tr ' . $admin_bg . '> <td>' . format_help_link('account_number') . 'Account</a></td> <td><b>Attach an account for sales of this product</b><br> <font size="-2">Probably should not use this field for regular member-producers</font> ' . $account_number_select . '<br> <font size="-2">Rather than being applied to the respective producer account, proceeds from this transaction will be sent to some other "internal" account. This might be useful for things like membership "products".</font> </td> </tr> <tr ' . $admin_bg . '>
<?php include_once 'config_openfood.php'; session_start(); if (CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier') && $call_ajax_as_function != true) { echo receive_payments_detail($_POST); } function receive_payments_detail($argument) { global $connection; switch ($argument['request']) { // BASKET TOTAL AND PAYMENTS ****************************************************** case 'basket_total_and_payments': $non_payment_total = 0; $non_payment_count = 0; $payment_total = 0; $payment_count = 0; $query = ' SELECT text_key, SUM(amount) AS total, COUNT(amount) AS count FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_LEDGER . ' WHERE basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($argument['basket_id']) . '" AND (source_type = "member" OR target_type = "member") AND replaced_by IS NULL GROUP BY text_key'; $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 768933 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
<div class="tab_frame"> <a href="' . PATH . 'panel_cashier.php" class="' . ($page_tab == 'cashier_panel' ? ' current_tab' : '') . '">Cashiers</a> </div>'; } if (CurrentMember::auth_type('site_admin')) { $panel_admin_menu = ' <div class="tab_frame"> <a href="' . PATH . 'panel_admin.php" class="' . ($page_tab == 'admin_panel' ? ' current_tab' : '') . '">Site Admin</a> </div>'; } $logout_menu = ' <div class="tab_frame right"> <a href="' . PATH . 'index.php?action=logout" class="' . ($page_tab == 'login' ? ' current_tab' : '') . '">Logout</a> </div>'; if (isset($basket_id) && $basket_id != 0) { if (CurrentMember::auth_type('orderex') || ActiveCycle::ordering_window() == 'open') { $basket_menu = ' <div class="tab_frame right"> <a href="' . PATH . 'product_list.php?type=basket" class="">View Basket [' . $basket_quantity . ' ' . Inflect::pluralize_if($basket_quantity, 'item') . ']</a> </div>'; } } } else { $login_menu = ' <div class="tab_frame right"> <a href="' . PATH . 'index.php?action=login" class="' . ($page_tab == 'login' ? ' current_tab' : '') . '">Login</a> </div>'; } // Put it all together now //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// ////////////////////
// Items dependent upon the location of this header $pager = array(); // Set up some variables that might be needed if (isset($_SESSION['member_id'])) { $member_id = $_SESSION['member_id']; } if (isset($_SESSION['producer_id_you'])) { $producer_id_you = $_SESSION['producer_id_you']; } $delivery_id = mysql_real_escape_string(ActiveCycle::delivery_id()); // Allow cashier to override member_id if (isset($_GET['member_id']) && CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier')) { $member_id = $_GET['member_id']; } // Allow producer_admin or cashier to override producer_id_you if (isset($_GET['producer_id']) && CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier,producer_admin')) { $producer_id_you = $_GET['producer_id']; } // Allow anyone to override the delivery_id if ($_GET['delivery_id']) { $delivery_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['delivery_id']); } // Initialize display of wholesale and retail to false $wholesale_member = false; $retail_member = false; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // QUERY AND DISPLAY THE DATA // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include the appropriate list "module" from the show_report directory
function open_list_top(&$product, &$unique) { $list_top = ($_GET['output'] == 'pdf' ? '' : ' <span class="current_view"> Current view: ' . ucfirst($unique['view']) . ' invoice<br> View as ' . ($unique['view'] != 'adjusted' ? '[<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . ($_GET['type'] ? 'type=' . $_GET['type'] : '') . ($_GET['delivery_id'] ? '&delivery_id=' . $_GET['delivery_id'] : '') . ($_GET['member_id'] ? '&member_id=' . $_GET['member_id'] : '') . '&view=adjusted">Adjusted</a>]' : '') . ' ' . ($unique['view'] != 'original' ? '[<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . ($_GET['type'] ? 'type=' . $_GET['type'] : '') . ($_GET['delivery_id'] ? '&delivery_id=' . $_GET['delivery_id'] : '') . ($_GET['member_id'] ? '&member_id=' . $_GET['member_id'] : '') . '&view=original">Original</a>]' : '') . ' ' . ($unique['view'] != 'editable' && CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier') && $_GET['member_id'] != $member_id ? '[<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . ($_GET['type'] ? 'type=' . $_GET['type'] : '') . ($_GET['delivery_id'] ? '&delivery_id=' . $_GET['delivery_id'] : '') . ($_GET['member_id'] ? '&member_id=' . $_GET['member_id'] : '') . '&view=editable">Editable</a>]' : '') . ' invoice. </span>') . ' <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top"><!-- FOOTER LEFT "' . (strpos($unique['auth_type'], 'institution') !== false ? $unique['business_name'] : '') . $unique['last_name'] . ', ' . $unique['first_name'] . '" --> <font size="+2"><b>' . $unique['preferred_name'] . ' ' . (strpos($unique['auth_type'], 'institution') !== false ? $unique['business_name'] . '<br>(attn: ' . $unique['first_name'] . ' ' . $unique['last_name'] . ')' : '') . '</b></font> </td> <td valign="top" align="right"> <table border="0" style="width:300px;float:right"> <tr> <td align="center" style="text-align:center;"> <img src="' . BASE_URL . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'invoice_logo.gif" alt="logo" width="250" height="72"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" style="text-align:center;"> <font size="-2">' . SITE_CONTACT_INFO . '</font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td align="left"> <font size="+2">' . $unique['member_id'] . '-' . $unique['site_short'] . ' (' . $unique['site_long'] . ')</font> </td> <td align="right" style="text-align:right;"> <font size="+2">' . date("F j, Y", strtotime($unique['delivery_date'])) . '</font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="20"><img class="wide-line" src="' . BASE_URL . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'black_pixel.gif" width="100%" height="1" alt="divider"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><strong>Customer info</strong>' . ($unique['delivery_type'] == 'H' || $unique['delivery_type'] == 'P' ? ' (home):<br><br>' . $unique['address_line1'] . '' . ($unique['address_line2'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['address_line2'] . '' : '') . ' <br>' . $unique['city'] . ', ' . $unique['state'] . ', ' . $unique['zip'] . '<br>' : '') . ($unique['delivery_type'] == 'W' ? ' (work):<br><br>' . $unique['work_address_line1'] . '' . ($unique['work_address_line2'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['work_address_line2'] . '' : '') . ' <br>' . $unique['work_city'] . ', ' . $unique['work_state'] . ', ' . $unique['work_zip'] . '<br>' : '') . ($unique['email_address'] != '' ? ' <br><a href="mailto:' . $unique['email_address'] . '">' . $unique['email_address'] . '</a>' : '') . ($unique['email_address_2'] != '' ? ' <br><a href="mailto:' . $unique['email_address_2'] . '">' . $unique['email_address_2'] . '</a>' : '') . ($unique['home_phone'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['home_phone'] . ' (home)' : '') . ($unique['work_phone'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['work_phone'] . ' (work)' : '') . ($unique['mobile_phone'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['mobile_phone'] . ' (mobile)' : '') . ($unique['fax'] != '' ? ' <br>' . $unique['fax'] . ' (fax)' : '') . '<br><br> </td> <td valign="top"><strong>Delivery/pickup details:</strong> <dl> <dt><font face="Times New Roman">' . $unique['site_long'] . '</font></dt> <dd><pre><font face="Times New Roman">' . $unique['site_description'] . '</font></pre></dd> </dl> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> ' . ($unique['msg_all'] != '' ? ' <font color="#990000" size="-1">' . $unique['msg_all'] . '</font>' : '') . ($unique['msg_unique'] != '' ? ' <br><font color="#990000" size="-1">' . $unique['msg_unique'] . '<br></font>' : '') . ' </td> </tr> </table> <font face="arial"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">' . ($unique['checked_out'] != 0 ? ' <tr> <td colspan="7"><br></td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444" width="40"></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444" width="35"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">#</font></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444" align="left"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">Product Name</font></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">Price</font></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">Quantity</font></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">Weight</font></th> <th valign="bottom" bgcolor="#444444" align=right width="8%"><font color="#ffffff" size="-1">Amount</font></th> </tr>' : ' <tr> <td colspan="7" align="center"><br><br><br><br>EMPTY INVOICE<br>Nothing ordered<br><br><br></td> </tr>'); return $list_top; }
function update_basket(array $data) { // debug_print ('INFO: Update Basket', $data); global $connection; // $member_id_you = $_SESSION['member_id']; $producer_id_you = $_SESSION['producer_id_you']; // Allow admins to override certain checks if the requested action is not for themselves $admin_override = true; if ($member_id_you == $data['member_id'] || !CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier')) { $admin_override = false; } // Set this value manually when converting from transactions to ledger accounting $admin_override = true; // Set flags for needed validations and operations switch ($data['action']) { // checkout will checkout all the items in the basket case 'checkout': $test_for_membership_privilege = true; $test_customer_ordering_window = true; $initiate_set_checkout = true; $initiate_checkout_items = true; break; // same as "checkout" but only synchs items that were already checked out // same as "checkout" but only synchs items that were already checked out case 'synch_ledger_items': $test_for_membership_privilege = true; $test_customer_ordering_window = true; $initiate_set_checkout = true; $synch_ledger_items = true; break; // set_uncheckout is currently disabled // set_uncheckout is currently disabled case 'set_checkout': $test_for_membership_privilege = true; $test_customer_ordering_window = true; $initiate_set_checkout = true; break; // un_checkout is currently disabled // un_checkout is currently disabled case 'un_checkout': $test_customer_ordering_window = true; $initiate_un_checkout = true; break; // update the site (Pickup|Home|Work) // update the site (Pickup|Home|Work) case 'set_site': $update_site = true; break; default: die(debug_print('ERROR: 679217 ', 'unexpected request', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); break; } // Get information about the basket for this member // Prefer to access basket by basket_id if ($data['basket_id'] != 0) { $basket_info = get_basket($data['basket_id']); } elseif ($data['member_id'] != 0 && $data['delivery_id'] != 0) { $basket_info = get_basket($data['member_id'], $data['delivery_id']); } else { die(debug_print('ERROR: 970893 ', 'incomplete information to locate basket', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } // Check that we actually got some basket information if (!is_array($basket_info)) { die(debug_print('ERROR: 701854 ', 'basket does not exist', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } // Check that the member is not pending or discontinued if ($test_for_membership_privilege && !$admin_override) { if ($member_info['pending'] == 1 || $member_info['membership_discontinued'] == 1) { die(debug_print('ERROR: 974383 ', 'incorrect privilege to order', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } } // Check if shopping is closed for this order if ($test_customer_ordering_window && !$admin_override) { if (ActiveCycle::ordering_window() == 'closed') { die(debug_print('ERROR: 823186 ', 'customer ordering period is not in effect', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } } // Update the basket with a new site and information related to the new site if ($update_site) { debug_print("ERROR: 892573 ", "UPDATE DELCODE", basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__); if ($data['delivery_type'] == 'H' || $data['delivery_type'] == 'W') { $query_delivery_type = 'D'; } else { $query_delivery_type = $data['delivery_type']; } // P[ickup] // Could check for changes and abort otherwise, but this will force updating // delivery_postal_code just in case it might have changed. $query_site = ' SELECT delivery_charge, delivery_postal_code FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . ' WHERE site_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($data['site_id']) . '" AND delivery_type = "' . $query_delivery_type . '" AND inactive = "0" AND site_type = "customer"'; $result_site = mysql_query($query_site, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 892573 ", array($query_site, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); // Got we some information, then post the new information if ($row_site = mysql_fetch_array($result_site)) { $query_update_basket = ' UPDATE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . ' SET delivery_cost = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($row_site['delivery_charge']) . '", delivery_postal_code = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($row['delivery_postal_code']) . '", site_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($data['site_id']) . '", delivery_type = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($data['delivery_type']) . '" WHERE basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . '"'; $result_update_basket = mysql_query($query_update_basket, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 892764 ", array($query_update_basket, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); debug_print("INFO: 892573 ", $query_update_basket, basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__); // Update the $basket_info with changes $basket_info['delivery_cost'] = $row_site['delivery_charge']; $initiate_delivery_charge = true; } else { die(debug_print('ERROR: 898952 ', 'requested site does not exist or is not available', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } } // Change the checked_out setting on the basket // Do this early so the update_basket_item will process the ledger items (only if they are in a checked-out state) if ($initiate_set_checkout) { // Get the number of items in the basket that are checked out $query = ' SELECT ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.tangible, COUNT(' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.bpid) AS count FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . ' LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' USING(product_id,product_version) WHERE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . '" GROUP BY ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.tangible'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 758023 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row['tangible'] == '0') { $intangible_count = $row['count']; } if ($row['tangible'] == '1') { $tangible_count = $row['count']; } } // Preference is to set basket count to the number of *tangible* items in the basket if ($tangible_count > 0) { $checked_out = $tangible_count; } elseif ($intangible_count > 0) { $checked_out = 0 - $intangible_count; } else { $checked_out = 0; } $query = ' UPDATE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . ' SET checked_out = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($checked_out) . '" WHERE basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . '"'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 892764 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); // Sync the variable we just changed $basket_info['checked_out'] = $checked_out; // If there is an order cost (fixed), then post it (or clear it if wrongly set). if ($basket_info['order_cost'] != 0 && $basket_info['order_cost_type'] == 'fixed' && $basket_info['checked_out'] != 0) { // Add the order cost to the ledger for this basket $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'order_cost', 'amount' => $basket_info['order_cost'], 'text_key' => 'order cost', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'match_keys' => array('source_type', 'source_key', 'target_type', 'target_key', 'text_key', 'basket_id'))); } elseif ($basket_info['order_cost'] != 0 && $basket_info['order_cost_type'] == 'percent' && $basket_info['checked_out'] != 0) { // First need to know the basket total to calculate the percent cost $query = ' SELECT SUM(amount) AS order_total FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_LEDGER . ' WHERE basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . '" AND (text_key = "quantity cost" OR text_key = "weight cost")'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 678304 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $order_total = $row['order_total']; $order_cost_total = round($row['order_total'] * $basket_info['order_cost'] / 100, 2); } // Add the order cost to the ledger for this basket $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'order_cost', 'amount' => $basket_info['order_cost'], 'text_key' => 'order cost', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'match_keys' => array('source_type', 'source_key', 'target_type', 'target_key', 'text_key', 'basket_id'))); } } // For checkout, synchronize ledger entries to all basket_items if ($initiate_checkout_items || $synch_ledger_items) { // $initiate_checkout_items: check out all items and synch ledger // $synch_ledger_items: repost existing checked_out items to the ledger if ($synch_ledger_items) { // Restrict to just the checked_out items $query_where = ' AND checked_out != "0"'; } // Get the items currently in the basket $query_basket_items = ' SELECT bpid, product_id, product_version FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . ' WHERE basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . '"' . $query_where; $result_basket_items = mysql_query($query_basket_items, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 892785 ", array($query_basket_items, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); // Go through all the basket items (or all the checked_out items) while ($row_basket_items = mysql_fetch_array($result_basket_items)) { $basket_item_info = update_basket_item(array('action' => 'synch_ledger', 'delivery_id' => $data['delivery_id'], 'member_id' => $data['member_id'], 'product_id' => $row_basket_items['product_id'], 'product_version' => $row_basket_items['product_version'])); if (!is_array($basket_item_info)) { die(debug_print("ERROR: 902784 ", 'update_basket_item() did not return array.', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } } } // This is done for any/all changes, so not conditional except for baskets that are not checked-out. if ($basket_info['checked_out'] != 0) { // If there is a delivery charge, then post it (or clear it if wrongly set). if ($basket_info['delivery_cost'] != 0 || $initiate_delivery_charge) { // Add the delivery cost to the ledger for this basket $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'delivery_cost', 'amount' => $basket_info['delivery_cost'], 'text_key' => 'delivery cost', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'match_keys' => array('source_type', 'source_key', 'target_type', 'target_key', 'text_key', 'basket_id'))); } } // // For un_checkout, clear all ledger entries related to the basket and basket_items // // This will remove or clear the cost of ledger entries for all products in the basket // if ($initiate_un_checkout) // { // // Get the items currently in the basket // $query_basket_items = ' // SELECT // bpid, // product_id, // product_version // FROM '.NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS.' // WHERE basket_id = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']).'"'; // $result_basket_items = mysql_query($query_basket_items, $connection) or die(debug_print ("ERROR: 892785 ", array ($query_basket_items,mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__).' LINE '.__LINE__)); // // Go through all the basket items // while ($row_basket_items = mysql_fetch_array($result_basket_items)) // { // // Problem: clear_item removes all quantity from the basket. We would like to leave the basket unchanged. // // ... but if we define that as the desired behavior, then we have something, at least... // $basket_item_info = update_basket_item (array( // 'action' => 'un_checkout', // 'delivery_id' => $data['delivery_id'], // 'member_id' => $data['member_id'], // 'product_id' => $row_basket_items['product_id'], // 'product_version' => $row_basket_items['product_version'], // 'post_even_if_zero' => 'YES' // )); // if ($basket_item_info != 'clear_item:'.$row_basket_items['bpid']) // { // return('error 100: expected "clear_item:'.$row_basket_items['bpid'].'" but got "'.$basket_item_info.'"'); // } // } // // And un-checkout the basket as well // // Remove the delivery cost from the ledger for this basket // $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array ( // 'source_type' => 'member', // 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], // 'target_type' => 'internal', // 'target_key' => 'delivery_cost', // 'amount' => 0, // 'text_key' => 'delivery cost', // 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], // 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], // 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], // 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], // 'match_keys' => array ('source_type','source_key','target_type','target_key','text_key','basket_id') // )); // } // // Change the checked_out setting on the basket // // Do this last so the update_basket_item will clear ledger items (only if they are in a checked-out state) // if ($initiate_un_checkout) // { // $query = ' // UPDATE '.NEW_TABLE_BASKETS.' // SET checked_out = "0" // WHERE basket_id = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']).'"'; // $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print ("ERROR: 892764 ", array ($query,mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__).' LINE '.__LINE__)); // $basket_info['checked_out'] = 0; // } // At this point, all basket information has been updated, so we need to consider any changes to the ledger. // * messages link a message to this transaction // * post_even_if_zero 'YES' will delete the transaction is zero and a singleton // NEED TO ADD PAYPAL SURCHARGE CALCULATION // Return the new (possibly changed) basket_info array return $basket_info; }
} // Get a delivery_id for pulling current producer "invoices" if ($_GET['delivery_id']) { $delivery_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['delivery_id']); } else { $delivery_id = mysql_real_escape_string(ActiveCycle::delivery_id()); } // Get a basket_id in cases where we are looking at baskets or invoices... if ($_GET['basket_id']) { $basket_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['basket_id']); } else { $basket_id = mysql_real_escape_string(CurrentBasket::basket_id()); } // Determine whether the order is open or not $order_open = false; if (ActiveCycle::ordering_window() == 'open' && ActiveCycle::delivery_id() == $delivery_id || CurrentMember::auth_type('orderex')) { $order_open = true; } // Initialize display of wholesale and retail to false $display_wholesale_price = false; $display_retail_price = false; $is_wholesale_item = false; // SET UP QUERY PARAMETERS THAT APPLY TO MOST LISTS // Only show for listed producers -- not unlisted (1) or suspended (2) $where_unlisted_producer = ' AND unlisted_producer = "0"'; // Normally, do not show producers that are pending (1) $where_producer_pending = ' ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . '.pending = 0'; // Set up an exception for hiding zero-inventory products $where_zero_inventory = '';
<?php include_once 'config_openfood.php'; session_start(); if (!CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier')) { echo ' <div id="make_payment_row" class="data_row"> <span class="error_message">Only cashiers are permitted to execute this function.</span> </div>'; exit(1); // Not permitted to access this page } switch ($_POST['process']) { // MAKE PAYMENTS FORM ****************************************************** case 'get_make_payment_form': echo get_make_payment_form($_POST['delivery_id'], $_POST['producer_id'], $_POST['business_name'], ''); break; // POST MAKE PAYMENTS ****************************************************** // POST MAKE PAYMENTS ****************************************************** case 'make_payment': $error_array = array(); // Validate the data: amount if (preg_match('/^[-]{0,1}[0-9]*(\\.[0-9]{2}){0,1}$/', $_POST['amount']) != 1) { array_push($error_array, 'Payment must be numeric with decimal cents<br>(e.g. 45.67 or .89).'); } // Validate the data: payment_type if ($_POST['payment_type'] != 'cash' && $_POST['payment_type'] != 'check' && $_POST['payment_type'] != 'paypal') { array_push($error_array, 'Please select a payment type.'); } // Validate the data: memo if (preg_match('/^[0-9]*$/', $_POST['memo']) != 1) {
<?php include_once 'config_openfood.php'; session_start(); valid_auth('producer,producer_admin,site_admin'); // store.php3 - by Florian Dittmer <*****@*****.**> // Example php script to demonstrate the storing of binary files into // an sql database. More information can be found at // producer_admin and site_admin are allowed to pass $_GET directive if ($_GET['producer_id'] && CurrentMember::auth_type('site_admin,cashier')) { // Keep the same producer_id value $producer_id = $_GET['producer_id']; } elseif ($_SESSION['producer_id_you']) { $producer_id = $_SESSION['producer_id_you']; } $sqll = ' SELECT ' . TABLE_PRODUCER_LOGOS . '.logo_id, ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . '.business_name FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . ' LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PRODUCER_LOGOS . ' USING(producer_id) WHERE ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . '.producer_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($producer_id) . '"'; $rsrl = @mysql_query($sqll, $connection) or die(mysql_error() . "<br><b>Error No: </b>" . mysql_errno()); $num = mysql_numrows($rsrl); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsrl)) { $logo_id = $row['logo_id']; $business_name = $row['business_name']; }
LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . ' USING(basket_id) LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' USING(product_id,product_version) WHERE ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.producer_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($producer_id) . '" AND ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . '.delivery_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($delivery_id) . '" AND ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.out_of_stock != ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.quantity AND ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.random_weight != "0" AND ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.total_weight = "0" ORDER BY producer_id ASC'; $resultprp = @mysql_query($sqlp, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 869307 ", array($sqlp, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); $num = mysql_numrows($resultprp); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultprp)) { $display .= '<a href="product_list.php?&type=producer_byproduct&producer_id=' . $row['producer_id'] . '&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id . '">Weight needed: #' . $row['product_id'] . '</a><br>'; } $display .= '</td> <td class="producer_links">' . (CurrentMember::auth_type('producer_admin') == true ? '<a class="producer" onclick="popup_src(\'edit_producer.php?action=edit&producer_id=' . $producer_id . '&display_as=popup\', \'edit_producer\', \'\')">Edit</a>' : '') . ' </td> <td class="order_links" valign="top"><a href="product_list.php?&type=producer_byproduct&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id . '&producer_id=' . $producer_id . '">Basket</a> | <a href="show_report.php?type=producer_invoice&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id . '&producer_id=' . $producer_id . '">Invoice</a></font></td> </tr>'; $member_id_list .= '#' . $member_id; } $content_list = ' <div align="center"> <div id="delivery_id_nav"> <a class="prior" href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?delivery_id=' . ($delivery_id - 1) . '">← PRIOR CYCLE </a> <a class="next" href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?delivery_id=' . ($delivery_id + 1) . '"> NEXT CYCLE →</a> </div> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="left"> <h3>Producer Orders: ' . date('F j, Y', strtotime($delivery_date)) . ' (' . $num_orders . ' Orders)</h3>
function update_basket_item(array $data) { // debug_print ('INFO: Update Basket', $data); global $connection; // $member_id_you = $_SESSION['member_id']; $producer_id_you = $_SESSION['producer_id_you']; // Allow admins to override certain checks if the requested action is not for themselves $admin_override_not_set = false; if ($member_id_you == $data['member_id'] || !CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier')) { $admin_override_not_set = true; } // Set flags for needed validations and operations switch ($data['action']) { case 'set_quantity': $test_for_valid_product = true; $test_for_customer_privilege = true; $test_for_membership_privilege = true; $test_customer_ordering_window = true; $test_product_availability = true; $test_for_producer_privilege = true; $initiate_basket_item = true; $initiate_change_quantity = true; $initiate_set_message_to_producer = true; break; case 'set_message_to_producer': $test_for_valid_product = true; $test_customer_ordering_window = true; $initiate_set_message_to_producer = true; break; case 'set_outs': $test_for_valid_product = true; $test_for_producer_privilege = true; $test_basket_item_exists = true; $test_producer_update_window = true; $initiate_change_outs = true; break; case 'set_weight': $test_for_valid_product = true; $test_for_producer_privilege = true; $test_basket_item_exists = true; $test_producer_update_window = true; $initiate_change_weight = true; break; case 'checkout': $test_for_valid_product = true; $test_for_membership_privilege = true; $test_customer_ordering_window = true; $test_basket_item_exists = true; $initiate_set_message_to_producer = true; $initiate_synch_ledger = true; break; case 'set_all_producer': $test_for_valid_product = true; $test_basket_item_exists = true; $test_for_producer_privilege = true; $test_producer_update_window = true; $initiate_change_outs = true; $initiate_change_weight = true; break; case 'set_everything': $test_for_valid_product = true; $test_basket_item_exists = true; $test_customer_ordering_window = true; $initiate_change_quantity = true; $initiate_change_outs = true; $initiate_clear_weight = true; $initiate_clear_item = true; $initiate_set_message_to_producer = true; break; case 'clear_item': // Used when un_checking_out $test_for_valid_product = true; $test_basket_item_exists = true; $test_customer_ordering_window = true; $data['quantity'] = '0'; $data['out_of_stock'] = '0'; $data['weight'] = '0'; $initiate_change_quantity = true; $initiate_change_outs = true; $initiate_clear_weight = true; $initiate_clear_item = true; break; case 'synch_ledger': // Used when checking_out $test_for_valid_product = true; $test_basket_item_exists = true; $test_for_membership_privilege = true; $test_customer_ordering_window = true; $test_basket_item_exists = true; $initiate_synch_ledger = true; break; case 'producer_synch_ledger': // Used when checking_out $test_for_valid_product = true; $test_basket_item_exists = true; $test_for_producer_privilege = true; $test_producer_update_window = true; $initiate_synch_ledger = true; break; default: return 'Unexpected request ' . $action; break; } // Check if the product exists, regardless of $admin_override_not_set if ($test_for_valid_product) { $product_info = get_product($data['product_id'], $data['product_version'], $data['pvid']); if (!is_array($product_info)) { return 'Product not found in database'; } } // Get information about the basket for this member // This needs to be done before the availability check $basket_info = get_basket($data['member_id'], $data['delivery_id']); // See if we already have this basket_item if (is_array($basket_info)) { $basket_item_info = get_basket_item($basket_info['basket_id'], $data['product_id']); } else { return 'Basket does not exist'; } // Check for basket item if ($test_basket_item_exists && !is_array($basket_item_info)) { return 'Basket item does not exist'; } // Check if the basket is locked if ($basket_info['locked'] == 1) { return 'Basket is locked'; } // Check if this producer is permitted and enabled to sell if ($test_for_producer_privilege && $admin_override_not_set) { $producer_info = get_producer($product_info['producer_id']); if ($producer_info['unlisted_producer'] > 0 || $producer_info['pending'] == 1) { return 'Producer is restricted from selling'; } } // Check if the customer is allowed to purchase this product if ($test_for_customer_privilege && $admin_override_not_set) { $member_info = get_member($data['member_id']); $member_auth_type_array = explode(',', $member_info['auth_type']); // $product_info['listing_auth_type'] contains the *necessary* auth_type to buy this product // and $member_auth_type_array contains all the members' allowable auth_types // listing_auth_types archived and unlisted are not allowed for members, so can never be ordered if (!is_array($member_auth_type_array) || !in_array($product_info['listing_auth_type'], $member_auth_type_array)) { return 'Incorrect privilege to purchase requested product'; } } // Check that the member is not pending or discontinued if ($test_for_membership_privilege && $admin_override_not_set) { if ($member_info['pending'] == 1 || $member_info['membership_discontinued'] == 1) { return 'Incorrect privilege to order'; } } // Check if shopping is closed for this order if ($test_customer_ordering_window && $admin_override_not_set) { if (ActiveCycle::ordering_window() == 'closed') { return 'Customer ordering period is not in effect'; } } // Check if the product can be delivered to this site_id if ($test_product_availability && $admin_override_not_set) { if ($producer_info['available_site_ids'] != '' && !in_array($basket_info['site_id'], explode(',', $producer_info['available_site_ids']))) { return 'Producer does not sell at this location'; } } // Check if producer activity is taking place within the producer update window if ($test_producer_update_window && $producer_id_you && $admin_override_not_set) { if (ActiveCycle::producer_update_window() == 'closed') { return 'Producer update window is closed'; } } // Create an empty basket item if one does not already exist if ($initiate_basket_item && !is_array($basket_item_info)) { $query = ' INSERT INTO ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . ' ( /* bpid, */ basket_id, product_id, product_version, quantity, total_weight, product_fee_percent, subcategory_fee_percent, producer_fee_percent, taxable, out_of_stock, future_delivery, future_delivery_type, date_added ) SELECT ' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . ' AS basket_id, product_id, product_version, "0" AS quantity, "0" AS total_weight, product_fee_percent, subcategory_fee_percent, producer_fee_percent, taxable, "0" AS out_of_stock, future_delivery, future_delivery_type, NOW() AS date_added FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_SUBCATEGORY . ' USING(subcategory_id) LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_CATEGORY . ' USING(category_id) LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . ' USING(producer_id) WHERE product_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($product_info['product_id']) . '" AND product_version = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($product_info['product_version']) . '"'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 748032 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); // Now get the basket information we just posted $basket_item_info = get_basket_item($basket_info['basket_id'], $data['product_id']); } // Update the quantity for this basket_item and adjust inventory accordingly if ($initiate_change_quantity) { $old_requested_quantity = $basket_item_info['quantity']; $old_out_of_stock = $basket_item_info['out_of_stock']; // The following code is built around adding/subtracting [quantity], so we will first adjust // the input to fit that method. If $data['quantity'] is like "+1" or "-2" then increment/decrement if (preg_match('/^([\\+\\-])(\\d+)$/', $data['quantity'], $matches)) { if ($matches[1] == '+') { $data['quantity'] = $matches[2]; } elseif ($matches[1] == '-') { $data['quantity'] = 0 - $matches[2]; } else { return 'Unexpected result 789830'; } } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\d+)$/', $data['quantity'], $matches)) { $data['quantity'] = $matches[1] - $old_requested_quantity; // Amount to increase the basket by } else { return 'Unexpected result 785932'; } // If this is an inventory-controlled item if ($product_info['inventory_id']) { $old_actual_quantity = $old_requested_quantity - $old_out_of_stock; // Note that available_inventory is the number of inventory_pull units available for this // particular product and might actually leave a few inventory items remaining. $available_inventory = floor($product_info['inventory_quantity'] / $product_info['inventory_pull']); $inventory_reduction = 0; // Just for sanity, make sure the old out_of_stock is not more than the old_requested_quantity if ($old_out_of_stock > $old_requested_quantity) { $old_out_of_stock = $old_requested_quantity; } // Add the request, no matter what (unless the quantity goes negative) $new_requested_quantity = $old_requested_quantity + $data['quantity']; // If we brought the requested quantity in the basket down to zero if ($new_requested_quantity <= 0) { // then set the new_requested_quantity to [all of it] $data['quantity'] = 0 - $old_requested_quantity; $new_requested_quantity = 0; // and set out_of_stock to zero (empty the basket completely) $new_out_of_stock = 0; } else { // We will begin by considering all of the new quantity as "out" $new_out_of_stock = $old_out_of_stock + $data['quantity']; } // At this point, the new_requested_quantity is correct, but we might // have set the new_out_of_stock incorrectly, so we will adjust that // according to the inventory available // Check if there is enough inventory to cover our entire out_of_stock request if ($available_inventory > $new_out_of_stock) { $inventory_reduction = $new_out_of_stock; $new_out_of_stock = 0; } else { $inventory_reduction = $available_inventory; // all of it $new_out_of_stock = $new_out_of_stock - $inventory_reduction; } } else { // If this somehow changed, then clear the out_of_stock setting $new_out_of_stock = 0; $inventory_reduction = 0; // Add the new requested quantity $new_requested_quantity = $old_requested_quantity + $data['quantity']; // And make sure it isn't less than zero if ($new_requested_quantity < 0) { $new_requested_quantity = 0; } } // Set these variables for use later $basket_item_info['quantity'] = $new_requested_quantity; $basket_item_info['out_of_stock'] = $new_out_of_stock; // Update the basket quantity and out_of_stock $query = ' UPDATE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . ' SET quantity = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($new_requested_quantity) . '", out_of_stock = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($new_out_of_stock) . '" WHERE bpid = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 842075 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); // And update the inventory amount if ($inventory_reduction != 0) { // This does work with negative numbers for $new_requested_quantity $query = ' UPDATE ' . TABLE_INVENTORY . ' SET quantity = quantity + "' . mysql_real_escape_string($new_requested_quantity * $product_info['inventory_pull']) . '" WHERE inventory_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($product_info['inventory_id']) . '"'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 902784 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } } else { $new_requested_quantity = $basket_item_info['quantity']; } // Change the "out" setting on this item if ($initiate_change_outs) { // If $data['out_of_stock'] is like "+1" or "-2" then increment/decrement if (preg_match('/^([\\+\\-])(\\d+)$/', $data['out_of_stock'], $matches)) { // Increase out_of_stock :: decreases actual order quantity if ($matches[1] == '+') { $new_out_of_stock = $basket_item_info['out_of_stock'] + $matches[2]; } elseif ($matches[1] == '-') { $new_out_of_stock = $basket_item_info['out_of_stock'] - $matches[2]; } else { return 'Unexpected result 578932'; } } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\d+)$/', $data['out_of_stock'], $matches)) { $new_out_of_stock = $matches[1]; } else { return 'Unexpected result 874042'; } // Make sure we have not outed more than the total quantity in the basket if ($new_out_of_stock > $basket_item_info['quantity']) { $new_out_of_stock = $basket_item_info['quantity']; } // Make sure we have not outed a negative number if ($new_out_of_stock < 0) { $new_out_of_stock = 0; } // Update the basket_item with the new quantities $query = ' UPDATE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . ' SET out_of_stock = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($new_out_of_stock) . '" WHERE bpid = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 784303 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } // Set a basket_item message for this item if ($initiate_set_message_to_producer && $basket_item_info['bpid'] && is_array($data['messages'])) { foreach ($data['messages'] as $message_type => $message) { // If there is a message, then add the message or replace an existing one if (strlen($message) > 0) { // Use [0]:orphaned message in case the description is not found $query_post_message = ' REPLACE INTO ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGES . ' SET message = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($message) . '", message_type_id = COALESCE(( SELECT message_type_id FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGE_TYPES . ' WHERE key1_target = "basket_items.bpid" AND description = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($message_type) . '" LIMIT 1 ) ,0), referenced_key1 = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"'; } else { $query_post_message = ' DELETE FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGES . ' WHERE message_type_id = COALESCE(( SELECT message_type_id FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGE_TYPES . ' WHERE key1_target = "basket_items.bpid" AND description = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($message_type) . '" LIMIT 1 ) ,0) AND referenced_key1 = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"'; } $result_post_message = mysql_query($query_post_message, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 789021 ", array($query_post_message, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } } // Clear any weight that might have been set for this item if ($initiate_clear_weight && $basket_item_info['random_weight']) { $total_weight = $data['weight']; $query = ' UPDATE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . ' SET total_weight = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($total_weight) . '" WHERE bpid = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 890254 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } // Update the weight for this item if ($initiate_change_weight && $basket_item_info['random_weight']) { $total_weight = $data['weight']; if ($new_requested_quantity - $new_out_of_stock) { $average_weight = $data['weight'] / ($new_requested_quantity - $new_out_of_stock); // // Check for weight in specified range (admins may override this check) // if (($average_weight < $basket_item_info['minimum_weight'] || // $average_weight > $basket_item_info['maximum_weight']) && // $admin_override_not_set) // { // return ('Random-weight item outside declared weight range'); // } } else { $average_weight = 0; $total_weight = 0; } $query = ' UPDATE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . ' SET total_weight = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($total_weight) . '" WHERE bpid = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 520561 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); } if ($initiate_synch_ledger == true) { // If the requested action is just to synch the ledger, then we need to preset these values: $new_out_of_stock = $basket_item_info['out_of_stock']; $new_requested_quantity = $basket_item_info['quantity']; $product_tax_basis = 0; $fee_tax_basis = 0; // And make sure the basket is also checked out $test_info = update_basket(array('action' => 'set_checkout', 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'])); // Sync the checked_out field $basket_info['checked_out'] = $test_info['checked_out']; $query = ' UPDATE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . ' SET checked_out = "1" WHERE bpid = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 893020 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); // Sync the checked_out field $basket_item_info['checked_out'] = "1"; } // If the quantity has become zero (i.e. out_of_stock == requested_quantity) then we don't want to // charge people for random weight items -- even if a weight is entered -- so clobber the weight if ($new_out_of_stock == $new_requested_quantity) { // i.e. There are no items in stock... then multiply certain costs by zero $basket_item_info['total_weight'] = 0; } // At this point, all basket_item information has been set, so we need to consider // changes in the ledger. This is done for any/all changes, so not conditional // except for baskets that are not checked-out. if ($basket_info['checked_out'] != 0) { // If this product is configured with an extra_charge, then post it if ($product_info['extra_charge'] != 0) { $extra_charge = ($new_requested_quantity - $new_out_of_stock) * $product_info['extra_charge']; // Assumption is that extra_charges are passed through to the producer // Should they/could they be held by the co-op??? $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'producer', 'target_key' => $product_info['producer_id'], 'amount' => $extra_charge, 'text_key' => 'extra charge', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid'))); } // If this product is configured with a regular cost, then post it if ($product_info['unit_price'] != 0) { if ($product_info['random_weight'] == 1) { $total_price = $product_info['unit_price'] * $basket_item_info['total_weight']; $text_key = 'weight cost'; } elseif ($product_info['random_weight'] == 0) { $total_price = $product_info['unit_price'] * ($new_requested_quantity - $new_out_of_stock); $text_key = 'quantity cost'; } else { return 'Unexpected result 579210'; } // Start accumulating basis for taxation $product_tax_basis += $total_price; // Write the transaction to the ledger $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'producer', 'target_key' => $product_info['producer_id'], 'amount' => $total_price, 'text_key' => $text_key, 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid'))); } // If there is a product fee, post it if ($basket_item_info['product_fee_percent'] != 0 && PAYS_PRODUCT_FEE != 'nobody') { $product_adjust_amount = $basket_item_info['product_fee_percent'] * $total_price / 100; if (PAYS_PRODUCT_FEE == 'customer') { $source_type = 'member'; $source_key = $data['member_id']; // Accumulate basis for taxation $fee_tax_basis += $product_adjust_amount; } elseif (PAYS_PRODUCT_FEE == 'producer') { $source_type = 'producer'; $source_key = $product_info['producer_id']; } else { return 'No designated payee for product fee'; } // Post product fee to the ledger for each product $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => $source_type, 'source_key' => $source_key, 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'product_fee', 'amount' => $product_adjust_amount, 'text_key' => 'product fee', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid'))); } // If there is a subcategory fee, post it if ($basket_item_info['subcategory_fee_percent'] != 0 && PAYS_SUBCATEGORY_FEE != 'nobody') { $subcategory_adjust_amount = $basket_item_info['subcategory_fee_percent'] * $total_price / 100; if (PAYS_SUBCATEGORY_FEE == 'customer') { $source_type = 'member'; $source_key = $data['member_id']; // Accumulate basis for taxation $fee_tax_basis += $subcategory_adjust_amount; } elseif (PAYS_SUBCATEGORY_FEE == 'producer') { $source_type = 'producer'; $source_key = $product_info['producer_id']; } else { return 'No designated payee for subcategory fee'; } // Post subcategory fee to the ledger for each product $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => $source_type, 'source_key' => $source_key, 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'subcategory_fee', 'amount' => $subcategory_adjust_amount, 'text_key' => 'subcategory fee', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid'))); } // If there is a producer fee, post it if ($basket_item_info['producer_fee_percent'] != 0 && PAYS_PRODUCER_FEE != 'nobody') { $producer_adjust_amount = $basket_item_info['producer_fee_percent'] * $total_price / 100; if (PAYS_PRODUCER_FEE == 'customer') { $source_type = 'member'; $source_key = $data['member_id']; // Accumulate basis for taxation $fee_tax_basis += $producer_adjust_amount; } elseif (PAYS_PRODUCER_FEE == 'producer') { $source_type = 'producer'; $source_key = $product_info['producer_id']; } else { return 'No designated payee for producer fee'; } // Post producer fee to the ledger for each product $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => $source_type, 'source_key' => $source_key, 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'producer_fee', 'amount' => $producer_adjust_amount, 'text_key' => 'producer fee', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid'))); } // If there is a customer fee, post it if ($basket_info['customer_fee_percent'] != 0 && PAYS_CUSTOMER_FEE != 'nobody') { $customer_adjust_amount = $basket_info['customer_fee_percent'] * $total_price / 100; if (PAYS_CUSTOMER_FEE == 'customer') { $source_type = 'member'; $source_key = $data['member_id']; // Accumulate basis for taxation $fee_tax_basis += $customer_adjust_amount; } elseif (PAYS_CUSTOMER_FEE == 'producer') { $source_type = 'producer'; $source_key = $product_info['producer_id']; } else { return 'No designated payee for customer fee'; } // Post customer fee to the ledger for each product $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => $source_type, 'source_key' => $source_key, 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'customer_fee', 'amount' => $customer_adjust_amount, 'text_key' => 'customer fee', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid'))); } // If this is a taxable item, then collect all the requisite taxes if ($basket_item_info['taxable'] == 1 || COOP_FEE_IS_TAXED == 'always') { // Get the tax information... $query = ' SELECT tax_id, region_code, region_type, tax_percent FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_TAX_RATES . ' WHERE postal_code = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['delivery_postal_code']) . '" AND order_id_start <= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($data['delivery_id']) . '" AND ( order_id_stop >= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($data['delivery_id']) . '" OR order_id_stop = "0" )'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 890236 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $text_key = $row['region_type'] . ' tax'; // e.g. 'county tax' // Just tax the item and not the fees if (COOP_FEE_IS_TAXED == 'never') { $tax_amount = $row['tax_percent'] * $product_tax_basis / 100; } elseif (COOP_FEE_IS_TAXED == 'on taxable items' || COOP_FEE_IS_TAXED == 'always' && $basket_item_info['taxable'] == 1) { $tax_amount = $row['tax_percent'] * ($product_tax_basis + $fee_tax_basis) / 100; } elseif (COOP_FEE_IS_TAXED == 'always' && $basket_item_info['taxable'] == 0) { $tax_amount = $row['tax_percent'] * $fee_tax_basis / 100; } $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'tax', 'target_key' => $row['tax_id'], 'amount' => $tax_amount, 'text_key' => $text_key, 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid'))); } } } return $basket_item_info; }
public static function clear_member_info() { self::get_member_info(); self::$pending = false; self::$username = false; self::$auth_type = false; self::$business_name = false; self::$first_name = false; self::$last_name = false; self::$first_name_2 = false; self::$last_name_2 = false; self::$query_complete = false; }
/// [show_parts: null] Default condition will output the selected /// /// category list with headers and footers /// /// /// /// &depth=# Will truncate display to this many levels /// /// /// /// &offset=# Subtract this number to get the proper level /// /// category for css markup /// /// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Configure dividers for between the category text and the number of items $classA_divider = ' '; $classB_divider = ' — '; $classC_divider = ' — '; // Set up the "listing_auth_type" field condition based on whether the member is an "institution" or not // Only institutions are allowed to see listing_auth_type=3 (wholesale products) if (CurrentMember::auth_type('institution') && $seconds_until_close < INSTITUTION_WINDOW) { $where_auth_type = ' AND ( ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.listing_auth_type = "member" OR ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.listing_auth_type = "institution")'; } else { $where_auth_type = ' AND ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.listing_auth_type = "member"'; } // Normally, do not show producers that are pending (1) or suspended (2) $where_producer_pending = ' AND ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . '.pending = 0'; // Only show for listed producers -- not unlisted (1) or suspended (2) $where_unlisted_producer = ' AND unlisted_producer = "0"'; // Set the default subquery_confirmed to look only at confirmed products
' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . $query_values; } else { $query = ' UPDATE ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . ' ' . $query_values . ' WHERE site_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['site_id']) . '"'; } $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(mysql_error() . "<br><b>Error No: </b>" . mysql_errno()); $message = ': <font color="#FFFFFF">Delivery Information Updated</font>'; } else { $message = ': <font color="#FFFFFF">You can only update the route you manage</font>'; } } elseif ($_POST['action'] == "Save changes to this route") { if ($_SESSION['member_id'] == $_POST['rtemgr_member_id'] || CurrentMember::auth_type('site_admin')) { $query_values = ' SET route_name = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['route_name']) . '", rtemgr_member_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['rtemgr_member_id']) . '", rtemgr_namecd = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['rtemgr_namecd']) . '", route_desc = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['route_desc']) . '", hub_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hub_id']) . '"'; if ($_POST['route_id'] == 'new') { $query = ' INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_ROUTE . $query_values; } else { $query = ' UPDATE ' . TABLE_ROUTE . $query_values . '
<?php include_once 'config_openfood.php'; session_start(); valid_auth('producer,producer_admin'); $date_today = date("F j, Y"); // Check if auth_type = producer_admin and there is a producer_id provided if (CurrentMember::auth_type('producer_admin') && $_GET['producer_id']) { // Keep the same producer_id value $producer_id = $_GET['producer_id']; } elseif ($_SESSION['producer_id_you']) { $producer_id = $_SESSION['producer_id_you']; } if ($_SESSION['producer_id_you'] != $producer_id) { $fulllist_link = '<b> - <a href="edit_info_list.php#p_' . $producer_id . '">Return to List</a></b>'; } if ($_REQUEST['producer_submit']) { $sql = ' UPDATE ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . ' SET producttypes = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['producttypes']) . '", about = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br2($_REQUEST['about'])) . '", general_practices = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br2($_REQUEST['practices'])) . '", ingredients = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br2($_REQUEST['ingredients'])) . '", additional = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br2($_REQUEST['additional'])) . '", highlights = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br2($_REQUEST['highlights'])) . '" WHERE producer_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($producer_id) . '"'; $result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or die(mysql_error() . "<br><b>Error No: </b>" . mysql_errno()); $message = "<font color=#3333FF><b>Your information has been updated</b></font><br>";
<?php valid_auth('member'); $view = 'adjusted'; if ($_GET['view'] == 'original') { $view = 'original'; } elseif ($_GET['view'] == 'editable' && CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier') && $member_id != $_SESSION['member_id']) { $view = 'editable'; } if ($view == 'original') { $view_original = ' AND ' . NEW_TABLE_LEDGER . '.transaction_group_id = "" OR ( ' . NEW_TABLE_LEDGER . '.replaced_by IS NOT NULL AND ' . NEW_TABLE_LEDGER . '.replaced_datetime <= delivery_date )'; } else { $view_original = ''; } // Do not paginate invoices under any circumstances (web pages) $per_page = 1000000; // Assign page tab and title information $page_title_html = '<span class="title">Basket</span>'; $page_subtitle_html = '<span class="subtitle">Basket Items</span>'; $page_title = 'Basket: Basket Items'; $page_tab = 'shopping_panel'; // Set display groupings $major_product = 'producer_id'; $major_product_prior = $major_product . '_prior'; $minor_product = 'product_id'; $minor_product_prior = $minor_product . '_prior'; $show_major_product = true; $show_minor_product = true;
</form>'; $display .= ' <li class="last_of_group">' . $search_display . '</li>'; if (CurrentMember::auth_type('unfi')) { $display .= ' <!-- <li><a href="product_list.php?type=unfi">All products (UNFI)</a></li> -->'; } $display .= ' <li> <a href=category_list2.php> Browse by category</a></li> <li> <a href="prdcr_list.php"> Browse by producer</a></li> <li class="last_of_group"> <a href="product_list.php?type=prior_baskets"> Previously ordered products</a></li> <li> <a href="product_list.php?type=by_id"> All products by number</a></li> <li class="last_of_group"> <a href="product_list.php?type=full"> All products by category</a></li> <li> <a href="product_list.php?type=organic"> Organic products</a></li> <li> <a href="product_list.php?type=new"> New products</a></li> <li> <a href="product_list.php?type=changed"> Changed products</a></li>' . (CurrentMember::auth_type('institution') ? ' <li> <a href="product_list.php?type=wholesale"> Wholesale products</a></li>' : '') . ' </ul> </td> </tr> </table>'; $page_specific_javascript .= ''; $page_specific_css .= ' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="delivery_dropdown.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="basket_dropdown.css"> <style type="text/css"> .content_top { margin-bottom:45px; width:300px; } #basket_dropdown {
<?php include_once 'config_openfood.php'; session_start(); valid_auth('site_admin,cashier,member'); if (isset($_GET['member_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['member_id'])) { // If not authorized then force to member's own member_id if (!CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier') && !CurrentMember::auth_type('site_admin')) { $member_id = $_SESSION['member_id']; } else { $member_id = $_GET['member_id']; } $query_where = ' WHERE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . '.member_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($member_id) . '"'; $query_member_name = ' SELECT preferred_name FROM ' . TABLE_MEMBER . ' WHERE member_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($member_id) . '"'; $result_member_name = @mysql_query($query_member_name, $connection) or die("Couldn't execute query."); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_member_name)) { $preferred_name = $row['preferred_name']; } } else { $member_id = 0; } $content = ' <table width="80%"> <tr>
function get_delivery_codes_list($request_data) { global $connection; // See if it is okay to open a basket... if (ActiveCycle::delivery_id() && (ActiveCycle::ordering_window() == 'open' || CurrentMember::auth_type('orderex'))) { // If requested to open-basket... if ($request_data['action'] == 'open_basket') { if ($request_data['site_id'] && $request_data['delivery_type']) { $site_id = $request_data['site_id']; $delivery_type = $request_data['delivery_type']; // First try an assigned delivery_id... then use the current active one $delivery_id = $request_data['delivery_id']; if (!$delivery_id) { $delivery_id = ActiveCycle::delivery_id(); } // First try an assigned member_id... then use the current session one $member_id = $request_data['member_id']; if (!$member_id) { $member_id = $_SESSION['member_id']; } // Update the basket $basket_info = open_update_basket(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'delivery_id' => $delivery_id, 'site_id' => $site_id, 'delivery_type' => $delivery_type)); } } else { $basket_info = get_basket($request_data['member_id'], $request_data['delivery_id']); } // // Ordering is open and there is no basket open yet // // Get this member's most recent delivery location // $query = ' // SELECT // '.NEW_TABLE_SITES.'.site_id, // '.NEW_TABLE_SITES.'.deltype // FROM // '.NEW_TABLE_BASKETS.' // LEFT JOIN // '.NEW_TABLE_SITES.' USING(site_id) // WHERE // '.NEW_TABLE_BASKETS.'.member_id = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['member_id']).'" // AND '.NEW_TABLE_SITES.'.inactive = "0" // ORDER BY // delivery_id DESC // LIMIT // 1'; // $result = mysql_query ($query, $connection) or die(debug_print ("ERROR: 548167 ", array ($query,mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__).' LINE '.__LINE__)); // if ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) // { // $site_id_prior = $row['site_id']; // $deltype_prior = $row['deltype']; // } // Constrain this shopper's baskets to the site_type they are enabled to use $site_type_constraint = ''; if (CurrentMember::auth_type('member')) { $site_type_constraint .= ' ' . (strlen($site_type_constraint) > 0 ? 'OR ' : '') . 'site_type LIKE "%customer%"'; } if (CurrentMember::auth_type('institution')) { $site_type_constraint .= ' ' . (strlen($site_type_constraint) > 0 ? 'OR ' : '') . 'site_type LIKE "%institution%"'; } $site_type_constraint = ' AND (' . $site_type_constraint . ' )'; // Now get the list of all available delivery codes and flag the one // that corresponds to this member's prior order $query = ' SELECT ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.site_id, ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.site_short, ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.site_long, ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.delivery_type, ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.site_description, ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.delivery_charge, ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.inactive, ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.address_line1, ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.work_address_line1 FROM (' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . ', ' . TABLE_MEMBER . ') WHERE ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.inactive != "1" AND ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.member_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['member_id']) . '"' . $site_type_constraint . ' ORDER BY site_long'; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 671934 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); $site_id_array = array(); $delivery_type_array = array(); $display .= ' <div id="delivery_dropdown" class="dropdown"> <a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?action=delivery_list_only"><h1 class="delivery_select">' . ($basket_info['site_id'] ? 'Selected: ' . $basket_info['site_long'] : 'Select Location') . ' </h1></a> <div id="delivery_select"> <ul class="delivery_select">'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Simplify variables $site_id = $row['site_id']; $site_long = $row['site_long']; $delivery_type = $row['delivery_type']; $site_description = $row['site_description']; $delivery_charge = $row['delivery_charge']; $inactive = $row['inactive']; $address = $row['address_line1']; $work_address = $row['work_address_line1']; // Set up some text for the $delivery type (delivery or pickup) if ($delivery_type == 'P') { $delivery_type_text = 'Pick up your order here'; $delivery_type_class = 'delivery_type-p'; } elseif ($delivery_type == 'D') { $delivery_type_text_h = 'HOME delivery'; $delivery_type_text_w = 'WORK delivery'; if ($delivery_charge) { $delivery_type_text_h .= ' ($' . number_format($delivery_charge, 2) . ' charge)'; $delivery_type_text_w .= ' ($' . number_format($delivery_charge, 2) . ' charge)'; } $delivery_type_class = 'delivery_type-d'; } else { $delivery_type_text = ''; $delivery_type_class = ''; } // Process the inactive options if ($inactive == 0) { $show_site = true; $active_class = ' active'; $select_link_href = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?action=open_basket&site_id=' . $site_id . '&delivery_type=P'; $select_link_h_href = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?action=open_basket&site_id=' . $site_id . '&delivery_type=H'; $select_link_w_href = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?action=open_basket&site_id=' . $site_id . '&delivery_type=W'; $delivery_type_class .= 'a'; // color } elseif ($inactive == 2) { $show_site = true; $active_class = ' inactive'; $select_link_href = ''; $select_link_h_href = ''; $select_link_w_href = ''; $delivery_type_class .= 'i'; // color $delivery_type_text = '(Not available for pick up this cycle)'; // clobber the delivery type text $delivery_type_text_h = '(Not available for home delivery this cycle)'; // clobber the delivery type text $delivery_type_text_w = '(Not available for work delivery this cycle)'; // clobber the delivery type text } else { $show_site = false; $active_class = ' suspended'; $select_link_href = ''; $select_link_h_href = ''; $select_link_w_href = ''; $delivery_type_class .= 'i'; // color $delivery_type_text = '(Not available for pick up this cycle)'; // clobber the delivery type text $delivery_type_text_h = '(Not available for home delivery this cycle)'; // clobber the delivery type text $delivery_type_text_w = '(Not available for work delivery this cycle)'; // clobber the delivery type text } // Process current selection if ($site_id == CurrentBasket::site_id()) { $selected = true; $select_class = ' select'; $delivery_type_class .= 'c'; // color } else { $selected = 'false'; $select_class = ''; $delivery_type_class .= 'g'; // greyscale } if ($show_site == true) { if ($delivery_type == 'P') { $display .= ' <li class="' . $delivery_type_class . $active_class . $select_class . '" ' . ($select_link_href != '' ? 'onclick="javascript:location.href=\'' . $select_link_href : '') . '\';parent.close_delivery_selector();"> <span class="site_long">' . $site_long . '</span> <span class="site_action">' . $delivery_type_text . '</span> <span class="site_description">' . br2nl($site_description) . '</span> </li>'; } // For delivery_type = delivery, we will give an option for "home" if ($delivery_type == 'D' && $address) { if ($basket_info['delivery_type'] != 'H') { $select_class = ''; } $display .= ' <li class="' . $delivery_type_class . $active_class . $select_class . '" ' . ($select_link_h_href != '' ? 'onclick="javascript:location.href=\'' . $select_link_h_href : '') . '\';parent.close_delivery_selector();"> <span class="site_long">' . $site_long . '</span> <span class="site_action">' . $delivery_type_text_h . '</span> <span class="site_description"><strong>To home address:</strong> ' . $address . '<br>' . br2nl($site_description) . '</span> </li>'; } // For delivery_type = delivery, we will also give an option for "work" if ($delivery_type == 'D' && $work_address) { if ($basket_info['delivery_type'] != 'W') { $select_class = ''; } $display .= ' <li class="' . $delivery_type_class . $active_class . $select_class . '" ' . ($select_link_w_href != '' ? 'onclick="javascript:location.href=\'' . $select_link_w_href : '') . '\';parent.close_delivery_selector();"> <span class="site_long">' . $site_long . '</span> <span class="site_action">' . $delivery_type_text_w . '</span> <span class="site_description"><strong>To work address:</strong> ' . $work_address . '<br>' . br2nl($site_description) . '</span> </li>'; } } } $display .= ' </ul> </div> </div>'; } return $display; }
<?php include_once 'config_openfood.php'; session_start(); // First ensure we have authority to execute member updates if (!CurrentMember::auth_type('site_admin,member_admin')) { echo 'Unauthorizied access'; exit(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// /// AJAX BACKEND FOR UPDATING A SINGLE VALUE IN THE MEMBER TABLE /// /// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the arguments passed in the query_data variable list($member_id, $field_name, $new_value) = explode(':', $_POST['query_data']); // Get an array of all member columns $query = ' SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . TABLE_MEMBER; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); $member_columns_array = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { array_push($member_columns_array, $row->Field); // Get an array of all available auth_types if ($row->Field == 'auth_type') { // $row->Type will give something like this: // set('member','producer','route_admin','cashier','member_admin','site_admin') // so substr ($row->Type, 5, 2) removes the first five and last two characters // leaving the split to operate on the intermediate ',' strings. $auth_types_array = array();
<?php include_once 'config_openfood.php'; session_start(); // valid_auth('member'); // In the case of site-admin auth_types, allow resetting the MOTD views in the database if (CurrentMember::auth_type('site_admin')) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'reset_motd') { $query = ' DELETE FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_STATUS . ' WHERE status_scope = "motd_viewed" AND status_value = "popup"'; $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 786340 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); // We would send the return value and exit here, but we still need to get // the current number of views to send back, so do the next query first... } $query = ' SELECT COUNT(status_key) AS total_views, MIN(timestamp) AS oldest_view FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_STATUS . ' WHERE status_scope = "motd_viewed" AND status_value = "popup"'; $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 578230 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); if ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $total_views = $row->total_views; $oldest_view = $row->oldest_view; } $views_text = 'Viewed by ' . $total_views . ' ' . Inflect::pluralize_if($total_views, 'member') . (isset($oldest_view) ? ' since<br />' . $oldest_view : '') . '.';
// No zero-inventory exclusion for producers' own products $where_zero_inventory = ''; // This is the producer's own listing, so no restriction on producers $where_producer_pending = ' 1'; // For producer product list, show both the wholesale and retail prices... unless it is a wholesale-only product $display_wholesale_price_true = 1; // Force display $display_retail_price_true = 1; // Force display // Listing all versions of a product, which includes the un-confirmed ones $where_confirmed = ''; // Showing all versions, so no restrict by listing_auth_type_condition $where_auth_type = ''; // Producer admin is allowed to see the versions for anyone... if (CurrentMember::auth_type('producer_admin')) { $where_misc = ' AND ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.product_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['product_id']) . '"'; } else { $where_misc = ' AND ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.producer_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($producer_id_you) . '" AND ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.product_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['product_id']) . '"'; } $order_by = ' ' . TABLE_CATEGORY . '.sort_order ASC, ' . TABLE_SUBCATEGORY . '.subcategory_name ASC, ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.product_version DESC'; // Assign page tab and title information $page_title_html = '<span class="title">Products</span>'; $page_subtitle_html = '<span class="subtitle">Listed by Category</span>'; $page_title = 'Products: Listed by Category';
LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . ' USING(basket_id) LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' USING(product_id,product_version) WHERE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . '.member_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($member_id) . '" AND ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . '.basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_id) . '" AND ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.out_of_stock != ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.quantity AND ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.random_weight != "0" AND ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.total_weight = "0" ORDER BY producer_id ASC'; $resultprp = @mysql_query($sqlp, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 785033 ", array($sqlp, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); $num = mysql_numrows($resultprp); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultprp)) { $display .= '<a href="product_list.php?&type=producer_byproduct&producer_id=' . $row['producer_id'] . '&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id . '">Weight needed: #' . $row['product_id'] . '</a><br>'; } $display .= '</td> <td class="member_links">' . (CurrentMember::auth_type('member_admin') == true ? '<a class="popup" onclick="popup_src(\'edit_member.php?action=edit&member_id=' . $member_id . '&display_as=popup\', \'edit_producer\', \'\')">Edit</a>' : '') . (CurrentMember::auth_type('member_admin') == true && CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier') == true ? ' | ' : '') . (CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier') == true ? '<a class="popup" onclick="popup_src(\'member_information.php?member_id=' . $member_id . '&display_as=popup\', \'edit_member\', \'\')">View</a>' : '') . ' </td> <td class="order_links" valign="top"><a href="product_list.php?type=basket&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id . '&member_id=' . $member_id . '&basket_id=' . $basket_id . '">Basket</a> | <a href="show_report.php?type=customer_invoice&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id . '&member_id=' . $member_id . '">Invoice</a></td> </tr>'; $member_id_list .= '#' . $member_id; } $content_list = ' <div align="center"> <div id="delivery_id_nav"> <a class="prior" href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?delivery_id=' . ($delivery_id - 1) . '">← PRIOR CYCLE </a> <a class="next" href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?delivery_id=' . ($delivery_id + 1) . '"> NEXT CYCLE →</a> </div> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="left"> <h3>Customer Orders: ' . date('F j, Y', strtotime($delivery_date)) . ' (' . $num_orders . ' Orders)</h3>
<td align="left" valign=top colspan=2>' . nl2br($site_description) . '<br><br></td> </tr>'; $display_charge = ''; $route_id_prev = $route_id; } $display .= ' <tr> <td><br></td> </tr>'; } $display_block = ' <table bgcolor="#ffffff" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="90%"> <tr> <td colspan="3"> Note: If you don’t see your town listed here, please contact <a href="mailto:' . GENERAL_EMAIL . '">' . GENERAL_EMAIL . '</a>. We are adding new routes all the time and if there is interest in a particular location, we may be able to add it.' . (CurrentMember::auth_type('institution') ? ' Sites are marked ∗ for institution/wholesale deliveries and • for retail deliveries.' : '') . ' </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> Quick Links: <ul> ' . $quicklinks . ' </ul> </td> </tr> ' . $display . ' </table> '; $page_title_html = '<span class="title">' . SITE_NAME . '</span>'; $page_subtitle_html = '<span class="subtitle">Pickup and Delivery Locations</span>';
<?php include_once 'config_openfood.php'; session_start(); valid_auth('site_admin,member_admin'); // Disable this line to allow member access to their own information include_once 'func.check_membership.php'; // Restrict view to member_admin and cashier except for a person's own information if (CurrentMember::auth_type('member_admin,cashier') && isset($_GET['member_id'])) { $member_id = $_GET['member_id']; } else { $member_id = $_SESSION['member_id']; } // Process any updates // --- NONE --- // Do queries and create content $query_member_info = ' SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_MEMBER . ' LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_MEMBERSHIP_TYPES . ' USING (membership_type_id) WHERE member_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($member_id) . '"'; $result_member_info = @mysql_query($query_member_info, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 785033 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); $member_data_found = false; if ($row_member_info = mysql_fetch_array($result_member_info)) { $member_data_found = true; } $renewal_info = check_membership_renewal(get_membership_info($member_id)); $member_content = ' <div id="member_info_main">
<?php include_once 'config_openfood.php'; session_start(); valid_auth('route_admin,producer,producer_admin'); $type = $_GET['type']; $delivery_id = $_GET['delivery_id']; $checkbox = '<img src="' . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'checkbox.gif" style="height:1em;vertical-align:text-top;">'; // Check how to restrict the results... if (isset($_GET['producer_id'])) { // Producers and Route Admins get the specified list, if requested. $and_producer_id = ' AND ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.producer_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['producer_id']) . '"'; // Use only ONE checkbox on these listings $checkbox = ' <img src="' . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'checkbox.gif" style="height:1em;vertical-align:text-top;"> '; } elseif (CurrentMember::auth_type('route_admin')) { $and_producer_id = ''; } else { $and_producer_id = ' AND ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.producer_id = ""'; } if ($type == 'pickup') { $output .= ' <h1>Producer Pick-up List</h1> <pre>'; $query = ' SELECT ' . TABLE_PRODUCT_STORAGE_TYPES . '.storage_code, ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.product_id, ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.product_name, ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.*,
// [provide redirect] // } // else // { // [provide site message(s)] // [provide order cycle information] // } // If being asked to logout, then do that first if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'logout') { session_destroy(); unset($_SESSION); if (WORDPRESS_ENABLED == true) { require 'wordpress_utilities.php'; wordpress_logout(); } CurrentMember::clear_member_info(); $page_title_html = '<span class="title">' . SITE_NAME . '</span>'; $page_subtitle_html = '<span class="subtitle">Logout</span>'; $page_title = 'Logout'; $page_tab = 'login'; } // Check if the member is not already logged in if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'login' && !$_SESSION['member_id']) { // Check if we already have a posted username/password combination if ($_POST['username'] && $_POST['password']) { $query_login = ' SELECT member_id, username, pending, membership_discontinued