public function testGetCrashReportCount() { // Login as root $loginForm = new LoginForm('RegularLogin'); $loginForm->username = "******"; $loginForm->password = "******"; $this->assertTrue($loginForm->login()); // Find a crash group $model = CrashGroup::model()->findByPk(1); // Ensure found $this->assertTrue($model != null); // Get crash report count in group $totalFileSize = 0; $percentOfQuota = 0; $count = $model->getCrashReportCount(1, $totalFileSize, $percentOfQuota); $this->assertTrue($count == 1); $this->assertTrue($totalFileSize == 23870); $this->assertTrue($percentOfQuota > 0); }
/** * This method looks for an existing crash group for the given crash report * and if the crash group doesn't exist, it creates a new one. * @return CrashGroup crash group model, or Null on error. */ public function createCrashGroup() { // Get crash group title $crashGroupMD5 = ""; $crashGroupTitle = $this->getCrashGroupTitle($crashGroupMD5); Yii::log('Crash group title = ' . $crashGroupTitle, 'info'); Yii::log('Crash group MD5 = ' . $crashGroupMD5, 'info'); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->compare('project_id', $this->project_id); $criteria->compare('appversion_id', $this->appversion_id); $criteria->compare('md5', $crashGroupMD5); // Look for existing crash group $crashGroup = CrashGroup::model()->find($criteria); if ($crashGroup === Null) { // Not found, create new crash group // First check if such a title already presents $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->compare('project_id', $this->project_id); $criteria->compare('appversion_id', $this->appversion_id); $criteria->addSearchCondition('title', $crashGroupTitle); $count = CrashGroup::model()->count($criteria); if ($count != 0) { // Add suffix to the title to avoid similar group names $postfix = ' (' . ($count + 1) . ')'; $crashGroupTitle .= $postfix; } // Create new crash group $crashGroup = new CrashGroup(); $crashGroup->title = $crashGroupTitle; $crashGroup->md5 = $crashGroupMD5; $crashGroup->project_id = $this->project_id; $crashGroup->appversion_id = $this->appversion_id; if (!$crashGroup->save()) { // Error saving crash group record return Null; } } // Return crash group return $crashGroup; }
/** * Returns the array of top crash groups. * @param Optional. If specified, search is performed for the given version. * @return array The list of CrashGroup models. */ public function getTopCrashGroups($appver = null) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->select = 't.*, COUNT({{crashreport}}.id) AS crashReportCount'; $criteria->compare('t.project_id', $this->id, false, 'AND'); if ($appver != null && $appver != -1) { $criteria->compare('t.appversion_id', $appver, false, 'AND'); } $criteria->join = 'INNER JOIN {{crashreport}} ON {{crashreport}}.groupid ='; $criteria->group = ''; $criteria->order = 'crashReportCount DESC'; $criteria->limit = 10; $crashGroups = CrashGroup::model()->findAll($criteria); return $crashGroups; }
/** * This method is executed before AR is saved to database. * In this method, we set some model attributes. * @return boolean True on success. */ protected function beforeSave() { if (!parent::beforeSave()) { return false; } // Check if this is a new record. if ($this->isNewRecord) { // Set project id $this->project_id = Yii::app()->user->getCurProjectId(); // Set project version $curVer = false; $versions = Yii::app()->user->getCurProjectVersions($curVer); if ($curVer != Project::PROJ_VER_ALL) { $this->appversion_id = $curVer; } else { // Project version '<all>' currently selected. // We have to determine bug version from associated // crash reports/collections. $numbers = MiscHelpers::splitNumberList($this->crashgroups); foreach ($numbers as $number) { $crashGroup = CrashGroup::model()->findByPk($number); if ($crashGroup === Null) { throw new HttpException('Invalid crash group ID'); } $curVer = $crashGroup->appversion_id; break; } if ($curVer == -1) { $numbers = MiscHelpers::splitNumberList($this->crashreports); foreach ($numbers as $number) { $crashReport = CrashReport::model()->findByPk($number); if ($crashReport === Null) { throw new HttpException('Invalid crash report ID'); } $curVer = $crashReport->appversion_id; break; } } if ($curVer == -1) { throw new CHttpException(403, 'Invalid request'); } $this->appversion_id = $curVer; } // Set date created $this->date_created = time(); // Set date last modified $this->date_last_modified = $this->date_created; // Set reported by $this->reported_by = Yii::app()->user->id; if ($this->assigned_to < 0) { unset($this->assigned_to); } } else { // Set date last modified $this->date_last_modified = time(); if ($this->status > Bug::STATUS_OPEN_MAX) { $this->date_closed = $this->date_last_modified; } else { unset($this->date_closed); } } // Success. return true; }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = CrashGroup::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }