Пример #1
  * Set the body of this entity, either as a string, or array of view
  * variables if a view is set, or as an instance of
  * {@link Swift_OutputByteStream}.
  * @param mixed the body of the message.  If a $this->view is set and this
  * is a string, this is passed to the view as $body.  If $this->view is set
  * and this is an array, the array values are passed to the view like in the
  * controller render() method
  * @param string content type optional. For html, set to 'html/text'
  * @param string charset optional
 public function setBody($body = '', $contentType = null, $charset = null)
     if ($this->view !== null) {
         if (!is_array($body)) {
             $body = array('body' => $body);
         // if Yii::app()->controller doesn't exist create a dummy
         // controller to render the view (needed in the console app)
         if (isset(Yii::app()->controller)) {
             $controller = Yii::app()->controller;
         } else {
             $controller = new Controller('YiiMail');
         // File Path to Template
         $viewPath = "";
         // Name of current theme if enabled
         $themeName = "";
         if (Yii::app() instanceof CConsoleApplication) {
             if (Yii::app()->theme && Yii::app()->theme != "") {
                 $themeName = Yii::app()->theme;
         } else {
             // WebApplication
             if (($theme = Yii::app()->getTheme()) !== null) {
                 $themeName = $theme->getName();
         // When ThemeName is speified
         if ($themeName != "") {
             $viewThemed = str_replace('application.views.', 'webroot.themes.' . $themeName . '.views.', $this->view);
             $viewThemed = preg_replace('/application\\.modules(?:_core)?\\.(.*?)\\.views\\.(.*)/i', 'webroot.themes.' . $themeName . '.views.\\1.\\2', $viewThemed);
             if (file_exists(Yii::getPathOfAlias($viewThemed) . ".php")) {
                 $viewPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias($viewThemed) . ".php";
         // Use orginal view name, if not set yet
         if ($viewPath == "") {
             $viewPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->view) . ".php";
         $body = $controller->renderInternal($viewPath, array_merge($body, array('mail' => $this)), true);
     return $this->message->setBody($body, $contentType, $charset);
Пример #2
  * Generates Mail Output for this notification
  * @return type
 public function getMailOut()
     $controller = new Controller('MailX');
     $viewPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->mailView) . '.php';
     if ($viewPath == ".php") {
         return "not found: " . $this->mailView;
     return $controller->renderInternal($viewPath, array('notification' => $this, 'sourceObject' => $this->getSourceObject(), 'targetObject' => $this->getTargetObject(), 'creator' => $this->getCreator()), true);
Пример #3
 public function send($Campaign)
     $configs = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE `key` IN ('host', 'https')")->queryAll();
     if (sizeof($configs) < 2) {
         throw new CException("\n\n\n===\nDomain or HTTPS config not yet set. View any admin area page in a browser to remedy this.\n===\n\n");
     foreach ($configs as $config) {
         $params[$config['key']] = $config['value'];
     // Load contacts for this invite from the invite table
     // They'll be marked with this campaign ID, and status=0 - unsent
     $Invite = Invite::model();
     $transaction = $Invite->dbConnection->beginTransaction();
     try {
         $InviteRows = $Invite->with("store")->findAll(array("condition" => "campaign_id = :campaign_id AND processing = 0 AND status = :status", "params" => array(":campaign_id" => $Campaign->id, ":status" => Invite::STATUS_UNSENT)));
         $inviteIDs = [];
         foreach ($InviteRows as $Invite) {
             $inviteIDs[] = $Invite->id;
         $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
         $command->update('invite', array("processing" => 1), array('in', 'id', $inviteIDs));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     // Load all organisations, we'll need their info
     $Organisations = Organisation::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)', 'index' => 'id'));
     // Group by organisation
     $orgContacts = array();
     foreach ($InviteRows as $Invite) {
         $orgContacts[$Invite->organisation_id][] = $Invite;
     // Chunk these into arrays of up to 1000 contacts per organisation - this is the Mailgun limit
     $chunkedOrgContacts = array();
     foreach ($orgContacts as $orgID => $contactArray) {
         $chunkedOrgContacts[$orgID] = array_chunk($orgContacts[$orgID], 1000);
     // Parse the email content, replace tags with the Mailgun recipient params
     $parsedContent = $this->parseEmailContent($Campaign->invite_email_subject, $Campaign->invite_email_body, array('first_name' => '%recipient.first_name%', 'last_name' => '%recipient.last_name%', 'invite_url' => '%recipient.invite_url%', 'unsubscribe_url' => '%recipient.unsubscribe_url%'));
     // Debug / counter vars
     $sentCount = 0;
     $campaignSuccess = false;
     $toEmails = [];
     foreach ($chunkedOrgContacts as $orgID => $orgChunks) {
         // Only set real email info if we're on production server
         // Let's not send emails to everyone in Newcastle before we're live...
             // Get the correct email domain for the organisation in question
             $fromEmailDomain = $Organisations[$orgID]->email_domain;
             $fromEmailAddress = $Organisations[$orgID]->email_address;
             $fromEmailName = $Organisations[$orgID]->title;
         } else {
             $fromEmailDomain = Yii::app()->params['insiderEmailDomain'];
             $fromEmailAddress = 'email@' . $fromEmailDomain;
             $fromEmailName = $Organisations[$orgID]->title;
         $mailgunApi = new MailgunApi($fromEmailDomain, Yii::app()->params['mailgun']['key']);
         $message = $mailgunApi->newMessage();
         $message->setFrom($fromEmailAddress, $fromEmailName);
         // Tag with invite so it can be filtered in Mailgun admin
         if (ENVIRONMENT !== 'PRODUCTION') {
         /* TEST MODE */
         // Now loop the contacts, which are in chunks (arrays) of up to 1000
         foreach ($orgChunks as $upTo1000Invites) {
             //start transaction?
             try {
                 $transaction = $Invite->dbConnection->beginTransaction();
                 $invite1000IDs = [];
                 //reset the to fields
                 // Add all the contacts in this chunk, there could be up to 1000 of 'em
                 foreach ($upTo1000Invites as $Invite) {
                     $invite1000IDs[] = $Invite->id;
                     if (strlen($Invite->store->email)) {
                         $Store2Contact = Store2Contact::model()->findByPk($Invite->store2contact_id);
                         if (!is_null($Store2Contact)) {
                             // Check values match
                             if ($Store2Contact->contact_warehouse_id === $Invite->contact_warehouse_id && $Store2Contact->store_id === $Invite->store_id) {
                                 // Also save the date they were invited to Store2Contact so we can query it easily
                                 $Store2Contact->most_recent_invite_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                                 $Store2Contact->save(true, array('most_recent_invite_date'));
                                 // Now create the invitation link to pass into the email template
                                 $inviteURL = ($params['https'] === 1 ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $params['host'] . '/accession/invite/' . $Invite->hash;
                                 // Only set real email info if we're on production server
                                 // Let's not send emails to everyone in Newcastle before we're live...
                                 if (ENVIRONMENT === 'PRODUCTION') {
                                     $toEmail = $Invite->store->email;
                                 } else {
                                     $toEmail = '*****@*****.**';
                                 $unsubscribeUrl = $Invite->unsubscribeUrl;
                                 // Check first name
                                 $firstName = $Invite->store->first_name;
                                 if (!strlen(trim($firstName))) {
                                     $firstName = 'friend';
                                 // Add the recipient to the message object, including the params unique for them
                                 $message->addTo($toEmail, $Invite->store->first_name . ' ' . $Invite->store->last_name, array('first_name' => $firstName, 'last_name' => $Invite->store->last_name, 'invite_url' => $inviteURL, 'unsubscribe_url' => $unsubscribeUrl));
                                 //$toEmails[] = 'Email: ' . $toEmail . " - " . $contact['first_name'] . ' ' . $lastName . '('.$fromEmailName.')' . "\n\n";
                                 // Increment the counter
                             } else {
                                 $contactInfo = print_r($contact, true);
                                 mail('*****@*****.**', 'Invite attempted but store2contact row did not match contact found in query', $contactInfo);
                         } else {
                             $contactInfo = print_r($contact, true);
                             mail('*****@*****.**', 'Invite attempted but store2contact could not be found', $contactInfo);
                     } else {
                         $contactInfo = print_r($contact, true);
                         mail('*****@*****.**', 'Invite attempted with no email address', $contactInfo);
                 // foreach upTo1000Invites
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $campaignSuccess = false;
             // Now we have the data for our 1000 contacts set up, render the template for the organisation
             $Controller = new Controller('foo');
             $renderedView = $Controller->renderInternal(Yii::app()->basePath . '/views/mail/organisation-templates/' . $Organisations[$orgID]->email_template . ".php", array('body' => $parsedContent['body']), true);
             // SEND THE MESSAGE
             if (sizeof($message->getTo())) {
                 try {
                     $response = $message->send();
                     $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
                     $command->update('invite', array("status" => Invite::STATUS_SENT, "processing" => 0), array('in', 'id', $invite1000IDs));
                     $campaignSuccess = true;
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     print $e->getMessage();
                     // mailgun returned an error - we rollback the transaction and remove the number of failed ids from the sent count
                     // consider mainatining a fail count??
                     $sentCount -= count($invite1000IDs);
                     $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
                     $command->update('invite', array("status" => Invite::STATUS_MAILGUN_ERROR, "processing" => 0), array('in', 'id', $invite1000IDs));
                     $msg = print_r($e, true);
                     $msg .= print_r($message, true);
                     mail('*****@*****.**', 'Mailgun error', $msg);
         // end of org 1000 chunk
     // foreach organisations
     if ($campaignSuccess) {
         $Campaign->status = Campaign::STATUS_HAS_BEEN_RUN;
     } else {
         $Campaign->status = Campaign::STATUS_ERROR_SEND;
     $Campaign->save(true, array("status"));
Пример #4
  * Returns Mail Output for that activity
  * @return type
 public function getMailOut()
     $controller = new Controller('MailX');
     // Determine View
     $view = 'application.modules_core.activity.views.activities.' . $this->type . "_mail";
     if ($this->module != "") {
         $view = 'application.modules_core.' . $this->module . '.views.activities.' . $this->type . "_mail";
         $viewPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias($view) . '.php';
         // Seems not exists, try 3rd party module folder
         if (!file_exists($viewPath)) {
             $view = 'application.modules.' . $this->module . '.views.activities.' . $this->type . "_mail";
     $viewPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias($view) . '.php';
     $underlyingObject = $this->getUnderlyingObject();
     $workspace = null;
     if ($this->content->space_id != "") {
         $workspace = Space::model()->findByPk($this->content->space_id);
     $user = $this->content->user;
     if ($user == null) {
     return $controller->renderInternal($viewPath, array('activity' => $this, 'wallEntryId' => 0, 'user' => $user, 'target' => $underlyingObject, 'workspace' => $workspace), true);