private function config_jsdz() { $this->db = System::load_sys_class('model'); $param = array("version" => "1.0", "token" => "", "merchantNum" => ConfigUtil::get_val_by_key('merchantNum'), "merchantRemark" => $this->config['shouname'], "tradeNum" => $this->config['code'], "tradeName" => $this->config['title'], "tradeDescription" => $this->config['title'], "tradeTime" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), "tradeAmount" => $this->config['money'] * 100, "currency" => "CNY", "notifyUrl" => $this->config['NotifyUrl'], "successCallbackUrl" => $this->config['ReturnUrl'], "failCallbackUrl" => $this->config['ReturnUrl']); $sign = SignUtil::sign($param); $param["merchantSign"] = $sign; if ($param["version"] == "1.0") { //敏感信息未加密 } else { if ($param["version"] == "2.0") { //敏感信息加密 //获取商户 DESkey //对敏感信息进行 DES加密 $desUtils = new DesUtils(); $key = ConfigUtil::get_val_by_key("desKey"); $param["merchantRemark"] = $desUtils->encrypt($param["merchantRemark"], $key); $param["tradeNum"] = $desUtils->encrypt($param["tradeNum"], $key); $param["tradeName"] = $desUtils->encrypt($param["tradeName"], $key); $param["tradeDescription"] = $desUtils->encrypt($param["tradeDescription"], $key); $param["tradeTime"] = $desUtils->encrypt($param["tradeTime"], $key); $param["tradeAmount"] = $desUtils->encrypt($param["tradeAmount"], $key); $param["currency"] = $desUtils->encrypt($param["currency"], $key); $param["notifyUrl"] = $desUtils->encrypt($param["notifyUrl"], $key); $param["successCallbackUrl"] = $desUtils->encrypt($param["successCallbackUrl"], $key); $param["failCallbackUrl"] = $desUtils->encrypt($param["failCallbackUrl"], $key); } } $cbjpaySubmit = new CbjpaySubmit($param); $this->url = $cbjpaySubmit->buildRequestForm($param, 'POST', 'submit'); }
public function __construct($collection) { $this->_mongo = new MongoConnection(); $this->_mongo->getCredentialsFromConfig(ConfigUtil::getConfig()); $this->_mongo->open(); $this->_mongo->setCollection($collection); }
/** * Validate search criteria. */ function validateCriteria() { $type_of_data = $this->criteria['global']['type_of_data']; if (!isset($this->criteria['global']['records_from'])) { $this->criteria['global']['records_from'] = 1; } $records_from = $this->criteria['global']['records_from']; if (!isset($this->criteria['global']['max_records'])) { $this->criteria['global']['max_records'] = $this->getMaxAllowedTransactionResults(); } $max_records = $this->criteria['global']['max_records']; $response_format = $this->criteria['global']['response_format']; if (!isset($type_of_data)) { $this->addError(1000, array('@paramName' => 'type_of_data')); } else { if (!in_array($type_of_data, ValidatorConfig::$domains)) { $this->addError(1001, array('@value' => $type_of_data, '@paramName' => 'type_of_data', '@validValues' => implode(',', ValidatorConfig::$domains))); } } if (!in_array($response_format, ValidatorConfig::$response_formats)) { $this->addError(1001, array('@value' => $response_format, '@paramName' => 'response_format', '@validValues' => implode(',', ValidatorConfig::$response_formats))); } $this->validateResultRecordRange($records_from, $max_records); if (!$this->hasErrors()) { $domain_config = ConfigUtil::getDomainConfiguration(strtolower($type_of_data)); $this->validateDomainCriteria($type_of_data, $domain_config); } }
public function getBeauticianWorkTime() { $workTime = ConfigUtil::loadConfig($this->beauticianWorkTimeConfigFile); if (is_array($workTime)) { $this->beauticianWorkTime = $workTime; } return $workTime; }
public function __construct($config = 'weixin') { $weixinConfig = ConfigUtil::loadConfig($config); $this->appId = $weixinConfig['appId']; $this->appSecret = $weixinConfig['appSecret']; $this->mchId = $weixinConfig['mchId']; $this->apiKey = $weixinConfig['apiKey']; $this->noticeUrl = $weixinConfig['noticeUrl']; }
public function __construct($totalSize = 0, $config = 'pagination') { $config = ConfigUtil::loadConfig($config); $instance = get_instance(); $config['total_rows'] = $totalSize; $config['base_url'] = RequestUtil::CM(); $instance->load->library('pagination', $config); $this->pagination = $instance->pagination; }
public function __construct($config = 'weixin') { $weixinConfig = ConfigUtil::loadConfig($config); $this->appId = $weixinConfig['appId']; $this->appSecret = $weixinConfig['appSecret']; $this->mchId = $weixinConfig['mchId']; $this->apiKey = $weixinConfig['apiKey']; $this->noticeUrl = $weixinConfig['noticeUrl']; include 'WxPayPubHelper/WxPayPubHelper.php'; }
/** * 获得当前用户领取的优惠券 * @param $openId * @param int $offset */ public function getCustomerCouponList($openId, $offset = 0) { $coupon = new CouponModel(); $where = array('open_id' => $openId); $this->db->order_by('customer_coupon_id desc'); $pagination = ConfigUtil::loadConfig('pagination'); $limit = $pagination['per_page']; $this->db->join($coupon->table, "{$this->table}.coupon_id={$coupon->table}.coupon_id"); $query = $this->db->get_where($this->table, $where, $limit, $offset); return $query->result_array(); }
public function getCustomerExchangeGoodsList($openId, $offset = 0) { $exchangeGoods = new ExchangeGoodsModel(); $where = array('open_id' => $openId); $this->db->order_by('customer_exchange_goods_id desc'); $pagination = ConfigUtil::loadConfig('pagination'); $limit = $pagination['per_page']; $this->db->join($exchangeGoods->table, "{$this->table}.exchange_goods_id={$exchangeGoods->table}.exchange_goods_id"); $query = $this->db->get_where($this->table, $where, $limit, $offset); return $query->result_array(); }
/** * 我的订单 * @param $openId * @param int $orderStatus * @param int $offset * @return mixed */ public function getUserOrders($openId, $orderStatus = 0, $offset = 0) { $paginationConfig = ConfigUtil::loadConfig('user-center'); $rows = $paginationConfig['per_page']; $sql = "select a.*, b.*, as beautician_name, a.order_status+0 as order_sign from `order` as a" . " left join order_project as b on a.order_id=b.order_id" . " left join beautician as c on a.beautician_id=c.beautician_id "; $orderStatusWhere = ''; if ($orderStatus) { $orderStatusWhere = " and a.order_status={$orderStatus}"; } $sql .= " where a.disabled=0 and a.open_id='{$openId}'{$orderStatusWhere}" . " order by a.order_id desc limit {$offset}, {$rows}"; return (new CurdUtil($this))->query($sql); }
/** * 缩略图 * @param $resizeType * @param $upload */ public function resizeImage($resizeType, $upload) { if (!is_array($resizeType)) { $resizeType = array($resizeType); } $this->instance->load->library('image_lib'); foreach ($resizeType as $type) { $config = ConfigUtil::loadConfig($type); $config['source_image'] = $upload['full_path']; $this->instance->image_lib->initialize($config); $this->instance->image_lib->resize(); $this->instance->image_lib->clear(); } }
/** * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked * when an action is not explicitly requested by users. */ public function actionIndex() { if (Yii::app()->getUrlManager()->showScriptName) { $scriptUrl = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $scriptUrl) === false) { header("location: index.php"); } } $entries = array(); if (ConfigUtil::getUrlFopen()) { $xml = @simplexml_load_file(''); if ($xml != null) { $entries = $xml->entry; } } $this->render('index', array('entries' => $entries, 'formatter' => Yii::app()->getDateFormatter())); }
public function readLimit($where, $limit = '', $order = '', $config = 'pagination') { if (!$limit) { $limit = 0; } if (empty($where)) { $where = '1=1'; } if ($order) { $this->db->order_by($order); } $pagination = ConfigUtil::loadConfig($config); $offset = $pagination['per_page']; $this->model->beforeRead(); $query = $this->db->get_where($this->table, $where, $offset, $limit); $this->model->afterRead(); return $this->result($query); }
/** * Returns the maximum filesize to upload * * @param bool return as formatted string * @return mixed */ public static function getMaxUploadSize($_asString = false, $_value = null) { $maxUpload = ConfigUtil::ini2bytes(ini_get("upload_max_filesize")); $maxPost = ConfigUtil::ini2bytes(ini_get("post_max_size")); if ($_value != null) { if ($_value < $maxUpload) { $maxUpload = $_value; } if ($_value < $maxPost) { $maxPost = $_value; } } if ($maxPost < $maxUpload) { $maxUpload = $maxPost; } if ($_asString) { return Formatter::fileSize($maxUpload); } else { return $maxUpload; } }
/** * @param array $config * @param string $propertyPath * @param array $fieldConfig * * @return array */ protected function applyPropertyPathConfig(array $config, $propertyPath, array &$fieldConfig) { $properties = ConfigUtil::explodePropertyPath($propertyPath); $currentConfig =& $config; $currentProperty = $properties[0]; $this->applyPropertyConfig($currentConfig, $currentProperty); $count = count($properties); if ($count > 1) { $i = 1; while ($i < $count) { $currentConfig =& $currentConfig[ConfigUtil::FIELDS][$properties[$i - 1]]; if (null === $currentConfig) { $currentConfig = []; } $currentProperty = $properties[$i]; $this->applyPropertyConfig($currentConfig, $currentProperty); $i++; } } if (array_key_exists(ConfigUtil::DATA_TRANSFORMER, $fieldConfig)) { $currentConfig[ConfigUtil::FIELDS][$currentProperty][ConfigUtil::DATA_TRANSFORMER] = $fieldConfig[ConfigUtil::DATA_TRANSFORMER]; unset($fieldConfig[ConfigUtil::DATA_TRANSFORMER]); } return $config; }
public function getMaxFileSize() { return ConfigUtil::getMaxUploadSize(true); }
</tr> <tr> <td><?php echo Yii::t('core', 'chiveVersion'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo Yii::app()->params->version; ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php if (ConfigUtil::getUrlFopen() && count($entries) > 0) { ?> <table class="list" style="float: left; width: 50%; margin-left: 10px;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 200px;"></col> <col></col> <col style="width: 20px;"></col> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="3"> <span class="icon"> <?php echo CHtml::link(Html::icon('rss'), ''); ?> <span><?php
} // 验签成功,业务处理 // 对Data数据进行解密 $des = new DesUtils(); // (秘钥向量,混淆向量) $decryptArr = $des->decrypt($params['DATA'][0], $desKey); // 加密字符串 $log_->log_result("对<DATA>进行解密得到的数据:" . $decryptArr); $params['data'] = $decryptArr; $log_->log_result("最终数据:" . json_encode($params)); $log_->log_result("**********接收异步通知结束。**********\n\n"); return 200; } } $MD5_KEY = ConfigUtil::get_val_by_key("md5Key"); $DES_KEY = ConfigUtil::get_val_by_key("desKey"); /** * 测试列子 */ //start $testString = "PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz4NCjxDSElOQUJBTks+DQogICAg\n\n PFZFUlNJT04+MS4yLjA8L1ZFUlNJT04+DQogICAgPE1FUkNIQU5UPjIyMzEyNzgxPC9NRVJDSEFO\n\n VD4NCiAgICA8VEVSTUlOQUw+MDAwMDAwMDE8L1RFUk1JTkFMPg0KICAgIDxEQVRBPkJiQ2NzeVUx\n\n L3kyMjlIeXZ4RFQ1Rm1SVnVjSFRXUFJqaGhyWmViRW1wTVAvL2xjdW04cjBRdVhGcjZPeDY5NXdN\n\n dEYwblMwWHhjYVYKOVNoMWdrYU16dVJHQXorcytjOWhYREVnMUFXNVNUY3lRM0c3UTZKdzlBajJM\n\n V0ZpelQ5cUNRYXVqT1FQT3RPWjIyRWF2RzZzNVJYLwo4c3AzYlJKa3hKNnpDYlQ3ckw0anNJZm9G\n\n T05BdDBIV1VYUUpiazRBa3NlK1d3emNybU5QUDVzMVcyckRPUnA5Z3cwcVVhVW9DZmdNCk5LSGNY\n\n Ymx2ZVZlVmNZeHlBMHJrRk9xNnFIV0tybEhqRGdqVWl0dFJZQU9CYlA0TDJDSTVvK3dMQzNpV1Z5\n\n NmVpTHd2QnNJeWM3amwKU2NhanNaTkgxeDlPbUhUVitXWFA1ejBlejdYb0U1SGJUaDBmckdaeERZ\n\n U2wwZlQvMnkvUDFpbnlrVUpwQktiVnA3c2w4NVVyZjVTcgpZZGM0VzA0QXdJajI0NnBpOW1KUHU2\n\n d0w2bG5VV24zdXpjT2xDRUxpWkJ6OTJueXI3anlYeXIzR05Ha0VwdFdudXlYenhXV3AzMW8zCmNm\n\n MFkwWTMrMGJjbm5BPT08L0RBVEE+DQogICAgPFNJR04+YzhhYTc1NGVmZjQ5MzIyNmYzNzU4NTJk\n\n MGFmNTlmMmU8L1NJR04+DQo8L0NISU5BQkFOSz4NCg0K"; if (isset($_POST["resp"])) { $w = new WebAsynNotificationCtrl(); $w->execute($MD5_KEY, $DES_KEY, $_POST["resp"]); } else { $webAsynNotificationCtrl = new WebAsynNotificationCtrl(); $webAsynNotificationCtrl->execute($MD5_KEY, $DES_KEY, $testString); //end } ?>
public static function log($message, $code = -1) { $logsLocation = ConfigUtil::getLogsPath(); $logger = new Logger($logsLocation); $logger->message($code, print_r($message, true)); }
public static function get_trade_num() { return ConfigUtil::get_val_by_key('merchantNum') . ConfigUtil::getMillisecond(); }
echo CHtml::hiddenField("Import", "true"); ?> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Yii::t('core', 'importFile'); ?> </legend> <?php echo CHtml::fileField('file', '', array()); ?> (<?php echo Yii::t('core', 'maximum'); ?> : <?php echo ConfigUtil::getMaxUploadSize(true); ?> ) <br /> <br /> <?php //echo Yii::t('core', 'characterSet', array(1)); ?> <br /> <?php //echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($model, 'fromCharacterSet', CHtml::listData($model->characterSets, 'name', 'name')); ?> <b><?php echo Yii::t('core', 'notice'); ?> </b><br />
public function houtai() { $resp = $_REQUEST['resp']; if (null == $resp) { return; } $desKey = ConfigUtil::get_val_by_key("desKey"); $md5Key = ConfigUtil::get_val_by_key("md5Key"); $params = $this->xml_to_array(base64_decode($resp)); $ownSign = $this->generateSign($params, $md5Key); $params_json = json_encode($params); if ($params['SIGN'][0] == $ownSign) { // 验签正确 //echo "签名验证正确!" . "\n"; $des = new DesUtils(); // (秘钥向量,混淆向量) $decryptArr = $des->decrypt($params['DATA'][0], $desKey); // 加密字符串 $params['data'] = $decryptArr; $respone = $this->xml_to_array($decryptArr); if ($respone['RETURN']['code'] == '0000' || $respone['RETURN']['DESC'] == '成功') { //数据库操作 $v_oid = $respone['TRADE']['ID']; $this->db->Autocommit_start(); $dingdaninfo = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member_addmoney_record` where `code` = '{$v_oid}' and `status` = '未付款' for update"); if (!$dingdaninfo) { return; } //没有该订单,失败 $c_money = intval($dingdaninfo['money']); $j_num = intval($c_money / 100); $uid = $dingdaninfo['uid']; $time = time(); $up_q1 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member_addmoney_record` SET `pay_type` = '京东支付手机', `status` = '已付款' where `id` = '{$dingdaninfo['id']}' and `code` = '{$dingdaninfo['code']}'"); $up_q2 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `money` = `money` + {$c_money},`jiangnum`=`jiangnum`+{$j_num} where (`uid` = '{$uid}')"); $up_q3 = $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_member_account` (`uid`, `type`, `pay`, `content`, `money`, `time`) VALUES ('{$uid}', '1', '账户', '京东支付手机', '{$c_money}', '{$time}')"); if ($up_q1 && $up_q2 && $up_q3) { $this->db->Autocommit_commit(); } else { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); return; } if (empty($dingdaninfo['scookies'])) { //充值完成 return; } $scookies = unserialize($dingdaninfo['scookies']); $pay = System::load_app_class('pay', 'pay'); $pay->scookie = $scookies; $ok = $pay->init($uid, $pay_type['pay_id'], 'go_record'); //闪购商品 if ($ok != 'ok') { _setcookie('Cartlist', NULL); //商品购买失败 return; } $check = $pay->go_pay(1); if ($check) { $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member_addmoney_record` SET `scookies` = '1' where `code` = '{$v_oid}' and `status` = '已付款'"); _setcookie('Cartlist', NULL); return; } else { return; } } else { return; } } else { //echo "签名验证错误!" . "\n"; return; } }
public static function get_node($node = NULL) { if (!$node or !is_string($node)) { throw new Exception("{$node} format error."); } $ret = ConfigUtil::get_instance()->load($node); return isset($ret[$node]) ? $ret[$node] : FALSE; }
/** *网银在线网关地址 */ function __construct($cbpay_config) { $this->cbpay_config = $cbpay_config; $this->cbjpay_gateway_new = ConfigUtil::get_val_by_key('serverPayUrl'); }
/** * @return mixed */ private function loadConfiguration() { // TODO - Avoid loading twice. Already loaded in search criteria. $criteria = $this->requestSearchCriteria->getCriteria(); $configuration = ConfigUtil::getConfiguration($criteria['global']['type_of_data'], $this->requestSearchCriteria->getConfigKey()); return $configuration; }
/** * @param array $row * @param string $propertyPath * * @return mixed */ protected function extractValueByPropertyPath(array &$row, $propertyPath) { $result = null; $properties = ConfigUtil::explodePropertyPath($propertyPath); $lastIndex = count($properties) - 1; $i = 0; $path = []; $currentRow =& $row; while ($i <= $lastIndex) { $property = $properties[$i]; if (null === $currentRow || !array_key_exists($property, $currentRow)) { break; } if ($i === $lastIndex) { // get property value $result = $currentRow[$property]; // remove extracted property unset($currentRow[$property]); // remove empty containers $p = count($path) - 1; while ($p >= 0) { $currentRow =& $path[$p][0]; if (!empty($currentRow[$path[$p][1]])) { break; } unset($currentRow[$path[$p][1]]); $p--; } break; } $path[] = [&$currentRow, $property]; $currentRow =& $currentRow[$property]; $i++; } return $result; }
/** * Given the filename, returns an array of commands to execute for xml file creation, * This function modifies the sql to handle derived columns dynamically. * * @param $filename * @return array */ private function getXMLJobCommands($filename) { global $conf; $query = $this->jobDetails['data_command']; $request_criteria = $this->jobDetails['request_criteria']; $search_criteria = new SearchCriteria($request_criteria, $this->responseFormat); $config = ConfigUtil::getConfiguration($request_criteria['global']['type_of_data'], $search_criteria->getConfigKey()); //map tags and build sql $rootElement = $config->dataset->displayConfiguration->xml->rootElement; $rowParentElement = $config->dataset->displayConfiguration->xml->rowParentElement; $elementsColumn = $config->dataset->displayConfiguration->xml->elementsColumn; $elementsColumn = (array) $elementsColumn; $columnMappings = array_flip($elementsColumn); $end = strpos($query, 'FROM'); $select_part = substr($query, 0, $end); $select_part = str_replace("SELECT", "", $select_part); $sql_parts = explode(",", $select_part); $new_select_part = "'<" . $rowParentElement . ">'"; foreach ($sql_parts as $sql_part) { $sql_part = trim($sql_part); $is_derived_column = strpos(strtoupper($sql_part), "CASE WHEN") !== FALSE; //get column and alias $alias = ""; if ($is_derived_column) { $pos = strpos($sql_part, " AS"); $column = trim(str_replace("AS", "", substr($sql_part, $pos))); } else { $pos = strpos($sql_part, " AS"); $pos = $pos !== FALSE ? $pos : strlen($sql_part); $column = substr($sql_part, 0, $pos); } if (strpos($sql_part, ".") !== false) { $alias_pos = strpos($sql_part, "."); $alias = substr($sql_part, $alias_pos - 2, 3); $column = str_replace($alias, "", $column); } //Handle derived columns $tag = $columnMappings[$column] == "" ? $column : $columnMappings[$column]; //column open tag $new_select_part .= "\n||'<" . $tag . ">' || "; if ($is_derived_column) { $sql_part = substr_replace($sql_part, "", $pos); $new_select_part .= str_replace($alias . $column, "REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(COALESCE(CAST(" . $alias . $column . " AS VARCHAR),''),'&','&'),'>','>'),'<','<')", $sql_part); } else { $new_select_part .= "REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(COALESCE(CAST(" . $alias . $column . " AS VARCHAR),''),'&','&'),'>','>'),'<','<')"; } //column close tag $new_select_part .= " || '</" . $tag . ">'"; } $new_select_part .= "||'</" . $rowParentElement . ">'"; $new_select_part = "SELECT " . ltrim($new_select_part, "\n||") . "\n"; $query = substr_replace($query, $new_select_part, 0, $end); //open/close tags $open_tags = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><response><status><result>success</result></status>"; $open_tags .= "<result_records><record_count>" . $this->getRecordCount() . "</record_count><" . $rootElement . ">"; $close_tags = "</" . $rootElement . "></result_records></response>"; $file = $this->getFullPathToFile($filename, $this->tmpFileOutputDir); $commands = array(); //sql command $command = $conf['check_book']['data_feeds']['command'] . " -c \"\\\\COPY (" . $query . ") TO '" . $file . "' \" "; $commands[$filename][] = $command; //prepend open tags command $command = "sed -i '1i " . $open_tags . "' " . $file; $commands[$filename][] = $command; //append close tags command $command = "sed -i '\$" . "a" . $close_tags . "' " . $file; $commands[$filename][] = $command; //xmllint command to format the xml $formatted_filename = $this->tmpFileOutputDir . '/formatted_' . $filename . '.xml'; $command = "xmllint --format {$file} --output {$formatted_filename}"; $commands[$filename][] = $command; //move the formatted file back $command = "mv {$formatted_filename} {$file}"; $commands[$filename][] = $command; return $commands; }