	 * Private constructor class to prevent outside instantiation.
	 * @return void
	private function __construct() {
		// Add in the core component for the first element.
		$this->_componentCache['core'] = ComponentHandler::_Factory(ROOT_PDIR . 'core/component.xml');

		// Run through the libraries directory and look for, well... components.

		// First, build my cache of components, regardless if the component is installed or not.
		$dh = opendir(ROOT_PDIR . 'components');
		if (!$dh) return;
		while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
			// skip hidden directories.
			if ($file{0} == '.') continue;

			// skip non-directories
			if (!is_dir(ROOT_PDIR . 'components/' . $file)) continue;

			// Skip directories that do not have a readable component.xml file.
			if (!is_readable(ROOT_PDIR . 'components/' . $file . '/component.xml')) continue;

			$c = ComponentHandler::_Factory(ROOT_PDIR . 'components/' . $file . '/component.xml');

			// All further operations are case insensitive.
			// The original call to Component needs to be case sensitive because it sets the filename to pull.
			$file = strtolower($file);

			// If the component was flagged as invalid.. just skip to the next one.
			if (!$c->isValid()) {
					CAEUtils::AddMessage('Component ' . $c->getName() . ' appears to be invalid.');

			$this->_componentCache[$file] = $c;