Пример #1
  * Outputs the debug onto the page
  * @version     1.0
  * @since       1.0.0
  * @author      Daniel Noel-Davies
  * @return      string
 public function output()
     $tabs = '';
     $content = '';
     $output = '';
     $debugTabs = array();
     $objPlugin = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPlugins();
     $objPage = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPage();
     $objPage->addJSFile(array('src' => '/' . root() . 'assets/javascript/tabs.js'), 'footer');
     $objPage->addJSFile(array('src' => '/' . root() . 'assets/javascript/debug.js'), 'footer');
     // Setup the tabs
     $tab = $this->getGlobals(true);
     $debugTabs['globals'] = array('title' => 'Globals', 'content' => $tab['content']);
     // Setup the tabs
     $tab = $this->getDumpOutput(true);
     $debugTabs['debuglog'] = array('title' => 'Dev Debug', 'content' => $tab['content']);
     // Setup the tabs
     $tab = $this->getConfig(true);
     $debugTabs['config'] = array('title' => 'Config', 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getPHPErrors(true);
     $debugTabs['errors'] = array('title' => sprintf('PHP / CMS Errors <div class="label label-info">%s</div>', $tab['count']), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getMemoryUse(true);
     $debugTabs['memory'] = array('title' => sprintf('Memory Usage <div class="label label-info">%s</div>', $tab['count']), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getSQLQueries(true);
     $debugTabs['queries'] = array('title' => sprintf('SQL Queries <div class="label label-info">%s</div>', $tab['count']), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getIncludedFiles(true);
     $debugTabs['included'] = array('title' => sprintf('Included Files <div class="label label-info">%s</div>', $tab['count']), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getTemplateInfo(true);
     $debugTabs['templateFiles'] = array('title' => sprintf('Template Info'), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     $tab = $this->getOtherTab(true);
     $debugTabs['other'] = array('title' => sprintf('Others', $tab['count']), 'content' => $tab['content']);
     // Allow developers to hook into the debug bar
     $extraTabs = $objPlugin->hook('CMS_DEBUGBAR_TABS');
     if (is_array($extraTabs) && count($extraTabs) > 1) {
         foreach ($extraTabs as $tab) {
             $debugTabs = array_merge($debugTabs, $tab);
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($debugTabs as $k => $tab) {
         $tabs .= sprintf('<li class="tab"><a href="javascript:;" data-toggle="tab" data-target="#%1$s">%2$s</a></li>' . "\n", $k, $tab['title']);
         $content .= sprintf('<div class="tab-pane content fade" id="%1$s">%2$s</div>' . "\n", $k, $tab['content']);
     return sprintf('<div id="debug-tabs" data-tabs="true"><ul class="nav nav-tabs">%s</ul><div class="tab-content well">%s</div></div>' . "\n", $tabs, $content);
Пример #2
// AUTOLOADER, I Choose You!
// directories to use for the autoloading, these get glob'd over after
// $dirs = Core_Classes_coreObj::addClassDirs(array(
//     'classes'          => cmsROOT.'core/classes/*.php',
//     'libs'             => cmsROOT.'core/libs/*/class.*.php',
//     'drivers'          => cmsROOT.'core/drivers/driver.*.php',
//     'admin_panels'     => cmsROOT.'modules/*/admin.*.php',
//     'modules'          => cmsROOT.'modules/*/class.*.php',
//     'module_overrides' => cmsROOT.'themes/*/override/*/*.php',
// ));
spl_autoload_register(array('Core_Classes_coreObj', 'loadClass'));
// echo dump($dirs, 'Loading Classes From', 'orange');exit;
$objCore = new Core_Classes_coreObj();
// Instance plugins so we can add hooks as early as possible.
$objPlugin = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPlugins();
$objCache = Core_Classes_coreObj::getCache();
$confCache = $objCache->load('config');
$objSession = Core_Classes_coreObj::getSession();
$objDebug = Core_Classes_coreObj::getDebug();
$objRoute = Core_Classes_coreObj::getRoute();
if (is_object($objDebug)) {
    set_error_handler(array($objDebug, 'errorHandler'));
cmsDEBUG ? memoryUsage('Core: Loaded..') : '';
Пример #3
 public function tplGlobals()
     $objUser = Core_Classes_coreObj::getUser();
     $tplGlobals = array('ROOT' => root(), 'THEME_ROOT' => root() . self::$THEME_ROOT, 'SITE_TITLE' => $this->config('site', 'title'), 'USERNAME' => $objUser->grab('username'), 'U_UCP' => '/' . root() . 'user/', 'L_UCP' => langVar('L_UCP'));
     if (!Core_Classes_User::$IS_ONLINE) {
         $tplGlobals += array('U_LOGIN' => '/' . root() . 'login', 'L_LOGIN' => 'Login');
     } else {
         $tplGlobals += array('U_LOGIN' => '/' . root() . 'logout?check=' . $objUser->grab('usercode'), 'L_LOGIN' => 'Logout');
     $moreTPL = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPlugins()->hook('CMS_PAGE_TPL_GLOBALS');
     if (is_array($moreTPL) && count($moreTPL) > 1) {
         foreach ($moreTPL as $vars) {
             $tplGlobals = array_merge($tplGlobals, $vars);
Пример #4
  * Makes sure all information is valid and logs the user in if needed
  * @version 2.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  Dan Aldridge
  * @return  bool
 public function process()
     if (!HTTP_POST) {
         trigger_error('No POST action detected');
         return false;
     $objUser = Core_Classes_coreObj::getUser();
     $objPlugins = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPlugins();
     $objSession = Core_Classes_coreObj::getSession();
     if (!$objSession->checkToken('hash')) {
         return false;
     // verify username and password are set and not empty
     $username = doArgs('username', null, $_POST);
     $password = doArgs('password', null, $_POST);
     if (is_empty($username) || is_empty($password)) {
         return false;
     // make sure the user hasnt already exceeded their login attempt quota
     if ($this->attemptsCheck(true) === false) {
         return false;
     $this->userData = $objUser->get('*', $username);
     if (!$this->userData) {
         return false;
     $this->postData = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password);
     //no need to run these if we are in acp mode
     if ($acpCheck !== true) {
         if ($this->whiteListCheck() === false) {
         if ($this->activeCheck() === false) {
         if ($this->banCheck() === false) {
     // update their quota
     if ($this->attemptsCheck() === false) {
         return false;
     // make sure the password is valid
     if ($objUser->verifyUserCredentials($username, $password) === false) {
         return false;
     $uniqueKey = substr(md5($this->userData['id'] . time()), 0, 5);
     // Add Hooks for Login Data
     $this->userData['password_plaintext'] = $this->postData['password'];
     $objPlugins->hook('CMS_LOGIN_SUCCESS', $this->userData);
     $objSQL = Core_Classes_coreObj::getDBO();
     $objTime = Core_Classes_coreObj::getTime();
     $query = $objSQL->queryBuilder()->update('#__sessions')->set(array('uid' => $objUser->grab('id')))->where('admin', '=', Core_Classes_User::$IS_ADMIN ? '1' : '0')->andWhere('sid', '=', md5(session_id()))->andWhere('hostname', '=', Core_Classes_User::getIP())->build();
     $results = $objSQL->query($query);
     $user = $this->userData;
     $user['last_active'] = time();
     $_SESSION['user'] = is_array($_SESSION['user']) && !is_empty($_SESSION['user']) ? array_merge($_SESSION['user'], $user) : $user;
     //make sure we want em to be able to auto login first
     if ($this->config('login', 'remember_me', 'false')) {
         if (doArgs('remember', false, $_POST) === '1') {
             $objUser->update($this->userData['id'], array('autologin' => '1'));
             $cookieArray = array('uData' => $uniqueKey, 'uIP' => Core_Classes_User::getIP(), 'uAgent' => md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $this->config('db', 'ckeauth')));
             set_cookie('login', serialize($cookieArray), $objTime->mod_time(time(), 0, 0, 24 * 365 * 10));
             $cookieArray['uData'] .= ':' . $this->userData['id'];
             //add the uid into the db
             $query = $objSQL->queryBuilder()->insertInto('#__userkeys')->set($cookieArray)->build();
             $results = $objSQL->query($query);
     return true;
Пример #5
  * @version     1.0
  * @since       1.0.0
  * @author      Dan Aldridge & Daniel Noel-Davies
  * @param       $route    array
  * @return      array
 public function testRoute($url, $pattern, $route)
     if ($pattern === false) {
         trigger_error('$pattern is false, stopping processing.');
         return false;
     if (is_empty($pattern)) {
         trigger_error('$pattern is empty, stopping processing.');
         return false;
     if (is_empty($url)) {
         trigger_error('$url is empty, stopping processing.');
         return false;
     if (!is_array($route) || is_empty($route)) {
         trigger_error('$route is empty, stopping processing.');
         return false;
     $objPlugin = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPlugins();
     // If the route matches the URL, we've got a winner!
     if (preg_match('#^' . $pattern . '$#', $url, $matches)) {
         // Remove the URL from the parameters
         $matches = array_values($matches);
         $params = array();
         // Make sure our key/index array is sorted properly
         foreach ($matches as $index => $value) {
             $params[$this->replacements[$index]] = $value;
         // make sure we got all our required values
         foreach ($route['requirements'] as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset($params[$key])) {
                 trigger_error(sprintf('The Requirement on the route `%s` wasn\'t matched for param `%s`', $route['label'], $key));
                 return false;
         // replace get params with what we have here & whats in the URL...
         // we dont want them to see what we are playing with internally tbh
         // add some extras here...
         $params['_all'] = $params;
         // Add a hook for the params
         $pluginExtras = $objPlugin->hook('CMS_ROUTE_PARAMS', $params);
         if (is_array($pluginExtras) && count($pluginExtras) > 1) {
             foreach ($pluginExtras as $extra) {
                 $params = array_merge($params, $extra);
         // merge the arguments & the params and then invoke the route
         $route['arguments'] = array_merge((array) $route['arguments'], $params);
         $this->route = $route;
         unset($route, $matches, $params, $replacements, $parts_u, $parts_p, $ourRoute, $replaceWith, $objCache);
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #6
  * Makes the content public
  * @version     1.0
  * @since       1.0.0
  * @author      Richard Clifford
  * @param       int     $fid        The file ID
  * @return      bool
 public function makePublic($fid)
     if (is_empty($fid)) {
         return false;
     $objPlugins = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPlugins();
     $objSQL = Core_Classes_coreObj::getDBO();
     // Check if the file is already public
     $check = $objSQL->queryBuilder()->select('public')->from('#__uploads')->where('id', '=', $fid)->build();
     $fileCheck = $objSQL->fetchLine($check);
     // return true if the file is already public
     if ($fileCheck['public'] == '1') {
         return true;
     // Update the uploads content to be public
     $query = $objSQL->queryBuilder()->update('#__uploads')->set(array('public' => 1))->where('id', '=', $fid)->build();
     $result = $objSQL->query($query);
     if ($result) {
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #7
 function loadCaptcha($var)
     $objPlugins = Core_Classes_coreObj::getPlugins();
     return $objPlugins->hook('CMSForm_Captcha', $var);
Пример #8
  * Assign a user Moderator status over a group
  * @version 1.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  Dan Aldridge
  * @param   int $uid     User's ID
  * @param   int $gid     Group ID
  * @return  bool
 function makeModerator($uid, $gid)
     if (!is_number($uid)) {
         trigger_error('$uid is not valid');
         return false;
     if (!is_number($gid)) {
         trigger_error('$gid is not valid');
         return false;
     $group = $this->getGroup($gid);
     // test to make sure group isnt a single user group
     if ($group['single_user_group']) {
         trigger_error('Group is user specific, Cannot reassign Moderator');
         return false;
     $objSQL = Core_Classes_coreObj::getDBO();
     $objUser = Core_Classes_coreObj::getUser();
     // make sure old moderator is a subscriber
     $oldModQuery = $objSQL->queryBuilder()->select('*')->from('#__group_subs')->where(sprintf('gid = "%s" AND uid = "%s"', $gid, $group['moderator']))->limit(1)->build();
     $oldModerator = $objSQL->fetchLine($oldModQuery);
     if (is_empty($oldModerator)) {
         $this->joinGroup($group['moderator'], $gid, 0);
     // make $uid new moderator
     if ($group['moderator'] != $uid) {
         $update['moderator'] = $uid;
         $update = $objSQL->queryBuilder()->update('#__group_subs')->set($update)->where(sprintf('id = "%s"', $gid))->build();
         $log = 'User Groups: ' . $objUser->profile($uid, RAW) . ' has been made group Moderator of ' . $group['name'];
         Core_Classes_coreObj::getPlugins()->hook('CMSGroups_changeModerator', array($uid, $gid));
     // make the moderator a subscriber too
     $this->joinGroup($uid, $gid, 0);
     return true;