Пример #1
  * Checks if the GPG key is a valid key
  * But also import it in the keychain.
 public function validateGpgkey($check)
     // LATER first remove the old gpgkey from the keychain
     // empty value
     if (empty($check['gpgkey'])) {
         return true;
     // we have a clean, hopefull public, key here
     // key is entered
     require_once 'Crypt/GPG.php';
     try {
         $gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir')));
         try {
             $keyImportOutput = $gpg->importKey($check['gpgkey']);
             if (!empty($keyImportOutput['fingerprint'])) {
                 return true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return true;
         // TODO was false
Пример #2
function verifyPGPKey($content, $email)
    global $config;
    //allow blank "keys" if this is set
    //this means that encryption for $email will be disabled by the cron if it
    // was enabled originally
    if ($config['pgpverify_allowblank'] && trim($content) == '') {
        return true;
    require_once "Crypt/GPG.php";
    //try to create a random subdirectory of $config['pgpverify_tmpdir']
    do {
        $path = $config['pgpverify_tmpdir'] . '/' . uid(16);
    } while (file_exists($path));
    $result = @mkdir($path);
    if ($result === false) {
        if ($config['debug']) {
            die("Failed to create directory [" . $path . "] for PGP verification.");
        } else {
            return false;
    $gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => $path));
    //import the key to our GPG temp directory
    try {
    } catch (Crypt_GPG_NoDataException $e) {
        //user supplied an invalid key!
        return false;
    //verify the email address matches
    $keys = $gpg->getKeys();
    if (count($keys) != 1) {
        if ($config['debug']) {
            die("Error in PGP verification: key count is " . count($keys) . "!");
        } else {
            return false;
    $userIds = $keys[0]->getUserIds();
    if (count($userIds) != 1 || strtolower($userIds[0]->getEmail()) != strtolower($email)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Пример #3
 public function sendEmail($user, $body, $bodyNoEnc = false, $subject, $replyToUser = false)
     $failed = false;
     $failureReason = "";
     // check if the e-mail can be encrypted
     $canEncrypt = false;
     if (isset($user['User']['gpgkey']) && !empty($user['User']['gpgkey'])) {
         $canEncrypt = true;
     // If bodyonlencrypted is enabled and the user has no encryption key, use the alternate body (if it exists)
     if (Configure::read('GnuPG.bodyonlyencrypted') && !$canEncrypt && $bodyNoEnc) {
         $body = $bodyNoEnc;
     $body = str_replace('\\n', PHP_EOL, $body);
     // Sign the body
     require_once 'Crypt/GPG.php';
     try {
         $gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir'), 'binary' => Configure::read('GnuPG.binary') ? Configure::read('GnuPG.binary') : '/usr/bin/gpg'));
         // , 'debug' => true
         $gpg->addSignKey(Configure::read('GnuPG.email'), Configure::read('GnuPG.password'));
         $body = $gpg->sign($body, Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $failureReason = " the message could not be signed. The following error message was returned by gpg: " . $e->getMessage();
         $failed = true;
     // If we cannot encrypt the mail and the server settings restricts sending unencrypted messages, return false
     if (!$failed && !$canEncrypt && Configure::read('GnuPG.onlyencrypted')) {
         $failed = true;
         $failureReason = " encrypted messages are enforced and the message could not be encrypted for this user as no valid encryption key was found.";
     // Let's encrypt the message if we can
     if (!$failed && $canEncrypt) {
         $keyImportOutput = $gpg->importKey($user['User']['gpgkey']);
         try {
             // use the key that was given in the import
             $body = $gpg->encrypt($body, true);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // despite the user having a PGP key and the signing already succeeding earlier, we get an exception. This must mean that there is an issue with the user's key.
             $failureReason = " the message could not be encrypted because there was an issue with the user's PGP key. The following error message was returned by gpg: " . $e->getMessage();
             $failed = true;
     $replyToLog = '';
     if (!$failed) {
         $Email = new CakeEmail();
         // If the e-mail is sent on behalf of a user, then we want the target user to be able to respond to the sender
         // For this reason we should also attach the public key of the sender along with the message (if applicable)
         if ($replyToUser != false) {
             if (!empty($replyToUser['User']['gpgkey'])) {
                 $Email->attachments(array('gpgkey.asc' => array('data' => $replyToUser['User']['gpgkey'])));
             $replyToLog = 'from ' . $replyToUser['User']['email'];
         $result = $Email->send($body);
     $this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log');
     if (!$failed && $result) {
         $this->Log->save(array('org' => 'SYSTEM', 'model' => 'User', 'model_id' => $user['User']['id'], 'email' => $user['User']['email'], 'action' => 'email', 'title' => 'Email ' . $replyToLog . ' to ' . $user['User']['email'] . ' sent, titled "' . $subject . '".', 'change' => null));
         return true;
     } else {
         if (isset($result) && !$result) {
             $failureReason = " there was an error sending the e-mail.";
         $this->Log->save(array('org' => 'SYSTEM', 'model' => 'User', 'model_id' => $user['User']['id'], 'email' => $user['User']['email'], 'action' => 'email', 'title' => 'Email ' . $replyToLog . ' to ' . $user['User']['email'] . ', titled "' . $subject . '" failed. Reason: ' . $failureReason, 'change' => null));
     return false;
 private function __sendProposalAlertEmail($id)
     $this->Event->recursive = -1;
     $event = $this->Event->read(null, $id);
     // If the event has an e-mail lock, return
     if ($event['Event']['proposal_email_lock'] == 1) {
     } else {
     try {
         $this->User->recursive = -1;
         $orgMembers = array();
         $temp = $this->User->findAllByOrg($event['Event']['orgc'], array('email', 'gpgkey', 'contactalert', 'id'));
         foreach ($temp as $tempElement) {
             if ($tempElement['User']['contactalert'] || $tempElement['User']['id'] == $event['Event']['user_id']) {
                 array_push($orgMembers, $tempElement);
         $body = "";
         $body .= "Hello, \n";
         $body .= "\n";
         $body .= "A user of another organisation has proposed a change to an event created by you or your organisation. \n";
         $body .= "\n";
         $body .= "To view the event in question, follow this link:";
         $body .= ' ' . Configure::read('MISP.baseurl') . '/events/view/' . $id . "\n";
         $body .= "\n";
         $body .= "You can reach the user at " . $this->Auth->user('email');
         $body .= "\n";
         // sign the body
         require_once 'Crypt/GPG.php';
         $gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir'), 'binary' => Configure::read('GnuPG.binary') ? Configure::read('GnuPG.binary') : '/usr/bin/gpg'));
         $gpg->addSignKey(Configure::read('GnuPG.email'), Configure::read('GnuPG.password'));
         $bodySigned = $gpg->sign($body, Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR);
         // Add the GPG key of the user as attachment
         // LATER sign the attached GPG key
         if (null != !$this->User->getPGP($this->Auth->user('id'))) {
             // save the gpg key to a temporary file
             $tmpfname = tempnam(TMP, "GPGkey");
             $handle = fopen($tmpfname, "w");
             fwrite($handle, $this->User->getPGP($this->Auth->user('id')));
             // attach it
             $this->Email->attachments = array('gpgkey.asc' => $tmpfname);
         foreach ($orgMembers as &$reporter) {
             if (!empty($reporter['User']['gpgkey'])) {
                 // import the key of the user into the keyring
                 // this isn't really necessary, but it gives it the fingerprint necessary for the next step
                 $keyImportOutput = $gpg->importKey($reporter['User']['gpgkey']);
                 // say what key should be used to encrypt
                 try {
                     $gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir'), 'binary' => Configure::read('GnuPG.binary') ? Configure::read('GnuPG.binary') : '/usr/bin/gpg'));
                     // use the key that was given in the import
                     $bodyEncSig = $gpg->encrypt($bodySigned, true);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     // catch errors like expired PGP keys
                     // no need to return here, as we want to send out mails to the other users if GPG encryption fails for a single user
             } else {
                 $bodyEncSig = $bodySigned;
                 // FIXME should I allow sending unencrypted "contact" mails to people if they didn't import they GPG key?
             // prepare the email
             $this->Email->from = Configure::read('MISP.email');
             $this->Email->to = $reporter['User']['email'];
             $this->Email->subject = "[" . Configure::read('MISP.org') . " MISP] Proposal to event #" . $id;
             $this->Email->template = 'body';
             $this->Email->sendAs = 'text';
             // both text or html
             $this->set('body', $bodyEncSig);
             // Add the GPG key of the user as attachment
             // LATER sign the attached GPG key
             if (null != $this->User->getPGP($this->Auth->user('id'))) {
                 // attach the gpg key
                 $this->Email->attachments = array('gpgkey.asc' => $tmpfname);
             // send it
             $result = $this->Email->send();
             // If you wish to send multiple emails using a loop, you'll need
             // to reset the email fields using the reset method of the Email component.
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #5
  * Sends out an email to all people within the same org
  * with the request to be contacted about a specific event.
  * @todo move __sendContactEmail($id, $message) to a better place. (components?)
  * @param unknown_type $id The id of the event for wich you want to contact the org.
  * @param unknown_type $message The custom message that will be appended to the email.
  * @param unknown_type $all, true: send to org, false: send to person.
  * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
  * @throws \UnauthorizedException as well. // TODO Exception NotFoundException
  * @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
  * @return True if success, False if error
 private function __sendContactEmail($id, $message, $all)
     // fetch the event
     $event = $this->Event->read(null, $id);
     if (!$all) {
         //Insert extra field here: alertOrg or something, then foreach all the org members
         //limit this array to users with contactalerts turned on!
         $orgMembers = array();
         $this->User->recursive = 0;
         $temp = $this->User->findAllByOrg($event['Event']['org'], array('email', 'gpgkey', 'contactalert', 'id'));
         foreach ($temp as $tempElement) {
             if ($tempElement['User']['contactalert'] || $tempElement['User']['id'] == $event['Event']['user_id']) {
                 array_push($orgMembers, $tempElement);
     } else {
         $orgMembers = $this->User->findAllById($event['Event']['user_id'], array('email', 'gpgkey'));
     // The mail body, h() is NOT needed as we are sending plain-text mails.
     $body = "";
     $body .= "Hello, \n";
     $body .= "\n";
     $body .= "Someone wants to get in touch with you concerning a MISP event. \n";
     $body .= "\n";
     $body .= "You can reach him at " . $this->Auth->user('email') . "\n";
     if (!$this->Auth->user('gpgkey')) {
         $body .= "His GPG/PGP key is added as attachment to this email. \n";
     $body .= "\n";
     $body .= "He wrote the following message: \n";
     $body .= $message . "\n";
     $body .= "\n";
     $body .= "\n";
     $body .= "The event is the following: \n";
     // print the event in mail-format
     // LATER place event-to-email-layout in a function
     $appendlen = 20;
     $body .= 'URL		 : ' . Configure::read('CyDefSIG.baseurl') . '/events/view/' . $event['Event']['id'] . "\n";
     $body .= 'Event	   : ' . $event['Event']['id'] . "\n";
     $body .= 'Date		: ' . $event['Event']['date'] . "\n";
     if ('true' == Configure::read('CyDefSIG.showorg')) {
         $body .= 'Reported by : ' . $event['Event']['org'] . "\n";
     $body .= 'Risk		: ' . $event['Event']['risk'] . "\n";
     $body .= 'Analysis  : ' . $event['Event']['analysis'] . "\n";
     $relatedEvents = $this->Event->getRelatedEvents($this->Auth->user());
     if (!empty($relatedEvents)) {
         foreach ($relatedEvents as &$relatedEvent) {
             $body .= 'Related to  : ' . Configure::read('CyDefSIG.baseurl') . '/events/view/' . $relatedEvent['Event']['id'] . ' (' . $relatedEvent['Event']['date'] . ')' . "\n";
     $body .= 'Info  : ' . "\n";
     $body .= $event['Event']['info'] . "\n";
     $body .= "\n";
     $body .= 'Attributes  :' . "\n";
     $bodyTempOther = "";
     if (!empty($event['Attribute'])) {
         foreach ($event['Attribute'] as &$attribute) {
             $line = '- ' . $attribute['type'] . str_repeat(' ', $appendlen - 2 - strlen($attribute['type'])) . ': ' . $attribute['value'] . "\n";
             if ('other' == $attribute['type']) {
                 // append the 'other' attribute types to the bottom.
                 $bodyTempOther .= $line;
             } else {
                 $body .= $line;
     $body .= "\n";
     $body .= $bodyTempOther;
     // append the 'other' attribute types to the bottom.
     // sign the body
     require_once 'Crypt/GPG.php';
     $gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir')));
     // , 'debug' => true
     $gpg->addSignKey(Configure::read('GnuPG.email'), Configure::read('GnuPG.password'));
     $bodySigned = $gpg->sign($body, Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR);
     // Add the GPG key of the user as attachment
     // LATER sign the attached GPG key
     if ($this->Auth->user('gpgkey') != null) {
         // save the gpg key to a temporary file
         $tmpfname = tempnam(TMP, "GPGkey");
         $handle = fopen($tmpfname, "w");
         fwrite($handle, $this->Auth->user('gpgkey'));
         // attach it
         $this->Email->attachments = array('gpgkey.asc' => $tmpfname);
     foreach ($orgMembers as &$reporter) {
         if (!empty($reporter['User']['gpgkey'])) {
             // import the key of the user into the keyring
             // this isn't really necessary, but it gives it the fingerprint necessary for the next step
             $keyImportOutput = $gpg->importKey($reporter['User']['gpgkey']);
             // say what key should be used to encrypt
             try {
                 $gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir')));
                 // use the key that was given in the import
                 $bodyEncSig = $gpg->encrypt($bodySigned, true);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // catch errors like expired PGP keys
                 // no need to return here, as we want to send out mails to the other users if GPG encryption fails for a single user
         } else {
             $bodyEncSig = $bodySigned;
             // FIXME should I allow sending unencrypted "contact" mails to people if they didn't import they GPG key?
         // prepare the email
         $this->Email->from = Configure::read('CyDefSIG.email');
         $this->Email->replyTo = $this->Auth->user('email');
         $this->Email->to = $reporter['User']['email'];
         $this->Email->subject = "[" . Configure::read('CyDefSIG.org') . " " . Configure::read('CyDefSIG.name') . "] Need info about event " . $id . " - TLP Amber";
         //$this->Email->delivery = 'debug';   // do not really send out mails, only display it on the screen
         $this->Email->template = 'body';
         $this->Email->sendAs = 'text';
         // both text or html
         $this->set('body', $bodyEncSig);
         // Add the GPG key of the user as attachment
         // LATER sign the attached GPG key
         if ($this->Auth->user('gpgkey') != null) {
             // attach the gpg key
             $this->Email->attachments = array('gpgkey.asc' => $tmpfname);
         // send it
         $result = $this->Email->send();
         // If you wish to send multiple emails using a loop, you'll need
         // to reset the email fields using the reset method of the Email component.
     // remove the temporary gpg file
     if ($this->Auth->user('gpgkey') != null) {
     return $result;
Пример #6
 public function admin_email()
     if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
         throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
     $this->User->recursive = 0;
     $temp = $this->User->find('all', array('fields' => array('email', 'gpgkey')));
     $emails = array();
     $gpgKeys = array();
     // save all the emails of the users and set it for the dropdown list in the form
     foreach ($temp as $user) {
         array_push($emails, $user['User']['email']);
         array_push($gpgKeys, $user['User']['gpgkey']);
     $this->set('recipientEmail', $emails);
     // User has filled in his contact form, send out the email.
     if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
         $message1 = null;
         $message2 = null;
         $recipients = array();
         $messageP = array();
         // Formulating the message and the subject that will be common to the e-mail(s) sent
         if ($this->request->data['User']['action'] == '0') {
             // Custom message
             $subject = $this->request->data['User']['subject'];
             $message1 .= $this->request->data['User']['message'];
         } else {
             // Temp password
             if ($this->request->data['User']['customMessage']) {
                 $message1 .= $this->request->data['User']['message'];
             } else {
                 $message1 .= "Dear MISP user,\n\nA password reset has been triggered for your account. Use the below provided temporary password to log into MISP at ";
                 $message1 .= Configure::read('CyDefSIG.baseurl');
                 $message1 .= ", where you will be prompted to manually change your password to something of your own choice.";
             //$message .= "\n\nYour temporary password: "******"\n\nIf you have any questions, contact us at: " . Configure::read('CyDefSIG.contact') . ".";
         $message2 .= "\n\nBest Regards,\n" . Configure::read('CyDefSIG.org') . ' MISP support';
         // Return an error message if the action is a password reset for a new user
         if ($this->request->data['User']['recipient'] == 2 && $this->request->data['User']['action'] == '1') {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__('Cannot reset the password of a user that doesn\'t exist.'));
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'email', 'admin' => true));
         // Setting up the list of recipient(s) based on the setting and creating the final message for each user, including the password
         // If the recipient is all users, and the action to create a password, create it and for each user and squeeze it between the main message and the signature
         if ($this->request->data['User']['recipient'] == 0) {
             $recipients = $emails;
             $recipientGPG = $gpgKeys;
             if ($this->request->data['User']['action'] == '1') {
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($recipients as $rec) {
                     $password = $this->User->generateRandomPassword();
                     $messageP = "\n\nYour temporary password: "******"\n\nYour temporary password: " . $password . $message2;
                 $recipientPass[0] = $password;
             } else {
                 $message[0] = $message1;
         require_once 'Crypt/GPG.php';
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
             if (!empty($recipientGPG[$i])) {
                 $gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir')));
                 // , 'debug' => true
                 $gpg->addSignKey(Configure::read('GnuPG.email'), Configure::read('GnuPG.password'));
                 $messageSigned = $gpg->sign($message[$i], Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR);
                 $keyImportOutput = $gpg->importKey($recipientGPG[$i]);
                 try {
                     $gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array('homedir' => Configure::read('GnuPG.homedir')));
                     // use the key that was given in the import
                     $encryptedMessage = $gpg->encrypt($messageSigned, true);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     // catch errors like expired PGP keys
                     // no need to return here, as we want to send out mails to the other users if GPG encryption fails for a single user
             } else {
                 $encryptedMessage = $message[$i];
             // prepare the email
             $this->Email->from = Configure::read('CyDefSIG.email');
             $this->Email->to = $recipients[$i];
             $this->Email->subject = $subject;
             //$this->Email->delivery = 'debug';   // do not really send out mails, only display it on the screen
             $this->Email->template = 'body';
             $this->Email->sendAs = 'text';
             // both text or html
             $this->set('body', $encryptedMessage);
             // send it
             $result = $this->Email->send();
             // if sending successful and action was a password change, update the user's password.
             if ($result && $this->request->data['User']['action'] == '1') {
                 $this->User->recursive = 0;
                 $temp = $this->User->findByEmail($recipients[$i]);
                 $this->User->id = $temp['User']['id'];
                 $this->User->saveField('password', $recipientPass[$i]);
                 $this->User->saveField('change_pw', '1');
             // If you wish to send multiple emails using a loop, you'll need
             // to reset the email fields using the reset method of the Email component.
         $this->Session->setFlash(__('E-mails sent.'));
     // User didn't see the contact form yet. Present it to him.
Пример #7
  * Import a public key, return the fingerprint
  * @param string $gpgKey An ASCII armored public key
  * @return string The GPG fingerprint for this key
 public function import(string $gpgKey) : string
     try {
         $gnupg = new \Crypt_GPG($this->options);
         $data = $gnupg->importKey($gpgKey);
         return $data['fingerprint'];
     } catch (\Crypt_GPG_NoDataException $ex) {
         return '';
     } catch (\Crypt_GPG_Exception $ex) {
         return '';