Пример #1
#!/usr/bin/env php
$autoloads = array(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php');
foreach ($autoloads as $autoload) {
    $autoload = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $autoload);
    if (file_exists($autoload)) {
        require_once $autoload;
/* define cli options */
$command = new \Commando\Command();
$command->setHelp("Usage: {$argv[0]} [OPTIONS] src dest\n\nChange directory structure or class name to fit the standard. \nThis tool scan src dir for class definations and put them to a new dir, other files are left.\nIt does not support namespace yet");
$command->argument()->require()->expectsFile()->title('src')->describedAs('src directory of your code');
$command->argument()->require()->title('dest')->describedAs('dest directory to generate code');
$command->option('s')->aka('standard')->describedAs('naming standard, avalible standards are: psr0, yaf_controller')->must(function ($standard) {
    $standards = array('psr0', 'yaf_controller');
    return in_array($standard, $standards);
$command->option('i')->aka('input')->describedAs("Regex to match input files, default is '/\\.php\$/'");
$command->option('t')->aka('target')->describedAs('if you want to rename class or method, specify target here: class, method')->must(function ($target) {
    $targets = array('class', 'method');
    return in_array($target, $targets);
$command->option('p')->aka('pattern')->describedAs('pattern to match your class name or method name');
$command->option('r')->aka('replace')->describedAs('replacement to replace your class or method name');
if ($command['t']) {
/* do process */
Пример #2

require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// php file.php ./assets/example.txt
$cmd = new Commando\Command();