function wfMatchFamily($args) { global $wgUser, $wgAjaxCachePolicy; $wgAjaxCachePolicy->setPolicy(0); $status = GE_SUCCESS; $result = ''; $gedcomId = GedcomUtil::getGedcomId($args); if (!$wgUser->isLoggedIn()) { $status = GE_NOT_LOGGED_IN; } else { if ($wgUser->isBlocked() || wfReadOnly()) { $status = GE_NOT_AUTHORIZED; } else { if (!$args || !$gedcomId || !preg_match('/^<gedcom [^>]*id="([^"]+)"/', $args, $idMatches) || !preg_match('/^<gedcom [^>]*match="([^"]+)"/', $args, $titleMatches)) { $status = GE_INVALID_ARG; } else { // calc family match scores $id = $idMatches[1]; $matchTitle = Title::newFromText($titleMatches[1], NS_FAMILY); $matchTitleString = $matchTitle->getText(); $gedcomData = GedcomUtil::getGedcomDataMap($args); $gedcomTitleString = $gedcomData[$id]['title']; if (strpos($gedcomTitleString, 'Person:') === 0 || strpos($gedcomTitleString, 'Family:') === 0) { $gedcomTitleString = substr($gedcomTitleString, 7); } $compare = new CompareForm('Family', array($gedcomTitleString, $matchTitleString), $gedcomData, $args); list($compareData, $compareChildren, $maxChildren) = $compare->readCompareData(); $dataLabels = $compare->getDataLabels(); list($compareClass, $husbandScores, $wifeScores, $totalScores) = $compare->scoreCompareData($dataLabels, $compareData); // matched if not multiple husbands/wives, total score > threshold, husband + wife scores > threshold, and all gedcom children matched $gedcomHusbandCount = count($compareData[$gedcomTitleString]['husbandTitle']); $gedcomWifeCount = count($compareData[$gedcomTitleString]['wifeTitle']); $matchHusbandCount = count($compareData[$matchTitleString]['husbandTitle']); $matchWifeCount = count($compareData[$matchTitleString]['wifeTitle']); $matched = $gedcomHusbandCount <= 1 && $gedcomWifeCount <= 1 && $matchHusbandCount <= 1 && $matchWifeCount <= 1 && $totalScores[1] >= 4 && ($gedcomHusbandCount == 0 || $matchHusbandCount == 0 || $husbandScores[1] > 0) && ($gedcomWifeCount == 0 || $matchWifeCount == 0 || $wifeScores[1] > 0); //wfDebug("MATCHCOMPARE gedcomTitle=$gedcomTitleString matchTitle=$matchTitleString ghc=$gedcomHusbandCount gwc=$gedcomWifeCount mhc=$matchHusbandCount mwc=$matchWifeCount". // " totalScore={$totalScores[1]} husbandScore={$husbandScores[1]} wifeScore={$wifeScores[1]} matched=$matched\n"); if ($matched) { $unmatchedGedcomChild = false; $unmatchedWikiChild = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $maxChildren; $i++) { if (count(@$compareChildren[$gedcomTitleString][$i]['childTitle']) == 1 && count(@$compareChildren[$matchTitleString][$i]['childTitle']) != 1) { $unmatchedGedcomChild = true; } else { if (count(@$compareChildren[$gedcomTitleString][$i]['childTitle']) != 1 && count(@$compareChildren[$matchTitleString][$i]['childTitle']) == 1) { $unmatchedWikiChild = true; } } } if ($unmatchedGedcomChild && $unmatchedWikiChild) { // could be a mismatched child $matched = false; //wfDebug("MATCHCOMPARE failed on children\n"); } } if ($matched) { // save matches and return related matches $keys = array(); $keys[] = $id; $matches = array(); $matches[] = $matchTitle->getPrefixedText(); $merged = array(); $merged[] = 'false'; if ($gedcomHusbandCount == 1 && $matchHusbandCount == 1) { $key = GedcomUtil::getKeyFromTitle($compareData[$gedcomTitleString]['husbandTitle'][0]); if ($key) { // not already merged $keys[] = $key; $matches[] = 'Person:' . $compareData[$matchTitleString]['husbandTitle'][0]; $merged[] = 'false'; } } if ($gedcomWifeCount == 1 && $matchWifeCount == 1) { $key = GedcomUtil::getKeyFromTitle($compareData[$gedcomTitleString]['wifeTitle'][0]); if ($key) { $keys[] = $key; $matches[] = 'Person:' . $compareData[$matchTitleString]['wifeTitle'][0]; $merged[] = 'false'; } } for ($i = 0; $i < $maxChildren; $i++) { if (count(@$compareChildren[$gedcomTitleString][$i]['childTitle']) == 1 && count(@$compareChildren[$matchTitleString][$i]['childTitle']) == 1) { $key = GedcomUtil::getKeyFromTitle($compareChildren[$gedcomTitleString][$i]['childTitle'][0]); if ($key) { $keys[] = $key; $matches[] = 'Person:' . $compareChildren[$matchTitleString][$i]['childTitle'][0]; $merged[] = 'false'; } } } $status = fgUpdateMatches($gedcomId, $keys, $matches, $merged); if ($status == GE_SUCCESS) { $result = fgGetRelatedMatches($keys, $matches); } } else { // save as potential match and return $keys = array($id); $matches = array($matchTitleString); $status = fgUpdatePotentialMatches($gedcomId, $keys, $matches); if ($status == GE_SUCCESS) { $result = '<match id="' . StructuredData::escapeXml($id) . '" matches="' . StructuredData::escapeXml($matchTitleString) . '"/>'; } } } } } return "<matchfamily status=\"{$status}\">{$result}</matchfamily>"; }