private function __construct() { $this->appSchemaMap = array(); $this->appNamespaceUriMap = array(); $this->appContextRootMap = array(); $config = Config::getInstance(); foreach ($config->getSection('db') as $propertyId => $value) { $prefix = 'schema-for-app.'; if (strpos($propertyId, $prefix) === 0) { $this->appSchemaMap[substr($propertyId, strlen($prefix))] = new Schema($value); } } foreach ($config->getSection('xml') as $propertyId => $value) { $prefix = 'namespaceUri-for-app.'; if (strpos($propertyId, $prefix) === 0) { $this->appNamespaceUriMap[substr($propertyId, strlen($prefix))] = $value; } } foreach ($config->getSection('url') as $propertyId => $value) { $prefix = 'context-root-for-app.'; if (strpos($propertyId, $prefix) === 0) { $this->appContextRootMap[substr($propertyId, strlen($prefix))] = $value; } } }
/** * Check the $_POST'ed CAPTCHA inputs match the contents of the CAPTCHA. * @return bool */ public function doesTextMatchImage() { //if in test mode, assume check is good if user_code is set to 123456 if (Utils::isTest()) { if (isset($_POST['user_code']) && $_POST['user_code'] == '123456') { return true; } else { return false; } } switch ($this->type) { case self::RECAPTCHA_CAPTCHA: $config = Config::getInstance(); $priv_key = $config->getValue('recaptcha_private_key'); $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($priv_key, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if (!$resp->is_valid) { return false; } else { return true; } break; default: if (strcmp(md5($_POST['user_code']), SessionCache::get('ckey'))) { return false; } else { return true; } break; } }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $webapp_plugin_registrar = PluginRegistrarWebapp::getInstance(); $webapp_plugin_registrar->registerPlugin('twitter', 'TwitterPlugin'); $this->config = Config::getInstance(); }
public function authControl() { $config = Config::getInstance(); Loader::definePathConstants(); $this->setViewTemplate(THINKUP_WEBAPP_PATH . 'plugins/facebook/view/facebook.account.index.tpl'); $this->view_mgr->addHelp('facebook', 'userguide/settings/plugins/facebook'); /** set option fields **/ // Application ID text field $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, array('name' => 'facebook_app_id', 'label' => 'App ID', 'size' => 18)); // add element // set a special required message $this->addPluginOptionRequiredMessage('facebook_app_id', 'The Facebook plugin requires a valid App ID.'); // Application Secret text field $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, array('name' => 'facebook_api_secret', 'label' => 'App Secret', 'size' => 37)); // add element // set a special required message $this->addPluginOptionRequiredMessage('facebook_api_secret', 'The Facebook plugin requires a valid App Secret.'); $max_crawl_time_label = 'Max crawl time in minutes'; $max_crawl_time = array('name' => 'max_crawl_time', 'label' => $max_crawl_time_label, 'default_value' => '20', 'advanced' => true, 'size' => 3); $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, $max_crawl_time); $this->addToView('thinkup_site_url', Utils::getApplicationURL()); $facebook_plugin = new FacebookPlugin(); if ($facebook_plugin->isConfigured()) { $this->setUpFacebookInteractions($facebook_plugin->getOptionsHash()); $this->addToView('is_configured', true); } else { $this->addInfoMessage('Please complete plugin setup to start using it.', 'setup'); $this->addToView('is_configured', false); } return $this->generateView(); }
public function write($id, $data) { $sessionTimeout = (int) Config::getInstance()->get("session_timeout", 3600); $redis = Redis::get(); $redis->setex("sess:{$id}", $sessionTimeout, $data); return true; }
/** * */ private function __construct() { $this->pool = array(); $obj = Config::getInstance(); $this->config = $obj->config["databases"]; return $this; }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $config = Config::getInstance(); $this->prefix = $config->getValue('table_prefix'); $this->builders = self::buildData(); }
public function authControl() { $config = Config::getInstance(); Utils::defineConstants(); $this->setViewTemplate(THINKUP_WEBAPP_PATH . 'plugins/geoencoder/view/geoencoder.account.index.tpl'); $this->view_mgr->addHelp('geoencoder', 'userguide/settings/plugins/geoencoder'); $this->addToView('message', 'This is the GeoEncoder plugin configuration page for ' . $this->owner->email . '.'); /** set option fields **/ // gmaps_api_key text field $name_field = array('name' => 'gmaps_api_key', 'label' => 'Google Maps API Key', 'size' => 55); $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, $name_field); $this->addPluginOptionRequiredMessage('gmaps_api_key', 'Please enter your Google Maps API Key'); // distance_unit radio field $distance_unit_field = array('name' => 'distance_unit', 'label' => 'Unit of Distance'); $distance_unit_field['values'] = array('Kilometers' => 'km', 'Miles' => 'mi'); $distance_unit_field['default_value'] = 'km'; $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_RADIO_ELEMENT, $distance_unit_field); $plugin = new GeoEncoderPlugin(); if (!$plugin->isConfigured()) { $this->addInfoMessage('Please complete plugin setup to start using it.', 'setup'); $this->addToView('is_configured', false); } else { $this->addToView('is_configured', true); } return $this->generateView(); }
/** * Report installation version back to If usage reporting is enabled, include instance username * and network. * @param Instance $instance * @return array ($report_back_url, $referer_url, $status, $contents) */ public static function reportVersion(Instance $instance) { //Build URLs with appropriate parameters $config = Config::getInstance(); $report_back_url = '' . $config->getValue('THINKUP_VERSION'); //Explicity set referer for when this is called by a command line script $referer_url = Utils::getApplicationURL(); //If user hasn't opted out, report back username and network if ($config->getValue('is_opted_out_usage_stats') === true) { $report_back_url .= '&usage=n'; } else { $referer_url .= "?u=" . urlencode($instance->network_username) . "&n=" . urlencode($instance->network); } $in_test_mode = isset($_SESSION["MODE"]) && $_SESSION["MODE"] == "TESTS" || getenv("MODE") == "TESTS"; if (!$in_test_mode) { //only make live request if we're not running the test suite //Make the cURL request $c = curl_init(); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $report_back_url); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer_url); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $contents = curl_exec($c); $status = curl_getinfo($c, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($c); } else { $contents = ''; $status = 200; } return array($report_back_url, $referer_url, $status, $contents); }
public static function get_available_domains() { $domain_configuration = Config::getInstance()->getConfig('domains'); $configuration_keys = array_keys($domain_configuration); $available_domains = array_filter($configuration_keys, "self::is_domain"); return $available_domains; }
public function addAction() { $config = Config::getInstance(); $config = $config->getConfig(); $Cars = new Cars(); $this->view->data = $Cars->getCategory(); $model = $this->request->getPost('model'); $marka = $this->request->getPost('marka_id'); $opis = $this->request->getPost('opis'); $zdjecie = $this->request->getFiles('zdjecie'); if ($model == NULL && $marka == NULL && $opis == NULL && $zdjecie == NULL) { $this->view->display('add'); } else { if ($model == NULL || $marka == NULL || $opis == NULL || $zdjecie == NULL) { echo "Uzupelnij wszystkie pola"; } else { $podpis = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", time()); $zdjecie = WideImage::loadFromUpload('zdjecie'); $zdjecie->saveToFile($config['DOC_ROOT'] . $config['CUSTOM_IMG_DIR'] . $podpis . '.png'); $Car = new Cars(); $Car->saveCar($model, $marka, $opis, $podpis); header('location: ' . Url::getUrl('car', 'list', array('status' => 8))); } } }
function run() { if ($this->running) { throw new \Exception(get_called_class() . '::run() was previously called!'); } $this->running = true; $request = Request::getInstance(); if ($request->exists(self::PATH_INFO_OVERRIDE_PARAM)) { $this->pathInfo = $request->get(self::PATH_INFO_OVERRIDE_PARAM, '/'); $request->delete(self::PATH_INFO_OVERRIDE_PARAM); } else { $this->pathInfo = \ManiaLib\Utils\Arrays::getNotNull($_SERVER, 'PATH_INFO', '/'); } list($this->controller, $this->action) = Route::getActionAndControllerFromRoute($this->pathInfo); $this->calledURL = $request->createLink(); $viewsNS =& Config::getInstance()->viewsNS; $currentViewsNS = Config::getInstance()->namespace . '\\Views\\'; if (!in_array($currentViewsNS, $viewsNS)) { array_unshift($viewsNS, $currentViewsNS); } try { Controller::factory($this->controller)->launch($this->action); Response::getInstance()->render(); } catch (\Exception $e) { call_user_func(Bootstrapper::$errorHandlingCallback, $e); Response::getInstance()->render(); } }
/** * Constructor * * Sets default values all view templates have access to: * * <code> * //path of the ThinkUp installation site root as defined in * {$site_root_path} * //file the ThinkUp logo links to, 'index.php' by default * {$logo_link} * //application name * {$app_title} * </code> * @param array $config_array Defaults to null; Override source_root_path, site_root_path, app_title, cache_pages, * debug * */ public function __construct($config_array=null) { if ($config_array==null) { $config = Config::getInstance(); $config_array = $config->getValuesArray(); } $src_root_path = $config_array['source_root_path']; $site_root_path = $config_array['site_root_path']; $app_title = $config_array['app_title']; $cache_pages = $config_array['cache_pages']; $debug = $config_array['debug']; Utils::defineConstants(); $this->Smarty(); $this->template_dir = array( THINKUP_WEBAPP_PATH.'_lib/view', $src_root_path.'tests/view'); $this->compile_dir = THINKUP_WEBAPP_PATH.'_lib/view/compiled_view/'; $this->plugins_dir = array('plugins', THINKUP_WEBAPP_PATH.'_lib/view/plugins/'); $this->cache_dir = THINKUP_WEBAPP_PATH.'_lib/view/compiled_view/cache'; $this->caching = ($cache_pages)?1:0; $this->cache_lifetime = 300; $this->debug = $debug; $this->assign('app_title', $app_title); $this->assign('site_root_path', $site_root_path); $this->assign('logo_link', 'index.php'); }
public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days) { parent::generateInsight($instance, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days); $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__); $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO'); $user_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('UserDAO'); $service_user = $user_dao->getDetails($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network); $share_verb = $instance->network == 'twitter' ? 'retweeted' : 'reshared'; foreach ($last_week_of_posts as $post) { $big_reshares = $post_dao->getRetweetsByAuthorsOverFollowerCount($post->post_id, $instance->network, $service_user->follower_count); if (isset($big_reshares) && sizeof($big_reshares) > 0) { if (!isset($config)) { $config = Config::getInstance(); } $post_link = '<a href="' . $config->getValue('site_root_path') . 'post/?t=' . $post->post_id . '&n=' . $post->network . '&v=fwds">'; if (sizeof($big_reshares) > 1) { $notification_text = "People with lots of followers {$share_verb} " . $post_link . "{$this->username}'s post</a>."; } else { $follower_count_multiple = intval($big_reshares[0]->follower_count / $service_user->follower_count); if ($follower_count_multiple > 1) { $notification_text = "Someone with <strong>" . $follower_count_multiple . "x</strong> more followers than {$this->username} {$share_verb} " . $post_link . "this post</a>."; } else { $notification_text = "Someone with lots of followers {$share_verb} " . $post_link . "{$this->username}'s post</a>."; } } //Replace each big resharer's bio line with the text of the post foreach ($big_reshares as $sharer) { $sharer->description = '"' . $post->post_text . '"'; } $simplified_post_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($post->pub_date)); $this->insight_dao->insertInsight("big_reshare_" . $post->id, $instance->id, $simplified_post_date, "Big reshare!", $notification_text, basename(__FILE__, ".php"), Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH, serialize($big_reshares)); } } $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__); }
/** * Set up * Initializes Config and Webapp objects */ function setUp() { $config = Config::getInstance(); $webapp = Webapp::getInstance(); $crawler = Crawler::getInstance(); parent::setUp(); }
/** * @param $serviceName * @param $requestPayload string Data encrypted using service private key (binary form!). */ public function __construct($serviceName, $requestPayload) { $this->config = Config::getInstance(); $this->service = $this->config->getService($serviceName); $this->encryptedPayload = $requestPayload; $this->decryptPayloadToCache(); }
public function setUp() { $config = Config::getInstance(); $this->test_tweets = array("Hey @anildash think this up!", "If you're interested, @ me details", ".@anildash thinks so", "This is a tweet with multiple usernames like @waxpancake and @thinkupapp", "Blah blah blah (@username). Blah blah"); $this->internally_linked_tweets = array('Hey <a href="' . $config->getValue('site_root_path') . 'user/?u=anildash&n=twitter&i=me">@anildash</a> think this up!', "If you're interested, @ me details", '.<a href="' . $config->getValue('site_root_path') . 'user/?u=anildash&n=twitter&i=me">@anildash</a> thinks so', 'This is a tweet with multiple usernames like <a href="' . $config->getValue('site_root_path') . 'user/?u=waxpancake&n=twitter&i=me">@waxpancake</a> ' . 'and <a href="' . $config->getValue('site_root_path') . 'user/?u=thinkupapp&n=twitter&i=me">@thinkupapp</a>', 'Blah blah blah (<a href="' . $config->getValue('site_root_path') . 'user/?u=username&n=twitter&i=me">@username</a>). Blah blah'); $this->externally_linked_tweets = array('Hey <a href="">@anildash</a> think this up!', "If you're interested, @ me details", '.<a href="">@anildash</a> thinks so', 'This is a tweet with multiple usernames like ' . '<a href="">@waxpancake</a> ' . 'and <a href="">@thinkupapp</a>', 'Blah blah blah (<a href="">@username</a>). Blah blah'); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->builder = self::buildData(); $config = Config::getInstance(); $config->setValue('debug', true); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); StreamMessageQueueFactory::$queue = null; $this->logger = Logger::getInstance(); $this->config = Config::getInstance(); }
public function control() { if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['Submit'] == 'Send Reset') { $this->disableCaching(); $dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerDAO'); $user = $dao->getByEmail($_POST['email']); if (isset($user)) { $token = $user->setPasswordRecoveryToken(); $es = new SmartyThinkUp(); $es->caching = false; $config = Config::getInstance(); $es->assign('apptitle', $config->getValue('app_title')); $es->assign('recovery_url', "session/reset.php?token={$token}"); $es->assign('server', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : 'localhost'); $es->assign('site_root_path', $config->getValue('site_root_path')); $message = $es->fetch('_email.forgotpassword.tpl'); Mailer::mail($_POST['email'], $config->getValue('app_title') . " Password Recovery", $message); $this->addSuccessMessage('Password recovery information has been sent to your email address.'); } else { $this->addErrorMessage('Error: account does not exist.'); } } $this->setViewTemplate('session.forgot.tpl'); return $this->generateView(); }
public function authControl() { $config = Config::getInstance(); Utils::defineConstants(); $this->setViewTemplate(THINKUP_WEBAPP_PATH . 'plugins/facebook/view/facebook.account.index.tpl'); /** set option fields **/ // Application ID text field $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, array('name' => 'facebook_app_id', 'label' => 'Application ID')); // add element // set a special required message $this->addPluginOptionRequiredMessage('facebook_app_id', 'The Facebook plugin requires a valid Application ID.'); // API Key text field $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, array('name' => 'facebook_api_key', 'label' => 'API Key')); // add element // set a special required message $this->addPluginOptionRequiredMessage('facebook_api_key', 'The Facebook plugin requires a valid API Key.'); // Application Secret text field $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, array('name' => 'facebook_api_secret', 'label' => 'Application Secret')); // add element // set a special required message $this->addPluginOptionRequiredMessage('facebook_api_secret', 'The Facebook plugin requires a valid Application Secret.'); $plugin_option_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PluginOptionDAO'); $options = $plugin_option_dao->getOptionsHash('facebook', true); //get cached if (isset($options['facebook_app_id']->option_value) && isset($options['facebook_api_secret']->option_value)) { $this->setUpFacebookInteractions($options); } else { $this->addErrorMessage('Please set your Facebook API key, application ID and secret.'); } return $this->generateView(); }
/** * Factory for getting instances on cache objects. * You specify the driver to use as a parameter, and * it automatically falls back to the "NoCache" driver * if not found * @return \ManiaLib\Cache\CacheInterface */ static function factory($driver = null) { try { switch ($driver) { case APC: return static::getDriver('APC'); case MEMCACHED: try { return static::getDriver('Memcached'); } catch (Exception $e) { return static::getDriver('Memcache'); } case MEMCACHE: return static::getDriver('Memcache'); case MYSQL: return static::getDriver('MySQL'); default: throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $config = Config::getInstance(); $driver = $config->fallbackDriver ?: 'NoCache'; return static::getDriver($driver); } }
public function testTerminalLogger() { $config = Config::getInstance(); $config->setValue('log_location', false); $logger = Logger::getInstance(); // $logger->logStatus('Singleton logger should echo this', get_class($this)); }
public function control() { $config = Config::getInstance(); $this->addToView('is_registration_open', $config->getValue('is_registration_open')); if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['Submit'] == 'Send Reset') { $this->disableCaching(); $dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerDAO'); $user = $dao->getByEmail($_POST['email']); if (isset($user)) { $token = $user->setPasswordRecoveryToken(); $es = new ViewManager(); $es->caching = false; $es->assign('apptitle', $config->getValue('app_title_prefix') . "ThinkUp"); $es->assign('recovery_url', "session/reset.php?token={$token}"); $es->assign('application_url', Utils::getApplicationURL($false)); $es->assign('site_root_path', $config->getValue('site_root_path')); $message = $es->fetch('_email.forgotpassword.tpl'); Mailer::mail($_POST['email'], $config->getValue('app_title_prefix') . "ThinkUp Password Recovery", $message); $this->addSuccessMessage('Password recovery information has been sent to your email address.'); } else { $this->addErrorMessage('Error: account does not exist.'); } } $this->view_mgr->addHelp('forgot', 'userguide/accounts/index'); $this->setViewTemplate('session.forgot.tpl'); return $this->generateView(); }
public static function send($data, $sampleRate = 1) { $config = Config::getInstance(); if (!$config->isEnabled("statsd")) { return; } // sampling $sampledData = array(); if ($sampleRate < 1) { foreach ($data as $stat => $value) { if (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() <= $sampleRate) { $sampledData[$stat] = "{$value}|@{$sampleRate}"; } } } else { $sampledData = $data; } if (empty($sampledData)) { return; } // Wrap this in a try/catch - failures in any of this should be silently ignored try { $host = $config->getConfig(""); $port = $config->getConfig("statsd.port"); $fp = fsockopen("udp://{$host}", $port, $errno, $errstr); if (!$fp) { return; } foreach ($sampledData as $stat => $value) { fwrite($fp, "{$stat}:{$value}"); } fclose($fp); } catch (Exception $e) { } }
public function authControl() { $config = Config::getInstance(); Utils::defineConstants(); $this->setViewTemplate( THINKUP_WEBAPP_PATH.'plugins/hellothinkup/view/hellothinkup.account.index.tpl'); $this->addToView('message', 'Hello, world! This is the example plugin configuration page for '.$this->owner->email .'.'); /** set option fields **/ // name text field $name_field = array('name' => 'testname', 'label' => 'Your Name'); // set an element name and label $name_field['default_value'] = 'ThinkUp User'; // set default value $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, $name_field); // add element // set testname header $this->addPluginOptionHeader('testname', 'User Info'); // add a header for an element // set a special required message $this->addPluginOptionRequiredMessage('testname', 'Please enter a name, because we\'d really like to have one...'); // gender radio field $gender_field = array('name' => 'testradio', 'label' => 'You Like'); // set an element name and label $gender_field['values'] = array('Cookies' => 1, 'Cake' => 2, 'Other' => 3); $gender_field['default_value'] = '3'; // set default value $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_RADIO_ELEMENT, $gender_field); // add element // Birth Year Select $bday_field = array('name' => 'testbirthyear', 'label' => 'Select The Year You Were Born'); $years = array(); $i = 1900; while ($i <= 2010) { $years['Born in ' . $i] = $i; $i++; } $bday_field['values'] = $years; $bday_field['default_value'] = '2005'; $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_SELECT_ELEMENT, $bday_field); // Enable registration stuff $reg_field = array('name' => 'testregopen', 'label' => 'Open Registration'); $this->addPluginOptionHeader('testregopen', 'Registration Options'); $reg_field['values'] = array('Open' => 1, 'Closed' => 0); $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_RADIO_ELEMENT, $reg_field); // registration key $reg_key = array('name' => 'RegKey', 'validation_regex' => '^\d+$'); $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, $reg_key); $this->setPluginOptionNotRequired('RegKey'); $this->addPluginOptionRequiredMessage('RegKey', 'Please enter interger value for RegKey'); // advanced data $adv1 = array('name' => 'AdvancedInfo1', 'label' => '1st advanced field', 'advanced' => true); $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, $adv1); $this->setPluginOptionNotRequired('AdvancedInfo1'); // by default not required $adv2 = array('name' => 'AdvancedInfo2', 'label' => '2nd advanced field', 'advanced' => true); $this->addPluginOption(self::FORM_TEXT_ELEMENT, $adv2); return $this->generateView(); }
public function control() { $this->redirectToSternIndiaEndpoint('forgot.php'); $config = Config::getInstance(); //$this->addToView('is_registration_open', $config->getValue('is_registration_open')); // if (isset($_POST['email']) && $_POST['Submit'] == 'Send Reset') { // /$_POST['email'] = '*****@*****.**'; if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $this->disableCaching(); $dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('UserDAO'); $user = $dao->getByEmail($_POST['email']); if (isset($user)) { $token = $user->setPasswordRecoveryToken(); $es = new ViewManager(); $es->caching = false; //$es->assign('apptitle', $config->getValue('app_title_prefix')."ThinkUp" ); $es->assign('first_name', $user->first_name); $es->assign('recovery_url', "session/reset.php?token={$token}"); $es->assign('application_url', Utils::getApplicationURL(false)); $es->assign('site_root_path', $config->getValue('site_root_path')); $message = $es->fetch('_email.forgotpassword.tpl'); $subject = $config->getValue('app_title_prefix') . "Stern India Password Recovery"; //Will put the things in queue to mail the things. Resque::enqueue('user_mail', 'Mailer', array($_POST['email'], $subject, $message)); $this->addToView('link_sent', true); } else { $this->addErrorMessage('Error: account does not exist.'); } } $this->setViewTemplate('Session/forgot.tpl'); return $this->generateView(); }
/** * Create a new GettextZendTranslator and configure it with passed params * @param string|Zend_Locale $given_locale * @param string $filename * @param boolean $default_instance If none instance yet, this instance will be used whatever this param value is */ public function __construct($given_locale = null, $filename = null, $default_instance = true) { if ($filename != null) { $this->filename = $filename; } self::$absolutePath = Config::getInstance()->getString('appRootDir') . self::DIR_LOCALES; $this->debugMode = Config::getInstance()->getBoolean('i18n/gettextZendTranslator/debug', false); $path = self::$absolutePath . self::DEFAULT_LOCALE . '/' . $this->filename; parent::__construct(self::GETTEXT, $path, self::DEFAULT_LOCALE); // Adding other existing locales $locales = $this->getAvailableLocales(); foreach ($locales as $locale) { if ($locale != self::DEFAULT_LOCALE) { parent::addTranslation(self::$absolutePath . $locale . '/' . $this->filename, $locale); } } if ($given_locale == null) { if (($given_locale = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Locale')) == null) { $given_locale = self::DEFAULT_LOCALE; } } $this->setLocale($given_locale); Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Translator', $this); if ($default_instance || self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = $this; } }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->logger = Logger::getInstance(); $this->config = Config::getInstance(); $this->table_prefix = $this->config->getValue('table_prefix'); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $config = Config::getInstance(); $this->builders = self::buildData(); $this->dao = new FavoritePostMySQLDAO(); }