fg() публичный статический Метод

public static fg ( $colour )
Пример #1
function parse_arguments(&$argv)
    // Default options
    $defaults = array('i' => 'localhost', 'p' => '8000', "mime-file" => "/etc/mime.types", "wp-root" => ".", "wp-version" => "latest", "show-errors" => 'E_ALL', "show-assets" => false, "show-hooks" => '', "show-everything" => false, "wordpresses" => $_SERVER['HOME'] . "/.cache/whippet/wordpresses", "cb-cache" => $_SERVER['HOME'] . "/.cache/whippet/callback-cache", "multisite" => false);
    // Are there some options in a config file? Check them in order.
    if (file_exists("/etc/whippetrc")) {
        $defaults = array_merge($defaults, parse_ini_file("/etc/whippetrc"));
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HOME']) && file_exists($_SERVER['HOME'] . "/.whippetrc")) {
        $defaults = array_merge($defaults, parse_ini_file($_SERVER['HOME'] . "/.whippetrc"));
    $optparser = new OptionParser();
    try {
        $argv = $optparser->parse();
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo Colours::fg('red') . "Error: " . Colours::fg("white") . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
    $arguments = $optparser->getAllOptions();
    if (!isset($arguments->siteurl)) {
        $i = isset($arguments['i']) ? $arguments['i'] : $defaults['i'];
        $p = isset($arguments['p']) ? $arguments['p'] : $defaults['p'];
        if ($p == 80) {
            $defaults['siteurl'] = "http://{$i}/";
        } else {
            $defaults['siteurl'] = "http://{$i}:{$p}/";
    return array_merge($defaults, $arguments);
Пример #2
 public static function highlight_sql($sql)
     $wp_tables = array('commentmeta', 'comments', 'links', 'options', 'postmeta', 'posts', 'terms', 'term_relationships', 'term_taxonomy', 'usermeta', 'users', 'blogs', 'blog_versions', 'registration_log', 'signups', 'site', 'sitecategories', 'sitemeta');
     // Highlight keywords
     foreach ($sql_keywords as $keyword) {
         $sql = preg_replace('/\\b' . $keyword . '\\b/', Colours::fg('bold_cyan') . $keyword . Colours::fg('white'), $sql);
     // Highlight WordPress table names
     global $wpdb;
     foreach ($wp_tables as $table) {
         $sql = preg_replace('/\\b(' . $wpdb->prefix . '(\\d+_)?' . $table . ')\\b/', Colours::fg('purple') . '\\1' . Colours::fg('white'), $sql);
     return $sql;
Пример #3
function signal_handler($signal)
    global $options;
    // Delete the settings file
    if (file_exists(sys_get_temp_dir() . "/.whippet-arguments")) {
        unlink(sys_get_temp_dir() . "/.whippet-arguments");
    // Delete the output buffer
    if (file_exists(sys_get_temp_dir() . "/.whippet-output")) {
        unlink(sys_get_temp_dir() . "/.whippet-output");
    // Delete the callback cache
    if (file_exists($options['cb-cache'])) {
    // Restore original wp-config
    if (WPS_LOCATION == 'root') {
        if (file_exists(dirname($options['wp-config']) . "/wp-config-original.whippet.bak")) {
            file_put_contents($options['wp-config'], file_get_contents(dirname($options['wp-config']) . "/wp-config-original.whippet.bak"));
            unlink(dirname($options['wp-config']) . "/wp-config-original.whippet.bak");
        } else {
            if (WPS_LOCATION == 'root') {
                Whippet::message(Colours::fg('red') . "Error: " . Colours::fg('white') . "Unable to find wp-config backup file; could not restore original configuration", "Your wp-config file should have been backed up at " . dirname($options['wp-config']) . "/wp-config-original.whippet.bak, but\n" . "it is missing or unreadable. You should edit your wp-config.php by hand to remove the\n" . "Whippet sections.\n");
    } else {
        if (WPS_LOCATION == 'wp-content') {
    echo "\nQuitting.\n";
Пример #4
  * Emits the details of hooks and filters as they are called, if required
 public function wps_filter_all($hook)
     global $wp_filter;
     // Check whether this hook should be displayed
     $display = false;
     foreach ($this->options['show-hooks'] as $show) {
         if (preg_match("/^{$show}\$/", $hook)) {
             $display = true;
     if (!$display) {
     // If this hook has no callbacks, just bail
     if (empty($wp_filter[$hook]) || !count($wp_filter[$hook])) {
     // Find the callbacks
     $callback_messages = array();
     $all_wp_core = true;
     $hooks = $wp_filter[$hook];
     // TODO: this erroneously reorders hooks with the same priority
     ksort($hooks, SORT_NUMERIC);
     foreach ($hooks as $priority => $callbacks) {
         foreach ($callbacks as $callback) {
             if (is_array($callback['function'])) {
                 $function = $callback['function'][1];
             } else {
                 $function = $callback['function'];
             // Skip Whippet callbacks
             if (preg_match('/^wps_/', $function)) {
             $callback_message = "\t{$priority}: " . Colours::fg('cyan') . $function . Colours::off();
             $callback_data = $this->cb_cache->lookup($function);
             if (!$callback_data) {
                 // Find the function
                 $file = exec("grep -rn 'function {$function}' {$this->options['wp-root']}/*");
                 if (empty($file) && isset($this->options['wp-content'])) {
                     $file = exec("grep -rn 'function {$function}' {$this->options['wp-content']}/*");
                 // If we got it, add an entry to the cache
                 if (!empty($file) && preg_match('/^([^:]+):(\\d+):/', $file, $matches)) {
                     $this->cb_cache->add($function, $matches[1], $matches[2]);
                     $callback_data = $this->cb_cache->lookup($function);
             if ($callback_data) {
                 // Is this a callback outside the WP core?
                 if (preg_match('/wp-content/', $callback_data['file'])) {
                     $all_wp_core = false;
                 // Make paths relative
                 $callback_data['file'] = str_replace($this->options['wp-root'], '', $callback_data['file']);
                 if (!empty($this->options['wp-content'])) {
                     $callback_data['file'] = str_replace($this->options['wp-content'], '', $callback_data['file']);
                 $callback_message .= " in " . Colours::fg("brown") . str_replace($this->options['wp-root'] . "/wp-content/", '', $callback_data['file']) . Colours::off() . " at line {$callback_data['line']}";
             } else {
                 $callback_message .= " (couldn't find this function's definition)";
             $callback_messages[] = $callback_message;
     // If we're not showing WP core hooks, and all these callbacks are from the core, bail
     // If there are no callbacks (probably because a whippet callback was skipped), bail
     if (!isset($this->options['show-wp-hooks']) && $all_wp_core) {
     if (!count($callback_messages)) {
     // Find the caller
     $type = '';
     $caller = '';
     $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
     foreach ($backtrace as $i => $value) {
         if ($value['function'] == 'apply_filters' || $value['function'] == 'do_action' || $value['function'] == 'apply_filters_ref_array' || $value['function'] == 'do_action_ref_array') {
             $caller = $backtrace[$i + 1];
             if ($value['function'] == 'apply_filters') {
                 $type = "Filter";
             } else {
                 $type = "Action";
     // Put together the message
     $message = Colours::fg('bold_cyan') . "Hook triggered: " . Colours::off() . "{$type} " . Colours::fg('cyan') . "{$hook}" . Colours::off() . " called from function " . Colours::fg('cyan') . "{$caller['function']}";
     if (!empty($caller['file'])) {
         $message .= Colours::off() . " in " . Colours::fg('brown') . str_replace($this->options['wp-root'], '', $caller['file']);
     if (!empty($caller['line'])) {
         $message .= Colours::off() . " at line {$caller['line']}";
     $this->message("{$message}" . Colours::off());
     foreach ($callback_messages as $callback_message) {