Пример #1
  * This method send create domain request.
  * In order to pending domain creation, response must have status REGISTRY_RESPONSE_STATUS::PENDING
  * @param Domain $domain
  * @param int $period Domain registration period
  * @param array $extra Extra data
  * @return CreateDomainResponse
 public function CreateDomain(Domain $domain, $period, $extra = array())
     $DomainInfoResp = $this->GetDomainInfo($domain);
     if ($DomainInfoResp->Data['DOMAIN STATUS'] != 'FIXED') {
         return new CreateDomainResponse(REGISTRY_RESPONSE_STATUS::FAILED, 'Domain is not available for registration');
     $params = array('DOMAIN' => $domain->Name, 'TLD' => $this->Extension, 'TERM YEARS' => $period, 'PRICE' => $DomainInfoResp->Data['PRICE']);
     // Nameservers
     $nslist = $domain->GetNameserverList();
     foreach ($nslist as $i => $ns) {
         $params['DNS SERVER NAME ' . ($i + 1)] = $ns->HostName;
     // Contacts
     $contacttype_srs_map = $this->ContacttypeSRSMap;
     foreach ($domain->GetContactList() as $contacttype => $contact) {
         $params[$contacttype_srs_map[$contacttype]] = $contact->CLID;
     if ($extra && $this->Manifest->GetDomainConfig()->registration->extra_fields->field) {
         $additional_data = array();
         foreach ($extra as $k => $v) {
             $additional_data[] = sprintf('%s:%s', $k, $v);
         $params['ADDITIONAL DATA'] = join(' ', $additional_data);
     $Resp = $this->Request('REGISTER DOMAIN', $params);
     $Ret = new CreateDomainResponse($status, $Resp->ErrMsg);
     if ($Ret->Succeed()) {
         $Ret->CreateDate = time();
         $Ret->ExpireDate = (int) $Resp->Data['EXPIRATION DATE'];
         $Ret->AuthCode = '';
         $Ret->Protocol = $Resp->Data['REQUESTID'];
     return $Ret;
Пример #2
  * This method send create domain request.
  * In order to pending domain creation, response must have status REGISTRY_RESPONSE_STATUS::PENDING
  * @param Domain $domain
  * @param int $period Domain registration period
  * @param array $extra Extra data
  * @return CreateDomainResponse
 public function CreateDomain(Domain $domain, $period, $extra = array())
     $Registrant = $domain->GetContact(CONTACT_TYPE::REGISTRANT);
     $Admin = $domain->GetContact(CONTACT_TYPE::ADMIN);
     $Tech = $domain->GetContact(CONTACT_TYPE::TECH);
     if (!($nameserver_list = $domain->GetNameserverList())) {
         throw new Exception(_("Domain nameservers list coldn't be empty"));
     $flags = $domain->GetFlagList();
     $hostname = $domain->GetHostName();
     $is_idn = $this->RegistryAccessible->IsIDNHostName($hostname);
     $params = array("name" => $is_idn ? $this->RegistryAccessible->PunycodeEncode($hostname) : $hostname, "registrant" => $Registrant->CLID, "tech" => $Tech->CLID, "admin" => $Admin->CLID, "ns" => $this->GetNSXML($nameserver_list), "pw" => rand(100000000, 999999999), 'idn' => $is_idn ? "<dnslu:idn>{$hostname}</dnslu:idn>" : '', 'flags' => $this->GetFlagsXML($flags, null, 'dnslu'));
     // In IDN sunrise period (February 1 2010 - April 1 2010) <domain:create> command will have to be
     // submitted to the registry by email. The email must follow these rules:
     // - Recipient: idn@sunrise.dns.lu
     // - Sender: <your notification email address>
     // - Body: The raw XML of the EPP domain:create command
     $cur_time = time();
     if ($is_idn && $cur_time > $this->IdnSunriseStart && $cur_time < $this->IdnSunriseEnd) {
         $Mailer = $this->GetMailer();
         $Mailer->CharSet = "utf8";
         $Mailer->Body = $this->Transport->ParseTemplate2("domain-create", $params);
         $ret = new CreateDomainResponse(REGISTRY_RESPONSE_STATUS::PENDING);
         $ret->CreateDate = time();
         $ret->ExpireDate = strtotime("+1 year", $ret->CreateDate);
         return $ret;
     } else {
         $response = $this->Request("domain-create", $params);
         if ($response->Code == RFC3730_RESULT_CODE::OK_PENDING) {
         } elseif ($response->Succeed) {
         } else {
             $status = REGISTRY_RESPONSE_STATUS::FAILED;
         $ret = new CreateDomainResponse($status, $response->ErrMsg, $response->Code);
         if (!$ret->IsFailed()) {
             $info = $response->Data->response->resData->children($this->XmlNamespaces['domain']);
             $info = $info[0];
             $ret->CreateDate = strtotime((string) $info->crDate[0]);
             $ret->ExpireDate = strtotime("+1 year", $ret->CreateDate);
             $ret->AuthCode = '';
             $ret->Protocol = '';
         return $ret;
Пример #3
  * Create domain and return transaction status
  *  Domain info is an array of the following structure:
  *  Fill domain Data with this values
  *  		"crDate"   => string Creation DateTime,
  *			"exDate"   => Expiration DateTime,
  *			"status"   => string Status code,
  *			"pw"	   => string Password generated by registry,
  *			"protocol" => string Protocol
  * @access public
  * @param Domain $domain Domain name without TLD
  * @param array $owner_contact Domain Owner contact array
  * @param array $admin_contact Domain Admin contact array
  * @param array $tech_contact Domain Tech contact array
  * @param array $billing_contact Domain Billing contact array
  * @param array $extra Domain Billing contact array
  * @param integer $period Registration period, years
  * @param array $nameservers Array of strings containing nameservers hostnames 
  * @return Domain
 public function CreateDomain(Domain $domain, $period, $extra = array())
     $contacts = $domain->GetContactList();
     if (!$contacts['registrant']) {
         throw new Exception(_('Registrant contact is  undefined'));
     if (!$contacts['admin']) {
         throw new Exception(_('Admin contact is  undefined'));
     if (!$contacts['tech']) {
         throw new Exception(_('Tech contact is  undefined'));
     if (!$contacts['billing']) {
         throw new Exception(_('Billing contact is  undefined'));
     $nameservers = $domain->GetNameserverList();
     $params = array("ownercontact0" => $contacts['registrant']->CLID, "techcontact0" => $contacts['tech'] ? $contacts['tech']->CLID : "", "admincontact0" => $contacts['admin'] ? $contacts['admin']->CLID : "", "billingcontact0" => $contacts['billing'] ? $contacts['billing']->CLID : "", "nameserver0" => $nameservers[0]->HostName, "nameserver1" => $nameservers[1]->HostName, "period" => $period, "auth" => $this->GeneratePassword(), "domain" => $this->MakeNameIDNCompatible($domain->GetHostName()));
     $params = array_merge($params, (array) $extra);
     if ($this->PromotionCodes[$this->Extension]) {
         $params["X-PROMOTION-CODE"] = $this->PromotionCodes[$this->Extension];
     $response = $this->Request("AddDomain", $params);
     $resp = new CreateDomainResponse($status, $response->ErrMsg, $response->Code);
     if (!$resp->IsFailed()) {
         // Match domain expiration date
         preg_match("/property\\[registration expiration date\\]\\[0\\][\\s]*=[\\s]*(.*?)\n/si", $response->Data, $matches);
         $time = strtotime($matches[1]);
         $resp->ExpireDate = $time;
         // Set create date as NOW
         $resp->CreateDate = time();
         // Auth code
         $resp->AuthCode = (string) $params["auth"];
         // Match domain renewal date
         // (Date when RRPPROXY will execute renewal cron if TLD supports auto renewal)
         $autorenew = (int) $this->Manifest->GetRegistryOptions()->ability->auto_renewal;
         if ($autorenew) {
             preg_match("/property\\[renewal date\\]\\[0\\][\\s]*=[\\s]*(.*?)\n/si", $response->Data, $matches);
             $domain->SetExtraField('RenewalDate', strtotime($matches[1]));
         // Set renewal mode
         $mode = $autorenew ? 'AUTORENEW' : 'AUTOEXPIRE';
         $this->Request('SetDomainRenewalMode', array('domain' => $params['domain'], 'renewalmode' => $mode));
     return $resp;