Пример #1
  * Update the specified pet in storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function update($id)
     $pet = Pet::findOrFail($id);
     $data = Input::all();
     $data['user_id'] = Confide::user()->id;
     $validator = Validator::make($data, Pet::$rules);
     $response = [];
     $response['data'] = $data;
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $response['success'] = false;
         $response['errors'] = $validator->errors();
         if (Request::ajax()) {
             return Response::json($response);
         } else {
             return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator->errors());
     $response['success'] = true;
     $response['errors'] = [];
     if (Request::ajax()) {
         return Response::json($response);
     } else {
         return Redirect::action('UsersController@showProfile', Confide::user()->id);
Пример #2
  * @return $this
 public function home()
     if (Confide::User()) {
         $this->dsp->content = Confide::user()->getContent();
     return View::make('dispatch')->with(['dsp' => $this->dsp]);
Пример #3
  * @param $club_id
  * @return bool
 public static function isExist($club_id)
     $count = DB::table('userclubs')->where('user_id', '=', Confide::user()->id)->where('club_id', '=', $club_id)->count();
     if ($count == 0) {
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #4
 public function getlivrabileFactura($id_factura)
     $ids = self::getIDsDepartamente(Confide::getDepartamenteUser());
     $sql = self::getlivrabileFacturateNefacturate($id_factura, true);
     $factura = self::getFactura($id_factura);
     $livrabile = DB::select($sql);
     return View::make('livrabile_factura.list')->with('livrabile', $livrabile)->with('factura', $factura);
 public function getIndex()
     $user = Confide::user();
     if (!$user->isStaff() && Patient::find($user->id) == null) {
         return Redirect::route('patient.create');
     } else {
         return View::make('home/index', compact('user'));
Пример #6
  * Provide an array of strings that map to valid roles.
  * @param array $roles
  * @return stdClass
 public function validateRoles(array $roles)
     $user = Confide::user();
     $roleValidation = new stdClass();
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         $roleValidation->{$role} = empty($user) ? false : $user->hasRole($role);
     return $roleValidation;
Пример #7
 public function uploadUserImage()
     $user = Confide::user();
     $user->img_path = $this->getAndMoveFile('file');
     if ($user->save()) {
         return Redirect::action('UsersController@show', $user->id);
     } else {
         throw new Exception("user image not updated!");
Пример #8
 public static function logAudit($entity, $action, $description)
     $audit = new Audit();
     $audit->date = date('Y-m-d');
     $audit->description = $description;
     $audit->user = Confide::user()->username;
     $audit->entity = $entity;
     $audit->action = $action;
 public function showAll()
     $user = Confide::user();
     $patients = Patient::join('user', 'user.id', '=', 'patient.user_id')->get();
     if ($user->isStaff()) {
         return View::make('home.patient.show-all', compact('user', 'patients'));
     } else {
         return Redirect::route('home.index');
 public function createComment($conversation)
     $user = Confide::user();
     $comment = new Comment();
     $comment->conversation_id = $conversation->id;
     $comment->user_id = $user->id;
     return Redirect::route('conversation.show', array($conversation->id));
 public function getEditInvestitie($id)
     $departamente = Confide::getDepartamenteUser();
     $tva = self::getCoteTVA();
     $imobil_class = new \Codecorner\Imobil\Controllers\ImobileController();
     $imobile = $imobil_class->getImobil();
     $cheltuieli = self::getCheltuieliSF();
     $investitie = DB::select("SELECT\n            investitie.id,\n            investitie.denumire,\n            investitie.cota_indiviza_spatii_locuit,\n            investitie.cota_indiviza_spatii_alta_destinatie,\n            investitie.finantare_nerambursabila_por,\n            investitie.cofinantare_ap_eligibil,\n            investitie.cofinantare_uat_eligibil,\n            investitie.cofinantare_ap_neeligibil_ad,\n            investitie.cofinantare_uat_neeligibil,\n            investitie.cofinantare_ap_neeligibil_sl,\n            investitie.id_imobil,\n            investitie.id_departament,\n            investitie.id_tva,\n            l.denumire AS localitate,\n            j.denumire AS judet,\n            i.adresa\n            FROM por12_investitie investitie\n            INNER JOIN imobil i ON i.id = investitie.id_imobil AND i.logical_delete = 0\n            LEFT OUTER JOIN judet j ON j.id_judet = i.id_judet AND j.logical_delete = 0\n            LEFT OUTER JOIN localitate l ON l.id_localitate = i.id_localitate AND l.logical_delete = 0\n            WHERE investitie.id = :id_investitie", array('id_investitie' => $id));
     return View::make('investitie_por_axa12.edit')->with('investitie', $investitie[0])->with('imobile', $imobile)->with('tva', $tva)->with('finantare_nerambursabila_por', 60)->with('cofinantare_ap_neeligibil_ad', 100)->with('departamente', self::object_to_array($departamente))->with('cheltuieli', $cheltuieli);
  * Display a listing of notifications
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $data = Input::all();
     $pagination = Input::has('pagination') ? Input::get('pagination') : 10;
     $notifications = Notification::where(function ($query) {
         switch (Input::get('view')) {
             case 'next':
                 // AGENDADAS
                 $query->where('date', '>', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             case 'all':
                 // $query->where( 'user_id', Confide::user()->id );
                 // NÃO LIDAS
                 $query->where('date', '<', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->where('status', 0);
         if (Input::has('type')) {
             $query->where('type', Input::get('type'));
         if (Input::has('owner_type')) {
             $query->where('owner_type', Input::get('owner_type'));
         if (Input::has('owner_id')) {
             $query->where('owner_id', Input::get('owner_id'));
         if (Input::has('order')) {
             $query->orderBy('date', Input::get('order'));
     })->where('user_id', Confide::user()->id)->orderBy('date', Input::get('order', 'DESC'))->paginate($pagination);
     switch (Input::get('view', 'unread')) {
         case 'next':
             $labels['nothing'] = 'Nenhuma notificação agendada';
         case 'all':
             $labels['nothing'] = 'Nenhuma notificação ainda';
             // case 'unread'
             $labels['nothing'] = 'Nenhuma notificação não lida';
     $labels['count_next'] = Notification::where('user_id', Confide::user()->id)->where('date', '>', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->count();
     $labels['count_all'] = Notification::where('user_id', Confide::user()->id)->count();
     $labels['count_unread'] = Notification::where('user_id', Confide::user()->id)->where('date', '<', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->where('status', false)->count();
     //$notifications->getCollection()->paginate( $pagination );//->paginate( $pagination ;
     if (Request::ajax()) {
         return View::make('notifications.panels.index', compact('notifications', 'labels'));
     } else {
         return View::make('notifications.index', compact('notifications', 'labels'));
Пример #13
  * @param string $backUrl
  * @param int $club_id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function add($backUrl = 'home', $club_id = 0)
     if ($club_id == 0) {
         return Redirect::route($backUrl);
     $userclub = new Userclub();
     $userclub->user_id = Confide::user()->id;
     $userclub->club_id = $club_id;
     return Redirect::route($backUrl);
 public function __construct()
     // Fetch the User object, or set it to false if not logged in
     if (Confide::User()) {
         $this->logged_in_user = Confide::User();
     } else {
         $this->logged_in_user = false;
     View::share('logged_in_user', $this->logged_in_user);
     View::share('success_message', $this->success_message);
Пример #15
 public function getBalance($wallet_id)
     $balance = 0;
     if (!Auth::guest()) {
         $user = Confide::user();
         $balanceCoin = Balance::where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->where('wallet_id', '=', $wallet_id)->first();
         if (isset($balanceCoin->amount)) {
             $balance = $balanceCoin->amount;
     return $balance;
Пример #16
  * @return string
 public function beforeHome()
     // Extend function home()
     if (!Confide::user()->isManager()) {
         return $this->dsp->content = $this->directory . ".nomanager";
     } else {
         if (!Confide::user()->isDomaine()) {
             return $this->dsp->content = $this->directory . ".nodomaine";
     // Sinon procedure Home normale
Пример #17
 public function getCurrentOrdersUser($market_id, $user_id = '')
     if (Auth::guest()) {
         return false;
     $user = Confide::user();
     if ($user_id == '') {
         $user_id = $user->id;
     $orders = Order::where('market_id', '=', $market_id)->where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->whereIn('status', $this->status_active)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
     return $orders;
Пример #18
 public function resetpassword($user)
     if (!Confide::forgotPassword($user->email)) {
         if (!Api::make(array('error'))) {
             return Response::json(array('result' => 'error'));
     } else {
         if (!Api::make(array('success'))) {
             return Response::json(array('result' => 'success'));
Пример #19
 public function getSeriiFacturare()
     $ids = self::getIDsDepartamente(Confide::getDepartamenteUser());
     $sql = "SELECT \n          sf.id,\n          sf.serie,\n          sf.numar,\n          sf.id_entitate,\n          ent.denumire AS entitate\n          FROM serie_factura sf\n          INNER JOIN entitate ent ON ent.id = sf.id_entitate AND ent.logical_delete = 0\n          WHERE ";
     if (!Entrust::can("administrare_platforma")) {
         /*$sql .= 
           " INNER JOIN departament d ON d.id_entitate = ent.id AND d.logical_delete = 0" .
           " AND d.id IN (" . $ids . ")";*/
         $sql .= " EXISTS(SELECT id FROM departament WHERE departament.id_entitate = sf.id_entitate AND departament.logical_delete = 0\n                    AND departament.id IN (" . $ids . ")) AND ";
     $sql .= " sf.logical_delete = 0 ORDER BY ent.id, sf.serie";
     $serii = DB::select($sql);
     return View::make('serii_facturare.list')->with('serii', $serii);
Пример #20
 public static function submitApplication($data)
     $member_id = array_get($data, 'member_id');
     $loanproduct_id = array_get($data, 'loanproduct_id');
     $member = Member::findorfail($member_id);
     $loanproduct = Loanproduct::findorfail($loanproduct_id);
     $application = new Loanaccount();
     $application->application_date = array_get($data, 'application_date');
     $application->amount_applied = array_get($data, 'amount_applied');
     $application->interest_rate = $loanproduct->interest_rate;
     $application->period = $loanproduct->period;
     $application->repayment_duration = array_get($data, 'repayment_duration');
     Audit::logAudit(date('Y-m-d'), Confide::user()->username, 'loan application', 'Loans', array_get($data, 'amount_applied'));
  * Store a newly created savingtransaction in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Savingtransaction::$rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     $date = Input::get('date');
     $transAmount = Input::get('amount');
     $savingaccount = Savingaccount::findOrFail(Input::get('account_id'));
     $savingtransaction = new Savingtransaction();
     $savingtransaction->date = Input::get('date');
     $savingtransaction->amount = Input::get('amount');
     $savingtransaction->type = Input::get('type');
     $savingtransaction->description = Input::get('description');
     $savingtransaction->transacted_by = Input::get('transacted_by');
     // withdrawal
     if (Input::get('type') == 'debit') {
         foreach ($savingaccount->savingproduct->savingpostings as $posting) {
             if ($posting->transaction == 'withdrawal') {
                 $debit_account = $posting->debit_account;
                 $credit_account = $posting->credit_account;
         $data = array('credit_account' => $credit_account, 'debit_account' => $debit_account, 'date' => Input::get('date'), 'amount' => Input::get('amount'), 'initiated_by' => 'system', 'description' => 'cash withdrawal');
         $journal = new Journal();
         Savingtransaction::withdrawalCharges($savingaccount, $date, $transAmount);
         Audit::logAudit(date('Y-m-d'), Confide::user()->username, 'savings withdrawal', 'Savings', Input::get('amount'));
     // deposit
     if (Input::get('type') == 'credit') {
         foreach ($savingaccount->savingproduct->savingpostings as $posting) {
             if ($posting->transaction == 'deposit') {
                 $debit_account = $posting->debit_account;
                 $credit_account = $posting->credit_account;
         $data = array('credit_account' => $credit_account, 'debit_account' => $debit_account, 'date' => Input::get('date'), 'amount' => Input::get('amount'), 'initiated_by' => 'system', 'description' => 'cash deposit');
         $journal = new Journal();
         Audit::logAudit(date('Y-m-d'), Confide::user()->username, 'savings deposit', 'Savings', Input::get('amount'));
     return Redirect::to('savingtransactions/show/' . $savingaccount->id);
Пример #22
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $data = Input::all();
     $validator = Validator::make($data, Post::$rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         Session::flash('message', 'Posting not created!');
         return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator);
     $post = new Post($data);
     $post->user_id = Confide::user()->id;
     $result = $post->save();
     if ($result) {
         return Redirect::action('PostsController@index');
     } else {
         Session::flash('message', $result);
         return Redirect::back()->withInput();
Пример #23
  * Store a newly created branch in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Appraisal::$rules, Appraisal::$messages);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     $appraisal = new Appraisal();
     $appraisal->employee_id = Input::get('employee_id');
     $appraisal->appraisalquestion_id = Input::get('appraisal_id');
     $appraisal->performance = Input::get('performance');
     $appraisal->rate = Input::get('score');
     $appraisal->examiner = Confide::user()->id;
     $appraisal->appraisaldate = Input::get('date');
     $appraisal->comment = Input::get('comment');
     Audit::logaudit('Employee Appraisal', 'create', 'created: ' . $appraisal->question);
     return Redirect::route('Appraisals.index')->withFlashMessage('Employee Appraisal successfully created!');
 public function showAll($requestID = null)
     $user = Confide::user();
     $patient = Patient::find($requestID);
     $patient = Patient::join('user', 'user.id', '=', 'patient.user_id')->where('patient.user_id', '=', $user->id)->first();
     if ($user->isStaff() && $requestID !== null) {
         // If weare requesting a patient's appointments and we are Staff
         $appointments = Appointment::where('patient_id', '=', $requestID)->get();
         $patient = Patient::join('user', 'user.id', '=', 'patient.user_id')->where('patient.user_id', '=', $requestID)->first();
     } else {
         $appointments = Appointment::where('patient_id', '=', $user->id)->get();
     foreach ($appointments as $appointment) {
         $doctor = User::find($appointment->staff_id);
         $appointment->doctor = $doctor->first_name . ' ' . $doctor->last_name;
     return View::make('home/appointment/show-all', compact('user', 'appointments', 'patient'));
 public function wizard($code)
     if (Confide::confirm($code)) {
         $user = User::where('confirmation_code', '=', $code)->pluck('email');
         $user_auth = User::where('confirmation_code', '=', $code)->first();
         if (Auth::check()) {
             $urbanism_types = UrbanismType::orderBy('id', 'ASC')->lists('type', 'id');
             $countries = Country::orderBy('id', 'ASC')->lists('name', 'id');
             $states = State::orderBy('id', 'ASC')->lists('name', 'id');
             $country_default = 'México';
             $selected_country = Country::where('name', '=', $country_default)->first();
             return View::make('dashboard.colonies.config.initial_config', ['urbanism_types' => $urbanism_types, 'user' => $user, 'countries' => $countries, 'states' => $states, 'code' => $code, 'selected_country' => [$selected_country->id], 'select' => ['' => 'Seleccione tipo de desarrollo'], 'select_1' => ['' => 'Seleccione País'], 'select_2' => ['' => 'Seleccione Estado'], 'select_3' => ['' => 'Seleccione Ciudad']]);
     } else {
         $error_msg = Lang::get('confide::confide.alerts.wrong_confirmation');
         return Redirect::action('UsersController@login')->with('error', $error_msg);
Пример #26
 public static function submit($data)
     //$charges = Input::get('charge');
     $loanproduct = new Loanproduct();
     $loanproduct->name = array_get($data, 'name');
     $loanproduct->short_name = array_get($data, 'short_name');
     $loanproduct->interest_rate = array_get($data, 'interest_rate');
     $loanproduct->formula = array_get($data, 'formula');
     $loanproduct->amortization = array_get($data, 'amortization');
     $loanproduct->currency = array_get($data, 'currency');
     Audit::logAudit(date('Y-m-d'), Confide::user()->username, 'loan product creation', 'Loans', '0');
     $loan_id = $loanproduct->id;
     Loanposting::submit($loan_id, $data);
     		foreach($charges as $charge){
Пример #27
  * Store a newly created leaveapplication in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Leaveapplication::$rules, Leaveapplication::$messages);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     $employee = Employee::find(array_get($data, 'employee_id'));
     $leavetype = Leavetype::find(array_get($data, 'leavetype_id'));
     $start_date = array_get($data, 'applied_start_date');
     $end_date = array_get($data, 'applied_end_date');
     $days_applied = Leaveapplication::getDays($start_date, $end_date);
     $balance_days = Leaveapplication::getBalanceDays($employee, $leavetype);
     if ($days_applied > $balance_days) {
         return Redirect::back()->with('info', 'The days you have applied are more than your balance. You have ' . $balance_days . ' days left');
     if (Confide::user()->user_type == 'member') {
         return Redirect::to('css/leave');
     } else {
         return Redirect::to('leavemgmt');
Пример #28
 public function generateNewAddrDeposit()
     if (!Confide::user()) {
         return View::make(Config::get('confide::login_form'));
     $user = Confide::user();
     $user_id = $user->id;
     $wallet_id = $_POST['wallet_id'];
     $wallet = Wallet::find($wallet_id);
     $deposit = new Deposit();
     $user_address_deposit = new UserAddressDeposit();
     $addr_deposit = UserAddressDeposit::where('wallet_id', $wallet->id)->where('user_id', $user_id)->first();
     if (isset($addr_deposit->addr_deposit) && $deposit->addressIsDesposited($addr_deposit->addr_deposit)) {
         $wallet->connectJsonRPCclient($wallet->wallet_username, $wallet->wallet_password, $wallet->wallet_ip, $wallet->port);
         $new_addr_deposit = $wallet->getNewDepositReceiveAddress($user->username);
         $user_address_deposit->updateAddress($user_id, $wallet->id, $new_addr_deposit);
         echo json_encode(array('status' => 'success', 'address' => $new_addr_deposit));
     } else {
         echo json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => 'You cannot generate a new address, without using the old'));
 public function getEntitati($tip_entitate)
     $sql = "SELECT \n            ent.id, \n            ent.denumire, \n            ent.cif,\n            ent.adresa, \n            ent.cod_postal, \n            ent.telefon, \n            ent.fax, \n            ent.id_organizatie, \n            ent.id_tip_entitate,             \n            judet.denumire AS judet, \n            loc.denumire AS localitate\n            FROM entitate ent\n            LEFT OUTER JOIN judet ON ent.id_judet = judet.id_judet AND judet.logical_delete = 0 \n            LEFT OUTER JOIN localitate loc ON ent.id_localitate = loc.id_localitate AND loc.logical_delete = 0";
     $and = "";
     if (\Entrust::hasRole("Administrator de grup")) {
         $and = " AND ent.id_organizatie = " . \Entrust::user()->id_org;
     } else {
         if (!\Entrust::can("administrare_platforma")) {
             $ids = self::getIDsDepartamente(\Confide::getDepartamenteUser());
             $sql = $sql . " INNER JOIN departament d ON d.id_entitate = ent.id AND d.logical_delete = 0" . " AND d.id IN (" . $ids . ")";
     $sql .= " WHERE ent.logical_delete = 0 ";
     $sql .= $and;
     if ($tip_entitate == 1) {
         $sql .= " AND ent.id_tip_entitate = 1 ";
     } else {
         $sql .= " AND ent.id_tip_entitate = 2 ";
     $sql .= " GROUP BY ent.id";
     $entitati = DB::select($sql);
     return View::make('entitate::entitati_organizatie.list')->with('entitati', $entitati)->with('tip_entitate', $tip_entitate);
Пример #30
  * Upload an image
  * Validates is an image
  * Saves image through intervention, optimizing and constraining to max size
  * Saves to public/uploads directory, with unique filename
  * @return string $image filename | throws Exception on error
 public function process($file)
     // Make sure upload directory exists
     static::directoryExists(public_path() . '/' . $this->uploadDirectory);
     // Validate file is image
     $validation = Validator::make(['file' => $file], ['file' => 'mimes:jpeg,png,gif']);
     if (!$validation->fails()) {
         $destination = public_path() . '/' . $this->uploadDirectory . '/' . $file->getClientOriginalName();
         if (File::isFile($destination)) {
             $basename = basename(isset($file->fileSystemName) ? $file->fileSystemName : $file->getClientOriginalName(), $file->getClientOriginalExtension());
             // Remove trailing period
             $basename = rtrim($basename, '.');
             // Append 1 and recheck
             $counter = 1;
             $destination = public_path() . '/' . $this->uploadDirectory . '/' . $basename . '_' . $counter . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
             while (File::isFile($destination)) {
                 $destination = public_path() . '/' . $this->uploadDirectory . '/' . $basename . '_' . $counter . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         // Constrain image to maximum width if needed, respecting aspect ratio
         Image::make($file)->widen(1200, function ($constraint) {
         // Image has been saved to it's destination, set attributes
         if (empty($this->user_id)) {
             $user = Confide::user();
             $this->user_id = $user->id;
         $this->path = $this->uploadDirectory;
         $this->filename = str_replace(public_path() . '/' . $this->uploadDirectory . '/', '', $destination);
     throw new Exception("There was an error uploading the image. Please upload an image with jpg, png or gif filetype");