Пример #1
 public function index()
     $Menu = M('Menu');
     $indexchild = $Menu->where('pid=1')->order('listorder,id')->select();
     $index = $Menu->where('id=1')->find();
     $list = $Menu->where('pid<>1 AND status=1')->order('listorder,id')->select();
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $item['name'] = L($item['name']);
         $item['icon'] = $item['icon'] ? '<span class="' . $item['icon'] . '"></span>' : '';
         $item['url'] = U($item['model'] . '/' . $item['action'], $item['data'] . '&' . $this->vl);
         $item['tar'] = $item['id'] == 1 ? 'noa' : 'tarmain';
         $newarr[] = $item;
     $atag = "<a class='dropdown-toggle' href='javascript:;'>";
     $icon = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right'></span>";
     $icon2 = "<b class='arrow glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down'></b>";
     $li = array(array('folder' => $atag . "\$icon<span class='menu-text'>\$name</span>" . $icon2 . "</a>", 'file' => "<a class='\$tar' href='\$url'>\$icon<span class='menu-text'>\$name</span></a>"), array('folder' => $atag . $icon . "\$icon \$name<b class='arrow glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down'></b></a>", 'file' => "<a class='tarmain' href='\$url'>" . $icon . " \$icon \$name</a>"), array('folder' => $atag . "\$icon\$name<b class='arrow glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down'></b></a>", 'file' => "<a class='tarmain' href='\$url'>\$icon\$name</a>"));
     $tree = new \Common\Lib\Tree($newarr);
     $Lang = D('Lang');
     if (!S('langs')) {
         $langs = $Lang->where('status=1')->order('listorder,id')->select();
         S('langs', $langs);
     $tlang = $Lang->where('value=\'' . LANG_SET . '\'')->find();
     $this->assign('tlang', $tlang);
     $this->assign('mlang', S('langs'));
     $this->assign('indexchild', $indexchild);
     $this->assign('index', $index);
     $this->assign('list', $tree->get_backnav(0, '', 'nav nav-list', $li));
Пример #2
 public function edit()
     if (!IS_AJAX) {
     $Type = M('Type');
     $lang = I('get.lang') ? I('get.lang') : $this->clang;
     $list = $Type->field('id,pid,name')->where('status=1 AND lang=\'' . $lang . '\'')->select();
     $tree = new \Common\Lib\Tree($list);
     if (IS_POST) {
         if ($Type->create()) {
             $Model = new \Think\Model();
             $query = $Model->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '__TYPE__'");
             $nextid = $query[0]['auto_increment'];
             $top = I('post.pid') == 0 ? $nextid : $tree->get_top(I('post.pid'));
             $data = array('pid' => I('post.pid'), 'name' => I('post.name'), 'description' => I('post.description'), 'status' => I('post.status') ? 1 : 0, 'keyid' => $top['id'], 'lang' => I('post.lang'));
             $result = $Type->where('id=' . I('post.id'))->save($data);
             if ($result !== FALSE) {
                 $this->success(L('SAVE_OK'), U('Type/index', $this->vl . '&pid=' . $data['pid']));
             } else {
         } else {
     } else {
         $str = "<li data-val='\$id'>\$spacer\$name</li>";
         $vo = $Type->where('id=' . I('get.id'))->find();
         $this->assign('pids', $tree->get_tree(0, $str));
         $this->assign('vo', $vo);
 public function edit()
     if (!IS_AJAX) {
     $Cat = D('Category');
     if (IS_POST) {
     } else {
         if (I('get.lang')) {
             $l = I('get.lang');
         } elseif ($this->clang) {
             $l = $this->clang;
         } else {
             $l = LANG_SET;
         $cats = $Cat->where('status=1 AND lang=\'' . $l . '\'')->order('listorder')->select();
         $tree = new \Common\Lib\Tree($cats);
         $tree->icon = array('<span class="text-muted">&ensp;│</span>', '<span class="text-muted">&ensp;├─</span>', '<span class="text-muted">&ensp;└─</span>');
         $str = "<li data-val='\$id'>\$spacer\$name</li>";
         $Module = M('Module');
         $modules = $Module->where('status=1 AND type=1')->select();
         $vo = $Cat->where('id=' . I('get.id'))->find();
         $Urlrule = M('Urlrule');
         $rules = $Urlrule->where('ishtml=1')->order('listorder asc')->select();
         $this->assign('modules', $modules);
         $this->assign('cats', $tree->get_tree(0, $str));
         $this->assign('urlrules', $rules);
         $this->assign('vo', $vo);
Пример #4
 public function del()
     if (IS_AJAX && IS_GET) {
         $Menu = D('Menu');
         $alldata = $Menu->order('listorder,id')->select();
         $allmenu = new \Common\Lib\Tree($alldata);
         $cids = $allmenu->get_all_childids(I('get.id'));
         if ($cids) {
             $ids = I('get.id') . ',' . implode(',', $cids);
         } else {
             $ids = I('get.id');
         $isos = $Menu->where('id IN (' . $ids . ') AND isos=1')->select();
         if ($isos) {
         $result = $Menu->where('id IN (' . $ids . ')')->delete();
         if ($result !== FALSE) {
             $this->success(L('DEL_OK'), U('Menu/index', $this->vl));
         } else {
     } else {