public function testPrefixNone() { // test to ensure that the object from an fsockopen is valid $C = new Codes(); $format = "******"; $prefix = $C->getPrefix($format); $this->assertTrue(strlen($C->prefix) == 0); }
$mySforceConnection->login(USERNAME, PASSWORD . SECURITY_TOKEN); /************************** SELECT CDA_id **************************/ /* */ echo "<pre>"; $query = "SELECT Id FROM ContractDealAttribute__c LIMIT 1"; $response = $mySforceConnection->query($query); //echo "Results of query '$query'<br/><br/>\n"; foreach ($response->records as $record) { // echo $record->Id ." - " ."<br/>\n"; $cda = $record->Id; } /************************** GENERATE SOME CODES **************************/ require_once './codes.php'; $C = new Codes(); $C->format = $_GET['format']; $C->prefix = $C->getPrefix($C->format); $C->__construct(); $C->num_random_chars = strlen($C->format) - strlen($C->prefix); $C->fieldlength = 100; // sets fieldlength artifically low just for test usually 32768 $codes = $C->generateMany($number_of_codes); $prep = $C->prepareCodesForInsert($codes); print_r($codes); /************************** INSERT DATA INTO SF **************************/ $records = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($prep as $code) { $records[$i] = new stdclass(); $records[$i]->Contract_Deal_Attribute__c = $cda; $records[$i]->Voucher_Code__c = $code; $i++;