static function sendQueuedEmails() { $date = DateTimeValueLib::now(); $date->add("d", -2); $emails = QueuedEmails::getQueuedEmails($date); if (count($emails) <= 0) { return 0; } Env::useLibrary('swift'); $mailer = self::getMailer(); if (!$mailer instanceof Swift_Mailer) { throw new NotifierConnectionError(); } // if $fromSMTP = config_option("mail_transport", self::MAIL_TRANSPORT_MAIL) == self::MAIL_TRANSPORT_SMTP && config_option("smtp_authenticate", false); $count = 0; foreach ($emails as $email) { try { $body = $email->getBody(); $subject = $email->getSubject(); Hook::fire('notifier_email_body', $body, $body); Hook::fire('notifier_email_subject', $subject, $subject); if ($fromSMTP && config_option("smtp_address")) { $pos = strrpos($email->getFrom(), "<"); if ($pos !== false) { $sender_name = trim(substr($email->getFrom(), 0, $pos)); } else { $sender_name = ""; } $from = array(config_option("smtp_address") => $sender_name); } else { $pos = strrpos($email->getFrom(), "<"); if ($pos !== false) { $sender_name = trim(substr($email->getFrom(), 0, $pos)); $sender_address = str_replace(array("<", ">"), array("", ""), trim(substr($email->getFrom(), $pos, strlen($email->getFrom()) - 1))); } else { $sender_name = ""; $sender_address = $email->getFrom(); } $from = array($sender_address => $sender_name); } $message = Swift_Message::newInstance($subject)->setFrom($from)->setBody($body)->setContentType('text/html'); if ($email->columnExists('attachments')) { $attachments = json_decode($email->getColumnValue('attachments')); foreach ($attachments as $a) { // if file does not exists or its size is greater than 20 MB then don't process the atachments if (!file_exists($a->path) || filesize($a->path) / (1024 * 1024) > 20) { continue; } $attach = Swift_Attachment::fromPath($a->path, $a->type); $attach->setDisposition($a->disposition); if ($a->cid) { $attach->setId($a->cid); } if ($a->name) { $attach->setFilename($a->name); } $message->attach($attach); } } $to = prepare_email_addresses(implode(",", explode(";", $email->getTo()))); foreach ($to as $address) { $message->addTo(array_var($address, 0), array_var($address, 1)); } $cc = prepare_email_addresses(implode(",", explode(";", $email->getCc()))); foreach ($cc as $address) { $message->addCc(array_var($address, 0), array_var($address, 1)); } $bcc = prepare_email_addresses(implode(",", explode(";", $email->getBcc()))); foreach ($bcc as $address) { $message->addBcc(array_var($address, 0), array_var($address, 1)); } $result = $mailer->send($message); if ($result) { DB::beginWork(); // save notification history after cron sent the email self::saveNotificationHistory(array('email_object' => $email)); // delte from queued_emails $email->delete(); DB::commit(); } $count++; } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollback(); // save log in server if (defined('EMAIL_ERRORS_LOGDIR') && file_exists(EMAIL_ERRORS_LOGDIR) && is_dir(EMAIL_ERRORS_LOGDIR)) { $err_msg = ROOT_URL . "\nError sending notification (queued_email_id=" . $email->getId() . ") using account " . print_r($from, 1) . "\n\nError detail:\n" . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); file_put_contents(EMAIL_ERRORS_LOGDIR . basename(ROOT), $err_msg, FILE_APPEND); } Logger::log("There has been a problem when sending the Queued emails.\nError Message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\nTrace: " . $e->getTraceAsString()); $msg = $e->getMessage(); if (strpos($msg, 'Failed to authenticate') !== false) { $from_k = array_keys($from); $usu = Contacts::getByEmail($from_k[0]); $rem = ObjectReminders::instance()->findOne(array('conditions' => "context='eauthfail " . $from_k[0] . "'")); if (!$rem instanceof ObjectReminder && $usu instanceof Contact) { $reminder = new ObjectReminder(); $reminder->setMinutesBefore(0); $reminder->setType("reminder_popup"); $reminder->setContext("eauthfail " . $from_k[0]); $reminder->setObject($usu); $reminder->setUserId($usu->getId()); $reminder->setDate(DateTimeValueLib::now()); $reminder->save(); } } } } return $count; }
function getSenderUrl() { $user = Contacts::getByEmail($this->getFrom()); if ($user instanceof Contact && $user->canSeeUser(logged_user())) { return $user->getCardUrl(); } else { $contact = Contacts::getByEmail($this->getFrom()); if ($contact instanceof Contact && $contact->canView(logged_user())) { return $contact->getCardUrl(); } } return $this->getViewUrl(); }
/** * This function will use session ID from session or cookie and if presend log user * with that ID. If not it will simply break. * * When this function uses session ID from cookie the whole process will be treated * as new login and users last login time will be set to current time. * * @access public * @param void * @return boolean */ private function initLoggedUser() { //Hack for API Auth & Magic login! if (isset($_REQUEST['auth']) && !empty($_REQUEST['auth']) || array_var($_REQUEST, 'm') == "login") { if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'm') != "login") { $contact = Contacts::findAll(array("conditions" => "`token` = '" . $_REQUEST['auth'] . "'")); $contact = $contact[0]; } else { $username = $_REQUEST['username']; $password = $_REQUEST['password']; if (preg_match(EMAIL_FORMAT, $username)) { $contact = Contacts::getByEmail($username); } else { $contact = Contacts::getByUsername($username); } if ($contact) { if (!$contact->isValidPassword($password)) { die('API Response: Invalid password.'); } } else { die('API Response: Invalid username.'); } } if ($contact instanceof Contact) { $this->logUserIn($contact, false); if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'm') == "login") { $temp = array('token' => $contact->getToken(), 'username' => $contact->getUsername(), 'user_id' => $contact->getId(), 'company' => owner_company()->getName()); echo json_encode($temp); exit; } } else { die('API Response: Invalid authorization code.'); } } $user_id = Cookie::getValue('id'); $twisted_token = Cookie::getValue('token'); $remember = (bool) Cookie::getValue('remember', false); if (empty($user_id) || empty($twisted_token)) { return false; // we don't have a user } // if $user = Contacts::findById($user_id); if (!$user instanceof Contact) { return false; // failed to find user } // if if (!$user->isValidToken($twisted_token)) { return false; // failed to validate token } // if $last_act = $user->getLastActivity(); if ($last_act instanceof DateTimeValue) { $session_expires = $last_act->advance(SESSION_LIFETIME, false); } if (!$last_act instanceof DateTimeValue || $session_expires != null && DateTimeValueLib::now()->getTimestamp() < $session_expires->getTimestamp()) { $this->setLoggedUser($user, $remember, true); } else { $this->logUserIn($user, $remember); } // if }
function createMinimumUser($email, $compId) { $contact = Contacts::getByEmail($email); $posArr = strpos_utf($email, '@') === FALSE ? null : strpos($email, '@'); $user_data = array('username' => $email, 'display_name' => $posArr != null ? substr_utf($email, 0, $posArr) : $email, 'email' => $email, 'contact_id' => isset($contact) ? $contact->getId() : null, 'password_generator' => 'random', 'timezone' => isset($contact) ? $contact->getTimezone() : 0, 'create_contact' => !isset($contact), 'company_id' => $compId, 'send_email_notification' => true); // array $user = null; $user = create_user($user_data, false, ''); return $user; }
/** * Render and process forgot password form * * @param void * @return null */ function forgot_password() { if (isset($_GET['your_email'])) { $your_email = trim(array_var($_GET, 'your_email')); } else { $your_email = trim(array_var($_POST, 'your_email')); } tpl_assign('your_email', $your_email); if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'submited') == 'submited') { if (!is_valid_email($your_email)) { tpl_assign('error', new InvalidEmailAddressError($your_email, lang('invalid email address'))); $this->render(); } // if $user = Contacts::getByEmail($your_email); if (!($user instanceof Contact && $user->isUser()) || $user->getDisabled()) { flash_error(lang('email address not in use', $your_email)); $this->redirectTo('access', 'forgot_password'); } // if $token = sha1(gen_id() . (defined('SEED') ? SEED : '')); $timestamp = time() + 60 * 60 * 24; set_user_config_option('reset_password', $token . ";" . $timestamp, $user->getId()); try { DB::beginWork(); Notifier::forgotPassword($user, $token); flash_success(lang('success forgot password')); DB::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollback(); flash_error(lang('error forgot password')); } // try $this->redirectTo('access', 'forgot_password', array('instructions_sent' => 1)); } // if }
private static function getPersonLinkFromEmailAddress($email, $addr_name, $clean = true, $add_contact_link = true) { $name = $email; $url = ""; $user = Users::getByEmail($email); if ($user instanceof User && $user->canSeeUser(logged_user())) { $name = $clean ? clean($user->getDisplayName()) : $user->getDisplayName(); $url = $user->getCardUrl(); } else { $contact = Contacts::getByEmail($email); if ($contact instanceof Contact && $contact->canView(logged_user())) { $name = $clean ? clean($contact->getDisplayName()) : $contact->getDisplayName(); $url = $contact->getCardUrl(); } } if ($url != "") { return '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $url . '" title="' . $email . '">' . $name . " <{$email}></a>"; } else { if (!(active_project() instanceof Project ? Contact::canAdd(logged_user(), active_project()) : can_manage_contacts(logged_user()))) { return $email; } else { $url = get_url('contact', 'add', array('ce' => $email)); $to_show = $addr_name == '' ? $email : $addr_name . " <{$email}>"; return $to_show . ($add_contact_link ? ' <a class="internalLink link-ico ico-add" style="padding-left:12px;" href="' . $url . '" title="' . lang('add contact') . '"> </a>' : ''); } } }
/** * Add single mail * * @access public * @param void * @return null */ function add_mail() { if (logged_user()->isGuest()) { flash_error(lang('no access permissions')); ajx_current("empty"); return; } $this->addHelper('textile'); $mail_accounts = MailAccounts::getMailAccountsByUser(logged_user()); if (count($mail_accounts) < 1) { flash_error(lang('no mail accounts set')); ajx_current("empty"); return; } $this->setTemplate('add_mail'); $mail_data = array_var($_POST, 'mail'); $isDraft = array_var($mail_data, 'isDraft', '') == 'true' ? true : false; $isUpload = array_var($mail_data, 'isUpload', '') == 'true' ? true : false; $autosave = array_var($mail_data, 'autosave', '') == 'true'; $id = array_var($mail_data, 'id'); $mail = MailContents::findById($id); $isNew = false; if (!$mail) { $isNew = true; $mail = new MailContent(); } tpl_assign('mail_to', urldecode(array_var($_GET, 'to'))); tpl_assign('link_to_objects', array_var($_GET, 'link_to_objects')); $def_acc = $this->getDefaultAccountId(); if ($def_acc > 0) { tpl_assign('default_account', $def_acc); } tpl_assign('mail', $mail); tpl_assign('mail_data', $mail_data); tpl_assign('mail_accounts', $mail_accounts); // Form is submited if (is_array($mail_data)) { $account = MailAccounts::findById(array_var($mail_data, 'account_id')); if (!$account instanceof MailAccount) { flash_error(lang('mail account dnx')); ajx_current("empty"); return; } $accountUser = MailAccountUsers::getByAccountAndUser($account, logged_user()); if (!$accountUser instanceof MailAccountUser) { flash_error(lang('no access permissions')); ajx_current("empty"); return; } if ($account->getOutgoingTrasnportType() == 'ssl' || $account->getOutgoingTrasnportType() == 'tls') { $available_transports = stream_get_transports(); if (array_search($account->getOutgoingTrasnportType(), $available_transports) === FALSE) { flash_error('The server does not support SSL.'); ajx_current("empty"); return; } } $cp_errs = $this->checkRequiredCustomPropsBeforeSave(array_var($_POST, 'object_custom_properties', array())); if (is_array($cp_errs) && count($cp_errs) > 0) { foreach ($cp_errs as $err) { flash_error($err); } ajx_current("empty"); return; } $subject = array_var($mail_data, 'subject'); $body = array_var($mail_data, 'body'); if (($pre_body_fname = array_var($mail_data, 'pre_body_fname')) != "") { $body = str_replace(lang('content too long not loaded'), '', $body, $count = 1); $tmp_filename = ROOT . "/tmp/{$pre_body_fname}"; if (is_file($tmp_filename)) { $body .= file_get_contents($tmp_filename); if (!$isDraft) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } } } if (array_var($mail_data, 'format') == 'html') { $css = "font-family:Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;font-size:12px;color:#222;"; Hook::fire('email_base_css', null, $css); str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $css); $body = '<div style="' . $css . '">' . $body . '</div>'; $body = str_replace('<blockquote>', '<blockquote style="border-left:1px solid #987ADD;padding-left:10px;">', $body); } $type = 'text/' . array_var($mail_data, 'format'); $to = trim(array_var($mail_data, 'to')); if (str_ends_with($to, ",") || str_ends_with($to, ";")) { $to = substr($to, 0, strlen($to) - 1); } $mail_data['to'] = $to; $cc = trim(array_var($mail_data, 'cc')); if (str_ends_with($cc, ",") || str_ends_with($cc, ";")) { $cc = substr($cc, 0, strlen($cc) - 1); } $mail_data['cc'] = $cc; $bcc = trim(array_var($mail_data, 'bcc')); if (str_ends_with($bcc, ",") || str_ends_with($bcc, ";")) { $bcc = substr($bcc, 0, strlen($bcc) - 1); } $mail_data['bcc'] = $bcc; if (!$isDraft && trim($to . $cc . $bcc) == '') { flash_error(lang('recipient must be specified')); ajx_current("empty"); return; } $invalid_to = MailUtilities::validate_email_addresses($to); if (is_array($invalid_to)) { flash_error(lang('error invalid recipients', lang('mail to'), implode(", ", $invalid_to))); ajx_current("empty"); return; } $invalid_cc = MailUtilities::validate_email_addresses($cc); if (is_array($invalid_cc)) { flash_error(lang('error invalid recipients', lang('mail CC'), implode(", ", $invalid_cc))); ajx_current("empty"); return; } $invalid_bcc = MailUtilities::validate_email_addresses($bcc); if (is_array($invalid_bcc)) { flash_error(lang('error invalid recipients', lang('mail BCC'), implode(", ", $invalid_bcc))); ajx_current("empty"); return; } $last_mail_in_conversation = array_var($mail_data, 'last_mail_in_conversation'); $conversation_id = array_var($mail_data, 'conversation_id'); if ($last_mail_in_conversation && $conversation_id) { $new_mail_in_conversation = MailContents::getLastMailIdInConversation($conversation_id, true); if ($new_mail_in_conversation != $last_mail_in_conversation) { ajx_current("empty"); evt_add("new email in conversation", array('id' => $new_mail_in_conversation, 'genid' => array_var($_POST, 'instanceName'))); return; } } $mail->setFromAttributes($mail_data); $mail->setTo($to); $mail->setCc($cc); $mail->setBcc($bcc); $mail->setSubject($mail_data['subject']); $utils = new MailUtilities(); // attachment $linked_attachments = array(); $attachments = array(); $objects = array_var($_POST, 'linked_objects'); $attach_contents = array_var($_POST, 'attach_contents', array()); if (is_array($objects)) { $err = 0; $count = -1; foreach ($objects as $objid) { $count++; $split = explode(":", $objid); if (count($split) == 2) { $object = get_object_by_manager_and_id($split[1], $split[0]); } else { if (count($split) == 4) { if ($split[0] == 'FwdMailAttach') { $tmp_filename = ROOT . "/tmp/" . logged_user()->getId() . "_" . $mail_data['account_id'] . "_FwdMailAttach_" . $split[3]; if (is_file($tmp_filename)) { $attachments[] = array("data" => file_get_contents($tmp_filename), "name" => $split[1], "type" => $split[2]); continue; } } } } if (!isset($object) || !$object) { flash_error(lang('file dnx')); $err++; } else { if (isset($attach_contents[$count])) { if ($split[0] == 'ProjectFiles') { $file = ProjectFiles::findById($object->getId()); if (!$file instanceof ProjectFile) { flash_error(lang('file dnx')); $err++; } // if if (!$file->canDownload(logged_user())) { flash_error(lang('no access permissions')); $err++; } // if $attachments[] = array("data" => $file->getFileContent(), "name" => $file->getFilename(), "type" => $file->getTypeString()); } else { if ($split[0] == 'MailContents') { $email = MailContents::findById($object->getId()); if (!$email instanceof MailContent) { flash_error(lang('email dnx')); $err++; } // if if (!$email->canView(logged_user())) { flash_error(lang('no access permissions')); $err++; } // if $attachments[] = array("data" => $email->getContent(), "name" => $email->getSubject() . ".eml", "type" => 'message/rfc822'); } } } else { $linked_attachments[] = array("data" => $object->getViewUrl(), "name" => clean($object->getObjectName()), "type" => lang($object->getObjectTypeName()), "manager" => $object->getObjectManagerName(), "id" => $object->getId()); } } } if ($err > 0) { flash_error(lang('some objects could not be linked', $err)); ajx_current('empty'); return; } } $to = preg_split('/;|,/', $to); $to = $utils->parse_to($to); if ($body == '') { $body .= ' '; } try { if (count($linked_attachments)) { $linked_users = array(); foreach ($to as $to_user) { $linked_user = Users::getByEmail($to_user[1]); if (!$linked_user instanceof User) { try { $linked_user = create_user_from_email($to_user[1], $to_user[0]); } catch (Exception $e) { //Logger::log($e->getMessage()); } } if ($linked_user instanceof User) { $linked_users[] = $linked_user; } } $linked_atts = $type == 'text/html' ? '<div style="font-family:arial;"><br><br><br><span style="font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold;color:#777">' . lang('linked attachments') . '</span><ul>' : "\n\n\n-----------------------------------------\n" . lang('linked attachments') . "\n\n"; foreach ($linked_attachments as $att) { $linked_atts .= $type == 'text/html' ? '<li><a href="' . $att['data'] . '">' . $att['name'] . ' (' . $att['type'] . ')</a></li>' : $att['name'] . ' (' . $att['type'] . '): ' . $att['data'] . "\n"; foreach ($linked_users as $linked_user) { try { $linked_user->giveAccessToObject(get_object_by_manager_and_id($att['id'], $att['manager'])); } catch (Exception $e) { //Logger::log($e->getMessage()); } } } $linked_atts .= $type == 'text/html' ? '</ul></div>' : ''; } else { $linked_atts = ''; } $body .= $linked_atts; if (count($attachments) > 0) { $i = 0; $str = ""; /* foreach ($attachments as $att) { $str .= "--000000000000000000000000000$i\n"; $str .= "Name: ".$att['name'] .";\n"; $str .= "Type: ".$att['type'] .";\n"; //$str .= "Encoding: ".$att['type'] .";\n"; $str .= base64_encode($att['data']) ."\n"; $str .= "--000000000000000000000000000$i--\n"; $i++; } */ $str = "#att_ver 2\n"; foreach ($attachments as $att) { $rep_id = $utils->saveContent($att['data']); $str .= $att['name'] . "," . $att['type'] . "," . $rep_id . "\n"; } // save attachments, when mail is sent this file is deleted and full content is saved $repository_id = $utils->saveContent($str); if (!$isNew) { if (FileRepository::isInRepository($mail->getContentFileId())) { // delete old attachments $content = FileRepository::getFileContent($mail->getContentFileId()); if (str_starts_with($content, "#att_ver")) { $lines = explode("\n", $content); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (!str_starts_with($line, "#") && trim($line) !== "") { $data = explode(",", $line); if (isset($data[2]) && FileRepository::isInRepository($data[2])) { FileRepository::deleteFile($data[2]); } } } } FileRepository::deleteFile($mail->getContentFileId()); } } $mail->setContentFileId($repository_id); } $mail->setHasAttachments(is_array($attachments) && count($attachments) > 0 ? 1 : 0); $mail->setAccountEmail($account->getEmailAddress()); $mail->setSentDate(DateTimeValueLib::now()); $mail->setReceivedDate(DateTimeValueLib::now()); DB::beginWork(); $msg_id = MailUtilities::generateMessageId($account->getEmailAddress()); $conversation_id = array_var($mail_data, 'conversation_id'); $in_reply_to_id = array_var($mail_data, 'in_reply_to_id'); if ($conversation_id) { $in_reply_to = MailContents::findById(array_var($mail_data, 'original_id')); if ($in_reply_to instanceof MailContent && $in_reply_to->getSubject() && strpos(strtolower($mail->getSubject()), strtolower($in_reply_to->getSubject())) === false) { $conversation_id = null; $in_reply_to_id = ''; } } if (!$conversation_id) { $conversation_id = MailContents::getNextConversationId($account->getId()); } $mail->setMessageId($msg_id); $mail->setConversationId($conversation_id); $mail->setInReplyToId($in_reply_to_id); $mail->setUid(gen_id()); $mail->setState($isDraft ? 2 : 200); $mail->setIsPrivate(false); set_user_config_option('last_mail_format', array_var($mail_data, 'format', 'plain'), logged_user()->getId()); $body = utf8_safe($body); if (array_var($mail_data, 'format') == 'html') { $mail->setBodyHtml($body); $mail->setBodyPlain(utf8_safe(html_to_text($body))); } else { $mail->setBodyPlain($body); $mail->setBodyHtml(''); } $mail->setFrom($account->getEmailAddress()); $mail->setFromName(logged_user()->getDisplayName()); $mail->save(); $mail->setIsRead(logged_user()->getId(), true); $mail->setTagsFromCSV(array_var($mail_data, 'tags')); // autoclassify sent email // if replying a classified email classify on same workspace $classified = false; if (array_var($mail_data, 'original_id')) { $in_reply_to = MailContents::findById(array_var($mail_data, 'original_id')); if ($in_reply_to instanceof MailContent) { $workspaces = $in_reply_to->getWorkspaces(); foreach ($workspaces as $w) { if ($mail->canAdd(logged_user(), $w)) { $mail->addToWorkspace($w); $classified = true; } } } } if (!$classified && $account->getWorkspace() instanceof Project) { $mail->addToWorkspace($account->getWorkspace()); } if (!$classified && active_project() instanceof Project) { $mail->addToWorkspace(active_project()); } $object_controller = new ObjectController(); $object_controller->add_custom_properties($mail); $object_controller->link_to_new_object($mail); if (array_var($mail_data, 'link_to_objects') != '') { $lto = explode('|', array_var($mail_data, 'link_to_objects')); foreach ($lto as $object_string) { $split_object = explode('-', $object_string); $object = get_object_by_manager_and_id($split_object[1], $split_object[0]); if ($object instanceof ProjectDataObject) { $mail->linkObject($object); } } } ApplicationLogs::createLog($mail, $mail->getWorkspaces(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD); if (user_config_option('create_contacts_from_email_recipients') && can_manage_contacts(logged_user())) { // automatically create contacts foreach ($to as $recipient) { $recipient_name = trim($recipient[0]); $recipient_address = trim($recipient[1]); if (!$recipient_address) { continue; } $contact = Contacts::getByEmail($recipient_address); if (!$contact instanceof Contact) { try { $contact = new Contact(); $contact->setEmail($recipient_address); if ($recipient_name && $recipient_name != $recipient_address) { $contact->setFirstName($recipient_name); } else { $index = strpos($recipient_address, "@"); $recipient_name = substr($recipient_address, 0, $index); $contact->setFirstName($recipient_name); } $contact->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { // TODO: show error message? } } } } DB::commit(); if (!$autosave) { if ($isDraft) { flash_success(lang('success save mail')); ajx_current("empty"); } else { evt_add("must send mails", array("account" => $mail->getAccountId())); //flash_success(lang('mail is being sent')); ajx_current("back"); } evt_add("email saved", array("id" => $mail->getId(), "instance" => array_var($_POST, 'instanceName'))); } else { evt_add("draft mail autosaved", array("id" => $mail->getId(), "hf_id" => $mail_data['hf_id'])); flash_success(lang('success autosave draft')); ajx_current("empty"); } } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollback(); flash_error($e->getMessage()); ajx_current("empty"); } // try } // if }
private static function getPersonLinkFromEmailAddress($email, $addr_name, $clean = true, $add_contact_link = true) { $name = $email; $url = ""; if (trim($email) == "") { return ""; } if (!is_valid_email($email)) { return $email; } $contact = Contacts::getByEmail($email); if ($contact instanceof Contact && $contact->canView(logged_user())) { $name = $clean ? clean($contact->getObjectName()) : $contact->getObjectName(); $url = $contact->getCardUrl(); } if ($url != "") { return '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $url . '" title="' . $email . '">' . $name . " <{$email}></a>"; } else { $null = null; if (!Contact::canAdd(logged_user(), active_context(), $null)) { return $email; } else { if (trim($email) == "") { return ""; } $url = get_url('contact', 'add', array('ce' => $email)); $to_show = $addr_name == '' ? $email : $addr_name . " <{$email}>"; return $to_show . ($add_contact_link ? ' <a class="internalLink link-ico ico-add" style="padding-left:12px;" href="' . $url . '" title="' . lang('add contact') . '"> </a>' : ''); } } }
function create_user($user_data, $permissionsString) { // try to find contact by some properties $contact_id = array_var($user_data, "contact_id") ; $contact = Contacts::instance()->findById($contact_id) ; if (!is_valid_email(array_var($user_data, 'email'))) { throw new Exception(lang("email value is required")); } if (!$contact instanceof Contact) { // Create a new user $contact = new Contact(); $contact->setUsername(array_var($user_data, 'username')); $contact->setDisplayName(array_var($user_data, 'display_name')); $contact->setCompanyId(array_var($user_data, 'company_id')); $contact->setUserType(array_var($user_data, 'type')); $contact->setTimezone(array_var($user_data, 'timezone')); $contact->setFirstname($contact->getObjectName() != "" ? $contact->getObjectName() : $contact->getUsername()); $contact->setObjectName(); } else { // Create user from contact $contact->setUserType(array_var($user_data, 'type')); if (array_var($user_data, 'company_id')) { $contact->setCompanyId(array_var($user_data, 'company_id')); } $contact->setUsername(array_var($user_data, 'username')); $contact->setTimezone(array_var($user_data, 'timezone')); } $contact->save(); if (is_valid_email(array_var($user_data, 'email'))) { $contact->addEmail(array_var($user_data, 'email'), 'personal', true); } //permissions $permission_group = new PermissionGroup(); $permission_group->setName('User '.$contact->getId().' Personal'); $permission_group->setContactId($contact->getId()); $permission_group->setIsContext(false); $permission_group->setType("permission_groups"); $permission_group->save(); $contact->setPermissionGroupId($permission_group->getId()); $contact_pg = new ContactPermissionGroup(); $contact_pg->setContactId($contact->getId()); $contact_pg->setPermissionGroupId($permission_group->getId()); $contact_pg->save(); if ( can_manage_security(logged_user()) ) { $sp = new SystemPermission(); $rol_permissions=SystemPermissions::getRolePermissions(array_var($user_data, 'type')); foreach($rol_permissions as $pr){ $sp->setPermission($pr); } $sp->setPermissionGroupId($permission_group->getId()); $sp->setCanManageSecurity(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_security')); $sp->setCanManageConfiguration(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_configuration')); $sp->setCanManageTemplates(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_templates')); $sp->setCanManageTime(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_time')); $sp->setCanAddMailAccounts(array_var($user_data, 'can_add_mail_accounts')); $sp->setCanManageDimensions(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_dimensions')); $sp->setCanManageDimensionMembers(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_dimension_members')); $sp->setCanManageTasks(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_tasks')); $sp->setCanTasksAssignee(array_var($user_data, 'can_task_assignee')); $sp->setCanManageBilling(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_billing')); $sp->setCanViewBilling(array_var($user_data, 'can_view_billing')); Hook::fire('add_user_permissions', $sp, $other_permissions); if (!is_null($other_permissions) && is_array($other_permissions)) { foreach ($other_permissions as $k => $v) { $sp->setColumnValue($k, array_var($user_data, $k)); } } $sp->save(); if ($contact->isAdminGroup()) { // allow all un all dimensions if new user is admin $dimensions = Dimensions::findAll(); $permissions = array(); foreach ($dimensions as $dimension) { if ($dimension->getDefinesPermissions()) { $cdp = ContactDimensionPermissions::findOne(array("conditions" => "`permission_group_id` = ".$contact->getPermissionGroupId()." AND `dimension_id` = ".$dimension->getId())); if (!$cdp instanceof ContactDimensionPermission) { $cdp = new ContactDimensionPermission(); $cdp->setPermissionGroupId($contact->getPermissionGroupId()); $cdp->setContactDimensionId($dimension->getId()); } $cdp->setPermissionType('allow all'); $cdp->save(); // contact member permisssion entries $members = $dimension->getAllMembers(); foreach ($members as $member) { $ots = DimensionObjectTypeContents::getContentObjectTypeIds($dimension->getId(), $member->getObjectTypeId()); $ots[]=$member->getObjectId(); foreach ($ots as $ot) { $cmp = ContactMemberPermissions::findOne(array("conditions" => "`permission_group_id` = ".$contact->getPermissionGroupId()." AND `member_id` = ".$member->getId()." AND `object_type_id` = $ot")); if (!$cmp instanceof ContactMemberPermission) { $cmp = new ContactMemberPermission(); $cmp->setPermissionGroupId($contact->getPermissionGroupId()); $cmp->setMemberId($member->getId()); $cmp->setObjectTypeId($ot); } $cmp->setCanWrite(1); $cmp->setCanDelete(1); $cmp->save(); // Add persmissions to sharing table $perm = new stdClass(); $perm->m = $member->getId(); $perm->r= 1; $perm->w= 1; $perm->d= 1; $perm->o= $ot; $permissions[] = $perm ; } } } } if(count($permissions)){ $sharingTableController = new SharingTableController(); $sharingTableController->afterPermissionChanged($contact->getPermissionGroupId(), $permissions); } } } if(!isset($_POST['sys_perm'])){ $rol_permissions=SystemPermissions::getRolePermissions(array_var($user_data, 'type')); $_POST['sys_perm']=array(); foreach($rol_permissions as $pr){ $_POST['sys_perm'][$pr]=1; } } if(!isset($_POST['mod_perm'])){ $tabs_permissions=TabPanelPermissions::getRoleModules(array_var($user_data, 'type')); $_POST['mod_perm']=array(); foreach($tabs_permissions as $pr){ $_POST['mod_perm'][$pr]=1; } } $password = ''; if (array_var($user_data, 'password_generator') == 'specify') { $perform_password_validation = true; // Validate input $password = array_var($user_data, 'password'); if (trim($password) == '') { throw new Error(lang('password value required')); } // if if ($password <> array_var($user_data, 'password_a')) { throw new Error(lang('passwords dont match')); } // if } else { $user_data['password_generator'] = 'link'; $perform_password_validation = false; } $contact->setPassword($password); $contact->save(); $user_password = new ContactPassword(); $user_password->setContactId($contact->getId()); $user_password->setPasswordDate(DateTimeValueLib::now()); $user_password->setPassword(cp_encrypt($password, $user_password->getPasswordDate()->getTimestamp())); $user_password->password_temp = $password; $user_password->perform_validation = $perform_password_validation; $user_password->save(); if (array_var($user_data, 'autodetect_time_zone', 1) == 1) { set_user_config_option('autodetect_time_zone', 1, $contact->getId()); } /* create contact for this user*/ ApplicationLogs::createLog($contact, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD); // Set role permissions for active members $active_context = active_context(); $sel_members = array(); foreach ($active_context as $selection) { if ($selection instanceof Member) { $sel_members[] = $selection; $has_project_permissions = ContactMemberPermissions::instance()->count("permission_group_id = '".$contact->getPermissionGroupId()."' AND member_id = ".$selection->getId()) > 0; if (!$has_project_permissions) { RoleObjectTypePermissions::createDefaultUserPermissions($contact, $selection); } } } save_permissions($contact->getPermissionGroupId(), $contact->isGuest()); Hook::fire('after_user_add', $contact, $null); // add user content object to associated members if (count($sel_members) > 0) { ObjectMembers::addObjectToMembers($contact->getId(), $sel_members); $contact->addToSharingTable(); } // Send notification try { if (array_var($user_data, 'send_email_notification') && $contact->getEmailAddress()) { if (array_var($user_data, 'password_generator', 'link') == 'link') { // Generate link password $user = Contacts::getByEmail(array_var($user_data, 'email')); $token = sha1(gen_id() . (defined('SEED') ? SEED : '')); $timestamp = time() + 60*60*24; set_user_config_option('reset_password', $token . ";" . $timestamp, $user->getId()); Notifier::newUserAccountLinkPassword($contact, $password, $token); } else { Notifier::newUserAccount($contact, $password); } } } catch(Exception $e) { Logger::log($e->getTraceAsString()); } // try return $contact; }
function create_user($user_data, $permissionsString) { $user = new User(); $user->setUsername(array_var($user_data, 'username')); $user->setDisplayName(array_var($user_data, 'display_name')); $user->setEmail(array_var($user_data, 'email')); $user->setCompanyId(array_var($user_data, 'company_id')); $user->setType(array_var($user_data, 'type')); $user->setTimezone(array_var($user_data, 'timezone')); if (!logged_user() instanceof User || can_manage_security(logged_user())) { $user->setCanEditCompanyData(array_var($user_data, 'can_edit_company_data')); $user->setCanManageSecurity(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_security')); $user->setCanManageWorkspaces(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_workspaces')); $user->setCanManageConfiguration(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_configuration')); $user->setCanManageContacts(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_contacts')); $user->setCanManageTemplates(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_templates')); $user->setCanManageReports(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_reports')); $user->setCanManageTime(array_var($user_data, 'can_manage_time')); $user->setCanAddMailAccounts(array_var($user_data, 'can_add_mail_accounts')); $other_permissions = array(); Hook::fire('add_user_permissions', $user, $other_permissions); foreach ($other_permissions as $k => $v) { $user->setColumnValue($k, array_var($user_data, $k)); } } if (array_var($user_data, 'password_generator', 'random') == 'random') { // Generate random password $password = UserPasswords::generateRandomPassword(); } else { // Validate input $password = array_var($user_data, 'password'); if (trim($password) == '') { throw new Error(lang('password value required')); } // if if ($password != array_var($user_data, 'password_a')) { throw new Error(lang('passwords dont match')); } // if } // if $user->setPassword($password); $user->save(); $user_password = new UserPassword(); $user_password->setUserId($user->getId()); $user_password->setPasswordDate(DateTimeValueLib::now()); $user_password->setPassword(cp_encrypt($password, $user_password->getPasswordDate()->getTimestamp())); $user_password->password_temp = $password; $user_password->save(); if (array_var($user_data, 'autodetect_time_zone', 1) == 1) { set_user_config_option('autodetect_time_zone', 1, $user->getId()); } if ($user->getType() == 'admin') { if ($user->getCompanyId() != owner_company()->getId() || logged_user() instanceof User && !can_manage_security(logged_user())) { // external users can't be admins or logged user has no rights to create admins => set as Normal $user->setType('normal'); } else { $user->setAsAdministrator(true); } } /* create contact for this user*/ if (array_var($user_data, 'create_contact', 1)) { // if contact with same email exists take it, else create new $contact = Contacts::getByEmail($user->getEmail(), true); if (!$contact instanceof Contact) { $contact = new Contact(); $contact->setEmail($user->getEmail()); } else { if ($contact->isTrashed()) { $contact->untrash(); } } $contact->setFirstname($user->getDisplayName()); $contact->setUserId($user->getId()); $contact->setTimezone($user->getTimezone()); $contact->setCompanyId($user->getCompanyId()); $contact->save(); } else { $contact_id = array_var($user_data, 'contact_id'); $contact = Contacts::findById($contact_id); if ($contact instanceof Contact) { // user created from a contact $contact->setUserId($user->getId()); $contact->save(); } else { // if contact with same email exists use it as user's contact, without changing it $contact = Contacts::getByEmail($user->getEmail(), true); if ($contact instanceof Contact) { $contact->setUserId($user->getId()); if ($contact->isTrashed()) { $contact->untrash(); } $contact->save(); } } } $contact = $user->getContact(); if ($contact instanceof Contact) { // update contact data with data entered for this user $contact->setCompanyId($user->getCompanyId()); if ($contact->getEmail() != $user->getEmail()) { // make user's email the contact's main email address if ($contact->getEmail2() == $user->getEmail()) { $contact->setEmail2($contact->getEmail()); } else { if ($contact->getEmail3() == $user->getEmail()) { $contact->setEmail3($contact->getEmail()); } else { if ($contact->getEmail2() == "") { $contact->setEmail2($contact->getEmail()); } else { $contact->setEmail3($contact->getEmail()); } } } } $contact->setEmail($user->getEmail()); $contact->save(); } if (!$user->isGuest()) { /* create personal project or assing the selected*/ //if recived a personal project assing this //project as personal project for this user $new_project = null; $personalProjectId = array_var($user_data, 'personal_project', 0); $project = Projects::findById($personalProjectId); if (!$project instanceof Project) { $project = new Project(); $wname = new_personal_project_name($user->getUsername()); $project->setName($wname); $wdesc = Localization::instance()->lang(lang('personal workspace description')); if (!is_null($wdesc)) { $project->setDescription($wdesc); } $project->setCreatedById($user->getId()); $project->save(); //Save to set an ID number $project->setP1($project->getId()); //Set ID number to the first project $project->save(); $new_project = $project; } $user->setPersonalProjectId($project->getId()); $project_user = new ProjectUser(); $project_user->setProjectId($project->getId()); $project_user->setUserId($user->getId()); $project_user->setCreatedById($user->getId()); $project_user->setAllPermissions(true); $project_user->save(); /* end personal project */ } $user->save(); ApplicationLogs::createLog($user, null, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD); //TODO - Make batch update of these permissions if ($permissionsString && $permissionsString != '') { $permissions = json_decode($permissionsString); } else { $permissions = null; } if (is_array($permissions) && (!logged_user() instanceof User || can_manage_security(logged_user()))) { foreach ($permissions as $perm) { if (ProjectUser::hasAnyPermissions($perm->pr, $perm->pc)) { if (!$personalProjectId || $personalProjectId != $perm->wsid) { $relation = new ProjectUser(); $relation->setProjectId($perm->wsid); $relation->setUserId($user->getId()); $relation->setCheckboxPermissions($perm->pc, $user->isGuest() ? false : true); $relation->setRadioPermissions($perm->pr, $user->isGuest() ? false : true); $relation->save(); } } } } // if if ($new_project instanceof Project && logged_user() instanceof User && logged_user()->isProjectUser($new_project)) { evt_add("workspace added", array("id" => $new_project->getId(), "name" => $new_project->getName(), "color" => $new_project->getColor())); } // Send notification... try { if (array_var($user_data, 'send_email_notification')) { Notifier::newUserAccount($user, $password); } // if } catch (Exception $e) { } // try return $user; }
function send_notification($user_data, $contact_id) { $contact = Contacts::findById($contact_id); //$contact->getId() $password = ''; // Send notification try { if (array_var($user_data, 'send_email_notification') && $contact->getEmailAddress()) { if (array_var($user_data, 'password_generator', 'link') == 'link') { // Generate link password $user = Contacts::getByEmail(array_var($user_data, 'email')); $token = sha1(gen_id() . (defined('SEED') ? SEED : '')); $timestamp = time() + 60 * 60 * 24; set_user_config_option('reset_password', $token . ";" . $timestamp, $user->getId()); Notifier::newUserAccountLinkPassword($contact, $password, $token); } else { $password = array_var($user_data, 'password'); Notifier::newUserAccount($contact, $password); } } } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::log($e->getTraceAsString()); } // try }