public static function input($prompt, $color = null) { Console::write($prompt, $color); $finput = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $input = fgets($finput); return str_replace("\n", "", $input); }
/** * Sprawdza czy pobrany obiektma parametr życie mniejszy bądź równy 0 * @return boolean */ public function sprawdzCzyKoniec() { if ($this->gracz->Getparam()->getZycie() <= 0) { Console::write("Koniec gry"); return false; } elseif ($this->przeciwnik->Getparam()->getZycie() <= 0) { Console::write("Koniec gry wygrales!!!"); return false; } return true; }
/** * Obsługa głównego wątku gry */ public function start() { $tura = new Tura(); Console::write($this->tekst(1)); $tura->dodajGracza(new Postac\Wiedzmin($this->getsession('result'))); $tura->dodajPrzeciwnika(new Postac\Potwor($this->getsession('result'))); do { Console::write($this->tekst(3)); $tura->aktywne(); $x = Console::read(); $tura->akcja($x); } while ($tura->sprawdzCzyKoniec()); }
/** * Extract a ".ar" file into a given target directory * * @param string base * @param string ar * @param io.Folder target * @throws lang.IllegalStateException in case the target is not found * @throws lang.FormatException in case the .ar-file is not parseable */ protected function extract($base, $ar, Folder $target) { // Open a HTTP connection $url = new URL($base . $ar . '.ar'); $r = create(new HttpConnection($url))->get(); if (HttpConstants::STATUS_OK != $r->getStatusCode()) { throw new IllegalStateException(sprintf('Unexpected response %d:%s for %s', $r->getStatusCode(), $r->getMessage(), $url->getURL())); } $in = new BufferedInputStream($r->getInputStream()); do { // Seach for first section header, --[LENGTH]:[FILENAME]-- and parse it do { $line = $this->readLine($in); if (!$in->available()) { throw new FormatException('Cannot locate section header'); } } while (2 !== sscanf($line, '--%d:%[^:]--', $length, $filename)); // Calculate target file $file = new File($target, $filename); $folder = new Folder($file->getPath()); $folder->exists() || $folder->create(); Console::writef(' >> [%-10s] %s (%.2f kB) [%s]%s', $ar, $filename, $length / 1024, str_repeat('.', self::PROGRESS_INDICATOR_WIDTH), str_repeat("", self::PROGRESS_INDICATOR_WIDTH + 1)); // Transfer length bytes into file $c = 0; $out = $file->getOutputStream(); $size = 0; while ($size < $length) { $chunk = $in->read(min(0x1000, $length - $size)); $size += strlen($chunk); $out->write($chunk); // Update progress $d = ceil($size / $length * self::PROGRESS_INDICATOR_WIDTH); if ($d == $c) { continue; } Console::write(str_repeat('#', $d - $c)); $c = $d; } $out->close(); Console::writeLine(); } while ($in->available() > 0); $in->close(); }
public function exceptionFromToString() { try { Console::write(newinstance('lang.Object', array(), '{ public function toString() { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot render string"); } }')); $this->fail('Expected exception not thrown', NULL, 'lang.IllegalStateException'); } catch (IllegalStateException $expected) { $this->assertEquals('', $this->streams[1]->getBytes()); } }
/** * Ustawia akcję gracza * @param type $opcja */ public function opcja($opcja) { switch ($opcja) { case "a": $this->gracz->wykonajAtak($this->przeciwnik); break; case "b": Console::write("Podaj poziom Eliksiru"); $this->gracz->utworz_eliksir(); break; case "c": $this->gracz->wypij(); break; case "d": $this->gracz->wykonajObrone(); break; default: // exit(); break; } }
/** * wysyła komunikat ze obiekt elikis juz został uzyty * @return boolean */ public function czywypity() { if ($this->czyWypiy == true) { \Console::write("Zosta....."); return true; } }
function config() { Console::write("Reading configuration metadata ... "); Console::status('dbx '); sleep(1); Console::status('dbx.db '); sleep(1); Console::status('dbx.db.mysql '); sleep(1); Console::writeLn('done '); Console::writeLn("Parsing configuration file ... done"); Console::writeLn("Preparing options ... done"); }
/** * Handles classes * * @param lang.XPClass class */ protected static function printClass(XPClass $class) { Console::write(implode(' ', Modifiers::namesOf($class->getModifiers()))); Console::write(' class ', self::displayNameOf($class)); if ($parent = $class->getParentClass()) { Console::write(' extends ', self::displayNameOf($parent)); } if ($interfaces = $class->getDeclaredInterfaces()) { Console::write(' implements '); $s = sizeof($interfaces) - 1; foreach ($interfaces as $i => $iface) { Console::write(self::displayNameOf($iface)); $i < $s && Console::write(', '); } } // Constants Console::writeLine(' {'); $i = 0; foreach ($class->getConstants() as $name => $value) { Console::writeLine(' const ', $name, ' = ', xp::stringOf($value)); $i++; } // Fields $i && Console::writeLine(); $i = 0; foreach ($class->getFields() as $field) { Console::writeLine(' ', $field); $i++; } // Constructor $i && Console::writeLine(); $i = 0; if ($class->hasConstructor()) { Console::writeLine(' ', $class->getConstructor()); $i++; } // Methods $i && Console::writeLine(); self::printMethods($class->getMethods()); Console::writeLine('}'); }
$old = null; $arr = $DB->query('show create table `' . $new['name'] . '`'); if (isset($arr[0]['Create Table'])) { $old = parseCreateTable($arr[0]['Create Table']); } if ($old) { // existent table $arr = compareTables($old, $new); if (count($arr)) { Console::left($new['name'], 30); foreach ($arr as $key => $q) { $DB->execute($q); if (in_array($DB->getError(), $codes)) { Console::write($key . ' '); } else { Console::write($key . ' '); $error[] = $q; } } Console::writeln(); } else { } } else { Console::left($new['name'], 30); // new table $DB->execute($query); if (in_array($DB->getError(), $codes)) { Console::writeln('added'); } else { Console::writeln('FAILED!'); //$error[] = $query;
function extensions() { $cb = 0; Console::writeLn(__astr("\\b{Loaded extensions:}")); $ext = get_loaded_extensions(); sort($ext); foreach ($ext as $val) { Console::write(' %-18s', $val); $cb++; if ($cb > 3 && $val != end($ext)) { Console::writeLn(); $cb = 0; } } Console::writeLn(); Console::writeLn(); }
Console::write('| '); foreach ($stats['size'] as $i => $value) { if ($i == 'a') { break; } Console::left(count(${$i}), 4); Console::left(File::getFilesize($stats['size'][$i], 'b,K,M,G'), 5); Console::left($stats['lines'][$i] . 'L', 8); Console::write('| '); } Console::left(count($m) + count($c) + count($v), 4); Console::left(File::getFilesize($stats['size']['a'], 'b,K,M,G'), 5); Console::left($stats['lines']['a'] . 'L', 8); Console::writeln('|'); Console::write('\\'); Console::write(str_repeat('=', 98)); Console::writeln('/'); Console::writeln(); if ($argv[1]) { $sign = '$'; $time = $price = 0; $arr = explode('/', $argv[1]); if (count($arr) == 2) { $price = $stats['lines']['a'] / $arr[1]; $sign = $arr[0] ? $arr[0] : $sign; } else { $price = $stats['lines']['a'] * $arr[1]; } $time = round($stats['lines']['a'] / 1500); Console::writeln('Price: ' . Price::show($price) . $sign . ', Time: ' . $time . ' days.'); Console::writeln();
public function start() { $this->requests_count = 0; Console::writeTitle('Welcome to Brutor!'); for ($i = 0; $this->opt['times'] === 'forever' ? true : $i < $this->opt['times']; $i++) { $wait_per_ip = false; Console::writeLine("\nProcessing new request (" . ++$this->requests_count . ")", ConsoleColor::purple); try { $this->enableTor(); Console::write("New IP is: "); $this->ip = $this->getIP(); Console::writeLine($this->ip, ConsoleColor::brown); for ($j = 0; $j < $this->opt['times_per_ip']; $j++) { Console::write("Making CURL request... "); $response = $this->curlRequest($this->opt['curl_request']); Console::writeLine("OK!", ConsoleColor::green); $continue = @call_user_func($this->opt['curl_continue'], $response) ?: false; if ($continue == false) { Console::writeLine("Breaking (globally) caused by 'curl_continue' callback.", ConsoleColor::cyan); break 2; } $continue_per_ip = false; $continue_per_ip = @call_user_func($this->opt['curl_continue_per_ip'], $response) ?: false; if ($continue_per_ip == false) { Console::writeLine("Breaking (per IP) caused by 'curl_continue_per_ip' callback.", ConsoleColor::cyan); break 1; } $wait_per_ip = true; sleep($this->opt['sleep_per_ip']); } $this->disableTor(); if ($wait_per_ip) { sleep($this->opt['sleep']); } } catch (Exception $e) { Console::writeLine("\n" . $e->getMessage(), ConsoleColor::red); $this->disableTor(); } } }
/** * Entry point * * @param text.doclet.RootDoc root * @return var */ public function start(RootDoc $root) { $this->processor = new MarkupBuilder(); // Option: API (will be used in title, default: none) $this->api = $this->option('api'); // Option: Gen (will be used in footer) $this->gen = $this->option('gen'); // Option: CSS to embed (filename, default: none) if ($css = $this->option('css')) { $this->css = FileUtil::getContents(new File($css)); } // Option: Output folder (default: Current directory, created if non-existant) $target = new Folder($this->option('output', '.')); $target->exists() || $target->create(); // Compute hierarchy Console::write('['); $this->hierarchy = array(); $seen = array(); while ($this->classes->hasNext()) { $class = $this->classes->next(); if (isset($seen[$class->qualifiedName()])) { continue; } $seen[$class->qualifiedName()] = TRUE; $key = $class->containingPackage()->name(); if (!isset($this->hierarchy[$key])) { $sub = new Folder($target, strtr($key, '.', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); $sub->exists() || $sub->create(); $this->hierarchy[$key] = array('target' => $sub, 'doc' => $class->containingPackage(), 'contents' => array(INTERFACE_CLASS => array(), ORDINARY_CLASS => array(), ENUM_CLASS => array(), EXCEPTION_CLASS => array(), ERROR_CLASS => array())); } Console::write('.'); $this->hierarchy[$key]['contents'][$class->classType()][] = $class; } // Generate HTML files Console::write('>'); $this->writeOverview($this->hierarchy, $target)->close(); Console::writeLine($target, ']'); }
public function getFiles() { Console::write("Reading file database: "); $fn = 'zip://' . $this->packagename . '#' . $this->filedb; Console::write("%s ... ", $fn); $fh = fopen($fn, 'r'); $files = array(); while (!feof($fh)) { $fl = fgets($fh); while (strpos($fl, " ") !== false) { $fl = str_replace(" ", " ", $fl); } $fd = explode(" ", str_replace("\n", "", $fl)); $files[] = array('filename' => $fd[1], 'md5' => $fd[0]); } Console::writeLn("Done"); return $files; }