Пример #1
  * Calls delete for each Content.
  * @access public
  * @param boolean $cascade 
  * @return boolean Returns true, if the delation was ok and false, otherwise.
 function beforeDelete($cascade)
     $item = $this->read();
     App::import('Lib', 'ContentStream.CsConfigurator');
     $config = CsConfigurator::getConfig();
     $stream_config = $config['streams'][$item[$this->alias]['type']];
     $Model = ClassRegistry::init($stream_config['model']);
     return $Model->delete($item[$this->alias]['foreign_key']);
  * Invoke the normalization method and populates the $settings property.
  * After populates the settings, with all used values (with default values when not set),
  * this method create one belongsTo relationship with CsContentStream model for each
  * ContentStream.
  * ### The options:
  * - 
  * After this method executed, the settings should be like:
  * {{{
  * 	[ModelAlias] => array(
  *		[streams] => array
  *			[one_foreign_key] => array(
  *				[assocName] => array(
  *				[allowedContents] => array(
  *					[content_type_one] => array(
  *						'model' => 'ContentPlugin.ContentModel',
  *						'title' => 'Content title',
  *					),
  *					[content_type_two] => array( ... ),
  *					.
  *					.
  *					.
  *				)
  *			),
  *			[another_foreign_key] => array(
  *				.
  *				.
  *				.
  *			)
  *		)
  *	)
  * }}}
  * @param model $Model The model where this behavior is attached
  * @param array $options Configuration options.
  * @access public
 function setup(&$Model, $options)
     if (!isset($options['streams']) || empty($options['streams']) || !is_array($options['streams']) || Set::numeric(array_keys($options['streams']))) {
         return !trigger_error('CsContentStreamHolderBehavior::setup - The `streams` parameter must be set on format: \'foreign_key\' => \'type\'');
     $config = CsConfigurator::getConfig();
     $type = $have = $callbacks = $assocName = null;
     foreach ($options['streams'] as $fk => &$stream) {
         if (!is_array($stream)) {
             $stream = array('type' => $stream);
         if (isset($options['allowedContents'])) {
             $stream['allowedContents'] = $options['allowedContents'];
         } elseif (isset($stream['type']) && is_string($stream['type']) && isset($config['types'][$stream['type']])) {
             $stream['allowedContents'] = $config['types'][$stream['type']];
         } else {
             return !trigger_error('CsContentStreamHolderBehavior - It must be set `allowedContents`(array) or `type`(string). In case of `type` set, it must be configured on content_stream plugin.');
         foreach ($stream['allowedContents'] as $k => $allowedContent) {
             if (!is_string($allowedContent)) {
                 return !trigger_error('CsContentStreamHolderBehavior - Parameter allowed content must be an string.');
             } elseif (!isset($config['streams'][$allowedContent])) {
                 return !trigger_error('CsContentStreamHolderBehavior - Content type `' . $allowedContent . '` not known.');
             $stream['allowedContents'][$allowedContent] = $config['streams'][$allowedContent];
         $stream['assocName'] = empty($stream['type']) ? Inflector::camelize($fk) : Inflector::camelize('cs_' . $stream['type']);
         $Model->belongsTo[$stream['assocName']] = array('className' => 'ContentStream.CsContentStream', 'foreignKey' => $fk);
     $this->settings[$Model->alias] = $options;
     $this->runtime[$Model->alias] = array();
Пример #3
  * Content stream input.
  * Most of configuraiton must be done on behavior attching and on content_stream configuration.
  * This method assumes that all configuration errors were corrected by behavior and needs only 
  * the foreignKey column name where the content stream ID is stored.
  * ### The options:
  * - baseID - Well know already. (optional)
  * - foreignKey - The column name. (Defaults to `cs_content_stream_id`)
  * - texts - Very similar to manyChilrend input format. (Defaults similiar too)
  * - callbaks - An array in burocratas callback format. (Defaults to nothing)
  * @access public
  * @return string All stuff to make it works
 public function inputContentStream($options = array())
     $input_options = $options;
     $options = $options['options'];
     $options += $defaults = array('baseID' => $this->baseID(), 'foreignKey' => 'cs_content_stream_id', 'callbacks' => array(), 'texts' => array('confirm' => array()), 'url' => array('plugin' => 'burocrata', 'controller' => 'buro_burocrata', 'action' => 'list_of_items'));
     if ($this->_readFormAttribute('language')) {
         $options['url']['language'] = $this->_readFormAttribute('language');
     // Usually the Cake core will display a "missing table" or "missing connection"
     // if something went wrong on registering the model
     $ParentModel =& ClassRegistry::init($this->modelPlugin . '.' . $this->modelAlias);
     // But won't hurt test if went ok
     if (!$ParentModel) {
         trigger_error('BuroBurocrataHelper::inputContentStream - Parent model could not be found.');
         return false;
     if ($ParentModel->Behaviors->attached('TradTradutore')) {
         $RealModel =& $ParentModel->{$ParentModel->Behaviors->TradTradutore->settings[$ParentModel->alias]['className']};
     } else {
         $RealModel =& $ParentModel;
     // Test if the parent model is ContentStreamed
     if (!$RealModel->Behaviors->attached('CsContentStreamHolder')) {
         trigger_error('BuroBurocrataHelper::inputContentStream - The model need to be attached with ContentStream.CsContentStreamHolder behavior.');
         return false;
     // Loads configuration, settings and data
     App::import('Lib', 'ContentStream.CsConfigurator');
     $config = CsConfigurator::getConfig();
     $settings = $RealModel->Behaviors->CsContentStreamHolder->settings[$RealModel->alias];
     if (isset($settings['streams'][$options['foreignKey']])) {
         $settings = $settings['streams'][$options['foreignKey']];
         $allowed_content = $settings['allowedContents'];
     if (empty($this->data[$ParentModel->alias][$options['foreignKey']])) {
         trigger_error('BuroBurocrataHelper::inputContentStream - It is mandatory that the $this->data[' . $ParentModel->alias . '][' . $options['foreignKey'] . '] field be filled.');
         return false;
     $ContentStream =& $RealModel->{$settings['assocName']};
     $content_stream_id = $this->data[$ParentModel->alias][$options['foreignKey']];
     $data = $ContentStream->findById($content_stream_id);
     // Label
     if (empty($input_options['label'])) {
         $input_options['label'] = Inflector::humanize($settings['assocName']);
     $out = $this->Bl->h6(array(), array('escape' => false), $input_options['label']);
     // Instructions
     if (isset($input_options['instructions'])) {
         $out .= $this->instructions(array(), array('close_me' => false), $input_options['instructions']);
     // Hidden input
     $out .= $this->input(array(), array('type' => 'hidden', 'fieldName' => $options['foreignKey']));
     // Configuration for _orderedItens method call
     $model_class_name = 'ContentStream.CsItem';
     $parameters['fkBounding'] = array($this->_name('CsItem.cs_content_stream_id') => $content_stream_id);
     $parameters['contentType'] = array($this->_name('CsItem.type') => '#{content_type}');
     if ($ContentStream->CsItem->Behaviors->attached('Ordered')) {
         $fieldName = $this->_name('CsItem.' . $ContentStream->CsItem->Behaviors->Ordered->settings['CsItem']['field']);
         $parameters['orderField'] = array($fieldName => '#{order}');
     $this->sform(array(), array('model' => $settings['assocName'], 'data' => $data));
     $out .= $this->_orderedItens(compact('url', 'texts', 'model_class_name', 'foreign_key', 'parameters', 'allowed_content', 'baseID', 'callbacks', 'auto_order'));
     return $this->Bl->div(array('id' => 'div' . $baseID, 'class' => 'content_stream'), array(), $out);