function tweets() { if (!class_exists('Codebird')) { include_once 'codebird.php'; } $cb = new Codebird(); $method = sh_set($_POST, 'method'); $theme_options = get_option(SH_NAME . '_theme_options'); //printr($theme_options); $api = sh_set($theme_options, 'twitter_api'); $api_secret = sh_set($theme_options, 'twitter_api_secret'); $token = sh_set($theme_options, 'twitter_token'); $token_secret = sh_set($theme_options, 'twitter_token_Secret'); if (!$api && $api_secret) { _e('Please provide tiwtter api information to fetch feed', SH_NAME); exit; } $cb->setConsumerKey($api, $api_secret); $cb->setToken($token, $token_secret); $reply = (array) $cb->statuses_userTimeline(array('count' => sh_set($_POST, 'number'), 'screen_name' => sh_set($_POST, 'screen_name'))); if (isset($reply['httpstatus'])) { unset($reply['httpstatus']); } foreach ($reply as $k => $v) { //if( $k == 'httpstatus' ) continue; //$time = human_time_diff( strtotime( sh_set( $v, 'created_at') ), current_time('timestamp') ) . __(' ago', SH_NAME); $text = preg_replace('@(https?://([-\\w\\.]+[-\\w])+(:\\d+)?(/([\\w/_\\.#-]*(\\?\\S+)?[^\\.\\s])?)?)@', '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>', sh_set($v, 'text')); echo '<li>' . $text . '</li>'; } }
function tweets() { if (!class_exists('Codebird')) { include_once 'codebird.php'; } $cb = new Codebird(); $method = sh_set($_GET, 'method'); $theme_options = _WSH()->option(); //printr($theme_options); $api = sh_set($theme_options, 'twitter_api'); $api_secret = sh_set($theme_options, 'twitter_api_secret'); $token = sh_set($theme_options, 'twitter_token'); $token_secret = sh_set($theme_options, 'twitter_token_secret'); if (!$api && $api_secret) { _e('Please provide tiwtter api information to fetch feed', SH_NAME); exit; } $cb->setConsumerKey($api, $api_secret); $cb->setToken($token, $token_secret); $resp = array(); $reply = (array) $cb->statuses_userTimeline(array('count' => sh_set($_GET, 'number'), 'screen_name' => sh_set($_GET, 'screen_name'))); if (isset($reply['httpstatus'])) { unset($reply['httpstatus']); } foreach ($reply as $k => $v) { //if( $k == 'httpstatus' ) continue; $time = human_time_diff(strtotime(sh_set($v, 'created_at')), current_time('timestamp')) . __(' ago', SH_NAME); $text = preg_replace('@(https?://([-\\w\\.]+[-\\w])+(:\\d+)?(/([\\w/_\\.#-]*(\\?\\S+)?[^\\.\\s])?)?)@', '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>', sh_set($v, 'text')); if (sh_set($_POST, 'template') === 'lead') { echo '<i class="fa fa-twitter"></i>' . $text . ' <a href="#"> ' . $time . '</a>'; } else { $res[$k]['date'] = $time; //array('date'=>$time, 'tweet'=>$text); $res[$k]['tweet'] = $text; //echo //'<li><span></span><p>'.$text.' <a href="#">'.__(' about ', SH_NAME).$time.'</a></p></li>'; } } //printr($res); echo json_encode($res); }