Пример #1
  * Function updates a new product
  * @return array
 function updateProducts()
     include 'classes/Core/CRoleChecking.php';
     include_once 'classes/Core/Settings/CAddCrossProducts.php';
     include_once 'classes/Display/DAddCrossProducts.php';
     $chkuser = Core_CRoleChecking::checkRoles();
     if ($chkuser) {
         $default = new Core_Settings_CManageProducts();
         $output['maincategory'] = $default->displayCategory($id);
         $output['subcat'] = $default->displaySubCategory($subcatid);
         $output['disptitle'] = $default->dispProductTitle();
         $output['updatemsg'] = $default->updateProducts();
         Bin_Template::createTemplate('editeproduct.html', $output);
     } else {
         $output['usererr'] = 'You are Not having Privilege to view this page contact your Admin for detail';
         Bin_Template::createTemplate('Errors.html', $output);
Пример #2
  * Function gets the product details and sub category details for the selected product id. 
  * @return string
 function editSubCategory()
     $id = $_GET['prodid'];
     if ((int) $id > 0) {
         $sql = 'select * from products_table where product_id=' . $id;
         $obj = new Bin_Query();
         $sqlid = "SELECT category_id,category_parent_id FROM category_table where category_id in(select category_id from products_table where category_id='" . $obj->records[0]['category_id'] . "')";
         $query = new Bin_Query();
         $category = Core_Settings_CManageProducts::displayCategory($query->records[0]['category_parent_id']);
         $sqlid = 'select category_id from category_table where category_id in(select sub_category_id from products_table where product_id=' . $id . ')';
         $query = new Bin_Query();
         $subcat = Core_Settings_CManageProducts::displaySubCategory($query->records[0]['category_id']);
         return $subcat;