Пример #1
     * display block
     * @author       The Zikula Development Team
     * @param        array       $blockinfo     a blockinfo structure
     * @return       output      the rendered bock
    public function display($blockinfo)
        // security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Storiesblock::', $blockinfo['bid'].'::', ACCESS_OVERVIEW)) {

        // Break out options from our content field
        $vars = BlockUtil::varsFromContent($blockinfo['content']);

        // Defaults
        if (!isset($vars['storiestype'])) {
            $vars['storiestype'] = 2;
        if (!isset($vars['limit'])) {
            $vars['limit'] = 10;

        // work out the paraemters for the api all
        $apiargs = array();
        switch ($vars['storiestype'])
            case 1:
            // non index page articles
                $apiargs['displayonindex'] = 0;
            case 3:
            // index page articles
                $apiargs['displayonindex'] = 1;
            // all - doesn't need displayonindex

        $apiargs['numitems'] = $vars['limit'];
        $apiargs['status'] = News_Api_User::STATUS_PUBLISHED;
        $apiargs['ignorecats'] = true;

        if (isset($vars['category']) && !empty($vars['category'])) {
            $cat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByID($vars['category']);
            $categories = CategoryUtil::getCategoriesByPath($cat['path'], '', 'path');
            $catstofilter = array();
            foreach ($categories as $category) {
                $catstofilter[] = $category['id'];
            $apiargs['category'] = array('Main' => $catstofilter);
        $apiargs['filterbydate'] = true;

        // call the api
        $items = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getall', $apiargs);

        // check for an empty return
        if (empty($items)) {

        // create the output object

        // loop through the items
        $storiesoutput = array();
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $storyreadperm = false;
            if (SecurityUtil::checkPermission('News::', "$item[cr_uid]::$item[sid]", ACCESS_READ)) {
                $storyreadperm = true;

            $this->view->assign('readperm', $storyreadperm);
            $storiesoutput[] = $this->view->fetch('block/stories_row.tpl', $item['sid'], null, false, false);

        // assign the results
        $this->view->assign('stories', $storiesoutput);

        $blockinfo['content'] = $this->view->fetch('block/stories.tpl');

        return BlockUtil::themeBlock($blockinfo);
Пример #2
     * view items
     * @author Mark West
     * @param $args['prop']             category property
     * @param $args['cat']              category id
     * @param $args['page']             starting number for paged view
     * @param $args['itemsperpage']     the number of items on a page
     * @param $args['page']             starting number for paged view
     * @param $args['displayonindex']   show only newsitems marked for display on the index page
     * @param $args['giventemplate']    Template file to use
     * @return string HTML string
    public function view($args = array())
        $this->throwForbiddenUnless(SecurityUtil::checkPermission('News::', '::', ACCESS_OVERVIEW), LogUtil::getErrorMsgPermission());

        // clean the session preview data

        // get all module vars for later use
        $modvars = $this->getVars();

        // Get parameters from whatever input we need
        $prop = isset($args['prop']) ? $args['prop'] : (string)FormUtil::getPassedValue('prop', null, 'GET');
        $cat = isset($args['cat']) ? $args['cat'] : (string)FormUtil::getPassedValue('cat', null, 'GET');
        $page = isset($args['page']) ? $args['page'] : (int)FormUtil::getPassedValue('page', 1, 'GET');
        $displayModule = FormUtil::getPassedValue('module', 'X', 'GET');
        // storyhome nrofitems is only used when News is the homepage module
        $defaultItemsPerPage = ($displayModule == 'X') ? $modvars['storyhome'] : $modvars['itemsperpage'];
        $itemsperpage = isset($args['itemsperpage']) ? $args['itemsperpage'] : (int)FormUtil::getPassedValue('itemsperpage', $defaultItemsPerPage, 'GET');
        $displayonindex = isset($args['displayonindex']) ? (int)$args['displayonindex'] : FormUtil::getPassedValue('displayonindex', null, 'GET');
        $giventemplate = isset($args['giventemplate']) ? $args['giventemplate'] : 'view.tpl';

        // pages start at 1
        if ($page < 1) {
            LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Invalid page passed.'));

        // work out page size from page number
        $startnum = (($page - 1) * $itemsperpage) + 1;

        $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();

        // check if categorization is enabled
        if ($modvars['enablecategorization']) {
            // get the categories registered for News
            $catregistry = CategoryRegistryUtil::getRegisteredModuleCategories('News', 'news');
            $properties = array_keys($catregistry);

            // validate the property
            // and build the category filter - mateo
            if (!empty($prop) && in_array($prop, $properties) && !empty($cat)) {
                if (!is_numeric($cat)) {
                    $rootCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByID($catregistry[$prop]);
                    $cat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($rootCat['path'] . '/' . $cat);
                } else {
                    $cat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByID($cat);
                $catname = isset($cat['display_name'][$lang]) ? $cat['display_name'][$lang] : $cat['name'];

                if (!empty($cat) && isset($cat['path'])) {
                    // include all it's subcategories and build the filter
                    $categories = CategoryUtil::getCategoriesByPath($cat['path'], '', 'path');
                    $catstofilter = array();
                    foreach ($categories as $category) {
                        $catstofilter[] = $category['id'];
                    $catFilter = array($prop => $catstofilter);
                } else {
                    LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Invalid category passed.'));

        // get matching news articles
        $items = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getall', array('startnum' => $startnum,
                    'numitems' => $itemsperpage,
                    'status' => News_Api_User::STATUS_PUBLISHED,
                    'displayonindex' => $displayonindex,
                    'filterbydate' => true,
                    'category' => isset($catFilter) ? $catFilter : null, // get all method doesn't appear to want a category arg
                    'catregistry' => isset($catregistry) ? $catregistry : null));

        if ($items == false) {
            if ($modvars['enablecategorization'] && isset($catFilter)) {
                LogUtil::registerStatus($this->__f('No articles currently published under the \'%s\' category.', $catname));
            } else {
                LogUtil::registerStatus($this->__('No articles currently published.'));

        // assign various useful template variables
        $this->view->assign('startnum', $startnum);
        $this->view->assign('lang', $lang);

        // assign the root category
        $this->view->assign('category', $cat);
        $this->view->assign('catname', isset($catname) ? $catname : '');
        $this->view->assign('catimagepath', $this->getVar('catimagepath'));

        $accesslevel = ACCESS_READ;
        if (SecurityUtil::checkPermission('News::', "::", ACCESS_COMMENT)) $accesslevel = ACCESS_COMMENT;
        if (SecurityUtil::checkPermission('News::', "::", ACCESS_EDIT)) $accesslevel = ACCESS_EDIT;
        $accesslevel = '|a'.$accesslevel;

        $newsitems = array();
        // Loop through each item and display it
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            // display if it's published and the displayonindex match (if set)
            if (($item['published_status'] == 0) &&
                    (!isset($displayonindex) || $item['displayonindex'] == $displayonindex)) {

                $template = 'user/index.tpl';
                if (!$this->view->is_cached($template, $item['sid'])) {
                    // $info is array holding raw information.
                    // Used below and also passed to the theme - jgm
                    $info = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getArticleInfo', $item);

                    // $links is an array holding pure URLs to
                    // specific functions for this article.
                    // Used below and also passed to the theme - jgm
                    $links = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getArticleLinks', $info);

                    // $preformat is an array holding chunks of
                    // preformatted text for this article.
                    // Used below and also passed to the theme - jgm
                    $preformat = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getArticlePreformat', array('info' => $info,
                                'links' => $links));

                        'info' => $info,
                        'links' => $links,
                        'preformat' => $preformat));

                $newsitems[] = $this->view->fetch($template, $item['sid'].$accesslevel);

        // The items that are displayed on this overview page depend on the individual
        // user permissions. Therefor, we can not cache the whole page.
        // The single entries are cached, though.

        // Display the entries
        $this->view->assign('newsitems', $newsitems);

        // Assign the values for the smarty plugin to produce a pager
        $this->view->assign('pager', array('numitems' => ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'countitems', array('status' => 0,
                'filterbydate' => true,
                'displayonindex' => $displayonindex,
                'category' => isset($catFilter) ? $catFilter : null)),
            'itemsperpage' => $itemsperpage));

        // Return the output that has been generated by this function
        return $this->view->fetch('user/'.$giventemplate);
Пример #3
 * display block
 * @author       The Zikula Development Team
 * @param        array       $blockinfo     a blockinfo structure
 * @return       output      the rendered bock
public function display($blockinfo)
    // security check
    if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Slideshowblock::', $blockinfo['bid'].'::', ACCESS_OVERVIEW)) {

    // Break out options from our content field
    $vars = BlockUtil::varsFromContent($blockinfo['content']);

    // Defaults
    if (!isset($vars['limit'])) {
        $vars['limit'] = 4;

    // work out the parameters for the api all
    $apiargs = array();
    $apiargs['numitems'] = $vars['limit'];
    $apiargs['status'] = News_Api_User::STATUS_PUBLISHED;
    $apiargs['ignorecats'] = true;

    if (isset($vars['category']) && !empty($vars['category'])) {
        $cat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByID($vars['category']);
        $categories = CategoryUtil::getCategoriesByPath($cat['path'], '', 'path');
        $catstofilter = array();
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $catstofilter[] = $category['id'];
        $apiargs['category'] = array('Main' => $catstofilter);
    $apiargs['filterbydate'] = true;

    // call the api
    $items = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getall', $apiargs);

    // check for an empty return
    if (empty($items)) {

    // create the output object

    // loop through the items
    $picupload_uploaddir = ModUtil::getVar('News', 'picupload_uploaddir');
    $picupload_maxpictures = ModUtil::getVar('News', 'picupload_maxpictures');
    $slideshowoutput = array();
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        if ($item['pictures'] > 0) {
            $this->view->assign('readperm', SecurityUtil::checkPermission('News::', "$item[cr_uid]::$item[sid]", ACCESS_READ));
            $this->view->assign('count', $count);
            $this->view->assign('picupload_uploaddir', $picupload_uploaddir);
            $slideshowoutput[] = $this->view->fetch('block/slideshow_row.tpl', $item['sid'], null, false, false);

    // assign the results
    $this->view->assign('slideshow', $slideshowoutput);

    $blockinfo['content'] = $this->view->fetch('block/slideshow.tpl');

    return BlockUtil::themeBlock($blockinfo);