Пример #1
$featured = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'featured');
/** Get adminview from URL */
$adminView = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'adminview');
/** Get type from URL */
$type = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'type');
/** Check whether banner player is used */
if (!empty($numberofvideos) && !empty($type)) {
    $banner = 1;
/** Check type parameter */
if (!empty($type) && $type == 1) {
    /** If type is 1 then, set thumbimage order and condition for popular videos */
    $thumImageorder = 'w.hitcount DESC';
    $where = '';
    /** Fetch popular video details */
    $singleVideodata = $contOBJ->home_playxmldata($getVid, $thumImageorder, $where, $numberofvideos);
} else {
    if (!empty($type) && $type == 2) {
        /** If type is 2 then, set thumbimage order and condition for recent videos */
        $thumImageorder = 'w.vid DESC';
        $where = '';
        /** Fetch recent video details */
        $singleVideodata = $contOBJ->home_playxmldata($getVid, $thumImageorder, $where, $numberofvideos);
    } else {
        if (!empty($type) && $type == 3) {
            /** If type is 2 then, set thumbimage order and condition for featured videos */
            $thumImageorder = 'w.ordering ASC';
            $where = 'AND w.featured=1';
            /** Fetch featured video details */
            $singleVideodata = $contOBJ->home_playxmldata($getVid, $thumImageorder, $where, $numberofvideos);
        } else {