Пример #1

 * Simple example showing how to use Accela CivicID for OAuth.
// Include required files.
require '../src/CivicID.php';
// Settings for OAuth.
$redirect_uri = '';
$app_id = '';
$app_secret = '';
$environment = '';
$agency_name = '';
// Create a new CivicID object.
$auth = new CivicID($app_id, $app_secret, $environment, $agency_name, Scopes::$civicid, $redirect_uri);
// If first visit, redirect to CivicID login.
if (!$_GET) {
    echo '<a href="' . $auth->getAuthorizationURL() . '">Log in with Accela CivicID.';
} else {
    // When Authorization Code is received, use it to request Access Token.
    $code = $_GET['code'];
    $response = $auth->getAccessToken($code);
    $auth_object = json_decode($response);
    $token = $auth_object->access_token;
    echo $token;

 * Simple example showing how to use password credentials to obtain an auth token.
// Include required files.
require '../src/CivicID.php';
$app_id = '';
$app_secret = '';
$environment = '';
$agency_name = '';
$userid = '';
$password = '';
// Create a new CivicID object.
$auth = new CivicID($app_id, $app_secret, $environment, $agency_name, 'records');
// Request a token with user id and password.
$response = $auth->getTokenWithPassword($userid, $password);
// Write out the new token.
echo $response->access_token;