include 'php/opendatabase.php'; try { $via = $_POST["via"]; switch ($via) { default: $player = new Player(); $player->frompost(); $player->fetchdets(); $name = $player->display_name(false); $dest = $player->Email; break; case "club": $club = new Club(); $club->frompost(); $club->fetchdets(); $name = $club->display_contact(); $dest = $club->Contactemail; break; } } catch (PlayerException $e) { $mess = $e->getMessage(); include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } catch (ClubException $e) { $mess = $e->getMessage(); include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } if (strlen($dest) == 0) { $mess = "No email dest"; include 'php/dataerror.php';
<th>Night</th> <th>Schools</th> </tr> <?php $pemail = strlen($username) != 0; $ret = mysql_query("select code from club order by name"); if ($ret && mysql_num_rows($ret)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ret)) { $p = new Club($row["code"]); $p->fetchdets(); $sch = $p->Schools ? 'Yes' : '-'; print <<<EOT <tr> <td>{$p->display_code()}</td> <td>{$p->display_name()}</td> <td>{$p->display_contact()}</td> <td>{$p->display_contphone()}</td> <td>{$p->display_contemail($pemail)}</td> <td>{$p->display_website()}</td> <td>{$p->display_night()}</td> <td>{$sch}</td> </tr> EOT; } } ?> </table> </div> </div> </body> </html>
?> <p>You can enter a new club by adjusting the fields appropriately and pressing the "Add club" button. </p> <?php print <<<EOT <form name="clubform" action="updindclub2.php" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" onsubmit="javascript:return formvalid();"> {$club->save_hidden()} <p> Club Code: <input type="text" name="clubcode" value="{$club->display_code()}" size="3" maxlength="3"> Name: <input type="text" name="clubname" value="{$club->display_name()}"> </p> <p> Contact:<input type="text" name="contname" value="{$club->display_contact()}"> Phone:<input type="text" name="contphone" value="{$club->display_contphone()}"> Email:<input type="text" name="contemail" value="{$club->display_contemail_nolink()}"> </p> <p> Club website: <input type="text" name="website" value="{$club->display_website_raw()}"> Meeting night: EOT; $club->nightopt(); $schchk = $club->Schools ? " checked" : ""; print <<<EOT </p> <p>Set this <input type="checkbox" name="schools"{$schchk}> if the club is in BGA schools.</p> <p> <input type="submit" name="subm" value="Add Club">