Пример #1
$paths = (require CCROOT . 'boot/paths' . EXT);
 * the direcotries
 * Here are the module directories defined. 
 * @ToDo: move them to the classes that use that direcotries. 
 *        that way the you could subclass a class and define 
 *        a custom direcotry.
$directories = array('controller' => 'controllers/', 'language' => 'language/', 'class' => 'classes/', 'console' => 'console/', 'config' => 'config/', 'view' => 'views/', 'test' => 'tests/');
 * wake CCF
 * Lets require the ClanCatsFramework resources
require $paths['core'] . 'wake' . EXT;
 * wake the application
 * Lets wake the main application.
// at this point the app has completet its own boot
CCProfiler::check("CCF - App completed.");
Пример #2
$directories = array('controller' => 'controllers/', 'language' => 'language/', 'class' => 'classes/', 'console' => 'console/', 'config' => 'config/', 'view' => 'views/', 'test' => 'tests/');
 * environment setup
 * force the environment to phpunit.
$environment = 'phpunit';
 * wake CCF
 * Lets require the ClanCatsFramework resources
require $paths['core'] . 'wake' . EXT;
// wake the phpunit application class this bypasses a failure
// of the clancats::runtime unitest
 * CCUnit resources
 * For the unit tests we need some additional resources like
 * controllers, views, ect... 
CCOrbit::enter(COREPATH . 'orbit/CCUnit');
// writ header
CCCli::line("==============================\n    _____ _____ ______ \n   / ____/ ____|  ____|\n  | |   | |    | |__   \n  | |   | |    |  __|  \n  | |___| |____| |     \n   \\_____\\_____|_| ramework\n==============================\n", 'cyan');