<?php if (!defined('RK_MEDIA')) { die("You does have access to this!"); } $main_title = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_name'); $main_description = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_description'); $main_keywords = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_keywords'); function config_site($config_name) { $html = get_jsonconfig($config_name, 'siteconfig'); return $html; } function one_data($item, $table, $con) { $arr = MySql::dbselect("{$item}", "{$table}", "{$con}"); $data = $arr[0][0]; return $data; } function filmdata($id, $item) { $arr = Film_Model::get("{$id}", "{$item}"); return $arr; } function get_url($id, $name, $type) { $url = Url::get($id, $name, $type); return $url; } function get_allpage($ttrow, $limit, $page, $url, $type = '') {
public static function display($params) { $cururl = Url::curRequestURL(); # Actor de caché y el cine Film_Model::CacheActorSeatch(); # Restablecer Vistas Film_Model::ResetViewed(); # Get info url $geturl = explode('/', $cururl); $mode = $geturl[1]; // Film and cinema if (in_array($mode, array('phim', 'xem-phim'))) { $id = $geturl[2]; $id = explode('-', $id); $id = $id[0]; if ($mode == 'phim') { $arr = MySql::dbselect('tb_film.id,tb_film.title,tb_film.thumb,tb_film.year,tb_film.big_image,tb_film_other.content,tb_film.title_en,tb_film_other.keywords', 'film JOIN tb_film_other ON (tb_film_other.filmid = tb_film.id)', "id = '{$id}'"); //TITULO PRINCIPAL DE TODA LA WEB $site_title = 'Pelicula ' . $arr[0][1] . ' | ' . $arr[0][6] . ' full HD'; $site_description = str_replace('"', '', CutName(RemoveHtml(UnHtmlChars($arr[0][5])), 200)); $site_keywords = FixTags($arr[0][7]); $filmid = intval($arr[0][0]); $epwatch = MySql::dbselect('id', 'episode', "filmid = '{$filmid}' order by id asc limit 1"); $epwatch = $epwatch[0][0]; } else { if ($mode == 'xem-phim') { $epid = MySql::dbselect('id,name,filmid,url,subtitle', 'episode', "id = '{$id}'"); $filmid = intval($epid[0][2]); MySql::dbupdate('film', "viewed = viewed+100, viewed_day = viewed_day+1, viewed_week = viewed_week+1, viewed_month = viewed_month+1", "id = '{$filmid}'"); $arr = MySql::dbselect('tb_film.id,tb_film.title,tb_film.thumb,tb_film.year,tb_film.big_image,tb_film_other.content,tb_film.title_en,tb_film_other.keywords', 'film JOIN tb_film_other ON (tb_film_other.filmid = tb_film.id)', "id = '{$filmid}'"); $site_title = 'Pelicula ' . $arr[0][1] . ' Tập ' . $epid[0][1] . ' - Pelicula ' . $arr[0][6]; $site_description = 'Pelicula ' . $arr[0][1] . ' Tập ' . $epid[0][1] . ' | ' . $arr[0][6] . ' Ep ' . $epid[0][1] . '. Pelicula ' . $arr[0][1] . ' Tập ' . $epid[0][1] . ' Calidad HD.'; $site_keywords = FixTags('Pelicula ' . $arr[0][1] . ' Tập ' . $epid[0][1] . ', ' . $arr[0][1] . ' Tập ' . $epid[0][1] . ', ' . $arr[0][6] . ' Ep ' . $epid[0][1] . ', ' . $arr[0][7]); } } if (!$arr) { header('Location: ' . s404_URL); } $other_meta = '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $arr[0][2] . '">'; $other_meta2 = '<link href="' . SITE_URL . $cururl . '" rel="canonical">'; include View::TemplateView('film'); } else { if (in_array($mode, array('danh-sach', 'the-loai', 'quoc-gia', 'search', 'tag'))) { if ($mode == 'the-loai') { $id = $geturl[2]; $arr = MySql::dbselect('id,name', 'category', "name_seo = '{$id}'"); $id = $arr[0][0]; $catid = $id; $name = $arr[0][1]; $url_page = Url::get(0, $name, 'Thể loại'); $site_title = head_site($name, 'category_title'); $site_description = head_site($name, 'category_description'); $site_keywords = head_site($name, 'category_keywords'); $sql = "tb_film.category like '%,{$id},%'"; } else { if ($mode == 'quoc-gia') { $id = $geturl[2]; $arr = MySql::dbselect('id,name', 'country', "name_seo = '{$id}'"); $id = $arr[0][0]; $couid = $id; $name = $arr[0][1]; $url_page = Url::get(0, $name, 'Pais'); $site_title = head_site($name, 'country_title'); $site_description = head_site($name, 'country_description'); $site_keywords = head_site($name, 'country_keywords'); $sql = "tb_film.country = '{$id}'"; } else { if (in_array($mode, array('search', 'tag'))) { $id = str_replace('-', ' ', urldecode($geturl[2])); $name = $id; $url_page = Url::get(0, $name, 'Search'); $site_title = head_site($name, 'search_title'); $site_description = head_site($name, 'search_description'); $site_keywords = head_site($name, 'search_keywords'); $sql = "tb_film.title like '%{$id}%' OR tb_film.title_en like '%{$id}%' OR tb_film_other.searchs like '%{$id}%' OR tb_film_other.keywords like '%{$id}%' OR tb_film.actor like '%{$id}%' OR tb_film.director like '%{$id}%'"; } else { if ($mode == 'danh-sach') { $id = $geturl[2]; if ($id == 'phim-moi') { $name = 'Nuevas Películas'; $url_page = Url::get(0, $name, 'Danh sách'); $sql = "id != '0'"; $site_title = "Nuevas Películas y 2014, lista nueva géneros cinematográficos"; $site_description = "Lista de Cine Última actualización continua, consulte delicia y un número ilimitado de películas."; $site_keywords = "Nuevas películas , una nueva película o, seleccionada nuevas películas"; } else { if ($id == 'phim-de-cu') { $name = 'Peliculas Nominadas'; $url_page = Url::get(0, $name, 'Danh sách'); $sql = "decu = '1'"; $site_title = "Película con alta calidad"; $site_description = "Las películas nominadas para el más caliente o 2014, se seleccionaron y evaluaron la más alta calidad."; $site_keywords = "películas calientes, mejores películas, películas o 2014"; } else { if ($id == 'phim-le') { $filmlb = $id; $name = 'Movie'; $url_page = Url::get(0, $name, 'Danh sách'); $sql = "filmlb = '0'"; $site_title = "Película con alta calidad"; $site_description = "Lista de los géneros cinematográficos individuales o múltiples, la selección constantemente actualizada de nuevas películas y la más atractiva al por menor"; $site_keywords = "Películas o películas seleccionadas impares, películas la nueva película de venta"; } else { if ($id == 'phim-bo') { $filmlb = $id; $name = 'Drama'; $url_page = Url::get(0, $name, 'Danh sách'); $sql = "filmlb IN (1,2)"; $site_title = "Película con alta calidad"; $site_description = "Lista de sistemas de la película o actualizada de forma continua y nueva selección de películas y más atractivo."; $site_keywords = "Drama o, las películas seleccionadas, la nueva película, la película"; } else { if (preg_match("#phim-nam-([0-9]+)#", $id, $yearurl)) { $getyear = $yearurl[1]; $name = 'Año ' . $getyear; $url_page = Url::get(0, 'Phim ' . $name, 'Danh sách'); $sql = "year = '{$getyear}'"; $site_title = "Peliculas {$name} mới nhất, Pelicula {$name} , Pelicula {$name} de Estreno"; $site_description = "Danh sách phim {$name} mới nhất, phim {$name} hay chọn lọc, phim {$name}."; $site_keywords = "Pelicula {$name}, Pelicula {$name}, Estrenos {$name}, descarga Pelicula {$getyear}"; } } } } } } } } } include View::TemplateView('list'); } else { if ($mode == 'thanh-vien') { $userid = $geturl[2]; $userid = explode('-', $userid); $userid = intval($userid[0]); if ($geturl[2] == 'dang-ky') { $site_title = 'Miembros Registrados'; } else { if ($geturl[2] == 'dang-nhap') { $site_title = 'Ingresar'; } else { if ($geturl[2] == 'quen-mat-khau') { $site_title = '¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?'; } else { $site_title = 'Perfil'; } } } $site_description = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_description'); $site_keywords = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_keywords'); if (IS_LOGIN && !$userid) { header('Location: ' . SITE_URL); } include View::TemplateView('member'); } else { if ($mode == 'bang-xep-hang') { $site_title = 'Top películas o ver la calidad de alta definición rápido'; $site_description = "Película o una selección de alta calidad, busque gratuitas nuevas películas ilimitadas"; $site_keywords = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_keywords'); include View::TemplateView('rank'); } else { if ($mode == 'video' || $mode == 'xem-video') { $id = $geturl[2]; $id = explode('-', $id); $id = intval($id[0]); if (!$id) { $site_title = 'Videos Youtube'; $site_description = "\tÚltimas Reclutamiento video divertido, mejores clips de comedia, ver chistes vídeos de humor, clip exclusivo divertido CALIENTE "; $site_keywords = "divertida risa videoclip, videos graciosos, videos divertidos"; include View::TemplateView('listvideo'); } else { $arr = MySql::dbselect('name,url,duration,thumb', 'media', "id = '{$id}'"); if ($arr) { MySql::dbupdate('media', "viewed = viewed+1", "id = '{$id}'"); } $name = $arr[0][0]; $url = $arr[0][1]; $duration = $arr[0][2]; $thumb = $arr[0][3]; $site_title = "{$name}"; $site_description = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_description'); $site_keywords = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_keywords'); $urlvideo = SITE_URL . $cururl; $other_meta = '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $thumb . '">'; $other_meta2 = '<link href="' . $urlvideo . '" rel="canonical">'; include View::TemplateView('video'); } } else { if ($mode == 'tin-tuc') { $seotitle = $geturl[2]; $arr = MySql::dbselect('id,title,content', 'news', "seotitle = '{$seotitle}'"); $id = $arr[0][0]; $title = $arr[0][1]; $content = $arr[0][2]; $site_title = "{$title}"; $site_description = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_description'); $site_keywords = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_keywords'); include View::TemplateView('post'); } else { if ($mode == 'live-tv') { parse_str(parse_url(Url::curRequestURL(), PHP_URL_QUERY), $data); $key = $data['k']; $id = $geturl[2]; $id = explode('-', $id); $id = $id[0]; if ($key) { $site_title = 'Buscar canales: ' . $key; $sql = "symbol like '%{$key}%' OR name like '%{$key}%'"; } else { if ($id) { $livetv = MySql::dbselect('id,symbol,name,quality,speed,viewed,content,linktv,thumb,lang', 'tv', "id = '{$id}'"); if ($livetv) { MySql::dbupdate('tv', "viewed = viewed+1", "id = '{$id}'"); } $symbol = $livetv[0][1]; $site_title = "{$symbol} - Ver la televisión en línea, el canal de televisión en línea"; $type = '1'; $other_meta = '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $livetv[0][8] . '">'; $other_meta2 = '<link href="' . SITE_URL . $cururl . '" rel="canonical">'; } else { $site_title = 'Lista de canales de TV'; $sql = 'id != 0'; } } $site_description = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_description'); $site_keywords = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_keywords'); include View::TemplateView('tv'); } else { if ($mode == ADMINCP_NAME) { include View::AdminView('admin'); } else { if (!$mode) { $site_title = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_name'); $site_description = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_description'); $site_keywords = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_keywords'); include View::TemplateView('home'); } else { $site_title = 'ERROR 404'; $site_description = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_description'); $site_keywords = Config_Model::ConfigName('site_keywords'); include View::TemplateView('404'); } } } } } } } } } }
$replaced = array("<", ">", "&", """); $newinput = str_replace($original, $replaced, $input); return $newinput; } function one_data($item, $table, $con) { $arr = MySql::dbselect("{$item}", "{$table}", "{$con}"); $data = $arr[0][0]; return $data; } $rss .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n"; $rss .= "<rss version=\"2.0\">\r\n"; $rss .= "<channel>\r\n"; $rss .= "<title>" . ucwords(Config_Model::ConfigName('site_name')) . " - RSS Feed</title>\r\n"; $rss .= "<link>" . SITE_URL . "</link>\r\n"; $rss .= "<description>" . Config_Model::ConfigName('site_descriptione') . "</description>\r\n"; $rss .= "<language>vi-vn</language>\r\n"; $rss .= "<copyright>Copyright (C) XaLoPhim.Org</copyright>\r\n"; $rss .= "<ttl>60</ttl>\r\n"; $rss .= "<generator>XaLoPhim.Org</generator> \r\n"; $arr = MySql::dbselect(' tb_film.id, tb_film.title, tb_film.title_en, tb_film.thumb, tb_film.year, tb_film.big_image, tb_film_other.content, tb_film.quality, tb_film.year, tb_film.timeupdate,