Пример #1
  * Stores internally the given data of a KeePass database file with the
  * index $dbid, to make it possible to find it later from that same index.
  * This methods basically packs all together in an array $hashname (the
  * filename of the actual KeePass database file), $keys (the description of
  * the master key: what kinds of keys compose it, in which order, and for
  * the key from files, the filenames of these files), $entries (the list of
  * entries of the database, without the passwords ; they are written only if
  * $writable is true) and $writeable, then serialize it and encrypts it with
  * the password $internalpwd, and stores the result in a kphpdb file.
  * If the index $dbid already exists, the corresponding data will be
  * overriden.
  * @param string $dbid The ID to use.
  * @param string $internalpwd The internal password to encrypt the data in
  * the KeePassPHP internal database with.
  * @param string $hashname The filename of the KeePass database file.
  * @param array $keys The type of keys composing the master key, with the
  * filenames in the case of key files.
  * @param array $entries The entries of the database to store.
  * @param boolean $writeable Whether the entries can be written or not (if
  * not, they will be loaded from the KeePass database file each time).
  * @return string|null Returns null if something went wrong, and the name
  * of the kphpdb file created otherwise.
 public static function addInternal($dbid, $internalpwd, $hashname, array $keys, array $entries, $writeable)
     $db = array(self::IDX_DBTYPE => self::DBTYPE_KDBX, self::IDX_HASHNAME => $hashname, self::IDX_KEYS => $keys, self::IDX_ENTRIES => $writeable ? $entries : null, self::IDX_WRITEABLE => $writeable);
     $plaindb = serialize($db);
     $key = hash('SHA256', $internalpwd, true);
     $cipher = new CipherMcrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, 'cfb', $key, null, CipherMcrypt::PK7_PADDING);
     $iv = $cipher->getIV();
     if (strlen($iv) != self::IV_SIZE) {
         self::raiseError("Unexpected size of IV : " . strlen($iv));
         return null;
     $bindb = $iv . $cipher->encrypt($plaindb);
     return self::$dbmanager->addWithKey($dbid, $bindb, self::EXT_KPHPDB, true, true);
Пример #2
  * Returns as a binary string the final AES key used for decrypting
  * the database file, computed from the seeds and the master composite key.
  * @return string
 private function transformKey()
     $seed = $this->header->transformSeed;
     $keyHash = $this->key->getHash();
     /// does not yet support the case rounds >> 2**31
     $rounds = $this->header->rounds->asInt();
     $AESEncryptor = new CipherMcrypt(CipherMcrypt::AES128, 'ecb', $seed);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $rounds; $i++) {
         $keyHash = $AESEncryptor->encrypt($keyHash);
     $finalKey = HashHouse::hash($keyHash);
     $aesKey = HashHouse::hash($this->header->masterSeed . $finalKey);
     return $aesKey;